
Friday, 13 November 2015

Report Says Palestinians Being Executed in Cold Blood

The Jerusalem Center for Israeli-Palestinian Studies exposed the Big Lie about knife-wielding Palestinian terrorists - saying 78% of security force victims were executed in cold blood.

They threatened no one. Israeli soldiers and police commit murder with impunity. So do extremist settlers. Victims include Palestinian youths, children, a pregnant woman, an elderly one and others for wanting to live free or just being in harm’s way at the wrong time.

Daily assassinations continue. Pre-dawn Thursday, undercover Israeli soldiers invaded Hebron’s al-Ahli hospital. They murdered the cousin of a seriously wounded Palestinian.

Eyewitnesses said over 20 undercover soldiers, Shin Bet operatives and border police entered the hospital covertly at around 2:45AM. 

They stormed Azzam Ezzat Shalalda’s room, handcuffed an unidentified person with him (likely a nurse or other medical provider), then when his cousin, Abdullah Azzam Shalalda, came out of the bathroom, assassinated him without warning or pretext.

Extremist settlers shot Azzam weeks earlier while picking olives with his family members. He was seriously wounded, suffering from multiple head and chest injuries. The IDF lied, claiming he stabbed a settler - the official Big Lie justifying all unjustifiable incidents.

A duplicitous Shin Bet statement said Shalaldeh was shot after attacking soldiers trying to arrest his cousin. Eyewitnesses explained otherwise.

Israel Radio said undercover commandos entered the hospital, pretending to escort a pregnant woman to avoid arousing suspicion.

Azzam was abducted from his bed and taken to an unknown location. He’ll be brutally treated and denied vital care he needs to recover.

Separately, legislation banning BDS supporters from entering Israel passed its first Knesset reading. Three are needed to enact new laws.

Extremist MK Yinon Magal introduced the measure, stating “anyone who is not an Israeli citizen or a permanent resident will not be granted any kind of visa or permit if they, or any company, organization or foundation they represent, calls for a boycott of Israel.”

Documentation accompanying the bill said ”in recent years, calls for boycotting Israel have intensified. It seems that this is a new front of war against Israel, which the country has yet to sufficiently prepare for.” 

“This bill will prevent individuals or representatives of companies, foundations or organizations that call for boycotting Israel from advancing their ideology on Israeli soil.”

MK Dov Khenin called the measure “stupid,” saying its supporters “view this country as a closed and solitary fortress into which no one enters.” 

“The real title for this proposal is ‘the law to encourage the boycott on the State of Israel.’ According to (the) law, anyone who participates in the labeling of goods cannot enter the country - (affecting practically) all of Europe. To protect the settlements (the measure would) pay the price of deepening delegitimization and hurting tourism.”

Fifty-five of 120 MKs supported the first reading, 31 opposed. It now goes to Israel’s Internal Affairs Committee before further action.

Palestinians are being lethally shot, injured and imprisoned daily, brutalized by a ruthless occupier, their fundamental rights denied with no relief in sight.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 

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