
Saturday 20 January 2018

American Protestant Christianity as the enabler for Judaic world domination and quite possibly for the end of the world

‘Most Jews do not like to admit it but our god is Lucifer and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.’ – Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a wealthy influential Jew involved with the US government
By StaśDispensationalist evangelical Christians in America are the greatest friends Israel has in the world, and have been for a long time. In their very strange and science-fictionesque visualization of the soon-to-take-place ‘end of the world’ and the destruction of everything in it, they believe Israel plays a central role in ‘God’s plan’ viz the last chapter of human history and in what they call the ‘end-times’. And although the various individuals and groups making up this strange cult differ on a few particulars, one thing upon which they are all in agreement is that Jesus is scheduled to make a grand entrance at the end of it all and with all of them holding front row seats.

Although there are many different ‘species’ of Protestant evangelical Christianity in America, the one thing that universally connects virtually all various groups is what can only be termed an obsession with the ‘end times’. As if nothing else in the 2,000 years of Christian history existed except one obscure chapter in the very last book of the bible–Revelations–the consummation of the world seems to dominate all discussion and activity. Mega-churches hosting thousands and even football stadiums hosting tens of thousands and rented for special ‘end times’ events get nationwide TV coverage and with millions of eyes and ears glued to what is going on.
It is easy to understand then why a phenomenon such as this would be the target for manipulation on the political level. The fact that this particular group represents the single largest voting block in America with upwards of 90 million people, the notion that it would somehow escape being captured and manipulated by interested parties with a particular political agenda is not as much an unlikelihood as it is an impossibility. The truth is that American Protestant Evangelical Christianity has been immensely important as a fuel for vital political projects, including the creation of Israel in 1948 and every drop of political and monetary support that the Jewish state has vampired from both America and around the world since that time.
Image result for charles larkin dispensational truth chart the last days

The very erudite and eloquent  Patrick J. Buchanan maintains (correctly) that WWI and WWII were not two separate wars but one giant European civil war that resulted in the destruction of Europe. The British who turned Palestine over to the Jews in 1948 needed the support of the Americans during WWI. That was “the deal”.

This is an important fact to keep in mind, given that it was Great Britain who performed the necessary CPR in breathing ‘new life’ into the Frankenstein monster known as Judea, but it would then fall upon America and its millions of Apocalypse-addicted Evangelical Christians who would be tasked with feeding, coddling and protecting this new political creation known as JSIL–the Jewish state in the Levant.

And while some evangelicals condemned the activities of those Jewish terrorist groups made infamous for some of their bloody exploits, including major terrorist acts such as the bombing of the King David Hotel, at the same time however many cared only about the fact that the Jews must return to the holy land as part of the ‘divine script’.

Although of course the Zionist Jews have been the prime movers behind these events, mainline Protestants, WASP Freemasons (Gentiles dedicated to the rebuilding of the Temple destroyed by Titus in 70 AD) and of course radical evangelicals have been major players in this. They want to see the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem blown to pieces like the aforementioned King David Hotel and the ‘3rd Temple’ rebuilt in its place. In the same manner as fans of Tolkien flocked to the movie theaters to see their favorite literary characters come to life on the big screen in living color, likewise evangelical Christians today want to see the consummation of the world in real time as it has been dramatically described by mega-church pastors such as John Hagee and others.

All three Abrahamic religions speak of an end times scenario. Many long for it and many even want to speed up the time table for the big finale. Understanding very well this MO on the part of American evangelical Christians, current Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has been very adept at tapping into that particular vein and in drawing forth the necessary blood needed for the preservation of Israel in both monetary and political ways.

The popularity of the evangelical movement goes up and down in the US. In the aftermath of the infamous Scopes Trial it went down, whereas after the world witnessed the apocalyptic power of the newly developed atomic bomb during WWII, it went up.

Pastors signaling specific dates for the end of the world and/or the ‘rapture’ (that fantastic event that features prominently in virtually all neighborhoods of American Protestant Dispensationalist Christianity wherein the ‘true believers’ are suddenly vacuumed body and soul into the heavens above with no warning whatsoever) have proved to be problematic and at times have sown confusion amongst self-professed followers of Jesus Christ when the grand finale did not materialize. Nevertheless, despite some of the biggest names having had their date-sensitive predictions not materialize, nevertheless their flock seems to suffer from a certain degree of amnesia and thus continue to swallow whole-hog the next date-sensitive prediction that pops up, indicating the very emotional (and not necessarily rational) element that permeates much (all) of this.
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Many also seem to take delight in scenarios were their detractors are punished for their unbelief, a motley crew made up of liberals, Catholics, Democrats, Muslims, and atheists who are all pre-destined to ‘pay the piper’ when all hell breaks loose while the ‘true believers’ are vacuumed up away from all the ‘tribulations’.
At times one gets the image of a poorly educated person forking over what little money they have to help Israel.  One can just see Jewish porn star Ron Jeremy or some Israeli arms dealer laughing themselves silly at such a prospect.

Nothing even in the wildest fiction comes close to the odd dance between Jews and evangelicals. Evangelicals cry ‘we must save you!’ while at the same time, Jews laugh and take their cash.

Christians obsessed with end times philosophy adhere to a divine script that seems to be not quite agreed upon but quite horrifying indeed, and yet interestingly, they show no fear for themselves, secure in the knowledge that the big vacuum cleaner will save them just in time.

Many Protestants detest the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican and see all Popes–past, present, and future–as the Anti-Christ described in the only book they seem to read–Revelations.

Yet for 500 years they have come up with  few skilled academicians who have justified in detail why they split from Rome.

Suffice it to say the ‘Reformation’ has had a huge affect as to why world Jewry is the preeminent power on earth to this day. Prior to this fit within Christendom, it was the unifying, solid as stone political power of the Roman Church that kept Jewry at a manageable level.

It must be noted the end times prophecy thinking spikes when bad or foreboding things happen. For instance, after 911 many even non-religious people developed “prophecy belief.” At times you may notice the media plays it up.  Remember the world will end in 2012? The  Y2k scare as well?

That Jewish voters are overwhelmingly liberal and adhere to and promote every issue that evangelicals oppose, including gay marriage, abortion on demand, etc. Despite their own conservative views they love the Jews.  The Jews and in particular the liberal Jews despise the evangelicals.

This is why super liberal Sen. Al Franken hates Mike Pence even more then he hates Trump. Franken detest the evangelicals. Could it be that he is familiar with their theology?
Image result for al franken and mike pence

Franken views Pence as worse the Trump, going so far as to refer to Pence as a Zealot, a very Jewish biblical term. He has stated the Pence would be worse for liberals on domestic issues.

It can be assumed that Franken is lying when he states Pence would be better on international relations and war. He knows the radical evangelicals will do anything to speed up the end times. Some even willfully. Others support Israel hardliners so firmly that this is yet another path to catastrophic war.

This is why as TUT pointed out Franken had to go he would get in the way of the plan to impeach Trump and replace him with the evangelical Pence.

This and the  election loss of pro-Trump Judge Roy Moore in Alabama might prove to be huge factors in the bid to impeach President Trump.

President Trump is more than capable of dealing with the 95 million plus evangelicals. For one thing they have been endlessly attacked by the media and the left they make up some of the core of the so-called ‘deplorables’.

It is an ongoing battle and of coarse plenty of media outlets and sell-outs are trying to portray the relationship between Trump and the evangelicals as strained.

Lets face it–a lot of Trump’s support is racial, i.e. rust belt whites.  Or as Steve Bannon  calls them “the forgotten man”

If the media itself–which is the real power in the United States–goes after Trump often there is not much even he can do.  The media control gives the advantage.

This is why the support of the evangelicals for Trump and Pence has been very important. Their numbers are huge and they don’t care for the mainstream media.

The 700 Club and similar programs watched by America’s evangelicals have gotten behind Trump and who appreciate his use of the term ‘fake news’ as they have bristled for decades under the assault on their faith by the JMSM.
The president has done well with his white support base, but not without problems as well, and especially from events such as the rally in  Charlottesville and it’s connection to white supremacist or alleged white supremacists who have not helped Trump at all.

The Protestant church has a lot of power in the United States. It is one of the driving forces that directs the United States. Many Protestants are fanatically pro-Israel and pro-greater Israel. That is just political reality.

If you’re Roman Catholic or Atheist or what have you might not know about the Protestant world. It is at its core very simple.  You accept Jesus Christ and you are ”saved.”

If you make a lot of money your ‘blessed”.

The Protestant evangelist sometimes come into conflict with Jewish liberals over Hollywood and the obvious moral degeneration of America. However, they see Jews as God’s Chosen people who will hopefully accept Jesus Christ during the end times. This is one among many reasons the US works for Israel.

The Protestant world is by no means monolithic. There are countless denominations and many will have nothing to do with one another. Ranging from the liberal protestants who fly the flag of LGBTQ and the banner of Black Lives Matter to the grotesque conman/conwoman team Jim and Tammy Faye Baker to megachurch Pastor John Charles Hagee who constantly invokes the wrath of God to fall upon whatever creature speaks unfavorably about Israel.
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In fact evangelicals seem to delight in the fact that according to their interpretation of the divine script anyone they don’t like will perish in hell fire.

According to Hagee a “Christian Zionist and Scofield Bible inspired dispensationalist if you defy Israel you’re going straight to hell.
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This is why Trump’s announcement viz Jerusalem being the capital of Israel was and is HUGE. He has the Israelis wedded to this issue without lifting a finger.  The Arab world is united against Israel. The evangelical support has gotten firmly behind Trump.  Yet Trump will continue to push for “peace” something no other US president has tried.

He has put Israel on the spot and he has the full support of the evangelical Christian movement in the United States behind him.  He has made a huge problem for Israel by “giving them what they want” so to speak. The expert negotiating skills of Trump fit into biblical prophecy. Indeed Trump’s Jerusalem decision is also a victory for “Evangelical politics”. A card that Trump holds that may come in handy for him later when it comes time to mobilize an army of angry, fed-up voters numbering somewhere in the area of about 95 million.

Many Protestants or of course good people on the street level. Lots of Pastors “minister” to people, help with drug and alcohol addiction, suicide prevention, and so forth.

Many evangelicals or Televangelists are frauds, madmen or both.  Despite endless proven frauds and scandals the mega TV holy roller preachers retain many followers and are fabulously wealthy.

“Benny” Hinn is an Israeli televangelist, best known for his regular “Miracle Crusades”—revival meeting or faith healing summits that are usually held in stadiums in major cities. He is among the richest and most popular of the Televangelists.  He is the quintessential fraud healer and holy-roller conman.

If you want to get saved or healed by Hinn bring cash.

Wikipedia sites:

In March 1993 Inside Edition reported on Hinn’s $685,000 Orlando home and Mercedes-Benz, despite Hinn having previously claiming a “modest lifestyle”. An employee of Inside Edition also faked a healing from Cerebral palsy which was shown on Hinn’s regular broadcast.[20]

A controversial aspect of Hinn’s ministry is his teaching on, and demonstration of, a phenomenon he dubs “The Anointing”—the power purportedly given by God and transmitted through Hinn to carry out supernatural acts. At his Miracle Crusades, he has allegedly healed attendees of blindness, deafness, cancer, AIDS,[21] and severe physical injuries. However, investigative reports by the Los Angeles Times, NBC’s Dateline, the CBC’s The Fifth Estate, and the Nine Network’s 60 Minutes have called these claims into question.
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Hinn has also caused controversy for theological remarks and claims he has made during TV appearances. In 1999, Hinn appeared on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, claiming that God had given him a vision predicting the resurrection of thousands of dead people after watching the network—laying out a scenario of people placing their dead loved ones’ hands on TV screens tuned into the station—and suggesting that TBN would be ‘an extension of Heaven to Earth’.
Many still to this day hate Roman Catholics and refer to them as ‘Papists’. They hate Rome–the political empire that destroyed Judea 2,000 years ago just as Jesus Christ Himself predicted would happen for the Jews’ violence and disobedience. This is why many Protestant and Jews are eager to tell you that the Jesuit Order rules the world. Within the ‘conspiracy’ world, it is acknowledged that ‘the Zionists’ are bad, but an exception is made in that they somehow report to the ‘black pope’. The Vatican controls the world?  Many if not all cannot handle the idea that the idea of a ‘chosen people’ out of the Old Testament is the ultimate form of supremacy.
The Episcopalians are considered the elite of the WASP neighborhood and make up a large part of the upper ranks of Freemasonry. They gather in a ‘temple’ as do their counterparts whom they despise, the Mormons.  The seal of the State of Denver is literally the very same all-seeing eye that features in Masonic symbolism.  Many of the moneyed Protestants are themselves quasi-Jewish. They gather and worship in temples like Jews. They are all keen on rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem, just as messianic Jews are.
Yet they sometimes tangle with the Jews.
Recall Secretary of State James Baker for Super Skull and Bones Yale WASP Bush.
‘F*** the Jews; they didn’t vote for us anyway.’
The eastern establishment Protestants or the saved have saved dentist saved doctors and telephone books that list saved places to shop for goods and services.
They know how to network.
There is nothing wrong with this however what I am pointing out is that they are more insular then one might think.  You got to be saved in order to participate in the game. The exclusivity of the WAPS or eastern installment Boston Brahmin types has diminished greatly.  Long gone are the days of the ‘No Jews allowed’ country clubs. This is due in no small part to Hollywood’s attack on WASP-Think of the countless movies where the good hearted funny Jews do battle with the mean, blond-haired WASP.
The Protestant work ethic is admirable. Since the installment of Lyndon B. Johnson’s ‘Great Society,’ it has diminished year after year. Some would say it is all but gone.
The so-called Robber Barons were WASPs. They were rich but they contributed greatly to building the  US into a major power.
Some even pushed back against Judaic power.
Henry Ford a giant among them attempted to warn American Gentiles about Jewish power. He hired Elizabeth Dilling (who would later be tried for sedition for her part in efforts to keep America out of a genocidal WWII) to write books explaining the dangers of Red Communists and Jews. He gave out copies of the Protocols of Zion with his cars.
He wrote ‘The International Jew’.
He lost in his struggle against the Jews.
The next big loss for the WASP–and this is key–was the failure of the America First Movement to keep America out of WWII.
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Sound familiar? It is no accident that Trump and Bannon pushed the use of the phrase ‘America First’.
Could it be they are thinking and using the ‘America First’ slogan in part because of a desperate attempt to keep the US out of WWIII?
Protestant power goes up and down within the US. When it goes down they try to pick it back up in the form of a revival.
The Protestant church has no ‘pope’ per say but a man named Dr. Harold John Ockenga was considered by many Protestants nationwide as a kind of ‘Pope of Protestantism’.
Ockenga and his good friend Billy Graham revitalized the Protestant world in 1950. They made it big again.
Image result for Dr. Harold John Ockenga
Graham was warned by the ADL to not attempt evangelizing the Jews. A clue has to who was in the dominant position.
The relationship between key Evangelist players such as Graham, Ockenga  and the Jews has had at times been strained.
Image result for Dr. Harold John Ockenga
Recall the infamous taped phone calls between Graham and President Nixon.
Ockenga himself was highly critical of ‘Jewish-run Hollywood’.  In In  many fundamentalists started to complain about worldwide Jewish conspiracy to take over the world
Hollywood propaganda would slowly eat away at WASP power but in a bizarre twist of fate the WASP evangelicals and the interest with end time prophecy say the subversive activities of the Jews fit into the ‘end times plan’.
Thus, much of the resistance to real Jewish power is a total wash out.
You may notice that a lot of the conspiracy movement is nothing more than hot air. Because a lot of it is just the anger and mistrust the Protestants have for the Roman Catholic Church.
A lot of their criticism is justified, but to say the Vatican controls the world including ‘Zionism’ and the Mossad is ridiculous.  The Jewish money power is so far ahead of the Church that it cannot even hide it. Wall Street and virtually all money-making sectors of life in the western world are Jewish.
How many of the richest men  in Forbes or other publications are Jewish?  The answer is a lot.
Yet people talk of ‘The Illuminati’  or ‘Vatican Satanic’ groups that rule over everyone. Yet they can’t name a single person.  Does the great great grandson of Adam Weishaupt run a Hedge Fund that one can name?
No. But you can point to a lot of evangelical preachers that give their complete support to the State of Israel and support the plan for a ‘Greater Israel’ encompassing the entire Middle East along with all the war necessary for realizing that endeavor.
And virtually no one can stomach criticisms of the Old Testament itself which is an exercise in ultra-violence and supremacy.
Again it cannot be stated enough that for the most  whatever the Jews do is fine with the evangelicals. For they are a key part of Biblical Prophecy. They needed to return home to Israel so that the world might end and Jesus return.
They are some well-meaning Christians who have seen though the War mongering of Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Marco Rubio.
This is a sign of great hope.
As witches in America publicaly curse President Trump the evangelicals pray for him. That is a positive thing. So there is hope.
Ockenga worked hard to oppose a JFK presidency. JFK who wanted better relations with Egypt and did not want Israel to obtain nukes.
Still as Alison Weir writes in ‘Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel’, some well-meaning Christians  complained bitterly about the immorality associated with the theft of Palestinian land in creating the Jewish state as well is the great danger it would pose for world peace.
I would contend that many more evangelicals including US presidents were and are completely committed to the formation of the state of Israel and now the expansion of settlements and to a ‘Greater Israel’ and this is no Illuminati secret. This is out in the open.
The WASP establishment has lost a lot of power.  America was once much run by the Protestants. When we read underground blogs like this we talk about power. We talk about things the media would never talk about.
Jewish power.
When no one is listing sometimes people will whisper to you ‘You know the Jews run America don’t you?’
Still many gentiles do not even realize this to be the case.
This is in part because of the mindset of what might be called the 2nd most powerful group in America–the liberal Protestants and the evangelical movement.
A brief explanation of the ‘Protestant American Imperium’ will help shed some light as to some of the reasons why the good people of America and Great Britain so willfully and diligently supported and continue to support the formation of a Jewish State in 1948.
That is right we are also not even supposed to talk about what I will call ‘the second power’.
You can make fun of Christ and Christianity all the time and this is encouraged.  But if talk about how the Christian Zionist/dispensationalist/radical evangelical fundamentalist and to some extent even the liberal Protestants assist to make the Jews and the State of Israel the most powerful group in the world today, this idea cannot be discussed openly.
If you talk about the Jesuit Order or the Order of illuminati people might laugh at you but you’ll be ok. (This in itself is proof of who runs things.)
Like Jewish power, evangelical power ebbs and flows.
The Protestants are by no means monolithic in their worldview.
Conspiracy people will point out many US Presidents are Freemasons. Well many of them are evangelical Christians. Who I might have been very keen on the Jews returning to their homeland.
In fact, the American Evangelicals played a key role in helping the Jews return to the Holy land.
At the same time, they view America as a kind of ‘new Jerusalem’, that has been blessed by the God of Israel to be the city ‘shining’ on the  hill.
The radical evangelical fundamentals are driven and their will is impressive. Based on their interpretation of the bible, they crave the end of the world for it will bring the return of Christ and ‘salvation’.
The battle to win the hearts and minds of America’s 95 million + minds continues. So far Trump seems to holding his own. No question the Zionists would prefer Mike Pence over Trump.
Trump’s wealth and success and his fantastically beautiful wife would actually be considered part of the ‘being blessed’ circumstance that makes up the evangelical mindset and an indicator that Trump is “god’s arm’.
They were skeptical of him during the election but he won enough of them over.
However Trump’s recent “Jerusalem gambit’ which has rallied the evangelicals behind him is risky and cuts both ways. Recently the evangelical  Pence has delayed ‘indefinitely’ his planned trip to the holy land, a sign that Trump’s ‘chaos’ plan is working.  But it cuts both ways.  Trump’s Army of evangelicals could turn on him if something goes wrong.
But for now they are with him.
The scary part is they have Pence waiting as VP to take control. All should assume he is not faking and is the real deal.
Pence has toured eastern Europe and wants NATO to cause trouble for Russia. He is always there to assure supporters for Israel.
Pence has of course expressed all out support for the ‘Iran protests’, saying ‘as long as Donald Trump is POTUS and I am VP, the United States of America will not repeat the shameful mistake of our past when others stood by and ignored the heroic resistance of the Iranian people as they fought against their brutal regime…The bold and growing resistance of the Iranian people today gives hope and faith to all who struggle for freedom and against tyranny. We must not and we will not let them down.’
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Also on On Sunday, the Likud Central Committee voted unanimously for a resolution that calls upon Israel to impose sovereignty over illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Things are heating up and Trump might find himself boxed in and out of  tricks. VP Pence is on his back ready to do the bidding of Israel.  It may be hard for the fast talking Trump
Trump has today 1/2/2018 suggested the US should halt aid to the Palestinian Authority, accusing the Palestinians of being ‘no longer willing to talk peace’ with Israel.
Pence and his Army of evangelicals are ready.  Ready to go to war to bring about the end times?  Very possible.
I would say to any Jew or Protestant.  Do whatever you can to contest this  push for end times/fanatical support for Israel, because chances are very good that it just might happen. In other words do what you can to stop the end of the world, which includes YOUR world.
Sutton, Matthew Avery. American Apocalypse: A History of Modern Evangelicalism . Harvard University Press.
Timothy P. Weber. On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel’s Best Friend

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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