
Thursday 18 May 2017


So Syrian President Dr. Bashar al-Assad is roasting Syrians alive in his very own crematorium now in Saidnaya, huh? LOL! I expect that imminently, the Zionist media is also going to tell you that Assad, who, as we all know also tortures puppies, maims kittens and eats babies, has killed 6 million-billion-trillion Syrians in homicidal gas chambers. The preferred gas, the press of doom and gloom will tell you, is Zyklon B. And after these Syrians are killed in these “Auschwitz-like” conditions, Syria’s “Waffen-SS”, I mean “shabiha”, I mean “regime army”, I MEAN SYRIAN ARAB ARMY, then makes shrunken heads, human-skin lampshades and human-fat soap out of the victims. Lampshades and soap made out of the “marginalized” really is the best of the best, ain’t it? Assad will also be legally changing his name to Hitler as well as the two stars on the Syrian Arab Republic’s flag to twin swastikas, according to “reliable sources”. Seriously though, the kicker is, immediately after this report of balderdash was released, accompanied by Soros-funded Amnesty (read: Travesty) International’s lies from a few months ago about Saidnaya–that have long been debunked and exposed as fabrications and exaggerations peddled by ‘Israeli’-backed terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and the “Muslim” Brotherhood–‘Israeli’ Housing Minister Yoav Galant, an IOF general with the blood of thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese on his hands, outright called for Dr. Assad to be assassinated. Is the game really not clear here?
It damn well should be. Because every single damn time we get to a damn point where the damn conspiracy against Syria–which is already dead thanks to the liberation of Aleppo–is finally gonna come to a damn OFFICIAL close, some utterly insane batch of hasbara is pulled out of the asses of the warmongers in Langley and Herzliya then funneled through the US ZOG’s State Department and the Zionist media for mass “Goy” consumption. The “Holocaust” theme has been present in the propaganda war on Damascus from day one, with the most prominent nonsense being 7-year old hasbara tool Bana al-Abed being compared to the princess of fake news, Anne Frank and her faker-than-fake-ass diary. That was bad, no doubt, but this takes the cake. Indeed, it’s never been this flagrant. And while these “Saidnaya crematorium” lies–which, mind you, are all based on unnamed and unverified “sources” and “officials” yet peddled as if they’re set in stone by the usual deceptive suspects anyway–openly expose the dominant Jewish-Zionist hand in Syria’s horror, there is far something more abyssal that must be highlighted: The invocation of the “Holocaust”, or as it should truly be called, the Holocrock, the Holohoax, the Holofraud, the Hollow-Co$t, the Holobollocks, the Holofake, etc., is the ultimate testament to the fraudulence of the accusations leveled against the Syrian state and its people. Why? Because the “Holocaust” is the greatest fiction in modern history. Even more so than the official stories of 9/11 and the JFK murder.
Let’s chuck the catering to “chosenite” sensibilities out the window, shall we? 6 million Jews didn’t die in the Holocrock. There were no homicidal gas chambers. Jews weren’t marched into ovens. There was no “Final Solution” and there sure as hell isn’t any written evidence of it–something notorious Holoscam “scholar” Raul Hillberg admitted under oath. Hitler didn’t start the war on the Jews, the Jews started the war on Hitler–see the infamous “Judea Declares War On Germany” headline from the Daily Express. There were no “death camps”, only work camps for enemy combatants. And most of the Jews who did in fact lose their lives in these camps died because of starvation and disease that were brought on by the criminal Allied blockade and bombing of Germany–war crimes which prevented medicine and aid from reaching much of the German civilian population, not just prisoners in camps. There is SO very much more, but that should suffice for now. Unravel this truth from the many, MANY balls of legerdemain-filled yarn that the Jewish Power Configuration has spun in relation to the event, and you will see that the “Holocaust” is not just an ideological sledgehammer used to beat up and silence Anti-Zionist activists, it is also the bedrock of all war propaganda going back 70 years. “Holocaust Consciousness” is the driving force behind neocon thought and from Wolfowitz to Perle to Feith and others, they’ll tell you so loudly and proudly with all of the Jewish supremacism that they can muster.
Thus, from the TRUE Big Lie and the ORIGINAL Fake News, stems ALL the new big lies and EVERY DROP of new fake news. And just like the Holosham, the “Saidnaya crematorium” story is as fallacious as fallacious can be. Don’t buy it. Expose it. Thrash it. Slam it. Stomp on it until it’s good and dead in the ground like the Syrian Arab Army and its allies have done with the destabilization plot itself. Lather, rinse, repeat for the “Holocaust” too. For the sake of the Syrian Arab Republic, currently in the throes of this historical poison, not to mention every other nation that has suffered because of it, from Iraq to Palestine to Venezuela and so many more, it is high time that we put a stop to this expansive, invasive tyranny and end all thought-crime-prosecution associated with it. Verily, it is longer than long overdue that Gentile nations, especially the Arab-Islamic ones, stop paying the price for a “genocide” that didn’t happen and stop holding their tongues so not to offend the globe-holding demons using false victimhood to uphold their hegemony in all forms–including their calls to murder a democratically-elected head of state who they dislike because he refuses to bow before them. Get the picture?!

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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