Xinhua reported.
"A possible meeting might be held in Turkey between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal to settle differences on Palestinian unity, a Palestinian official said Wednesday, "
Xinhua reorted also:
Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal has arrived in Turkey, a day after Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas began a four-day visit, as daily Hurriyet website reports. Meshaal was currently in Istanbul, it was not immediately clear whether he would meet with Abbas. Turkish Foreign Ministry officials contacted by the Hurriyet daily would not comment.
The above said meeting was supposed to be held in Damuscus
"Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouk, the deputy political bureau chairman of Hamas Movement, on Saturday affirmed that Khaled Mishaal, the Hamas chairman, would meet PA chief Mahmoud Abbas within the few coming days in Damascus."Connecting the dots, I would say, Abbas foiled both proposed Cairo and Damacus meeting, to give the credit to Mishaal's "Brother", Sultan Erdugan who was "heavily involved over the past few months in forging reconciliation between the two rival factions" and off couse over changing the regime in Syria.
"Mohammed Nasr, the political bureau member of Hamas, has denied that Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad was proposing a summit meeting between Hamas leader Khaled Mishaal and Fatah leader and ex-PA chief Mahmoud Abbas in Damascus."
The Sultan accepted the American deal in which Ankara "would stop a second Gaza flotilla due to depart later this month in exchange for the opportunity to host an Israeli-Palestinian peace summit in Ankara"
He knows, no peace can be achieved without Hamas, so he brought Mashaal to Istanbul, to meet Ahmet Davutoglu, apointed by Clinton to engineer the new midddle east with "Brother Netanyaho". Most likely, Davutoglu, showed Mashaal the design of the new Middle Eastern Map after the decline of the regime in Syria, and conveyed to him the turkish demand that Hamas must recognize Israel, in order to "consolidates the position of the Palestinian Authority in negotiations and presses Israel even more in front of the international community, the US and Obama in particular. "
In other words to Isolate Iran and Hezbullah, HAMAS, must leave the axis of evil, and the regime in Syria must fall.
Most likey, Mashaal refused the deal, catched the first flight to Damuscus.
Now read this Saudi message to Mashaal
A Message To Khalid Mishal
By Tariq Alhomayed
This commentary was published in Asharq al-Awsat on 23/05/2011 Khaled Mishal, the leader of the Hamas movement, demonstrated strong political pragmatism after the uprising witnessed by Syria, as the inter-Palestinian reconciliation agreement was completed quickly in Cairo after years of procrastination. The question today is: does Mishal demonstrate as much political intelligence as pragmatism? We all saw how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Obama's speech and his statement that the Palestinian borders must be [based on] those of 1967. We watched the “tense” meeting between the two men in the White House, when Netanyahu told Obama that what he is proposing is “unrealistic.” It is no secret that since the beginning of his presidency, Obama's relationship with Netanyahu has not been amicable, and it is not farfetched to say that Obama will be elected for another term; but what concerns us here is that the conditions in the [Middle East] region are changing today in numerous ways and by no means these are not all negative. Moreover there is an increased concern in Israel today and among some circles in the US that are sympathetic to Israel that Mahmoud Abbas will succeed in his threat to go to the Security Council to propose the issue of recognizing the Palestinian state. Abbas might fail...this is true, but he has been able to weaken the Israeli position internationally. When we say that the conditions in the region are changing, we have [for example] heard the Turkish President Abdullah Gul renew his demand to Khaled Mishal that Hamas must recognize Israel, and we all know how the Turks sympathize with Hamas and even defend it. Therefore reconciliation and political intelligence require Khaled Mishal to take a political stance that consolidates the position of the Palestinian Authority in negotiations and presses Israel even more in front of the international community, the US and Obama in particular. What is required from Khaled Mishal today is not recognition of Israel without any real cost that would work in the interest of the Palestinian cause but rather that Mishal comes out and openly states that Mahmoud Abbas is an authorized leader for all Palestinians and that he has the right to negotiate with Israel for a period of three years and without conditions set by Hamas with the exception of one condition that nobody can be lenient towards and that is relinquishing Jerusalem. [Mishal must also state that] Hamas is also obligated to what Abbas is obligated to for the sake of establishing a Palestinian state. At that point Netanyahu would not be able to brag by saying that there is no Palestinian side to negotiate with or repeat slogans for media consumption and levy the international community against the PA and Hamas by saying that Israel is asking for a Palestinian clarification of the meaning of reconciliation with Hamas. Mishal can do this today in the interest of the Palestinian cause, just as Hamas previously served the interests of the Syrian regime, Iran and Hezbollah for a long time and caused escalation in the region when the region did not need escalating. Hamas then went back to restraining its rockets when the Iranian triangle in the region decided to restrain the rockets and to stop the escalation. What is required from Mishal today is not to serve tactical goals but to work towards the bigger and more superior goal; reaching the Palestinian state. If Mishal does this he will have rendered a service to the cause and helped to put Israel under more pressure as well as Washington. The issue is not one of good intentions but about interest because the conditions in the region as a whole are not in the interest of Mishal and Hamas. The question here is will Mishal do it and follow a “true” policy? Let us see. |
River to Sea
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