
Sunday, 29 May 2016

Israel: 88,000 millionaires but 34% children live in poverty

The 2015 Global Wealth Report, published by Swiss investment bank Credit Suisse in October 2015, claimed that among five million Israeli Jews, there were 17 billionaires and 88,000 millionaires. According to the report, about 124,000 members of the world’s top percentile come from Israel. That proves Israel to be a rich parasite state.
In December 2015, Israel’s National Insurance Institute reported that 34% of Israeli children live below poverty line while 1.7 million Israeli families live in poverty.
No wonder the Holocaust Industry is on look to squeeze more blood from Western Christian nations. Recently, Jewish Lobby has even included Iran on its “Holocaust Suckers” list, not to mention that Iranian diplomat saved 2000 Jews from the Nazis.
Canadian journalist and author Greg Felton in his 2010 book, The Host and The Parasite: How Israel’s Fifth Column Consumed America, explains how American traitor politicians let Jewish Lobby rob US-taxpayers’ hard-earned money for Israel  and then uses a fraction of it to maintain their loyalty to a foreign regime. Though US lawmakers receive payments and support from the AIPAC in exchange for their loyalty to Israel, the American taxpayer is left footing the bill (watch video below).
The Zionist entity has received over $3 trillions in aid and soft-loans from Washington since 1970s. More than 46% of annual USAID goes to Israel. Israel also receives $3 billions military aid annually since 2009. It’s due to expire in 2017, and now Israel wants it to be increased to $4.5 billions in order to bless the US-Iran nuclear agreement.
If any other nation had received 10% of such privileges, the US lawmakers would have demanded its total loyalty to the US – but Israel is an exceptional case. Israel maintain its largest espionage network in America. Israeli jets bombed USS Liberty in 1967, killing 34 Americans and injuring over 170.
Even when two AIPAC employees were indicted on espionage charges in 2005, and it was determined that they had obtained classified US government information illegally and passed it to Israeli agents, the charges were quietly dropped on technicalities. AIPAC fired both employees and issued a statement that they were fired because their actions did not comport with AIPAC standards. One of the fired employees, Steven Rosen, filed a lawsuit for defamation, claiming his actions were, in fact, common practice at AIPAC.
Critics point out how much brighter our future would be if we had invested these billions or trillions in veteran rehabilitation and care, education, job creation, social security, housing, environmental clean-up and prevention, roads, bridges, health care, and scientific and health research. Or if Americans had simply held onto their tax dollars and used them as they saw fit, in our own economy. If some of the higher estimates are closer to the mark, our support for Israel could easily have covered the $700 billion TARP bailout with a great deal left over for massive stimulus spending and/or tax breaks.
If Israel were using these funds for a good purpose, one could debate whether the price was worth it. But Israel uses most of the money to prolong a 45-year military occupation (which regularly involves gross violations of international law), commit egregious human rights violations, and destroy billions of dollars worth of Palestinian homes and infrastructure while building illegal Jewish-only settlements on Palestinian land,” Pamela Olson wrote at Scott Net on April 2, 2013.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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