
Saturday 1 October 2011

Fatah official: going to UN is an irresponsible step

[ 01/10/2011 - 11:19 AM ]

RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Dr. Rebhi Hallom, member of the PLO's national council has described Thursday Abbas’s step to seek full membership in the UN as an irresponsible step, a jump in the air and a new doze of sedative that was taken after a state of disillusion prevailed in the Palestinian street which resulted from the failure of the Oslo accords to bring them independence.
He also charged that the PLO and its leader Mahmoud Abbas of exploiting the Palestinian people's aspiration for an independent state of their own.

He also opined that both the Israeli occupation authority and the US administration were in harmony with the PLO in this regard in contrary with the "apparent" Israeli and US rejection of the Palestinian bid, describing the Israeli and US stands in this regard deceptive.

Moreover, Hallom accused the PA in Ramallah city of giving up more Palestinian lands to the IOA, explaining that the statehood that PA had applied for in the UN was only over 18% of the total lands of occupied Palestine.

He also said that the UN resolution number 181 gave the Palestinians 46% of their usurped lands but the PA applied for 18% only. Nevertheless, he highlighted a number of risks that might result.

He furthermore explained that if the UN approved the Palestinian bid it would lead to the automatic repeal of UN resolution 181 with Palestinian, Arab, and international blessing.

In addition, Hallom advised leaders of his movement not to deceive the Palestinian people in order not to be cursed by history and charged with high treason.

As he left the hall, Syrian exiles called him “coward.”

The authors of the article below are mad at Erdugan for failing to achieve his Nato's duties. Therfore, he "Should Mind His Own Glass House". The USA will leave Iraq by the end of this year, and there is a fiece struggle about filling the vacum.

Erdugan, failed to get a share in Iraq, and with fall of Hariri's govenment, he lost his dream to get a share in lebanon's cake. Consequently, his last hope to be "a would-be “leader” was in Syria, his "backyard", where his  Syrian Muslem brothers are ready.

According to the Authors,"Turkey failed because Assad knows both the dreadful price of looking weak and that Iran will support him"

Yes, Assad as a member of the axis of resistance, who worked for years to get Turkey in the axis of restance, knows the dreadful price of surrendering to Erdugan's blackmailing, and the consequences of letting Erdgan succeed in adding Syria to "His Own Glass House".
Via Syria Erdugan would be a main player in both Lebanon and Iraq, and would save his chance to stay "a would-be “leader”" of the new middle east. He failed and betrayed his Syrian brothers who called him a "coward".
طلع لا مع ستو بخير ولا مع سيدو بخير
We say in Arabic: He tried to satify both his grand mother and grand father, and the outcome was, both are mad at him. طلع لا مع ستو بخير ولا مع سيدو بخير thats exactly what Sultan Erdugan achived.
His "zero problems with neighbors" and insistance in staying above the wall ended with tens of problems; not only with neighbors, but with his Nato master, after failing to show  substantial results.
His Syrian adventure closed his gate to Arab world, and his Irani gate gate to Assia, consequently, he tried his luck in Eqypt, and heard the same advise even from his Egyptians brothers: Welcome, but mind your business.
In the final analysis, our LOST Erdugan after losing Nato's vacancy for "a would be ME leader, still has the chance to join the axis of resistance, to save his chance to stay "a would be leader for Turkey" in next elections 

In case you missed it:

Erdogan Should Mind His Own Glass House

By Hillel Fradkin & Lewis Libby

Two weeks ago, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan visited Egypt, Tunisia and Libya on what was dubbed his “Arab Spring Tour.” With a growing economy, a strong regional military and three successive electoral pluralities (the most recent this past June), Erdogan enjoys greater legitimacy than any other Middle Eastern Muslim ruler. He designed his Arab Tour to bolster his claim to lead the Middle East. But Erdogan also needed his tour to obscure his recent record of regional failures, failures from which he badly needs to recover.

Outwardly, the tour appeared to succeed. Erdogan’s airport arrivals won him “rock star” treatment, and he even addressed the Arab League – the first non-Arab afforded that distinction. Arab Spring activists, worried that hold-over militaries might yet derail their revolutions, marveled at Erdogan’s ability to reassert Islamism and, most recently, his success in bringing Turkey’s generals to heel. But his greatest appeal sprang from his vociferous attacks on Israel, which he threatened with naval war, and the West, whom he accused of seeking to exploit Libya’s wealth. By contrast, he cited Turkey as a long and selfless friend. Here was a man, he would have people say, willing to confront Israel like a Nasser, willing to lead like an Ottoman.

Heady stuff, but in fact Erdogan’s foreign policy is in shambles. The Arab Spring, which often cites approvingly Turkey’s domestic model, has also presented the Turkish prime minister with his first serious tests. And Erdogan has stumbled badly.
It began in Libya, where Erdogan had warned sternly against NATO intervention, even though NATO sought to protect Muslim civilians. NATO ignored him, and Erdogan soon crept back into line, even trying to claim credit.

But it is in Syria that Erdogan has suffered his most serious setbacks. He had once loudly advertised a regional foreign policy of “zero problems with neighbors"; helped create an EU-like free trade and travel zone with Syria, Iraq and Iran; and backed Syria’s President Assad and Iran’s rulers in their quarrels with the West, even seeking to shield Iran’s nuclear program. But today, Turkey staggers under problems with Syria, Iraq and Iran. Worse yet, Erdogan has appeared ineffective. The Syrian crisis is the proximate cause, but Erdogan’s problems run deeper still.

Bombing PKK camps in Northern Iraq, killing Iraqi civilians,
Erdogan raised the stakes in Syria by declaring it to be not merely a regional issue, but a crucial “domestic” one for Turkey. After all, violence in Syria risks flooding Turkey with Syrian Kurds; and Turkey’s long-running problems with its Kurdish population includes terror attacks by the Kurdish group, PKK. So Erdogan demanded that Assad halt assaults on Syrians and reform, even as Erdogan was bombing PKK camps in Northern Iraq, killing Iraqi civilians, violating Iraqi sovereignty and causing Iraq to complain about Turkey.

Nonplussed, Assad has repeatedly rejected Turkish demands, despite Turkish sputtering that its “patience” was running out. Once, Turkey’s foreign minister proudly announced he had persuaded Syria to withdraw tanks from a siege, only to see the tanks return hours later. Turkey looked the fool.

Turkey failed because Assad knows both the dreadful price of looking weak and that Iran will support him. Herein lies the deeper cause of Erdogan’s failures in Syria: Iran also seeks to lead the region. For that, it needs its proxy Syria. Erdogan is in Syria’s and Iran’s way. So Iran charges that Turkey’s suppression of its Kurdish opposition is no different than Assad’s suppression of his opposition. Iran - which is itself shelling Iraqi territory – refers sometimes to the PKK not as “terrorists” but as “insurgents,” who are an authentic voice of legitimate Kurdish aspirations. As Erdogan squirms, Iran chortles.

For the moment, and for so long as Assad stands, the region will see Iran as winning. As long as Iran continues work on its nuclear program, time works against Erdogan. This is what lay behind Turkey’s recent decision to accept installation of a U.S. radar needed to protect against Iran.  [ Protect Israel against Iran]

Against this background, Erdogan launched his Arab Spring tour, expelled the Israeli Ambassador and threatened naval war with Israel. He sought to shift the focus to those Arab and largely Sunni lands where his strengths lay; but his liabilities lurk still. Arab League dignitaries in the audience were enraptured by Erdogan’s denunciations of Israel, but others - the Egyptian military included – do not relish where this may lead. And the League’s serious business that day was Syria, about which Erdogan sat silent. As he left the hall, Syrian exiles called him “coward.”

Indeed, some in the Turkish opposition have begun to denounce Erdogan’s morally hypocritical “glass house.” They ridicule his government’s travels as motion without results. They deride his vanity, a man given to delivering moral sermons whose tests he fails - ironic commentary on the man who still holds with pride the Gaddafi prize for human rights.

All this, then, marks Erdogan’s reverting to trump: the anti-Israel card. Erdogan’s hostility to Israel undoubtedly runs deep. In 2006, he embraced Hamas, devoted to Israel’s destruction. But now he slaps trump down with ever greater ferocity, threatening military conflict.

Erdogan’s broader international standing slides, too. The UN Palmer Report criticized his support for Turkish ships attempting last spring to run Israel’s legitimate effort to keep weapons from terrorists in Gaza. Erdogan’s efforts to block Cyprus from enjoying the rights of EU membership, and his military threats against Cyprus lawfully developing resources useful to the EU, win few friends.

For a would-be leader of the new Middle East, his anti-Israeli, anti-Western tactics look awfully similar to the old. So far, at least, Erdogan’s foreign policy has mostly just entangled Turkey more in the unproductive Middle East politics his predecessors avoided. Erdogan’s foreign minister has essentially admitted as much. While calling the “zero problems” policy a success, he now defines it narrowly as Turkish-Egyptian alliance, one implicitly directed against Israel.

It would be nice to suppose that Turkey’s inherent strengths, its past moderation and the apparent political and moral limits to Erdogan’s regional influence might soon turn him to a more sober course. After all, a would-be “leader” must eventually show results more substantial than applause.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Only in Syria ...

By Sadeq Khanafer

Ridiculously, the "Syrian" uprising is not sectarian, but still they hold up slogans such as "Alawites to coffins…Christians to Beirut," "Muslims and Christians tread on Alawites..." and "Out loud we say, not one Alawite we want to see," or "O! Alawite, O! Pagan! We will open a grave for you!"… but they say their uprising is not sectarian!

Preposterously, their "revolution" is national and not linked to any foreign conspiring party, yet one will hear them say slogans such as, "O! Israel! We sacrifice our Souls and Blood for you!" or "Bandar, Bandar, Hariri …, We Want Al-Jazeera," and more slogans like, "No Iran or Hezbollah, We Want One That Fears God!" Are not those the ones who tweet and call out for the American intervention and involvement on their so-called "uprising"?

Idiotically, they claim their "uprising" is peaceful, yet their "sheikhs" have declared "Jihad" against their Syrian army and their internal security forces and against whoever disagrees with them. Are not they the ones who slaughtered the officers and the privates along with their families, maimed, and mutilated the corpses in application for their sectarian slogans? Are not they who snipe their own citizens from the tops of the minarets using American sniper rifles?

Only in Syria…

The "sheikhs" of dissension took the profession of "Ifta ̉" (religious final judgmental science ruling on all sorts of life matters that become obligatory.) and theorizing for it setting the sectarian haughtiness at fire, but never to reform or defend the interests and the rights of their citizens as they claim. How paradoxical they are! The "fatwa's" ink (the individual judgments issued by the "Mufti" sheikhs.) has not yet dried up regarding the rejection for demonstrations and the revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia and other countries! How could this happen and they were proud about having printed out five million copies of their "fatwa's" prohibiting demonstrations for being a breaching sin in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain.

How could they goaded and spurred in their fanatic sectarian speeches for the killing of all the Alawites, displacement of the Christians out of Syria, ridding of the Ishmaelites, the Druze , and the Sufis. Here came "sheikh" Saleh Al-Luhaidan with his "fatwa" allowing to rid of one third of the Syrian nation in order to relieve two thirds of it, while he ruled that demonstrating in Saudi Arabia and other countries was a sinful breach because it would cause disorder and ruin both private and public property. Was not ruling against demonstrating in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Tunisia, and Egypt a form of support for the moderate regimes that opted to surrender? It was an act in the core of politics that served "Israel," and had to do neither with religion nor with the religious vision! Otherwise, how could their spurring, provocations, and invitations for demonstrations up at their media podiums in addition to their satellite televisions be explained when it came to Syria and only Syria?

How could the uprising be a "revolution" in Syria while it is considered "a security disorder" in Bahrain that calls for the Arab Peninsula forces and its shield intervention?

The fag ends of the blaspheming groups have offered the grace of Heaven when they disclosed a wicked conspiracy against Syria. It became clear when they instrumentally chose violence, slaughtering, devastating property, and they used the sectarian style to address other citizens, a step which made Syria retrieve its vitality and power and encounter that conspiracy with absolute forcefulness.
Only in Syria..
Laughably, the head of Al-Qaeda Ayman Al-Zawahri and upon "the tenth anniversary of 9/11" accuses the Syrian regime of committing "ugly crimes" against its people. In addition, he calls the Syrians to continue their uprising until it is toppled down. An Arab native may wonder: How could Al-Zawahri's stance be harmonious with the Western countries' stance that if they decide to support an Arabian "cause," they must be supporting that "cause" for their own benefit and for Israel's interests next to theirs or rather making Israel's interests on top of theirs, but never as a favor for the Arabs?
Only in Syria…
Certain Arabian and foreign satellite televisions spur and lie and distort facts in the ugliest manner one could imagine based on "Lie and lie till people believe you." Miracles occur on those so-called "professional" satellite televisions. Eye witnessing must have the final say, yet one finds observers here and observers there, ―none of them located in Syria― provide you with the latest casualties for confrontations in Syria for any day! However, they never mention any internal security or military martyrs whose coffins we see every day in the Syrian media.

The observers do not possess any information about the slaughtering of the security, and if they do, they classify that under "The regime killed them because they refused the orders to fire at the civilians." It seems that those satellite TV's have taught viewers for years to scrutinize and to double check on the sources of news; as a result, those viewers now have passed the test while the deceivers have failed.
Only about Syria, one can view an analysis by "a prominent Arab thinker" on a prominent Arab satellite TV contradicting himself tens of times and subsequently submits to the disclosed policies of that satellite TV. The interviewer asks "the Arab thinker" about the fears rising from the scenario of Hama, and he says it is impossible in the presence of media stations and high technical instruments … Naturally, that answer did not appeal to the lady interviewing him and she proceeds to irritatedly say, "But Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned of a new Hama." At last, that "thinker" realizes her message and proceeds saying," Yes, the mentality that was present in Hama is still there and still more, there are more killings than those that happened in Hama…"

The same goading channels assure the demonstrating massive marches heading for both Abbasid and Omayyad Squares in Damascus. Simultaneously, you change the channel to the live broadcasting the Syrian satellite TV airing from the same two squares and the roads leading to them both, and they prove that the situation there is very normal. However, the goading channels insist on their lying, because if they back up, they are going to speed up their bankruptcy before their viewers.

Only in Syria…

Of the so-called, "the national Arabian Revolution" one will find slogans such as "O! Could I Sacrifice my Blood for You, Israel?" In addition, one of the leading figures of this "revolution" abroad is Farid Al-Ghadiri who visited Israel in 2007, was a guest at the Knesset, and took a tour in several cities one of which was Haifa. Then, he was blamed by the Arab Parliamentary members of the Knesset for his wrongdoing. Here he comes today to announce that" One day the Israeli flag will be hoisted in Damascus, because the Syrian nation is peaceful, good, and cannot hold hatred; however, Bashar Al-Assad has imposed on the people aversion, fighting, and enmity." The dissident who lives in Washington discloses that a part of the Lebanese intelligence support the antis because of their conviction that a departing Assad will be in their country's interest. He also requests the international community to intervene and stand by the Syrian people... He rather prophesies the targets…"Twenty missiles at twenty intelligence buildings in Syria, the regime would collapse." On the margin, it is advisable never to bet on the same horse that March 14 bets on, because July 2006 War and the tea serving in Marj Ouyoun is the best evidence.
Only in Syria…
As a reminder apart from their "peaceful, national, and non-sectarian revolution, only in Syria one can buy a historically subsidized parcel of bread (1550 grams for US 30$) while the production cost of this amount is US 68 cents even at the worst times.
Only in Syria…

The Syrian state and the regime have passed reformation bills some of which for instance is the Bill for Parties, and the Bill for Media, the Bill for Elections, and the Bill for Local Governances. They also passed more than one general pardon in addition to many other reformations at a fast pace towards democracy. What a ridiculous fate this regime has when other regimes invite President Assad to listen to his people and they request freedom and democracy of him; they still reached the point of asking him to step down and conduct early elections of which they themselves never comprehend anything. Still they request constitution amendments while if any person in their countries utters the word "constitution," he is going to be jailed with an accusation of heresy.
Only in Syria, one can buy one liter of diesel oil for US 30$ while its production cost is US 80$. More of this, who can buy a schoolbook for US 30$ when its production cost is US 90$? Still, only in Syria, one can get any hospitalization free even if a surgery is needed. Yes, only in Syria, income tax is 5% with an exclusion of those with a low basic. Only in Syria, one can have his children join schooling from primary grades all the way through university graduation at a cost equivalent for one-year tuition fees at one of the universities in neighboring countries.

Only in Syria, foreign debts on the state treasury are 0%. Only in Syria, there has been a shift from the socialist economy system to the free market system, yet still the Syrian Pound rate against other currencies was constant and steady. Only in Syria, there are more than one million Palestinians with absolute citizenship privileges equal to the native Syrian citizens with no discrimination whatsoever. Only in Syria, two million Iraqis took Syria as refuge during the invasion, yet none of them resided in a refugee's tent. Only in Syria, one can walk into a restaurant and find Mr. President along with the First Lady sitting at a table adjacent to yours. Finally yet importantly, only in Syria, one can find Shiites married to Alawites whose mothers are Sunnis with Christian brothers-in-law and Kurdish aunts and so forth. Only in Syria!
Source: Website Team

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Richard Jones: The Ultimate Quiz

Richard Jones: The Ultimate Quiz

The noose is tightening.
It’s stolen my voice away.
Reduced to a feeble whisper,
But with so much left to say.
So many awkward questions
And only one answer,
So don’t go away.
The answers will not change,
However much you pray.
Q1. Which modern nation state justified
its existence on the graves of six million who died?
Q2. Which modern nation state came into being
with its own deliberate policy of ethnic cleansing?
Q3. Which modern nation state constantly expands
its boundaries, either by military conquest,
or the illegal settlement of occupied lands?
Q4. Which modern nation state brings to the feast
the largest arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons in the entire Middle East?
Q5. Which modern nation state, in its own cause,
employs extra judicial execution and kidnapping
of opponents, wherever they seek refuge,
in defiance of all international laws?
Q6. Which modern nation state
routinely imprisons tens of thousands
without charge or trial?
The world stands idle all the while.
Q7. Which modern nation state openly abuses
internationally banned weaponry
against dense civilian populations?
Who needs excuses?
Q8. The leaders of which modern nation state,
since the day of its foundation,
have all been members of violent terrorist organisation,
or personally involved in the most brutal massacres.
Where do we hear a word of condemnation?
Q9. Which modern nation state, alone, defies
the laws of Economics with
a permanent balance of trade deficit?
while we must scrabble to make ends meet,
they get money manna from a bottomless pit.
Q10. Which modern nation state, my brother,
is in defiance of more UN resolutions
than any other?
How have you scored on this one track quiz?
Do you even care what the answer is?
Do you dare to leave us all alone,
or will you join with us to tear it down.
stone by bloody stone?
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

International Support for Palestinian Intifada in Tehran

Local Editor
The Fifth International Conference for Supporting the Palestinian Intifada was held in Tehran Saturday and its slogan was “the Palestinians are not looking for a home… their home is Palestine”.
Parliamentary representatives of over 170 states have joined the conference after receiving invitations from the Islamic Shura Council of Iran.

The parliament speakers of Lebanon, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, and Algeria have joined the first session of the conference that discussed the regional developments, the future of Palestine, and ways for lifting the Israeli siege that has been imposed on Gaza since 2008.

The conference was inaugurated by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, who assured that efforts should be made to liberate all Palestine, not just part of it, and that this requires work rather than just speech.

Head of Hamas political bureau Khaled Masheal delivered a speech after that in which he wondered till when will the Palestinians keep seeking recognition from the UN without making efforts to liberate the occupied territories.

He pointed out: “It is true that Mahmoud Abbas has confronted the US pressure and insisted on going further will his steps… this reveals a courage that we appreciate… but rationality urges us to think that even if we gained UN membership, we will find that the land that we could establish our state on is an occupied one that is planted with settlements. And so, the question that should be asked to all the Palestinian factions is: How could we liberate our land first, and then establish a true state on it.”

Masheal emphasized that “all the facts that took place throughout the conflict with the Zionist project require resistance, for occupation, killings, displacement, abducations, and crimes that the Israelis have been committing for over 60 years require resistance.

Building the settlements and the barriers, stealing the land and the water, as well as the sky, call for resistance. Imposing an oppressive siege on the Gaza strip and continuously attacking it, as well as taking control over the West Bank, all this requires resistance. The Judaization of Al-Quds, changing its demographic structure, and destroying its historical features also require resistance.”

“The Arab’s abandonment years ago to the military option and wagering on what is so called peace without any point of strength require resistance, so does the failing of any settlement process and the International Community, as well as the American efforts for negotiations call for resistance.”

Head of Hamas political bureau assured that “the Arab spring as well as the Iranian people’s strength that ousted the Shah are great signs to the source of power. The source of power is not in the weakness of the leaders and their failing wagers, it is in the people who struggle and resist.”

For his part, Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri made a statement during the conference recalling the old and new Israeli crimes and pointing out that the cruel entity seeks through the Arab weakness and the Palestinian division to go on with its crimes and dominate until building settlements in all Palestine.

Speaker Berri indicated that the Israeli settlements have duplicated in the last period, especially in locations that surround Al-Quds and that the number of settlers in these locations have exceeded 500,000, adding that “the Judaization of Al-Quds is the central target of this policy…"

Berri further indicated that Israel follows the policy that says “me or nobody” without being aware that the world has changed, as the Lebanese for example shall never allow anyone to take control over their wealth whether on land or in sea.

“In this context, we highlight that the US is responsible for arming Israel with the most advanced weaponry, the budget of its aid to Israel during this year reached $20 billion, and the right of VITO is always in support of Israel’s benefit,” the Lebanese Speaker added.
“All this assure that Israel does not want peace. However, we are seeing positive developments, as Israel can no longer claim that it is the only democracy in the Middle East, for the great changes in the demographic structure have revealed its ethnicity.”

Berri further pointed out that the developments were also portrayed in Egypt as the people have assured that their demands were not only internal, they were rather external ones that included cancelling the Camp David Accord.
Kuwaiti National Assembly Speaker Jassem Al-Kharafi as well as Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama Abdul Aziz Al-Nujaifi also made a statement during the conference stressing the importance of Palestine to all the Arabs, and the importance of taking a united stance for supporting it.
Source: Al Manar TV

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Kevin Barrett: A joyous affirmation of the end of identity politics

Gilad Atzmon: Kevin Barrett offers here an Islamic interpretation of The Wandering Who. I am obviously very happy with Barrett's reading of my text. Barrett sets my work within the exact framework I wish it to be- a critical reading of contemporary West from a philosphical and universal point of view.

Gilad Atzmon's The Wandering Who - a joyous affirmation of the end of identity politics

As a recovering angry Muslim, I cannot help loving fully-recovered ex-Zionist Jew Gilad Atzmon's The Wandering Who: A Study of Jewish Identity of Politics...and the firestorm it has sparked.

It isn't just the joy of watching Atzmon say all the things about Jewishness that need to be said, but that hardly anybody has the guts to say.

It isn't just the fun of watching Atzmon and his defenders like John Mearsheimer and Jonathan Cook rip apart Zionist thugs like Jeffrey Goldberg and clueless gatekeepers like Andy Newman.

It isn't just the irrepressible voice of Gilad Atzmon, the inspired thinker and jazz artist whose words and ideas are almost as beautiful to listen to as his music.

Most of all, I love this book for its larger message: Identity politics is a dead-end.

For Jews, the end of that dead-end road is the cul-de-sac they're stuck in over in Occupied Palestine.

For Muslims, who stand at the beginning of the dead-end road, Atzmon's book is a stark warning and a wake-up call: Do not let Islam turn into just another version of secularized Western identity politics.

Identity politics always tends toward the kind of politics espoused by zio-nazi neocon guru Leo Strauss, and his nazi mentor Carl Schmidt: The politics of loving the Self and hating the Other. Schmidt, and the even more radical Strauss, defined politics as the realm of human relations defined by enmity. All "political" activity, according to nazis and neocons, is just people banding together against an enemy.

"Jews" define themselves by despising "the goyim" - and the tables naturally turn. The same process underlies all nationalisms and tribalisms, including such subcultures as "gays" and "feminists"...perhaps even the "leftists" these subcultures lump themselves with. (The leftists I know do spend a lot of energy despising "the right"...)

What would be a more authentic way of doing politics? A way prophetic in its insistence on truth and justice...universal in its refusal to divide humanity into artificial categories...spiritual or religious in its consciousness of the weight of ethics and morality in the face of the infinite. It would be an anti-nazism, an anti-neoconservatism, a politics in line with universalist ex-Jew Leopold Bloom's attempt to explain to an anti-Semite "Love. The opposite of hatred."

If we ever transcend neocon/neonazi politics, it will be in part thanks to Gilad's book. As I have said elsewhere: Gilad Atzmon is the Moses of our time, calling all of us out of the Egypt of our boneheaded nationalisms and racialisms and exceptionalisms and chosen-people-isms toward some form of humanistic universalism. My own is Islamic: One God, one humanity.

For God is the ultimate Other, and an orientation of absolute surrender to God (the correct orientation, the prophets tell us) amounts to an attitude of complete openness to the Other. Secular identity politics offers the opposite: A badly-disguised worship of self.

Today, on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, Jews are supposed to reach out and ask for forgiveness from those they have wronged. They are supposed to reach out to the human Other, in obedience to the ultimate Other, God.

True Torah Jews like Rabbi Weiss are doing that.

Zionist secular Jews, for the most part, are not.

When will Zionist Jews ever finally reach out and beg for forgiveness from the people they have not just wronged, but are in the process of genociding?

As Alan Hart asks: Will God forgive?

Remember, Alan: God's mercy is limitless - like human stupidity.

If the stupidity that has produced Zionism and its toxic brood of identity politics ever gives way to wisdom, Gilad Atzmon will deserve much of the credit. For if Joshua at the battle of Jericho could knock down the enemy's walls with his trumpet, maybe Gilad can knock down the Wall (not just Israel's, but also Pink Floyd's) with his jazz saxophone...and his inspired writings.

Rock on, Gilad! Allah bless you, brother!

You can now order Gilad Atzmon's New Book on or
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
In case you missed it:

"All vows, oaths, promises, engagements, and swearing,......"

Shana Tova to Gene, Lenin, Harry's Place and all the rest

Friday, September 30, 2011 at 10:33PM AuthorGilad Atzmon

I feel obliged to correct myself and to apologize to 'Richard Lenin Seymour Tomb' and his allies within the Islamophobic Award Winning Harry's Place Blog.

Yesterday morning I exposed Richard Seymour as a Zionist collaborator and I even published this comic image.
Apparently Gene, Harry's Place's Zionist cheerleader, wasn't impressed. He was offended by the exposure of his little Lenin on Rosh Hashana eve. He wrote to me:

'Well, Mr. Atzmon, let me vouch for Richard Seymour's anti-Zionist credentials: I've been following his blog for years, and I can assure you that he hates Israel as much as anyone I've come across on the web'

I indeed regret my obvious mistake. How could i miss it myself? I hope that the following images of Richard Seymour depict the true meaning and scope of Lenin's dedication to the 'anti Zionist cause'.

I hope that this would keep Gene, Lenin & "comrades' happy at least till Yom Kipur.

Shana Tova from Gilad Atzmon

The Wandering Who Finds Its way to the top!!!

It looks as if yesterday the Judaic street on pulled some self reflective lost souls. No1 was Victor Frankl's Man's Search For Meaning. No 2 was my Wandering Who. The Talmud and the Torah were far behind.

You can now order Gilad Atzmon's New Book on or

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Egypt warns US of conditioning military aid on democracy

<p>US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks alongside Egypt's Foreign Minister Mohammed Kamel Amr during a joint press conference following meetings at the US State Department, Washington, September 28, 2011. </p>
Photographed by AFP
Egypt has warned the US not to pass a new Senate bill that aims to suspend military aid until Egypt certifies its full functions as a democracy, the Washington Post reported on Friday.

According to the report, 1.3 billion dollars in aid for 2012 will be suspended until Egypt holds democratic elections and guarantees civil liberties.
The Washington Post quoted an anonymous source who said that Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr asked US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other US officials to intervene.

According to the source, the US officials “know the value of the partnership between the United States and Egypt and how much such conditions and language would be detrimental to future cooperation.”

The US has been pressuring the Egyptian government, saying it hoped the emergency law - widely seen as a tool of repression under ousted President Hosni Mubarak - would be scrapped sooner than the military foresees next year.

The military council said on Tuesday that parliamentary elections would start in stages from 28 November, and invited candidates to start registering for the poll from 12 October.
Egypt has been the second-largest recipient of US aid since it signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, and the military assistance has been viewed as near-sacrosanct.

According to the Washington Post’s report, Clinton assured her Egyptian counterpart that the administration opposes the Senate conditions, which the Appropriations Committee approved this month.

“We will be working very hard . . . to convince the Congress that that is not the best approach to take,” Clinton said at a news conference Wednesday.

“We support the democratic transition, and we don’t want to do anything that in any way draws into question our relationship or our support,” she said.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Endorsements for Gilad Atzmon's The Wandering Who

DateFriday, September 30, 2011 at 7:52AM AuthorGilad Atzmon
‘Gilad Atzmon has written an absorbing and moving account of his journey from hard core Israeli nationalist to a de-Zionized patriot of humanity and passionate advocate of justice for the Palestinian people. It is a transformative story told with unflinching integrity that all (especially Jews) who care about real peace, as well as their own identity, should not only read, but reflect upon and discuss widely.’

Professor Richard Falk, Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University, author of over 20 books, and UN Special Rapporteur for Occupied Palestinian Territories.
‘Gilad Atzmon has written a fascinating and provocative book on Jewish identity in the modern world. He shows how assimilation and liberalism are making it increasingly difficult for Jews in the Diaspora to maintain a powerful sense of their 'Jewishness.' Panicked Jewish leaders, he argues, have turned to Zionism (blind loyalty to Israel) and scaremongering (the threat of another Holocaust) to keep the tribe united and distinct from the surrounding goyim. As Atzmon’s own case demonstrates, this strategy is not working and is causing many Jews great anguish. The Wandering Who? should be widely read by Jews and non-Jews alike.’

John J. Mearsheimer is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago
‘Gilad Atzmon’s book, The Wandering Who? is as witty and thought provoking as its title. But it is also an important book, presenting conclusions about Jews, Jewishness and Judaism which some will find shocking but which are essential to an understanding of Jewish identity politics and the role they play on the world stage.’

Karl Sabbagh is a journalist, television producer and the author of several books including A Rum Affair, Power Into Art, Dr Riemann’s Zeros and Palestine: A Personal History. He is currently the publisher of Hesperus Press
‘Gilad Atzmon‘s The Wandering Who? is a series of brilliant illuminations and critical reflections on Jewish ethnocentrism and the hypocrisy of those who speak in the name of universal values and act tribal. Relying on autobiographical and existential experiences, as well as intimate observations of everyday life, both informed by profound psychological insights, Atzmon does what many critics of Israel fail to do; he uncovers the links between Jewish identity politics in the Diaspora with their ardent support for the oppressive policies of the Israeli state.
Atzmon provides deep insights into “neo-ghetto” politics. He has the courage - so profoundly lacking among western intellectuals - to speak truth to the power of highly placed and affluent Zionists who shape the agendas of war and peace in the English-speaking world. With wit and imagination, Atzmon’s passionate confrontation with neo-conservative power grabbers and liberal yea sayers sets this book apart for its original understanding of the dangers of closed minds with hands on the levers of power.
This book is more than a “study of Jewish identity politics” insofar as we are dealing with a matrix of power that affects all who cherish self-determination and personal freedom in the face of imperial and colonial dictates.’

Professor James Petras, Bartle Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York, author of more than 62 books including The Power of Israel in the United States.
‘Atzmon’s insight into the organism created by the Zionist movement is explosive. The Wandering Who? tears the veil off of Israel’s apparent civility, its apparent friendship with the United States, and its expressed solicitude for Western powers, exposing beneath the assassin ready to slay any and all that interfere with its tribal focused ends.’

Professor William A. Cook, Professor of English at the University of La Verne in southern California, and author of The Rape Of Palestine.
The Wandering Who? features Gilad Atzmon at his delightful and insightful best: engaging, provocative and persuasive.’

Jeff Gates, author of Guilt By Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War
The Wandering Who? is a pioneering work that deserves to be read and Gilad Atzmon is brave to write this book!’

Dr. Samir Abed-Rabbo, author and Professor Emeritus in the field of international law. He is director of the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies in Brattleboro, Vermont and the former Dean of The Jerusalem School for Law and Diplomacy.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

Gilad Atzmon: May vs. Salah

Sheikh Raed Salah won a great victory in Britain High Court yesterday, Sheikh Salah (52) was detained on the orders of the home secretary, Theresa May who was obviously following instructions from the real rulers of this country (in Jerusalem). Salah was then imprisoned for funding Hamas and leading a violent demonstration. The High Court, however, ruled that Sheikh Salah was held unlawfully and is entitled to compensation.

Since his arrival on 25 June, it has emerged that no one informed Sheikh Salah that he was prohibited from coming to Britain and that a Heathrow immigration officer who scanned his passport ignored a live alert to exclude him. Three days after entering the UK Sheikh Salah was detained at his west London hotel, handcuffed and taken to Paddington Green police station. He had been due to address a series of public meetings, including one at the Houses of Parliament.

The home secretary subsequently served a deportation notice on him, on the grounds that his presence in the UK was "not conducive to the public good". It is indeed amusing that the same British Government that amended Britain's Universal Jurisdiction Laws last week just to allow Israeli War Criminals to visit this kingdom, insisted on banning an Islamic leader and a devoted peace activist from doing the same.

Sheikh Salah challenged his removal and obtained bail in July. He is appealing against the decision to deport him in separate proceedings before an immigration tribunal which continues next week.
Earlier this week, it emerged that senior officials at the UK Border Agency had opposed the home secretary's decision to deport the Palestinian, warning that the evidence against him was disputed, open to legal challenge and the case "very finely balanced".

Neil Sheldon, appearing for the home secretary, had argued that “she (Theresa May) had acted reasonably and was legally entitled to order Salah's detention pending deportation.” It is now clear that the High Court of Britain wasn’t at all impressed with May’s ‘reasoning power’. However, I would suggest home secretary May to appeal to the London Rabbinical Court, I am sure that they will appreciate the depth of her ‘reasoning’. After all she was following orders from Jerusalem.

The incident was highly embarrassing for the home secretary as Sheikh Salah was the first high-profile case under her policy of broadening the pathetically Zionised lame definition of "non-violent extremists who encourage terrorism” that she pledged to take pre-emptive action against.

In order to reinstate Western values of tolerance, pluralism and human liberties, Britain must drift away from Jerusalem immediately.

You can now order Gilad Atzmon's New Book on or

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian