Winograd warned that Israel’s unilateral strike on Iran will “endanger the future of Israel”. Winograd’s warning came at the heel of Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of US Armed Forces who said two days ago that he doesn’t want the US to attack Iran or Syria.
The Winograd Commission Report had blamed 30,000-strong Jewish army’s defeat on Israeli government and other political leaders for making war plans without consulting the Israel Occupation Force (IOF) top leaders.
Winograd also questioned the preparedness of the Home Front to withstand the likely barrage of missiles that would follow an attack on Iran. He said that both Hezbollah and Hamas were likely to contribute to the “rain of missiles” on the Home Front, and it appeared that Israel had neither enough bomb shelters or gas masks to deal with such a counterstrike.
The former judge criticized Netanyahu for complaining about former defense officials talking publicly about an Iran strike while he himself had been more vocal than anyone. “You intend to act – sit down and shut up. Decide secretly if you’re attacking, and if you decide to attack-attack. But what are you talking for? So that the Iranians will be even more prepared and ready their missiles to target us?”
Historically, the Zionist entity has always sneaked upon its neighboring nations in darkness of night without declaring war. The decade of threats against Iran show that Israeli leaders have no gutts to attack Iran. They’re using their whinings to divert world’s attention from the real problem – the Jewish occupation of Palestine.
More than 400 Israelis, including Tel Aviv University law professors Menachem Mautner and Chaim Gans, have recently signed an online petition calling on Israel Defense Forces pilots to refuse to obey if ordered to bomb Iran – citing retaliating attacks would be very deadly for Israel.
An finally, watch a video below to see how the Zionist regime is trying to sell the war to Israeli Jews who are affraid to go to war with Iran.
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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