
Friday 3 July 2015

Christians Reacting To Rabbi Alissa Wise

July 02, 2015  /  Gilad Atzmon

Following the publication of my deconstruction of Rabbi Alissa Wise’s appalling  speech at Sabeel, I was approached by many outraged humanists, some of then Christians. People out there are starting to show some clear signs of fatigue of the Jewish Left spin…

1. An email from Janice (pseudonym). For the obvious reason Janice asked to hide her name. Once again, the fear of Jewish terror i must assume.

Subject: Rabbi Alissa Wise at Friends of Sabeel

I was at the Sabeel conference in Vancouver, and I agree with every word you say. The truth is, however, that I was too scared to stand up and say what I was thinking: “We’re here to talk about the Palestinians and BDS, and you’ve just given us a lecture on anti-semitism!” I did start to say it to the people sitting near me (who I mistakenly thought were murmuring about it). One of them turned out to be Jewish – so I ended up backpedalling (out of cowardice). I sent an email on this issue to the organizers, but never heard back. Rabbi Wise highjacked the evening conference, and we all just sat there and took it.


2. An email from Renne Kumba:

I think rabbiness Alissa Wise could say what she really wants
a bit more directly and straightforwardly. For example:
My not-so-dear lemmings, o.k. Christian sheeple,
I am sure that by now all of you know very well that
the Holocaust was the biggest event in the whole of human history, and there is absolutely nothing else that could ever match that. Don’t
even think of trying!!

It’s completely VERBOTEN!!
And yes, you like to celebrate your Christian “thingies” like
Christmas, Easter or something in between, but please keep it to a
bare, invisible minimum.
We have a very strong allergy to all those Christmas trees, lights,
ornaments, carols, animals, plants, music, cheers, spirit, food (well, maybe not food), etc.,
so you have to respect that and not to expose us to those nasty, very
nasty, allergens.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation. So, no more public Christmas from now on.
Understood? Oh, and no more Easter as well. All those eggs, bunnies, crosses, hymns, etc.  Who needs that anyway?

Although, my not-so-dear, soon-to-be sacrificial lambs.
It is ok to slightly, and I mean slightly, criticize Israel, but…. you
have to watch your mouth. (Or we’ll wash it with our brand new,
Nazi-made soap), and you shalt not utter anything that is not approved and stamped “kosher” by us. If you disobey, we’ll have
our not-so-secret weapon directed at you at once.

We’ll call you an anti-Semite (or a Jew-hater) and you life will be a
pure misery from that moment on. So, don’t you even try. ADL is already watching you, btw.
And they, mind you, are doing an excellent job.

Thanks Abe, (she blows kisses in the air).

As you all know, we want peace. Peace on our terms and peace among us Jews. You have to work very hard for that. Our peace is very important,
so don’t you get lazy. You must make sure that there is
peace for us.

We sort- of love you, but ONLY when you do exactly what we
tell you to do and ONLY what we tell you. Appreciate it.

You rabbiness Alissa, also called Wise.

P.S. Where is the standing ovation, the applause?
Where is everybody?? They all left? How dare they? What a bunch of anti-Semites.


In Case You Still Have A Drop Of Sympathy Toward JVP
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian 
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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