On september, 2010,
Mr. hart called the Saudi King to follow the advise of Thomas L. Friedman: "King Abdullah should invite Mr. Netanyahu to Riyadh and present it to him personally.”
Today, Mr.
Hart praised and seconded Yesser Abd Yasser (Abd Abbas now) challenge addressed to Netanyaho: show us all the map!
"Better late than never," Mr. Hart wrote
"a very senior Palestinian official in Ramallah, Yasser Abed Rabbo, found the right way to challenge Israel and the U.S."

I wonder if Mr. Hart, in his next book, would call Yasser the second, the Second "Father Palestine"
Yesterday, I corrected
Dr. Saeb Shaath's, arabic piece, where he claimed that Yesser was managing Habash office until he left and PFLP and joined DFLP. I knew him, a student at American University of Cairo over the period from 1965 - 1968. He left to Jordan without finishing his degree. I met him in Jordan in 1969, wearing 2 Guns like American cowboys. I knew him in Lebanon over the the period from 1977 to 1982.
Most likely, Mr. Hart is aware, that Arafat used to have so many linkmen, Adib Abd Rabo(the real Name of Yasser Abd Rabo) was Arafat's linkman with the American Ambassador in Tunis, and is a close friend of Peres.
After telling us the Ezer Weizman's story about Sharon's BlOOd OATH, Alan concluded "there won’t be a Jewish civil war because no Israeli prime minister is ever going to risk provoking it. So there will be no map....Yasser Abed Rabbo knew that when he put the demand into words.
So what was the point of his challenge?"
I don't see any challange, All I can see is a plea: We recognized israel, call it whatever you like, Jewish state, Chinese State, but please show us the map.
I claim, Mr. Hart deliberately, ignored Yesser's acceptance Netanyahu's call for recognizing Israel as a Jewish state i.e accepted ethnic cleansing of Arab 48.
For God Sake, the Map is already drawn on ground, by the racist apartheid wall, settlements and roads network, and Israel is doing ethnic cleansing drills.
Which map he is talkng about??
We know our MAP. Its from River to Sea
As for settlers and settlement, and Civil war, I am sure Alan knows that there were settlements in Sinai, there were settlements in Gaza, and there is still settlements in Golan Heights, that should be removed to achieve peace with Syria.
However, as Allan said, next day Yasser got the answer: Go to hell
Yes indeed, show us all the map!
By Alan Hart
Better late than never, a very senior Palestinian official in Ramallah, Yasser Abed Rabbo, found the right way to challenge Israel and the U.S. As reported by AFP on 13 October, he said, "We officially demand that the US administration and the Israeli government provide a map of the borders of the state of Israel which they want us to recognise."
That’s a completely logical and totally reasonable demand.
IF Israel was interested in peace on terms virtually all Palestinians and most other Arabs and Muslims everywhere could accept, the map provided would show Israel with borders as they were on the eve of the 1967 war. An accompanying note would say that, subject to agreement in final negotiations, Israel seeks minor border adjustments here and there. The note would also propose that Jerusalem should be an open, undivided city and the capital of two states.
If such a map with the note as above was presented, it would open the door to peace.
But the implementation of such land-for-peace deal would require the IDF to confront and forcibly remove illegal Jewish settlers who refused to leave; and that would open the door to a Jewish civil war - the price Israel’s Jews would have to pay for 62 years of contempt for and defiance of international law.
Of course it won’t happen. As I reveal in my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews (www.claritypress.com), why not was explained to me as far back as I980 by Shimon Peres. At the time he was the leader of the Labour Party, the main opposition to Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s Likud-led coalition. Peres was hoping to win Israel’s next election and deny Begin a second term in office. (President Carter was hoping and possibly praying for such an outcome). My purpose in talking with Peres in private was to establish whether or not he was interested in me acting as the linkman in a secret, exploratory dialogue between himself and PLO Chairman Arafat. Peres was interested but before I went off to Beirut to seek Arafat’s agreement to participate in a little conspiracy for peace, he said to me, “I fear it’s already too late”.
I asked Peres what he meant and this was his answer:
“Every day that passes sees new bricks on new settlements. Begin knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s stuffing the West Bank with settlers to create the conditions for a Jewish civil war. He knows that no Israeli prime minister is going down in history as the one who gave the order to the Jewish army to shoot Jews out of the West Bank”. Pause. “I’m not.”
When Peres spoke those words to me there were 70,000 illegal Jewish settlers on the occupied West Bank. If it was “too late” then, in 1980, how much more too late is it today when the number of illegal Jewish settlers is in excess of 500,000 and rising on a daily basis?
Some weeks after that conversation with Peres, I had reason to talk in private with Ezer Weizman, then serving as Defense Minister in Begin’s first-term government. He gave me extraordinary and frightening insight into why any future Israeli prime minister would not and possibly could not order the IDF to remove settlers from the West Bank by whatever force was necessary. At a point in our conversation he said the following, very slowly and with quiet emphasis:
“This lunchtime Sharon convened a secret meeting of some of our generals and other top military and security people. They signed in blood an oath which commits them to join with the settlers and fight to the death to prevent any government of Israel withdrawing from the West Bank.” Pause. “I know that’s what happened at the meeting because I’ve checked it out and that’s why I was late for this appointment with you.” (I tell the full story of this conversation with Weizman in The Blood Oath, Chapter 12 of Volume Three of the American edition of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews).
So no, there won’t be a Jewish civil war because no Israeli prime minister is ever going to risk provoking it.
So there will be no map. (I mean not one that could come even close to satisfying the Palestinian demand and need). Yasser Abed Rabbo knew that when he put the demand into words.
So what was the point of his challenge?
I presume he was hoping that Israel’s refusal to come up with a map based on more or less pre-June 1967 borders will help to convince more and more people, Americans especially, that Israel simply is not interested in peace on terms virtually all Palestinians and most other Arabs and Muslims everywhere could accept, and for which there is universal support (minus only the opposition of the Zionists and the mad, fundamentalist Christians who support them right or wrong, an opposition which in numbers of people is only a tiny, almost invisible fraction of the global whole).
If it does that, the challenge will not have been made in vain.
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian