
Wednesday 15 January 2020

The West Will Try Again to Blow Up Russia From Within – Year Results

January 14, 2020
Translated by Sasha
Captioned by Leo

The home front is the most complicated for Russia if only because it was by sabotage that our implacable partners destroyed the USSR in the previous century. This is why taking stock for 2019 on the home front is the most complicated.
During the holidays our channel (PolitRussia) subscribers were able to see a series of episodes dedicated to the results of the past year. This episode concludes the aforementioned series and I delayed writing this to the very last moment because it is the most complicated one. If 2018 was marked by the unpopular “pretend” pension reform which dropped the government’s popularity ratings, for 2019 it is rather difficult to name a single event which would characterise the entire year. In the meantime, the opinion polls reveal that the shadow of the pension reform disgrace continued to hover over the year 2019.
Take a look at Russian Public Opinion Research Centre poll: 10% of respondents named the pension “under-reform” the event of the year. To compare, only 4% of responders saw the Crimean Bridge as the event of the year. In the meantime, 74% altogether failed to point out an event that would have been the most important in the past year. And this is despite the possibility of choosing more than one event. What does it tell us? That the society is overall calm. There are no over optimistic expectations, nor there is an impression of a some illustrious victory by Russia in 2019, but neither is there any nagging or pessimism. Which is confirmed by the results of another poll.
Answering the question: “What are your feelings about the passing year and the new year?” 42% of our fellow citizens said they were in a rather good mood and felt optimistic. This is less than a half but just as many – 42% – said they do not feel particularly elated but neither they have negative emotions. If to sum up both groups, it will make 84% of positive or balanced people. As for the whiners, who are seeing the 2020 in a bad mood and bad expectations, they are 14%. This is 7% less than in 2018 but it is still quite a lot. The results of these polls can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the interpreter’s political orientation. Someone will call these results ‘stagnation’ in memory of Brezhnev’s epoch. Someone will say it’s stability, comparing it to the Yeltsin years.
In order to move the deep strata of the Russian nation, to provoke it to endless rallies, like it was at the end of the 80’s of the last century, considerable forces were put to action in 2019. Let me remind: the peak of this effort came during the summer when school pupils and students had excess of free time. In order to inflate the protests, all the ‘creatilibs’, from the Rubber Duckie Fuhrer to the Transformer Dhud’, rinsed the brains of the infantry’s lower ranks via YouTube for a long time. The entire ‘celebration’ was paid for, as it turned out, by Mikhail Khodarkovsky, as well as by his curators from the CIA. The pumping was ferocious. They came up with all sorts of things. They called for violence against the security forces, they invited super popular rappers in order to announce afterwords that everyone who came to the free concerts are the protesters against the ‘regime’. But that didn’t ‘fly’.
Stirring those 84%, who saw the coming of 2020 either positively or without negative emotions, failed. And even the terrorist act on St. Nicholas Day, when the Russian president was holding the Big Press Conference, did not have the effect required by its commissioners. Naturally the entire ‘libberish’ pack howled on command about the return of the 90s, that it was safer in the 90s, that the ‘regime’ is weaker than it seems, that it is a failure of FSB and etc., according to the textbook. But, with hand on heart, who remembered two weeks later, just before the New Year, that there had been a shootout in Moscow?
Even the ‘creatilibs’ themselves quickly switched attention to their own woes – the conscription of a drooling Navalnyinist and a Banderite lapdog Shaveddinov and a search in the UBK office. Because you always look after number one, and the dead Lubyanka shooter could no longer stir any excitement. In the meantime, the investigation continues and new most interesting facts come to surface. Here is one, for instance.
RIA Federal News Agency: “Yevgeny Manyurov who staged a shooting in the centre of Moscow on 19 December worked for a long time for the Russian branch of the British transnational military and security company G4S, marred in a long litany of scandals. According to the Russian media, 38 year old Manyurov dedicated his life to working for various private security enterprises,
including ‘DSL-Eurasia’. According to ‘The Journalist Pravda’, the killer worked there for the whole of 10 years from 1999 till 2009. A search of the name of ‘DSL-Eurasia’ in the Russian businesses database yields only reference – to Association of Independent Services In Aid of Commercial Security. Its other name is Association of Security Services (OSB). OSB is the working organization registered back in April of 1995. All of 10 legal entities were its founders, whose list is headed by an even more interesting G4S Centre LLC., currently also liquidated. In turn its own founder was the currently operational ‘G4S-Eurasia.’”
In order to avoid bogging down in details, I’ll say that the long chain of legal entities intended to conceal the British ears, still leads back to the “G47 Plc.” – A transnational military security company based in London.
RIA Federal News Agency: “Manyurov himself confirmed he worked for the British. According to certain information, he posted his resume at portal where he informs that at least as of 2009 he worked for the G4S Centre group of private security enterprises. There Manyurov was responsible, among others, for the security of Bloomberg information agency and cooperated with the head office in London. Next, he worked briefly in a certain private security company ‘Vizan Security’ which protected the British oil-gas company ‘British Petroleum’. According to the resume, Manyurov’s last posting was protection of the UAE Mission in Moscow.”
How do you like the version that putting into action a British sleeping agent was a desperate act on behalf of the Anglo-Saxon ‘partners’ who realised that the year was going while Putin and Russia remained unshaken. Unknown is only the answer how they convinced Manyurov to commit suicide. How did they wash his brain so he began a shootout with zero chances for survival? Have they really learned in the West how to program bio robots? And now, in the context of everything aforementioned, evaluate how stable has the Russian society become.
Yes, there are drama queens of both sexes who are easily led to the streets under the pretexts required by the commissioner. But their numbers are miserly small. And they are insufficient to cover up a coup attempt analogue to the Ukrainian Maidan. And so, taking into account all of these complex circumstances, we, the normal citizens, must continue the constructive efforts to better the life in our country. After all, if to sift away the obvious duds, that the clipped pigeons try to use as justification for their struggle against the ‘regime’, Russia has plenty of problems. There’s illegal construction covered up by the extremely insolent clerks. And problems with waste disposal which are solved sparingly instead of globally. There’s the ethnic question which the right wing political forces speculate upon. There’s also society’s dissatisfaction with the government’s unpopular reforms, which are speculated upon by the opportunists who pretend to be on the left. There are the zoo-schizoids pushing their human hating initiatives. There’s the party of power filled with rotten individuals who care only about their own profit. Why am I telling you this when you know it all all too well?
So what is the result of 2019 on the Russia’s home front? It is conflicting. On the one hand, the society is not rushing to destroy our state. On the other hand, there is an obvious and unambiguous demand for a change in the power system in the country. The external forces will surely try to saddle that. The core of this demand is not in a reshuffle of the card pack and swapping of a mock Ovsyannikov with a mock Razdrazhayev, but in forming the return communication, citizens’ influence over the clerks which the latter would not be able to ignore. There is a multitude of proposals as to what this cooperation should look like. I opt for digitization that is why I believe that we should influence through the Internet.
The federal government has no other choice but to form an online mechanism, which wouldn’t let the clerks to embezzle budgets, give the state contracts to their cronies, to steal, transfer the money out of Russia, and ignore the people in the regions intrusted to them. But in order for us to make the importance of such a mechanism to reach the Kremlin, we need to unite because the clerks surrounding Putin easily ignore single voices. It is for the sake of this unification that the Political Russia Club was created. We shall definitely turn it into a party. And our channel PolitRussia, the most popular patriotic channel on RuNet, is the Club’s bullhorn. Continue to interact with us online and in real life, support us financially. And we shall continue our struggle on the home geopolitical front, the most important, the most needed front, without a decisive victory on which no successes in the foreign affairs will be required.
Once again happy New Year 2020. You are the best. Together we will save our country for the future generations.
Ruslan Ostashko’s afterword to his PolitRussia YouTube channel subscribers:
Friends, thanks to your financial help, we’ve received full independence from external sources of financing. We got on our feet firmly, and continue to actively develop. A huge thank you to everybody that helps make our channel the main speaker of Russian patriots on YouTube. Thanks to your help, we are now planning to continue with our promise of creating similar channels in other languages; in English and Spanish.
The necessity in the creation of an English channel is something you have been asking us for a while. Considering this is the main language of our so-called “partners”, I genuinely believe that we can start our ideological expansion on their territory. The West in general and the US in particular has many people who can be considered a sane audience, who live inside of an information vacuum. And our YouTube channel in the English language can become for them a breath of fresh air. We plan to release this channel at the end of January 2020.
Our language in the Spanish language is already released and is aimed at particularly the audience of Latin America. “Putin’s Secret Plans: ‘What are the Russians doing?’ Is a question the Americans always ask us. I will tell you more on the YouTube channel: PolitRussiaLatino.”
This is a strategically important region for which right now a real geopolitical battle is going on. Our collective goal is to promote the interests of our country to this region through information means. And of course we don’t forget about the problems inside of Russia. Unfortunately, the clips about Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltics get much more views which ends up bringing more revenue through ads than the ones about internal topics.
Thanks to your financial support, we are able to allow ourselves to continue making clips about internal problems, because we consider them to be the priority and important. And in light of this, to not pay attention to them not being as popular. The popularity of internal topics is a question about whether or not it’s the “correct informational propaganda.”
Unless the Russian federal TV channels, which chase the ratings, are ready to cram us daily about Ukraine and other things, then the hope of popularity in our internal affairs depends on the shoulders of us. Which is why work in this direction will remain for our team the top priority. Friends, thank you so much for being around. It is due to your financial support that we exist and develop despite all the troubles.
Continue to support us with finances. Send us your material and information on your topics. Participate in our new English and Spanish language channels. Links on how you can financially support the Spanish language channel will be in the description. Again, a big thank you, all the best to you and goodbye.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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