
Saturday, 5 December 2015

Turkish Pundit Goes Ballistic After Poll Shows Belief in Erdogan-Daesh Ties


Concentration of vehicles and direction of truck convoys' traffic into Turkey. Maximum available quality. (Still frames of the Russian Defense Ministry.)

After a poll showed that Turkish Twitter users believe that Turkey gets oil from Erdogan-ISIL ties and the Russian Embassy reposted the results for discussion, the Erdogan-linked pundit who made the poll panicked, disabling his account and blaming Russia for 'sabotage' a day later.

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Pro Erdogan Islamist writer conducts a poll. Who buys ISIS oil? 1.Russia 2.Syria 3.Turkey @RT_com
​A columnist at Turkey's Akit newspaper, Abdurrahman Dilipak, known for close connections to the country's president, deleted a poll on his Twitter account after it was found that respondents overwhelmingly answered that Turkey, not Russia or Syria, buys oil from Daesh.
After seeing the initial results, Dilipak argued that Turkey's ruling AKP party "insufficiently informs Turkey's population on the question of buying oil from Daesh," adding that the results confirm this. However, the repost of the poll on the Russian Embassy's Twitter led Dilipak to accuse the embassy of "sabotage" and shut down his twitter account.
"Interesting Poll! Results collected in one hour…"
The poll showed that 78% of respondents believed that Daesh sells its oil to Erdogan's Turkey.
The pundit then shut down his twitter account and brought it back a day later, writing an angry response, claiming that he was sabotaged by the Russian Embassy.
Dilipak is a fierce critic of Turkey's founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and has called for Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to be a new "Caliph" after a return of the Caliphate, which Ataturk abolished in 1924. On Novebmer 10, the 77th anniversary of Ataturk's death, the newspaper Dilipak writes for published an article called "Tyranny Ended in 1938," the year Ataturk died, which led to outrage in Turkish society.
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The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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