
Wednesday 20 March 2019

President Al-Assad: Syrian-Russian High-Level Coordination Enhanced Syria’s Steadfastness in Confrontation of Terrorism

DAMASCUS, (ST)– President Bashar Al-Assad has stressed that the Syrian-Russian joint action and high-level coordination in all domains, mainly militarily and politically, have been among the key factors that enhanced Syria’s steadfastness in the face of terrorism and that contributed to achieving successive victories against Daesh and Jabhat al-Nusra terror organizations and other terrorist groups.
President Al-Assad was speaking during his meeting on Tuesday with Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, who affirmed his country’s determination to continue the fight against terrorism alongside the Syrian Arab Army in order to complete the liberation of the Syrian territories from terrorism and to maintain Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.
Talks dealt with the situation in Idleb and East of the Euphrates. The two sides affirmed the need to continue joint action to reach suitable solutions that restore security and stability in these two areas. They also agreed on adopting all procedures necessary to prevent Syria’s enemies from achieving in Idleb and east of Euphrates what they failed to achieve over the past years of the war.
Some countries fight terrorism only in their officials’ statements
Some countries and forces fight terrorism only in the statements of their officials while they actually support it and keep protecting terrorists in some areas, said President Al-Assad, stressing that these policies have caused many civilian casualties and contributed to expanding terrorism to other areas.
The meeting was attended by Defense Minister Ali Abdullah Ayyoub, head of the National Security Bureau Ali Mamlouk, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Soussan, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin and the Russian Ambassador in Damascus.
Hamda Mustafa
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