
Wednesday 14 December 2016

Kuwait MPs Urge GCC to Expel Russian Envoys over ISIL Defeat in Aleppo

Opposition MPs in Kuwait urged Gulf Cooperation Council nations Tuesday to expel Russian ambassadors over the crushing defeat of the armed groups operating in Aleppo, describing it as “genocide.”
The lawmakers also signed a motion calling on the newly elected parliament to hold an emergency meeting next week in support of the Syrian city.
“There is a genocide being committed against civilians in Aleppo amid total international negligence,” MP Jamaan al-Harbash told a small rally in the parliament building, turning a blind eye to the fact that those civilians he’s talking about are mere terrorists occupying Aleppo and taking citizens as human shields.
“We call on the Gulf states to expel Russian ambassadors… and to open fund-raising campaigns at mosques,” he said, exploiting Islamic worship places to raise money in favor of US-guided gunmen fighting the national military in Syria.
The GCC groups energy-rich Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, all of which have diplomatic ties with Russia, a key ally of Syria. The body launched in March 2015 a wide offensive on Yemen, with Saudi-led coalition strikes killing civilians on daily basis without any calls to bring the aggressors accountable.
Abdullah Fahhad, another MP, demanded the expulsion of the envoys of both Russia and Iran, which is helping Syria to crush on terrorists.
MP Waleed al-Tabtabai said that a protest will be staged on Wednesday outside the Russian embassy in Kuwait City over its military backing for the Syrian government.
The opposition in Kuwait won nearly half of the 50 seats in a snap general election last month.
The United Nations said on Tuesday it had credible reports of civilians fleeing the terrorist-held areas in Aleppo towards the government-held neighborhoods seeking security and humanitarian aid.
Source: AFP
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