
Tuesday 14 March 2017


Linda Sarsour is the trash that just keeps on sinking, ain’t she? This vile, ultra-collaborationist, boot-licking House Muslim, fresh off “protesting” with every degenerate known to man at the Soros-funded #WomensMarch, is back in the news after she organized a fundraiser and procured $100,000.00+ in the name of repairing damaged Jewish graves in Missouri. Where to even BEGIN with this slimy creature and her latest slimeball activity?
The most logical starting point perhaps is that Sarsour The Sanhedrin Slave’s move represents an upholding of Muslim “Goyhood”–that is, the Jewish narrative that Muslims cannot be considered human, or decent, or part of the greater fabric of the US “melting pot” unless they are subservient to Judaic discourses, fawning over Jews, acting like Jews and going out of their way to please Jews. Linda L’Chaim is what her name should be as she is saying “cheers” to Jewish supremacy whilst cloaking it in salaams and a hijab. Yet again, she’s plastered throughout liberal media where praise is heaped upon her by Jews across the spectrum for her promotion of (fake) Muslim-Jewish solidarity.
We all know that if she raised money for a defaced mosque, a burnt-down church or, GOD FORBID, children in Yemen orphaned and disabled by the Zionist-aligned Saudi regime–which, for the record, she adores and whitewashes–the establishment would either not give a rat’s ass or find a way to slander her. But in this age of an Israelified America specifically and a Judaized West more generally, kissing the Jew-ring of the Jew-kings is a surefire way to skyrocket one’s person to social and political stardom.
Which brings us to the next point of pertinence: If this wasn’t a matter of socio-political opportunism and/or Linda Lilith getting marching orders from one of her controllers, what the hell would be the point ANYWAY when police don’t even know who did it? It still hasn’t been designated a “hate crime” after a week of investigation and if we’re keeping it 100% honest here, even if a “White Supremacist” or a “Muslim extremist” turns out to be the patsy, the most likely culprit for wrecking the headstones is the Jews themselves! Every single time the MSM hysterically screeches about a swastika or some other fake expression of “Jew-hatred” being scripted on a synagogue or in a dorm room, a Jewish community center or on Jewish graves, a Jew turns to be responsible.
It just happened recently at Northwestern. Why do the Yahoudlings do this? Easy! To keep the fraudulent notion of “anti-Semitism” alive and well so other minorities–Gentile minorities, that is–think of Jews as “one of their own” instead of the privileged, wealthy, globe-holding oppressor-class that they actually are.
Next question:
Why in the name of God is a Palestinian woman, and an ostensible “activist” and “liberation advocate” at that, raising money for a Zionist institution? Yes, the Chesed Shel Semeth Society is both Orthodox Jewish (read: the most supremacist of the supremacists) and Zionist. The group, which also operates the Beth Shalom Cemetery, was founded by Russian Zionist Jews and has served as the historic link between the St. Louis Orthodox Jewish community and the Jewish usurpers in Palestine since 1888. For decades, it funded Zionist Hebrew schools in both Poland and Russia. It also has operational ties to the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, one of the most powerful Zionist organizations in the Midwest and the group responsible for sending St. Louis Blue Bacon (cops) to the cancerous Zionist regime for “riot” training.
Considering these facts, Sarsour The Succubus and her partner in this hideous escapade Tarek El-Messidi weren’t raising money for “their Jewish brothers and sisters” but an organ which represents the Halakhic-Talmudic terrorist cancer occupying Palestine. I’d ask how she likes THOSE apples, but knowing what we do about this putrid woman, she probably won’t care and will happily bob for more if that’s what Soros orders.
And finally: Why did ANYONE have to raise money for these Zionist pigs ANYWAY, Muslim or otherwise? Don’t they have the damn dough themselves? Obviously, they do. Just look at the top two personalities on the board of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis – Harvey N. Wallace (Board Chair), the owner of the second-biggest accounting firm in all of St. Louis, and the extraordinarily demonic Kenneth Kranzberg, an American Jewish Committee patron and the the Chairman of Kranson Industries, (dba TricorBraun), one of the biggest packaging suppliers in all of Amreeka. Couldn’t one of these “philanthropic” Jewish gents paid to renovate the rather minuscule damage to Chesed Shel Semeth’s headstones? Of course they could’ve. It is, for lack of a more eloquent phrase, piss-on money to them. So why didn’t they? Because then they couldn’t milk the story for all that it’s worth and keep Jews in the news to the detriment of “Goyim” everywhere. Keeping this in mind, it should be more than evident that Linda Bint Shlomo’s fundraiser is indeed nothing more than a publicity stunt to reinforce Jewish hegemony and colonize Muslims even further.
To close:
While we wish it didn’t have to be said, thanks to the likes of Linda Sarsour, it most definitely and emphatically does – Muslims do not have to give one iota of a damn about anything that befalls Jews in America (or anywhere in the world for matter), let alone lick Jewish boots, just so we can be considered “upstanding citizens” in this hyper-capitalist, hedonistic, materialistic, consumerist society which is diametrically opposed to everything good and righteous we hold somewhat dear. We simply don’t. For we are the ones oppressed here; the ones aggressed against; the ones threatened and in danger always.
It is in fact the Jews who should be proving ***their*** humanity to ***us*** since they are the ones who fuel Islamophobia, degrade society with pornography, lobby for the wars that destroy our homelands with direct invasions and indirect terrorist destabilizations, stage false flags, brainwash our children with their Hollywood filth, do everything in their power to illegally uphold the disease in Palestine called “Israel” and so on. Jews are the 1% of the 1%. The shadow government behind the shadow government. The puppetmaster pulling the strings of the puppetmaster. And the vice-regents of Dajjal. We don’t owe them a bleeding thing except our resistance to their criminal, hegemonic, Kabbalistic system.
As for Sarsour, she is the gleeful agent of this system–the Sanhedrin’s Slave, as mentioned above; the Mishpucka’s Menial; the Vilna Gaon’s Vassal. And it is beyond telling that with all the horrors facing the Ummah today because of Organized Jewry and the illegitimate, virus-like ‘Israeli’ regime, from the Takfiri terrorist assaults on Syria and Iraq, to the genocidal destruction of Yemen by Al-Saud, to the occupations of Palestine and Kashmir, to the renewed aggression against Iran, Linda The Liar thought her time was best spent raising money for superficially damaged Jewish graves instead of any of the aforementioned states. She’s operating outside the fold of Islam. No clue why she even bothers keeping up the facade anymore. When she disregards the suffering of her brothers and sisters in faith for those who are responsible for their suffering, she’s totally exposed.
She might as well just convert to Judaism. And truth be told, with her services rendered to the Kehilla in her tirades of hasbara against Syria and Yemen, her defense of the murderous Saudi regime, her commitment to the existence of ‘Israel’, her censorship of all discussion on Palestine at the #WomensMarch and now THIS… She’s practically a member of “The Tribe” already.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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