
Thursday, 15 September 2016

MUST SEE VIDEO: The Truth about Syria, a Country Fighting the “Invasion by the Most Powerful Country in the World”. US Peace Council

Global Research, September 14, 2016
The Duran 3 September 2016
The truth about Syria and what is happening in Syria is all here, in the video below, outlined and documented during this press briefing by the US Peace Council (USPC).
We cannot be sure how long this video will be allowed to stay on Youtube, but we urge everyone to take 45:00 minutes of your time to see this video, share this video, and finally spread the word about the “vicious” war being waged on Syria.
Please share this post, and share this video, and share these excerpts, which may provide some life saving truth to an unjust, criminal war…and a western media narrative that continues to push lies and confusion to what is a clear and blatant international crime.
The Duran reported earlier today, as one of the few media organizations to expose this story…
A delegation from the US Peace Council (USPC) has recently returned to the US from a fact finding mission to Syria.
The members spent 6 days meeting with Syrian Government Officials including, President Assad, Union Leaders, Government Opposition Members as well as Civil & Business Leaders, NGO’s, Charities and Universities.
The delegation stated that each member paid their own way and that the Syrian Government allowed them to meet whomever they wanted.
They issued their report and held a press conference Press conference at the UN on 9th August 2016.
Madelyn Hoffman, Executive Director of New Jersey Peace Action, Member of the Syria Delegation at the 17:15:
“This is not a civil war in Syria. That’s probably the first thing we heard, and we heard it over and over again.
It is not President Assad against his own people. It is President Assad and the Syrian people, all together, in unity, against outside forces, outside mercenary forces, terror organisations, the names change everyday or every other day, to try to protect their identity, and maybe keep the connection between the country that funded it and that group, kind of a little bit more nebulous, but there are groups, mercenary forces, supported by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United States, and underneath it, Israel, the state of Israel.
And these outside mercenary forces are the ones that are terrorising the Syrian people, and are attempting to divide the Syrian people.”
US Peace Council (USPC):
  • H.E. Bashar Ja’afari, Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic
  • Alfred Marder, President of the US Peace Council
  • Mary Compton, Member of the Executive Board of the US Peace Council
  • Henry Lowendorf, Member of the Executive Board of the US Peace Council, Head of the Syria Delegation
  • Joe Jamison, Member of the Executive Board of the US Peace Council, Member of the Syria Delegation
  • Madelyn Hoffman, Executive Director of New Jersey Peace Action, Member of the Syria Delegation
  • Donna Nassor, Professor and Lawyer also part of US Peace Council
Henry Lowendorf, Member of the Executive Board of the US Peace Council, at the 12:30 mark:
“We saw villages, that are basically Christian villages, that have been besieged by the terrorists, but have now been liberated. And the damage done to a shrine in the village called Maaloula, which is a village where they still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. And the attacks on the Christian population.”
“Their two things I want to mention, finally, that we feel are really important…
One is…That while the United States would like to divide the Syrians up, by religion or within a religion — by the different beliefs within that religion. There wasn’t a Syrian we talked to who would accept that.
We spoke to the Grand Mufti, and he said, ‘People ask me how many Muslims there are in Syria?’and his response is always 23 million. That’s is the population of Syria.
And when we talk to the bishop of one of the Orthodox Churches, he answered the same thing, the number of Christians is 23 million.
We will not allow ourselves to be divided up the way the United States has divided up the people of Iraq, or Libya, or Afghanistan, or so many other countries. We won’t allow that.
And that unity, I believe, has lead to the ability of the Syrians to withstand an invasion by the most powerful country in the world, and its most powerful allies in Europe, its most powerful allies in the Middle East, with what is a vicious attack on the Syrian people.
The second is the sanctions. I have to admit that I did not know (before I went) that the United States has imposed sanctions on Syria in a way that’s similar to the sanctions that the United States imposed on Iraq in the 1990s, in order to weaken that country and that government, that the United States admits killed 500,000 children in Iraq, during the 1990s sanctions.”
The Duran reported in a post entitled, “Why the Syrian conflict is not a civil war”
Alfred Marder who, is the President of the USPC firstly acknowledged that the US peace and anti-war movement has been in a state of confusion about Syria and that this has caused division within the movement.
He explained that the domestic tactic used by the US government to sway US public opinion, is, to demonise the leader of whatever country the US is targeting.
“Whether it’s Noriega, Hussein, Gaddafi, or Assad, there’s a definite pattern here”
He said the story the US people have been told about President Assad and Syria have been purposefully false. Concerning the reporting he said
“This is not accidental. This is designed to confuse people’s opinions on these Leaders.”
Jamison was blunt in his assessment and likened this quote to the dangerous attitude of so many Americans who think they know about Syria and President Assad but “….what they think they know, just ain’t so!”
In his opinion the US motive is to destroy Syria as an independent secular Arab state and make it compliant to US interests and policies, like Iraq and Libya have become since the US invasions and bombings of these two countries.
Just like Libya before the NATO bombing, Syria has universal free healthcare and free education from childcare through to university.
Jamison pointed out that the US government supports Jabhat al-Nusra and other groups (whose names change often) who they claim to be ‘moderate rebels’ but who in truth are not moderate in any way and are affiliated either with Al-Qaeda or ISIS.
He mentioned the foreign backed mercenaries (ISIS) are fuelled by the Wahhabi doctrine which he described as
“a sick medieval and backward ideology driven by the Muslim Brotherhood with its genesis in Saudi Arabia.”
He affirmed his opinion by describing how so called ‘moderate’ Jabhat Al-Nusra mercenaries beheaded a 12 yr old boy during the time the delegation was in Syria. There is nothing ‘moderate’ about beheading a 12 year old boy.
The other major story they shared was the generally unreported sanctions that the US has imposed upon the Syrian people.
The US government claims the sanctions target the Syrian government. However they are actually aimed at wearing down the resolve of the Syrian people.
The US has imposed sanctions similar to the ones Iraq experienced before the invasion, which even the US admits killed half a million children.
Syrians cannot get baby formula, common medication, medication for chemotherapy, child immunisation etc.
These sanctions are so insidious that they affect medical clinics throughout Syria because they are unable to get parts for machines used in medical practice. Think: X-ray, CAT, MRI machines right down to dentists drills.
President Assad has claimed from the beginning that there was no uprising and that the country was being invaded by foreign backed mercenaries. Gaddafi said exactly the same thing when NATO started bombing Libya.
Coincidence? I think not.
The same scenario was acted out in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria: invaded and bombed into submission without any politician, general or complicit media representative tried or held to account. There is not even an acceptance of error or a conciliatory voice of remorse.
“The campaign to confuse the American people has been intense.”
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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