
Saturday 21 February 2015

Crimea and Palestine: Muslim Genocide by Jews

The current conflict in Ukraine has Jewish agenda written all over it. However, the history of the Native Crimean Muslim Tartars just like the Native Palestinian Muslims, is totally ignored by the Jewish-controlled media on both sides.
The Muslim nationalities of Eastern Europe have been victims of numerous ethnic cleansing campaigns since the late 18th century. Among those nationalities expelled en masse during the 19th century from their homelands were the Bulgarian Muslims, Circassians, and Abkhazians. The Imperial Russian government was involved in all these mass expulsions.
Under Jewish-controlled Soviet government, the genocide of Muslim reached to its peak. Crimean Tatars suffered from Joseph Stalin’s economic and political policies. Crimean Tatars had their first Nakba began in 1929-1931 when thousands of Crimean Tatars were deported to Northern Russia and the Urals. The forced collectivization of agriculture in the Crimea devastated the vineyards, orchards, and farms of the Crimean Tatars. This devastation contributed greatly to the 1932-1933 famine in the region. As the 1930s progressed Stalin began to curtail the cultural autonomy of the Crimean Tatars and persecute their intelligentsia. During 1937 and 1938, the Stalin’s Jewish dominated regime, executed a large number of Crimean Tatar intellectuals.
Contrary to Stalin’s oppressive policy toward Muslim Tatars, he established firstJewish state of Birobidjan in Soviet Russia.
The Nakba of the Crimean Muslim Tatars began in 1944, when the Red Army drove the Germans out of the lush and beautiful Crimean peninsula. After establishing control, the Russians began to load the natives onto trains and deport them to Central Asia. They accused the Tatars of collaborating with the Nazi enemy, though among them there were many brave and distinguished soldiers who had fought on the Russian side against the Nazis. The Soviets dealt with them as arbitrarily as did the Americans with their own native tribes: some two hundred thousand people, 15 or 20 per cent of the total Crimean population, were declared ‘hostile traitors’ and shipped away.
Palestinians suffered a similar fate at the hands of European after Ottoman Empire’s defeat in World War One. After the creation of the Zionist entity in Palestine by Jewish-ruled Soviet Russia, United States and Britain in 1948 – Over700,000 Native Palestinians were forced out of their ancestral homes by militant Jew terrorist gangs. This genocide in 1948 is known as the Nakba, which is Arabic for catastrophe.
The Tatars make up only 15% of the Crimean population, and yet are found at every level of economic life: they drive taxis, teach, practice medicine and grow vegetables. In short, these people have successfully integrated with the local population of Crimea with a minimum of fuss. Someday the deportation will be remembered as little more than a bad dream. Israelis should learn a lesson from Crimean Muslims that al Awda (right of return) does not have to be a disaster, but can be a new opportunity. Perhaps now Israeli readers will be able to stomach the line I wrote twenty years ago: “Inshallah the Palestinian refugees will also find their way back to their villages” - Israel Shamir said.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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