
Saturday, 18 July 2020

Iraqi PMF leader: Operations on US forces to escalate day by day

Iraqi PMF leader: Operations on US forces to escalate day by day

Deputy Secretary General of the Al-Nujaba Movement, a faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), says that ‘resistance operations against U.S. occupation forces in Iraq will escalate day by day’.
In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV, Nasr al-Shimmari added that the country’s ‘resistance forces’ had previously given time for dialogue in order for American forces to leave Iraq, however, it was clear that the ‘US only understands the language of force’.

Source: Al-Alam TV (citing from Al Mayadeen TV)
Date: 16 July, 2020
(Important note: Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing as little as $1/month here)
Iraq: Nasr al-Shimmari, Deputy Secretary General of the Al-Nujaba Movement:
– the Americans cannot change the equations in Iraq
– the Americans have no choice but to withdraw from Iraq or stay and endure the losses that will be inflicted on their forces
– we bless the operations targeting the Americans and the resistance is devising the appropriate methods that will force them to leave
–  the U.S. forces in Iraq are occupying forces and targeting them by the resistance will escalate day by day
– the operations of the resistance are characterized by secrecy, and there is a unified decision among the resistance forces (factions) to confront the American forces
– the government is an executive – and not a legislative – entity, and (thus) cannot prevent the resistance from targeting the American (forces)
– Iran is a friend of all the resistance forces, but the main (side) concerned with confronting the American obstinacy in Iraq are the Iraqis (themselves)
– Washington did not take the initiative to help Iraq confront ISIS by using the pretext that this is was an ‘internal matter’ and not an external attack
– the Americans and the British want to put their (military) forces in areas (of Iraq) where they think the resistance will not (be able to) target them
– Turkish forces invaded Iraqi territory and bombed positions in Iraq and we did not see any American action (in response)
– Neither the prime minister nor the government has the authority to bring foreign troops to Iraq, especially after the parliament’s decision
– We hope that the actions of Al-Kadhimi and his government will be in the interest of Iraq, and we affirm that the future of the country depends on (it attaining its) freedom
– The Americans only understand the language of force and resistance is the only weapon capable of getting them out of Iraq
– resistance had given way for (the path) of dialogue and the implementation of the parliament’s decision for U.S. forces to leave (but that failed)

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