River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
Saturday 19 October 2019
Syria, Trump and the Kurds, interview with Tim Anderson
Joe Lauria and Elizabeth Vos at Consortium News interview Tim Anderson on Syria, Trump, the Kurds, Erdogan – the background and the future of this long war. From a longer post by Consortium News, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgoAa…
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!
السقوط التدريجي الكبير للطائفية السياسية على الأبواب
أكتوبر 19, 2019
د.وفيق إبراهيم
النظام السياسي اللبناني في محنة تاريخية متصاعدة تقذفه ببطء نهو الانهيار لأسباب عدة، تبدأ بعجزه عن تجديد حركته السياسية ـ الاقتصادية داخلياً وغياب الإقليم والمجتمع الدولي عن مناصرته بالدعم المالي والسياسي كما كان يحدث في سالف الأيام.
اصبحت ازمات الاقليم اكبر من أهمية لبنان في موازنات القوى الدولية، ويصادف ان الداعمين الاساسيين للبنان من الأميركيين في السياسة والسعوديين بالمساعدات والابتهالات الدينية، هما في حالة تراجع مريعة، تفرض عليها الاهتمام بمعالجة تقهقرهما قبل الحلفاء، العاجزين الذي لا يمتلكون مخيّلات سياسية.
أما السبب الثالث فهو بنيوي قاتل، ويتعلّق بمرحلة سياسية لبنانية بدأت في تسعينيات القرن الماضي على قاعدة الإنماء بالدين على قطاعات غير منتجة وفي بلد لا إنتاج فيه.
تقاطعت هذه النظرية مع عملية تحويل الدولة اللبنانية الى امارة على النمط السعودي يحكمها اربعة سياسيين او اكثر من قيادات الطوائف، أحكموا قبضتهم على المال العام فسطوا على معظمه مبددين الباقي لتعميق سيطرتهم على مذاهبهم.
كانوا يعتقدون أن السلام مع العدو الإسرائيلي قيد أنملة، يرتع لبنان بعدها بالمغانم والاسلاب وتزويد النظام الطائفي باوكسيجين اقليمي منعش ومجدد لشباب نظام مستهلك يكاد يختنق.
ماذا كانت نتيجة هذه السياسة؟
سياسياً، أمسك النظام الطائفي بالنقابات، محجماً الأحزاب الوطنية، ومسيطراً على وسائل الاعلام بكل أنواعها معززاً كل انواع التفاعلات على اساس طائفي ومذهبي صرف، وممسكاً باجهزة الدين التي نجح بتحويلها من مراكز لعبادة الله، الى مقار لتنمية الشعور الطائفي وعبادة الزعيم. هنا لا بد من استحضار ما أعلنه رجل دين كبير من أن أحد الزعماء السياسيين المتهم باختلاس عشرات ملايين الدولارات انه «خط أحمر لمذهبه» ممنوع المسّ به أو مساءلته.
الجهة السياسية الخارجية فقد نجحت هذه الطبقة السياسية في الارتماء على أبواب الخارج السياسي واستلهامه في المواقف السياسية مهما كانت متواضعة او كبيرة، حتى ان حكام لبنان الفعليين حتى الآن هم ثلاثة سفراء لا تقطع دولة ما بعد الطائف خيطاً من دون الاستئناس بمشوراتهم، وهم السعودي والإماراتي وكبيرهم الأميركي، وسط منافسة من السفير الروسي الذي يحاول التموضع بصعوبة ويقف وراءه السفير الفرنسي الذي يحمل تحت أبطه ملفاً تاريخياً عن علاقة «الأمة المارونية» بفرنسا كما كان يقول «نابليون الثالث».
هذا جانب بسيط من السياسة في بلاد الارز العظيمة، أما الاقتصادي فيها فيذهب الى حدود الكارثة الموصوفة، وله علاقة تبعية بالجانب السياسي.
فبواسطة تعميق التباينات الطائفية والمذهبية في البلاد بالتماهي مع الصراعات الإقليمية بين الغرب والسعودية من جهة وإيران وسورية من جهة ثانية، تمكن سياسيو لبنان من إلغاء كل انواع الصراعات الاجتماعية، ونجحوا بتصعيد التباينات الطائفية الى حدود ما قبل الاحتراب مباشرة، ناشرين فكرة الخوف، والحذر من الآخر المذهبي والطائفي لكنهم لم يسمحوا بإدراك مرحلة الانفجار الذي كانوا يوقفونه في الثواني الأخيرة، تاركين في نفوس الناس خوفاً على أئمتهم وأنبيائهم وقديسيهم انما من صدامات شعبية داخلية.
هذا الخوف الشعبي أباح لكامل افرقاء الطبقة السياسية الطائفية بفئاتها، خصوصاً تلك المنتصرة في السلطة، السطو الكامل على المال العام بالتحاصص والنهب والسلب بدعم من الطائفية ورجال الدين والإقليم، ما أنتج ديناً متراكماً بأكثر من مئة مليار دولار تواصل نموها عمودياً وسط توقف كامل موارد الدولة من هبات خليجية واوروبية الى انهيار قطاع الخدمات الذي كان يعيل ثلث اللبنانيين مباشرة ونصفهم الآخر بطريقة غير مباشرة بسبب اندلاع الاضطرابات في سورية والعراق مع توتر الاوضاع في الداخل اللبناني. فتوقفت السياحة ومعها مواسم الاصطياف بمواكبة أكبر عملية فساد سياسي شمل كامل قوى السلطة بالمباشر او بالتغطية، مبدّدين الديون العامة على أسرهم وعائلاتهم والموالين لهم ومعززين التباينات الطائفية على حساب الكماش في البعدين الطبقي والوطني للعلاقات الاجتماعية.
لكن تفاقم الجوع وكل الأمراض الاقتصادية من بطالة وتضخم وفساد سياسي وإداري واتجاه المؤسسات الخاصة إلى الإقفال، وامتناع الدول الخارجية عن إقراض لبنان، هي عوامل كشفت فساد هذه الطبقة، ووضعت البلاد أمام مشروع انهيار فعلي.
ما هي أهمية هذه العوامل؟
أسهمت أولاً في نمو شعور طبقي على حساب تراجع نسبي للانتماءات الطائفية والمذهبية، وهذا قابل للتطوّر على أساس تشكل تيارات طبقية وطنية تعتبر ان الدفاع عن حرية لبنان أما التسلط الأميركي السعودي والإقليمي عموماً، يمنع الحماية الخارجية للنظام الطائفي السياسي معيقاً دور القناصل المسيطرين على الداخل اللبناني.
لذلك يقف لبنان اليوم أمام مفترقات شديدة الخطورة، فحتى لو توقف السياسيون عن السرقة، فمن أين تأتي الأموال لدعم الموازنة والحد من الجمود التراجعي الذي يسيطر على الحركة الاقتصادية ولا قدرة للبلاد على سداد حتى أجزاء بسيطة من ديونها، وكيف تتشكل مؤسسات جديدة تستوعب قسماً من العاطلين عن العمل، ولا أعمال في لبنان ولا أموال.
أما إذا استقالت الحكومة، فان وليدة شبيهة بها قابلة لتسلم الحكم تحت شعار استبدال حنا بشقيقه حنين وعمر بفاروق وعلي بعباس وهكذا دواليك.
ما يؤكد ان المشكلة بنيوية وقد لا نتفجر في وقت قريب، لكنها على وشك التحضير لثورة جياع وطنية تدفع بالبلاد الى القرن الوحادي والعشرين بعد استعادة اموال الدولة المسروقة من قبل طبقة سياسية نفدت صلاحياتها وعبقت رائحة فسادها في أرجاء لبنان ومعها ادواتها في الداخل، وقناصل لا بد أن يعرفوا أخيراً ان بإمكان اللبنانيين انتاج وطن مستقل يتعامل مع المحيط الإقليمي باقتدار وتمكّن وبالاقتناع أن المنفذ الوحيد للبنان سياسياً واقتصادياً هو سورية وبمفردها.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!
Will the Russians Ever Learn the Fact that Washington Is a Dangerous Adversary?
By Paul Craig Roberts
Insult after insult after insult, and the Russian Foreign Ministry still asks, “do the American authorities have no wish to normalize the dialogue?”
Of course, they don’t. How much evidence does the Russian Foreign Ministry need? The Americans arrest the son of a Russian lawmaker abroad far outside any legal US jurisdiction—they kidnapped him—and brought him to Washington for a Kangaroo Court trial. The Americans arrested a Russian woman in the US, Maria Butina, falsely accused her of spying and sentenced her to prison. It goes on and on. Now the Americans have detained for questioning Inga Yumasheva, a member of the Russian Parliament, who was invited to the US to participate in the Fort Ross Dialogue forum, an annual event in which Americans and Russians can talk directly to one another.
Is the Russian government capable of understanding that it is dangerous for Russians, even for members of the Russian government, to come to the US or to go anywhere outside Russia where they can be kidnapped by Washington’s thugs?
After Washington violated diplomatic immunity and seized control of the Russian consulate in San Francisco and trade offices in New York and Washington, how can the Russians not know that the US is a gangster state? How does Russia have normal relations with the US gangster state? Is the Russian government incapable of recognizing obvious facts?
The great humiliations that the Russian government so willingly accepts only encourages more humiliations. The humiliations will worsen. Will the Russians again meekly complain when Putin himself is detained and interrogated on his entry into the United States? Indeed, he could be arrested for interfering in US presidential elections. Will the Russian government again grovel before Washington? When will the groveling stop? The humiliations will worsen until the Russian government replies in kind elevated by a factor of 5 or 10. The humiliation and abuse of Russia will not stop until Russia kicks Washington’s teeth down its throat. Time is of the essence.bankrupt, socially degenerating country that after two decades has proved unable to defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban in Afghanistan, just as the cowardly Israeli army, good only for killing women and children, has been chased out of Lebanon twice by a small Hezbollah militia.
Why does the Russian government invite scathing adverse publicity everywhere in the world by enabling US and US vassal provinces in Europe to finance NGOs that are subversive organizations run by the CIA inside Russia to cause protests and disruptions such as the recent Moscow protests that undermined the performance of the ruling parties in the Moscow elections? The drop in the vote that supports Russian independence, rather than accommodation to Washington, was not from the success of the American propaganda. It resulted from the disgust of patriotic Russians that their government will not protect Russia from American interference in Russian elections.
Hasn’t the Russian government noticed in the Hong Kong violence the consequences of the Chinese government’s nonchalance toward the activities of American-financed NGOs? Why does the Russian government invite the same experience? Have as many Russian officials been paid off by Washington as Chinese officials have? How rife is treason in Russia and China?
Russia, China, and Iran seem unable to come to grips with the fact that Washington is a dangerous adversary that intends to exercise hegemony.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!
Assad Vows Response to Turkish Aggression
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stressed that Damascus will respond through all legitimate means available to the ongoing ground offensive by Turkish soldiers and allied Takfiri militants against Kurdish forces in the northern part of the war-battered Arab country.
During a meeting with visiting Iraqi National Security Advisor Falih al-Fayyadh in Damascus on Thursday, Assad said foreign schemes in the Middle East region have been foiled throughout history, and the Turkish criminal aggression, launched by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s administration, on Syria falls within such plots.
“No matter what false slogans could be made up for the Turkish offensive, it is a flagrant invasion and aggression. Syria has frequently hit [Turkish-backed] proxies and terrorists in more than one place. Syria will respond to the assault and confront it anywhere within the Syrian territory through all legitimate means available,” Assad said.
Fayyadh, for his part, conveyed Iraqi PM Adel Abdul-Mahdi’s message, which focused on further expansion of bilateral ties between the two countries in various areas of interest, particularly with regard to combating terrorism and border security in light of the recent developments, economic cooperation and re-opening of border crossings.
Assad’s remarks came after a source in the Syrian Foreign Ministry earlier on Thursday strongly condemned the ongoing ground offensive by Turkish forces and their allied militants against Kurdish regions of the country.
The source said, “This treacherous Turkish aggression is the outcome of the expansionist ambitions and illusions of Erdogan’s regime, and it affirms that the regime is classified among terrorist groups to which it has provided all forms of support. The offensive deals a heavy blow to the efforts aimed at finding a solution to the crisis in Syria. It makes, therefore, the Turkish regime lose its position as a guarantor of the Astana peace process as its aggression completely contradicts the principles and decisions of the process.”
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!
The Road to Damascus: How the Syria War was Won
October 18, 2019
by Pepe Escobar : posted with permission and crossposted with Consortium News
What is happening in Syria, following yet another Russia-brokered deal, is a massive geopolitical game-changer. I’ve tried to summarize it in a single paragraph this way:
“It’s a quadruple win. The U.S. performs a face saving withdrawal, which Trump can sell as avoiding a conflict with NATO ally Turkey. Turkey has the guarantee – by the Russians – that the Syrian Army will be in control of the Turkish-Syrian border. Russia prevents a war escalation and keeps the Russia-Iran-Turkey peace process alive. And Syria will eventually regain control of the entire northeast.”
Syria may be the biggest defeat for the CIA since Vietnam.
Yet that hardly begins to tell the whole story.
Allow me to briefly sketch in broad historical strokes how we got here.
It began with an intuition I felt last month at the tri-border point of Lebanon, Syria and Occupied Palestine; followed by a subsequent series of conversations in Beirut with first-class Lebanese, Syrian, Iranian, Russian, French and Italian analysts; all resting on my travels in Syria since the 1990s; with a mix of selected bibliography in French available at Antoine’s in Beirut thrown in.
The Vilayets
Let’s start in the 19thcentury when Syria consisted of six vilayets — Ottoman provinces — without counting Mount Lebanon, which had a special status since 1861 to the benefit of Maronite Christians and Jerusalem, which was a sanjak (administrative division) of Istanbul.
The vilayets did not define the extremely complex Syrian identity: for instance, Armenians were the majority in the vilayet of Maras, Kurds in Diyarbakir – both now part of Turkey in southern Anatolia – and the vilayets of Aleppo and Damascus were both Sunni Arab.
Nineteenth century Ottoman Syria was the epitome of cosmopolitanism. There were no interior borders or walls. Everything was inter-dependent.
Then the Europeans, profiting from World War I, intervened. France got the Syrian-Lebanese littoral, and later the vilayets of Maras and Mosul (today in Iraq). Palestine was separated from Cham (the “Levant”), to be internationalized. The vilayet of Damascus was cut in half: France got the north, the Brits got the south. Separation between Syria and the mostly Christian Lebanese lands came later.
There was always the complex question of the Syria-Iraq border. Since antiquity, the Euphrates acted as a barrier, for instance between the Cham of the Umayyads and their fierce competitors on the other side of the river, the Mesopotamian Abbasids.
James Barr, in his splendid “A Line in the Sand,” notes, correctly, that the Sykes-Picot agreement imposed on the Middle East the European conception of territory: their “line in the sand” codified a delimited separation between nation-states. The problem is, there were no nation-states in region in the early 20thcentury.
The birth of Syria as we know it was a work in progress, involving the Europeans, the Hashemite dynasty, nationalist Syrians invested in building a Greater Syria including Lebanon, and the Maronites of Mount Lebanon. An important factor is that few in the region lamented losing dependence on Hashemite Medina, and except the Turks, the loss of the vilayet of Mosul in what became Iraq after World War I.
In 1925, Sunnis became the de facto prominent power in Syria, as the French unified Aleppo and Damascus. During the 1920s France also established the borders of eastern Syria. And the Treaty of Lausanne, in 1923, forced the Turks to give up all Ottoman holdings but didn’t keep them out of the game.
The Turks soon started to encroach on the French mandate, and began blocking the dream of Kurdish autonomy. France in the end gave in: the Turkish-Syrian border would parallel the route of the fabled Bagdadbahn — the Berlin-Baghdad railway.
In the 1930s France gave in even more: the sanjak of Alexandretta (today’s Iskenderun, in Hatay province, Turkey), was finally annexed by Turkey in 1939 when only 40 percent of the population was Turkish.
The annexation led to the exile of tens of thousands of Armenians. It was a tremendous blow for Syrian nationalists. And it was a disaster for Aleppo, which lost its corridor to the Eastern Mediterranean.
To the eastern steppes, Syria was all about Bedouin tribes. To the north, it was all about the Turkish-Kurdish clash. And to the south, the border was a mirage in the desert, only drawn with the advent of Transjordan. Only the western front, with Lebanon, was established, and consolidated after WWII.
This emergent Syria — out of conflicting Turkish, French, British and myriad local interests —obviously could not, and did not, please any community. Still, the heart of the nation configured what was described as “useful Syria.” No less than 60 percent of the nation was — and remains — practically void. Yet, geopolitically, that translates into “strategic depth” — the heart of the matter in the current war.
From Hafez to Bashar
Starting in 1963, the Baath party, secular and nationalist, took over Syria, finally consolidating its power in 1970 with Hafez al-Assad, who instead of just relying on his Alawite minority, built a humongous, hyper-centralized state machinery mixed with a police state. The key actors who refused to play the game were the Muslim Brotherhood, all the way to being
massacred during the hardcore 1982 Hama repression.
Secularism and a police state: that’s how the fragile Syrian mosaic was preserved. But already in the 1970s major fractures were emerging: between major cities and a very poor periphery; between the “useful” west and the Bedouin east; between Arabs and Kurds. But the urban elites never repudiated the iron will of Damascus: cronyism, after all, was quite profitable.
Damascus interfered heavily with the Lebanese civil war since 1976 at the invitation of the Arab League as a “peacekeeping force.” In Hafez al-Assad’s logic, stressing the Arab identity of Lebanon was essential to recover Greater Syria. But Syrian control over Lebanon started to unravel in 2005, after the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, very close to Saudi Arabia, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) eventually left.
Bashar al-Assad had taken power in 2000. Unlike his father, he bet on the Alawites to run the state machinery, preventing the possibility of a coup but completely alienating himself from the poor, Syrian on the street.
What the West defined as the Arab Spring, began in Syria in March 2011; it was a revolt against the Alawites as much as a revolt against Damascus. Totally instrumentalized by the foreign interests, the revolt sprang up in extremely poor, dejected Sunni peripheries: Deraa in the south, the deserted east, and the suburbs of Damascus and Aleppo.
What was not understood in the West is that this “beggars banquet” was not against the Syrian nation, but against a “regime.” Jabhat al-Nusra, in a P.R. exercise, even broke its official link with al-Qaeda and changed its denomination to Fatah al-Cham and then Hayat Tahrir al-Cham (“Organization for the Liberation of the Levant”). Only ISIS/Daesh said they were fighting for the end of Sykes-Picot.
By 2014, the perpetually moving battlefield was more or less established: Damascus against both Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS/Daesh, with a wobbly role for the Kurds in the northeast, obsessed in preserving the cantons of Afrin, Kobane and Qamichli.
But the key point is that each katiba (“combat group”), each neighborhood, each village, and in fact each combatant was in-and-out of allegiances non-stop. That yielded a dizzying nebulae of jihadis, criminals, mercenaries, some linked to al-Qaeda, some to Daesh, some trained by the Americans, some just making a quick buck.
For instance Salafis — lavishly financed by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait — especially Jaish al-Islam, even struck alliances with the PYD Kurds in Syria and the jihadis of Hayat Tahrir al-Cham (the remixed, 30,000-strong al-Qaeda in Syria). Meanwhile, the PYD Kurds (an emanation of the Turkish Kurds’ PKK, which Ankara consider “terrorists”) profited from this unholy mess — plus a deliberate ambiguity by Damascus – to try to create their autonomous Rojava.
That Turkish Strategic Depth
Turkey was all in. Turbo-charged by the neo-Ottoman politics of former Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the logic was to reconquer parts of the Ottoman empire, and get rid of Assad because he had helped PKK Kurdish rebels in Turkey.
Davutoglu’s Strategik Derinlik (“Strategic Depth’), published in 2001, had been a smash hit in Turkey, reclaiming the glory of eight centuries of an sprawling empire, compared to puny 911 kilometers of borders fixed by the French and the Kemalists. Bilad al Cham, the Ottoman province congregating Lebanon, historical Palestine, Jordan and Syria, remained a powerful magnet in both the Syrian and Turkish unconscious.
No wonder Turkey’s Recep Erdogan was fired up: in 2012 he even boasted he was getting ready to pray in the Umayyad mosque in Damascus, post-regime change, of course. He has been gunning for a safe zone inside the Syrian border — actually a Turkish enclave — since 2014. To get it, he has used a whole bag of nasty players — from militias close to the Muslim Brotherhood to hardcore Turkmen gangs.
With the establishment of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), for the first time Turkey allowed foreign weaponized groups to operate on its own territory. A training camp was set up in 2011 in the sanjakof Alexandretta. The Syrian National Council was also created in Istanbul – a bunch of non-entities from the diaspora who had not been in Syria for decades.
Ankara enabled a de facto Jihad Highway — with people from Central Asia, Caucasus, Maghreb, Pakistan, Xinjiang, all points north in Europe being smuggled back and forth at will. In 2015, Ankara, Riyadh and Doha set up the dreaded Jaish al-Fath (“Army of Conquest”), which included Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda).
At the same time, Ankara maintained an extremely ambiguous relationship with ISIS/Daesh, buying its smuggled oil, treating jihadis in Turkish hospitals, and paying zero attention to jihad intel collected and developed on Turkish territory. For at least five years, the MIT — Turkish intelligence – provided political and logistic background to the Syrian opposition while weaponizing a galaxy of Salafis. After all, Ankara believed that ISIS/Daesh only existed because of the “evil” deployed by the Assad regime.
The Russian Factor
The first major game-changer was the spectacular Russian entrance in the summer of 2015. Vladimir Putin had asked the U.S. to join in the fight against the Islamic State as the Soviet Union allied against Hitler, negating the American idea that this was Russia’s bid to restore its imperial glory. But the American plan instead, under Barack Obama, was single-minded: betting on a rag-tag Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a mix of Kurds and Sunni Arabs, supported by air power and U.S. Special Forces, north of the Euphrates, to smash ISIS/Daesh all the way to Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor.
Raqqa, bombed to rubble by the Pentagon, may have been taken by the SDF, but Deir ez-Zor was taken by Damascus’s Syrian Arab Army. The ultimate American aim was to consistently keep the north of the Euphrates under U.S. power, via their proxies, the SDF and the Kurdish PYD/YPG. That American dream is now over, lamented by imperial Democrats and Republicans alike.
The CIA will be after Trump’s scalp till Kingdom Come.
Kurdish Dream Over
Talk about a cultural misunderstanding. As much as the Syrian Kurds believed U.S. protection amounted to an endorsement of their independence dreams, Americans never seemed to understand that throughout the “Greater Middle East” you cannot buy a tribe. At best, you can rent them. And they use you according to their interests. I’ve seen it from Afghanistan to Iraq’s Anbar province.
The Kurdish dream of a contiguous, autonomous territory from Qamichli to Manbij is over. Sunni Arabs living in this perimeter will resist any Kurdish attempt at dominance.
The Syrian PYD was founded in 2005 by PKK militants. In 2011, Syrians from the PKK came from Qandil – the PKK base in northern Iraq – to build the YPG militia for the PYD. In predominantly Arab zones, Syrian Kurds are in charge of governing because for them Arabs are seen as a bunch of barbarians, incapable of building their “democratic, socialist, ecological and multi-communitarian” society.
One can imagine how conservative Sunni Arab tribal leaders hate their guts. There’s no way these tribal leaders will ever support the Kurds against the SAA or the Turkish army; after all these Arab tribal leaders spent a lot of time in Damascus seeking support from Bashar al-Assad. And now the Kurds themselves have accepted that support in the face of the Trukish incursion, greenlighted by Trump.
East of Deir ez-Zor, the PYD/YPG already had to say goodbye to the region that is responsible for 50 percent of Syria’s oil production. Damascus and the SAA now have the upper hand. What’s left for the PYD/YPG is to resign themselves to Damascus’s and Russian protection against Turkey, and the chance of exercising sovereignty in exclusively Kurdish territories.
Ignorance of the West
The West, with typical Orientalist haughtiness, never understood that Alawites, Christians, Ismailis and Druze in Syria would always privilege Damascus for protection compared to an “opposition” monopolized by hardcore Islamists, if not jihadis. The West also did not understand that the government in Damascus, for survival, could always count on formidable Baath party networks plus the dreaded mukhabarat — the intel services.
Rebuilding Syria
The reconstruction of Syria may cost as much as $200 billion. Damascus has already made it very clear that the U.S. and the EU are not welcome. China will be in the forefront, along with Russia and Iran; this will be a project strictly following the Eurasia integration playbook — with the Chinese aiming to revive Syria’s strategic positioning in the Ancient Silk Road.
As for Erdogan, distrusted by virtually everyone, and a tad less neo-Ottoman than in the recent past, he now seems to have finally understood that Bashar al-Assad “won’t go,” and he must live with it. Ankara is bound to remain imvolved with Tehran and Moscow, in finding a comprehensive, constitutional solution for the Syrian tragedy through the former “Astana process”, later developed in Ankara.
The war may not have been totally won, of course. But against all odds, it’s clear a unified, sovereign Syrian nation is bound to prevail over every perverted strand of geopolitical molotov cocktails concocted in sinister NATO/GCC labs. History will eventually tell us that, as an example to the whole Global South, this will remain the ultimate game-changer.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
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Syria Assad,
War on syria,
Self justifying America is preparing for another groundhog day presidential election
Self justifying America is preparing for another groundhog day presidential election
October 17, 2019
No doubt about it; there are no answers, only responses, and the Tuesday, November 3, 2020 elections will probably deliver yet another fake litmus test for shysters who find ever more ways of using taxpayer’s money and labour as a source of capital.
Intensive solvency concerns about the performance of large US-based and European Financial Institutions have not gone away and continue to steer the global financial system toward systemic shrinkage. The response to the 2008 financial crisis was incapsulated in Obama’s ability to use syrupy sweet words to conflate hope and imprecation for the purpose of projecting Chicago School economics into the heartland of corporate enterprise…a pas de delux revealing how public interest and deep-state economics successfully…neo-conservative economics that is…manage to survive together in spite of the fact that private interests continue to engorge themselves on the wealth of the nation while emasculating the spirit of the American charter.
And as non sequitur, the inscription on the Statute of Liberty could equally be read as hyperbole in the hands of recruitment agencies seeking a labour force;
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me…” But wait, who is the ‘me’ here?
As the wheels of the industrial revolution turned, an opportunity opened up for the wretched of the earth to decamp from the miserable conditions they experienced under an old-world peonage system. “The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,” the millions caught in the maw of fiefdoms controlled by robber barons, despots, monarchs and every other one-percenter extracting whatever they could from their lowly brothers and sisters. Forever acting in deference to the principles of capitalist exploitation, they imposed the yoke of serfdom on their fellow beings for profit, whenever and wherever the possibility arose. The history of the American experience would be more of the same for a vast number of them.
Accompanying the parcelling-out of land in the newly ‘acquired’ Americas was the sound of the banker’s quill scratching the ledger as old European money etched its tentacles of ownership into a legal framework that would sanctify private property as reality de jure. The people would be allowed to dream the American dream, but the bankers would craft it in their own image.
Not aware that all systems are inevitable gamed…as rules of the game are kept in place to suit the people who gain most from them…the mesmerised multitudes seeking salvation in a continent that already possessed a multitude of people…albeit un-Christian…commenced their journey into to the heart of the capitalist ‘me’. The ‘me’ that needed them for extermination purposes and the clearance of vast tracts of indigenous land in order to access a state of colonial munificence. The original racist blueprint, nurtured within Western Colonialism’s sub-consciousness, set about replicating white supremacy and exploitive capitalism in the so-called new world in ways that presented (or misrepresented) their ability to exploit commercial opportunities in ways that inflated the idea of their own character and culture per se.
Being involved in the exploitive colonial experience, European man soon interpreted his own whiteness as something superior and promptly consigned people of colour to a lower caste. Nothing could have been farther from the truth. It was merely the awakening of the greed-is-good factor and discovering its predatory maw.
The industrial revolution produced the British Empire per means of colonisation, as did the American one. Extracting profit from labour became the denouement that would keep the labour market in bondage to a Tory psycho-social-babble-narrative that was more stick than carrot. The name of the game was to keep the vast majority of the people subjected to the will and wiles of the people who gamed the system…rules were rules because they served the interests of a governing class who needed to keep the majority of the people in a box, and the box was the status quo…or an arrangement of things that would benefit the psycho-social-babble-narrative that required fake media to deliver its delusional message of exceptionality.
And so, over time, fake became more potent than essential truths. Nobody could tell anymore who or what was real or if there were any leaders in possession of a moral compasses anymore. As business-as-usual became the mantra, the marketplace became the Holy Grail and more of the same meant more money and more power. Pretty soon many people lost their capacity to distinguish jackasses from people who could speak truth to power… the jackasses had become the majority.
With the arrival of this topsy-turvy world, movers and shakers of the moolah kind competed to satisfy the needs of a class of ‘wanters’ who wanted everything now…mainly goodies galore from a system that had consigned them to the consumerist box.
In time, capitalism in America would succeed in rendering the American dream comatose. Consumption of fake culture began to take its toll as weak-minded ‘exceptionalism’ fomented political unrest within the national psyche. American culture, in all its multiple forms, had reached its limit and the world was no longer impressed. Within a ‘box’ of tech escapism , greatness was talked up by charlatans tweeting vindictive verbiage 24/7 to a public that had long ago lost its political mojo…imagination…by not being able to imagine that there was any alternative to the ‘box’ that they were imprisoned in.
Like groundhogs, they would periodically emerge from their burrows to vote in a new president. November 3rd was such an occasion. This occasion was one where they could vote-in the expeditor of their choice, and like groundhogs using augury as barometer, sniff out the potential of their man or woman for their ability to keep America a buoyant and aggressive corporate force with a trickle down wealth effect to placate the needs of the masses.
American elections are not about real change; they are only about touting an American form of exceptionalism that nurtures the expansion of corporate power. It revolves around receiving copious amounts of taxpayer’s money to support the activities of The Pentagon and multiple intelligence agencies operating alongside America’s industrial and technical power base in order to deploy their skills in ways that ensure that the emerging economies…such as China’s state capitalist enterprise, itself a expeditor operating an inclusive economy that could give new meaning to social development.
America’s self-justifying foreign policy is about demonising those who pose a challenge to the pre-eminence of this narrative. For the past eight decades this narrative has wed those who shamelessly ‘want’ to exploit power (presidents and parliaments alike) for their own purposes and those who ‘want’ to abjectly go along for the ride.
So, it’s the voice of self-justification that has succeeded in focusing the American public on its own navel. The groundhogs who will emerge from their burrows on that designated day in November will not question why their masters believe that all those who oppose America’s desire to dominate the globe with their military might should be sanctioned out of existence or bombed back to the stone-age.
This is the genesis of a modern tragedy. The American people go to elections without being aware of what they have done in the world at large. Americans may attend their voting booths, but they and their candidates might as well stay at home, because they have become as groundhogs evermore emerging from their bunkers to sniff for signs of a spring that is losing its vibrancy.
But perhaps it’s time to extend the analogy to include the lemming. A small short-tailed furry-footed rodent that is regarded as the locust of mammals and will strip its habitat bare. This little creature tends to strip its environment of sustainable balances in its pursuit of craven objectives. Sadly, the American population and its go-it-alone policies have assumed metaphoric status… a derailed train rushing across a multilateral landscape toward cliff’s edge…simply because it has lost its ability to see itself for what it has become. Is it time to replace the Eagle mascot with the image of a lemming?
That it fails to see that the source of its craven behaviour is within its own obviously corrupt system suggests that its preoccupation with ‘particularisms’ is, by extension, a secondary problem arising from a myopia that is self-imprisoning.
The Founding Fathers ( the ancestors) of the groundhog-cum-lemming stakeholders were so totally committed to the ownership of assets…human and otherwise, that justice was left to blow in the winds of bloviators extolling Holy Writ in ways suggesting that the peon should be grateful for his lot and get-on-with-it. The foundation stones of orthodox capitalism supporting fake justice and social exclusion were set in place by the Founding Fathers and would thereafter remain embalmed in self-justification. The peons would remain captives to a system that excluded them from the narrative that gamed the system. In time, this narrative which was borne on the back of pragmatic opportunism would ultimately reach its breaking point in the 20th & 21st century.
The great-new-world developed a penchant for ‘greatness’. It had in its possession unbelievable resources. Opportunities existed in abundance and a self-righteous culture spread outward across the vast plains while simultaneously taking possession of the national psyche. The folk came to believe that they were God’s gift to history and adopted a vision of themselves as the dominant people. They accepted force as their modus operandi. They made a supreme effort to replace the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker with the banker, the media mogul, the lawyer and the fighter-pilot. Modernity need not be constrained by reason or civilising trope…progress was in the eye of the dealer and might became right. The American public would be indoctrinated into believing that it was o.k. to possess a mighty military and navy that could go forth and shit on the world by way of bombing millions of defenceless people…brown or yellow of course. They became proud of the fact that they had developed a technology that could threaten all and sundry…and their airpower confirmed that they could reach them and destroy them with merciless abandon.
So, what did it do to the American psyche? How is it possible for the people of America to not be aware that their myopic view of the world exists because they are boxed-in by their own ignorance. At the mercy of American media and tweet-street culture as it continues to release an unending stream of vitriolic admonishments imputing that some particular quarter of the system is more craven in its behaviour than another…a futile pot- calling-the-kettle-black exercise designed to shift the blame elsewhere. But alas, as the corruption is endemic, there is no othe SELF JUSTIFYING AMERICA IS PREPARING FOR ANOTHER GROUNDHOG DAY PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONr particular quarter to shift the blame to.
It now seems that a significant number of Americans would not recognise craven behaviour if it bit them on the nose…more pity to those enlightened Americans caught-up in this dealer’s web of lies and more power to their elbows.
As contempt and vitriolic vapours continue to waft out of the political swamp, ever more puke will emerge to coalesce and pollute the air in ways that suck the oxygen out of the air feeding the lungs of the body politic. The movers and shakers will continue to corrode the body politic as the people’s lack the ‘bottle’ in confronting the problem of systemic corruption remain dormant. Meanwhile, President Trump and his followers will be pursued as an exceptionally corrupt clique by an equally corrupt clique such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC who conceal their own involvement in pernicious propaganda. What these two sides of the same coin have in common is a loathing for new concepts and the fear that social pressures might rise up and set about ushering in programs that would challenge their privileges and give them the short shrift to boot.
Furthermore, expect the Trump witch-hunt to gain ever more momentum in spite of the fact that his predecessors were no better than he. Trump is merely another American president expeditiously running a bully pulpit, which includes a penchant for stamping on orthodoxies…an exercise in rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic, comes to mind. Strangely, the American public is proud of their amoral presidents and celebrities…think Truman, Nixon, both Clintons, George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Obama and others too numerous to mention and you realise that all these people had the same thing in common…an inability to live in conformity with their conscience. Ontological America had become blasé. It was o.k. to accept the fact that their leaders valued power more than conscientious deliberation.
American media (and its message) repeatedly ran half-baked delusional tropes that endlessly and selectively engaged the public in the subject of good versus evil. The idea was to project the image of American culture as a panacea for the ills of the world. Self-justification became its home-grown mantra. Throughout the 20th century it would repeat ad nauseam portrayals of itself as saviour on the big silver screens across the movieland world…that new country of distraction where propaganda reigned supreme… and with Hollywood tropes pushing the America first agenda to persuade the rest of the world that the American way of doing business could be the only feasible way of achieving progress, their endgame could be realised. The idea of making business the business of America would in time translate into making America an Empire held together by ever more propaganda to counter the fake self-justification factor.
The plan was to show that Americans could fix everything because they were a can-do people and anybody who thought otherwise had to be ‘fixed’ and the fixers didn’t need the ability to live conscionable lives to qualify as presidential candidates. Over time, the fixers became the can-do dealers in regime change and the people kept voting in presidents who promised to keep them market dominant. And the people named in the previous paragraph were chosen as laureates, not because of their enlightened views…they were not required to have them…but their business acumen and ability to fake niceties in the service of corporate expediency were seen as prerequisites for producing more of the same.
And recently, Hillary Clinton postulated the idea of regime change, declaring Trump to be an “illegitimate president.” She could not accept the fact that her clique was denied foreordination. Shakespeare believed that all the world was a stage. If he were alive today, he might say that media has become a staging mechanism wherein human perversions chase wanton dreams to waste their mojo in the quest for liberal phantoms that might fill the vacuum their ‘wanting’ moments need to fill.
Count on it, the next electoral season in the land of groundhogs and lemmings will tip the clueless political dialogue toward the cliff edge. Truly, American style democracy is nothing more than packaged freedom and fake liberalism. That’s what corporate capitalism does best, impose fake legitimacy on its own manufactured version of the American Dream.
Denis A. Conroy,
Freelance Writer
Freelance Writer
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!
Damascus: US-Turkey Ceasefire Deal Unclear, Kurdish autonomy Firmly Rejected
October 18, 2019
Syrian president’s political adviser said that Damascus firmly rejects establishment of Kurdish autonomy in Syria as there are no reasons for that in the country.
“Of course we cannot accept it,” Shaaban said in an interview with al-Mayadeen television responding to the question of whether Damascus could accept a “copy” of Iraqi Kurdistan on its territory.
“There are no grounds for this [Kurdish autonomy] … We will never be able to speak about it from such an angle, since Syria consists of many ethnic and religious layers, and we do not say that someone is a Kurd, or someone follows such and such religion, we simply don’t say that. The majority of the Kurds are a precious part of our society for us, but some Kurdish organizations have made a political decision that is contrary to the interests of the country,” Shaaban stressed.
“The ceasefire agreement announced by the US and Turkey is unclear,” Shaaban also said in an interview with al-Mayadeen television.
“As for the term a ‘security zone,’ it is incorrect: what Turkey really implies is a zone of occupation,” she added.
Source: Sputnik
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
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Lebanon Protests: Hariri Gives 72-Hour Deadline to Solve Crisis, Bassil Says Government Should Resign
The Lebanese people took to the streets on Thursday night to protest against new taxes imposed by the government, and are still rallying until the moment.
The spontaneous popular movement paralyzed the entire country as angry protesters blocked almost all main roads and many other areas in protest against the Lebanese government that led the country’s already ailing economy to the brink.
After about 24 hours of non-stopping protests, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri addressed the nation in a brief speech in which he confessed that the country is passing through an unprecedented critical situation.
“I feel the pain of the Lebanese and I support every peaceful movement,” Hariri said.
He further gave the Lebanese political parties a 72-hour deadline to agree on a solution to the current crisis.
For his part, Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil spoke earlier in the day, stressing that proposing a firm solution to the budget and the economy is a must.
The protests that have swept across Lebanon over the past two days should be used as an opportunity to rescue the country, rather than let it descend into turmoil, Bassil said.
“What is happening could either be an opportunity to save Lebanon or create chaos,” Bassil said, following a meeting of ministers from the Strong Lebanon parliamentary bloc at Baadba Palace, headed by President Michel Aoun.
He further set a condition for the government, saying it should resign hadn’t it approved the budget before the 31st of this month.
On Thursday night, bodyguards of Minister of Education and Higher Education Akram Shehayeb opened fire on protesters who blocked the road in front of his convoy in Beirut.
Today, also, a young man lost his life in north Lebanon after bodyguards of former MP Musbah al-Ahdab opened fire against angry protesters who didn’t want him to participate in their rally.
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