
Monday 11 September 2017

9/11 Sixteen Years Later: Why do Bill Moyers and Robert Parry Accept Miracles?

Sixteen years ago when three buildings in the World Trade Center collapsed neatly into their own footprints, few people considered the possibility that the collapses were due to controlled demolition. Even in the days and weeks afterward, as the horror of the moment subsided, still few questioned or doubted the official story. Gradually however that started to change. And one of the first people who began significantly raising people’s consciousness on the matter is the man giving the talk in the video above.
David Ray Griffin is considered by some to be the father of the 9/11 truth movement. His books include The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration & 9/11 and Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics & Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory. Griffin is a retired professor of religious studies at Claremont School of Theology. The talk he gives in the above video took place six years ago–yet in it he examines a question that remains extremely crucial and relevant todayWhy do so many choose to remain willfully blind to the truth about 9/11? And specifically he singles out two people in particular whose blindness on this matter has been quite striking: Bill Moyers and Robert Parry.
Both Moyers and Parry have been viewed, correctly to a large extent, as outspoken adversaries of the power structure in Washington. Both are known for their investigative reporting and both have been perceived as crusading journalists for the truth. Journalists are trained to be skeptics. You would think that reporters of this caliber might at some point have considered it odd that one of the collapsed WTC buildings was never even hit by an airplane and decided to look into it. You would think that they might at least have interviewed an architect, engineer, or physicist who could have explained how the laws of physics apply to steel-framed office buildings. Yes, Moyers probably would not have been allowed to air such a report on his PBS program, but Parry, who operates his own Consortium News website, certainly could have written such a story and published it. But neither ever did.
And not only have Parry and Moyers both failed to look into the truth of what really happened on 9/11, but both have attacked the 9/11 truth movement. And this is the focus of Griffin’s talk. He makes a point–and it’s a valid one–that for Moyers and Parry to accept the official 9/11 story they must believe in “miracles.” For yes, building collapses under the circumstances that were in effect on 9/11 could be nothing short of that.
The issue of why so many people choose willful blindness over truth–not only the truth about 9/11 but the world in general, and the nature of the people running it–is a question I’m actually examining in a new essay I’m writing. I hope to have the essay posted in a day or two. In the meantime, on this anniversary of 9/11, please enjoy Griffin’s talk. If you can spare the hour and thirty-three minutes to watch it all the way through, I think you’ll find it both informative as well as entertaining. But you may want to do so pronto. This is one of those videos that might end up getting removed from YouTube fairly quickly. And as you see when you click the button, there are already restrictions on it.


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