
Monday, 7 January 2019

Bolton Vows Securing “Israel” after US withdrawal from Syria

US President Donald Trump’s National Security adviser John Bolton said Sunday during a visit to the “Israeli”-occupied territories that the American withdrawal from Syria must be done with the protection of allies “assured” while touting the alliance between the United States and “Israel.”
“We’re going to be discussing the president’s decision to withdraw, but to do so from northeast Syria in a way that makes sure that “Daesh” [the Arabic acronym for terrorist ‘ISIS/ISIL’ group] is defeated and is not able to revive itself and become a threat again,” Bolton said when meeting Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in occupied al-Quds.
Bolton later tweeted following a visit to the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem that ties between “Israel” and the United States were “unbreakable.”
Trump’s announcement on December 19 that the US would immediately withdraw its troops from Syria led to concerns among allies, and he has since spoken of “slowly” sending troops home “over a period of time”.
“Israel” is especially worried over Iran’s expansion in Syria.
Bolton told journalists travelling with him earlier in the day that conditions such as guarantees on the safety of Kurdish allies must be met before American troops are withdrawn from Syria, NBC News reported.
Bolton also said all 2,000 US forces may not be withdrawn, according to the report, adding that the withdrawal would take place in northeastern Syria, while some forces could remain to the south at the al-Tanf garrison as part of efforts to counter “Iran’s presence.”
Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team

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