
Tuesday 2 February 2016

You Won't Believe What This US Ambassador Said About al-Qaeda's Syrian Allies

By Daniel McAdams

January 29, 2016 "Information Clearing House" -  Robert Ford was US Ambassador to Syria when the revolt against Syrian president Assad was launched. He not only was a chief architect of regime change in Syria, but actively worked with rebels to aid their overthrow of the Syrian government.

Ford assured us that those taking up arms to overthrow the Syrian government were simply moderates and democrats seeking to change Syria's autocratic system. Anyone pointing out the obviously Islamist extremist nature of the rebellion and the foreign funding and backing for the jihadists was written off as an Assad apologist or worse.

Ambassador Ford talked himself blue in the face reassuring us that he was only supporting moderates in Syria. As evidence mounted that the recipients of the largesse doled out by Washington was going to jihadist groups, Ford finally admitted early last year that most of the moderates he backed were fighting alongside ISIS and al-Qaeda. Witness this incredible Twitter exchange with then-ex Ambassador Ford:

hen late last year the McClatchy News Service ran an article in which Ambassador Ford admitted that his "moderates" regularly collaborated with ISIS and al-Qaeda to the point where he no longer thought the US government should be arming them.

So those who pointed out that the rebellion in Syria was foreign-driven and jihadist from the start were no longer crazy conspiracy theorists, but were rather conspiracy factists.

Did that stop Ford from pushing radicals, though? Hardly!

As the Syria peace talks are scheduled to begin within days in Geneva, with a main sticking point being whether to admit groups that have allied with al-Qaeda to the negotiating table as potential leaders of "new Syria," it is extremely instructive to recall what Ambassador Ford said about one such group, Ahrar al-Sham, to a BBC interviewer last October.

Ahrar al-Sham, according to experts including those at Stanford University, "was founded by members of Al Qaeda and maintains links to AQ’s core leadership." The group vigorously rejects the notion of an elected government in Syria after the overthrow of Assad, instead calling for:

...a Divine system prescribed for his Caliph and slaves… It is the system where the rule is for the pure Islamic law. Allah’s law is complete, and you need only consider the texts and derive rules.
Ahrar al-Sham has been reported by Christian rights groups in Syria to have executed Christians in Idlib, Syria, after they captured the town last year. The Christians committed the "crime" of not following Sharia law.

Sounds like a pretty bad group, but nevertheless it still has its Western cheerleaders...including Ambassador Robert Ford!

Here's Ford in an interview with the BBC last October about Ahrar al-Sham (emphasis added):
Stephen Sackur BBC: “Ok, let me ask bluntly, Ahrar al Sham (The Free Men of Syria) group, one of the most powerful groups you would call “moderate”, is it really moderate when a group like that proclaims its desire to see Sharia as the driving force of a “future Syria”.. which clearly makes comments which suggest that Alawites and Christians would find it very difficult to find a place in their Syria…. Are these moderate?? You regard this as moderation?”

Robert Ford: “This is how I define as a moderate in the Syrian context, Stephen; a moderate is a group that accepts there has to be a political negotiation and there has to be a political process after a transition government is set up.. a political process to determine the future permanent government of Syria.. That there must be pluralism in that process… and it’s one that works with other groups/ factions in a pluralistic setting… I don’t agree at all with Ahrar al Sham’s desires to set up an Islamic State (in Syria).. but I have to admit that they accept the needs to be a political negotiation.. I have to admit they’re willing to work with other groups and they do on the ground with great effect…This is one of the reasons, they’re strong as they are, as you mentioned… It’s not a group I ever want my daughter to marry into… I don’t agree with their vision of society…but I would not call them Jihadis, they’re not looking to impose an Islamic State at sword point… Different, they’re therefore, from alQaida… Different therefore from the Islamic State..And they’re willing to accept even such things as Parliament…and some kind of government institutions… So, yes they want Sharia … but the kind of Sharia they want may in fact, in the end, not look like the kind of Sharia the “Islamic State” already imposing over most of central and Eastern of Syria…”
Is it any surprise that Syria is in the current disastrous state, where hundreds of thousands have died in a war instigated by those who knew from the beginning would only benefit radical Islamist extremists? Is there no justice for those who push such murder and mayhem on such a grand scale? Today, as civilized people recognize International Holocaust Remembrance Day, is Nuremberg dead?Daniel McAdams Daniel served as the foreign affairs, civil liberties, and defense policy advisor to U.S. Congressman Ron Paul, MD (R-Texas) from 2001 until Dr. Paul’s retirement. From 1993-1999 he worked as a journalist based in Budapest, Hungary, and traveled through the former communist bloc as a human rights monitor and election observer.
Copyright © 2016 by RonPaul Institute.
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Leonardo's avatar
Leonardo· 3 days ago
It sounds like Mr Ford labels a group "moderate" if they will agree to Western Corporations taking control of Syria's valuable resources and transport routes. Whatever carnage such a "moderate" group may impose on the Syrian people is irrelevant to US "negotiators".
8 replies · active 1 day ago
Gustavo Caldas's avatar
Gustavo Caldas· 3 days ago
The Obama administration still won't admit that their plan of "regime" change in Syria ,after Putin and Russia's LEGAL intervention in behalf of Assad's elected Govt , is now dead .The US Govt. will try to win at the Geneva talks , by hook or by crook ,what it could not achieve with its terrorist mercenary army .To do that ,its "diplomats" will sabotage the talks ,threaten to put "boots on Syrian soil", and risk a military confrontation with Russia.
When will the planners ,advisers and deciders realize that there has been a sea change , that "the gig is up" ,that the whole world KNOWS the terrorist mercenaries were armed and are bankrolled by the USA and its Arabian peninsula vassals ? ? ?.
2 replies · active 2 days ago
Garry's avatar
Garry· 3 days ago
And now you know what happened in Kiev, Ukraine. American embassies are breeding grounds for regime change while they process paperwork for the nationalists of that country coming and going. Kyiv's embassy is a beautiful Compound - must have cost tens of millions.
2 replies · active 1 day ago
Paolo's avatar
Paolo· 3 days ago
I think the reason people like Ford are so intellectually vague and seemingly misguided is that they simply don't care, they wish to create chaos as ultimately this will put them in the position of being the only party capable of creating order. That untold thousands or even millions die is just collateral damage. That our mainstream press arent all over them for such scandalous crimes is testimony to a broken system, one where crime generates profit and those crimes are cheerled by a press that wilfully and cynically disguises them as humanitariansim.
egar's avatar
egar· 3 days ago
Damascus was the capital of great islammic civilization which spread the islam , the religion of all the prophets to the world . Andalusia for 800 years was the beacon of knowledge with its universities and civilization to the medivial europe , which was backward and total darkness. They all had ruled with islamic law .
So this article is only a scare tactic , and only reflects the western ignorance and bigot attitude toward others .
Doesn't orthodox church bless putin and his war machine .Is the queen the head of the church .
So why it ok for the west ?!
2 replies · active 1 day ago
Steve Abbott's avatar
Steve Abbott· 2 days ago
Ford and Syria Danny were two of a kind. Danny faking reports of street battles, and Ford falsifying reports of where satellite imagery of damage were taken. A seemingly forgotten expose of Ford's lies, is found by searching "High-tech trickery in Homs". The state department had provided Ford with satellite imagery that had been rotated 90 degrees to prevent easy identification of the location. Ford then presented those images as proof that rebel held areas had been destroyed by heavy weaponry. Problem was that he lied about the location, and it was not "rebel held".
Qaddafi_or_al-Sham's avatar
Qaddafi_or_al-Sham· 2 days ago
Isn't the version of law that Ahrar al-Sham allegedly desires, the same sort of Sharia-lite hybrid that Qaddafi had in Libya... before the Islamic mercenaries destroyed the country (along with US/NATO air power)?

This sounds like a mess waiting to happen.
1 reply · active 2 days ago
January 29, 2016 An American Big Lie About ‘Terrorism’

Micah Zenko is a blogger who posts on a main site of America’s foreign-policy establishment, the Council on Foreign Relations, and he posted there on January 6th, “How Many Bombs Did the United States Drop in 2015?” He calculated: “Last year, the United States dropped an estimated total of 23,144 bombs in six countries. Of these, 22,110 were dropped in Iraq and Syria.”
nomange's avatar
nomange· 2 days ago
Ford, Pyatt, Tefft, McFaul, Negroponte, and the late Warren Zimmerman and Chris Stevens. They were all cut from the same CIA clandestine war/regime change cloth where the people we were and are supporting are terrorists who have wreaked such carnage that they have been able to seize control and frighten the population where the terrorists are imbedded. Unlike the old China Hands and Arabists, it is Foreign Service officers like the above who have sold out and should be purged from the State Department and government service, and put on trial for crimes against humanity. Include with that group former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
1 reply · active 2 days ago
Gern's avatar
Gern· 2 days ago
The USA it would seem, is a disease as virulent and destructive as any virus, bacterium or other such vector on the planet. I look forward to an appropriate vaccine.
Nothing is new! It is been a long time, since Carter administration, or even earlier (cold war era), that US & other western allies(imperialist countries), have been creating, financing, arming of the religious & reactionary groups, to fight the legitimate governments across the world! The only different thing is that with the technology, social media like tweeter, face book... the public will be aware faster than before! Today, the imperialists (mainly US imperialist), are so desperate, that will sleep with the enemies(like Al-Qaeda, Isis,...publicly!
2 replies · active 2 days ago
Steve's avatar
Steve· 2 days ago
Syria's war is not just benefitting radical Islamic extremists like author says. It's benefitting the weapons manufacturers, CIA, and all those who gain from war.
davidg's avatar
davidg· 2 days ago
Not much has changed since Allen Dulles was screwing up the planet. It's just bigger. And bigger is better. That's progress.
joed's avatar
joed· 2 days ago
The title of this article is stupid.
These murderous thugs will say anything to create the illusion of civil discourse, the illusion of logic and the illusion of being reasonable.
These thugs belong in prison for the rest of their lives. But thats not going to happen is it.
These people have destroyed what was left of decent humanity.
The bad guys won.
sol's avatar
sol· 2 days ago
Ford is not a C>I>A> they are much better. He is the student of a schmuck with the name Fouad Ajami who was wrong on every M.E. issue he dealt with . Ford shall be hanged by the balls if he has any .All shall witness . I suggest Dupont Circle which near S.A.I.S. Where Ajami seduced his soul and brain .
melcdrofla's avatar
melcdrofla· 2 days ago
Reads like all nations USA neo cons touch. Disaster like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Ukraine and now Syria. Where next? Moderate. US doesn't know the meaning of the word.
farang's avatar
farang· 1 day ago
Wow! Are you kidding me? Israel is the epicenter of support for these terrorist proxies of the CIA and "civilized people are recognizing the (fake) "Holocaust" today? Guess this is one uncivilized commenter: I didn't know and could care less. They instigated the same conditions in Germany that led to Hitler's rise that they are doing world-wide today. The records of the IRC are clear: 250,000 Jews died in concentration camps...and over 70 million other victims did in the war, too. No "civilized people" remembering that, apparently. Jews declared war on Germany in the 30's. Factual and documented in various newspapers of that era...and claimed "6 million Jews are being starved." Lies. Instigators of mayhem and chaos and who when confronted blame the accuser. Demonic liars and Deceivers...and the world grows more aware daily.
farang's avatar
farang· 1 day ago
Make sure and meekly smile when being interogated at the airport by TSA goons and ICE fascists while they search your child's privates to see if YOU are a "terrorist"...or else! Illusions...and the lemmings of America fall into line.
Tom Welsh's avatar
Tom Welsh· 1 day ago
Hence the old joke, "Why has there never been a revolution in the USA?" Answer: "Because there is no US Embassy in Washington!"
farang's avatar
farang· 1 day ago
What is the surprise? Hillary clearly stated in 2013 while leading "State" (MOSSAD) that she was going to negotiate with Al-Qaeda. That is why no charges will be brought against her by "Justice": she IS CIA...and their chosen winner come November. She is a literal Zionist plant. The NYT International edition had a front page article in December of 2014 openly calling her the Zionist choice for presidential candidate. They used that word openly...unlike in the US where the Zionist Organization of America that JFK was forcing to register as a FOREIGN lobby hides behind "AIPAC" label now.
farang's avatar
farang· 1 day ago
Heads up: we have an Islamic commenter that thinks Russia is "in the west" apparently. It is "okay" for Russia to exterminate these vermin because SYRIA invited them...not to mention Russian was invaded by the Islamic Golden Horde and conquered and suffered greatly. 'Allah" for all you Islamists happens to be Ullu...Illi...Ely ...El. The shaman Antigonas I/YWH/"Yuya" the long-necked Bedouin king named Hiran. That is why Israel is forcing Bedouins out of their homes in "Al-Hiran" as I type...hiding the real and creating Brahma/Abram's ILLUSION that there was ever an "Israel." There was not. They are the Asura...Assyrians...infamous torturers that had a PIG as their war emblem. Forced relocation of conquered peoples and staffed government offices with kin. Just like the US government today. Had "spokesman" meet the people instead of our elected "representatives." "Josh Earnest"...sincerely kidding you. "Mark Toner" "Mark Twain" an alias and it meant to "mark" the level of the Mississippi river on a boat. Mark Toner means to set the level of discourse. Aliases for when we come with pitchforks. I truly believe they (Zionists) plotted WWII just to steal matter who died or how many...demons have no compassion.
farang's avatar
farang· 1 day ago
As an ancient history buff it is quite unsettling to realize the last king of Media was the horned god "Moses"/Astyages/Seti I that the jewishencyclopediaonline labels "Darth Veda" knowing as I do he is aka Seti I/Astyages. Why? Because it happens to be often associated with the title "Desh." Is this "Daesh?" Is all this "Set/Satanic" cult-driven mayhem? He was aka "Yama" depicted with his son Ramses II lassoing cattle...goyim. Yama the god of death lassoing souls to take to the Khaber River...Hell..located between the "Twin Peaks" the entrance to the "Hubur River" where "Cherti" the "Boatman of the Dead" transported them. Chertoff...Transportation Secretary for Bush. Ever look closely at this man? Son of the first female MOSSAD agent. His payoff for his role in the "Set"anic false flag illusion of 911 is the humiliation of the gullible in his naked screening machines which radiate us with it's poison. You can't make this sh!t up. Demonic. Literally: he is Demetrious I..."Atrias/Atreas"...the character always depicted changing back and forth from man to woman. Why does Obama resemble images of "Aye"...another of his aliases? Hindus called him "Ajatashatru"...the EYE of SATURN. Did you know Aye was "Akhenaton's" brother... and also half African? Akhenaton was not his name. That is a Persian ruler of Egypt. One of the Persian royals poisoned by the eunuch vizier Bagoas...Antigonas I...father of Seti I...depicted as a lover of Alexander the Great in many ancient images...and as a long-necked sphinx outside the Salt Lake City Masonic temple with a paw over the globe...just like some Buddhist temples that depict him as a fat demon swallowing the entire world...they called him "Saket." Depicted with the "third eye" in middle of his forehead. The Buddhists use him to "demon-strate" how NOT to behave. Hell happened to be Cappadocia..."the Underground" kingdom of "Osiris" which was really Asur ...the Assyrian chief deity depicted holding a huge ring in his hands while on his winged chariot. Lord of the Rings. Egyptians called this FOREIGN god Auser. Osiris is Greek. Hell was located exactly where Erdogan was alleged by a Turkish politician to be relocating Uyghurs tribe Turkmen to S.E. Turkey/N.E. Syria...coincidence? I think NOT. Ugyhurs today have a national plain white flag...with a red cube in the middle. These are the Ogurs...from the Orkan River Valley. Please explain to this old atheist how Tolkien KNEW this would happen...again? Orcs invading us. Ogurs. REAL and deadly.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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