
Friday 11 November 2016

Wrongheaded Anti-Trump Protests

  Except for short-lived Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, America hasn’t seen sustained street protests since the largely inner city civil rights movement and Vietnam War years, notably on college campuses nationwide – memorable because they poved committed activism works.
Peaking in 1968, anti-war rage got Lyndon Johnson, in a March 31 address, to announce “I shall not seek, nor will I accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.”
Despite multiple US war theaters since the Clintons raped Yugoslavia, street protests for peace are notably absent.
Endless US wars of aggression rage. Most Americans barely notice, indifferent about mass slaughter and destruction, mindless about their tax dollars enriching Wall Street and war-profiteers, while social justice increasingly goes begging.
Instead of demanding peace, equity and justice, they’re indifferent about US imperial rampaging, waging war on humanity at home and abroad.
Following Trump’s surprise electoral triumph, thousands took to the streets in US cities nationwide, mostly students and other youths.
Outside New York’s Trump International Hotel, they shouted “Not my president!” “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go!” “Trump makes America hate!” “Impeach Trump” – even though he won’t be inaugurated until January 20, and as a businessman, has no public record, unlike Hillary’s unaccountable high crimes.
In Chicago near where I live, hundreds protested near Trump Tower, then marched through the city’s loop. Smaller groups blocked traffic on Lake Shore Drive near my downtown residence.
Demonstrators chanted “Not my president,” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascists USA.” Some drivers honked horns and raised clenched fists outside their car windows.
Arrests were made, including for obstructing traffic, reckless conduct, criminal trespass and resisting arrest.
Most Americans are deplorably out-of-touch and uninformed, relying largely on television propaganda for news and misinformation.
Trump isn’t the problem. Nationwide protests should rage against America’s system – a one-party state with two right wings, exclusively serving wealth, power and privilege, matter who holds top posts.
The world’s richest nation was thirdworldized. Unprecedented wealth extremes exist, Republicans and Democrats in lockstep on issues mattering most. A single major difference separates them.
Hillary as president would risk nuclear war on Russia, perhaps followed against China and Iran. Trump would rather exploit planet earth for profit than destroy it, his business interests along with it.
Democracy in America is pure fantasy. Voters have no say whatever. Powerful interests control everything – sacrificing social justice to use national resources for warmaking and enriching corporate predators, at the expense of governance of, by and for everyone equitably.
Instead of resisting an increasingly tyrannical system, a hugely unjust one, energy is wasted against a president-elect with no public record. So it’s unknown how he’ll govern until he’s sworn in over two months from now.
America’s dirty system persists because activism doesn’t challenge it, energy wasted against Trump, instead of the dirty system and deep state dark forces running it.
Change won’t happen until equity and justice replaces it. Grassroots revolution alone can work.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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