Saturday 12 September 2020

التمدّد «الإسرائيلي» جنوباً بعد الفشل الشماليّ

ناصر قنديل

من التسطيح ربط التطبيع الخليجي “الإسرائيلي” بتوقيته، المستثمر في الانتخابات الرئاسية الأميركية أو بمساعدته لرئيس حكومة الاحتلال بنيامين نتنياهو في مواجهة أزماته الداخلية، فالحاجات التكتيكية تحكمت بالتوقيت، لكن المشروع استراتيجي وأبعد بكثير من مجرد لعبة سياسية أو انتخابية، ولكن من الضعف التحليلي الاعتقاد أن هذا التطبيع هو تعبير عن قدرة صعود تنافسي تاريخي أو جغرافي أو استراتيجي لكيان الاحتلال، فهو يشبه سياسة بناء جدار الفصل العنصري حول الضفة الغربية والقدس إيذاناً بفشل مشروع الكسر والعصر، أي الإخضاع بالقوة أو الاحتواء بمشاريع التفاوض، وكيان الاحتلال العاجز عن خوض حرب الشمال التي كانت العمود الفقري لاستراتيجيّته للقرن الحادي والعشرين، والعاجز عن تسوية تُنهي القضيّة الفلسطينيّة برضا ومشاركة أصحاب القضية، وقد كانت العمود الفقري لاستراتيجيته في القرن العشرين، يدخل برعاية أميركيّة مباشرة المشروع الثالث البديل.

المشروع الجديد، يقتضي تبديل وجهة الدورين الأميركي والعربي في صراع البقاء الذي يخوضه كيان الاحتلال، بعد قرابة قرن على انطلاقه واعتقاد القيمين عليه ورعاته قبل ثلاثة عقود أنه يستعد لمرحلة “إسرائيل العظمى” بديلاً من “إسرائيل الكبرى”، أي الهيمنة الاقتصادية والأمنية بدلاً من السيطرة العسكرية والتوسع الجغرافي، لكن صعود مشروع المقاومة وإنجازاته، ونتائج دخول اللاعب الإيراني على معادلات الصراع، أحدثا ثقباً أسود في معادلات الخطة الأميركية الإسرائيلية، بحيث باتت التسوية والحرب مستحيلاً ينتج مستحيلاً، فسقط مبرر دور الراعي التفاوضي الذي كان يتولاه الأميركي لجذب الجزء الأكبر من الشارع العربي خارج خيار المواجهة، ويسقط مبرر بقاء عرب أميركا تحت سقف تسوية يقبلها الفلسطينيون لتجميد انضمامهم إلى خيار المقاومة، لأن كيان الاحتلال بات عاجزاً عن البقاء من دون حماية أميركية لصيقة، تترجمها صفقة القرن التي يعرف أصحابها أنها لن تجد شريكاً فلسطينياً لتكون صفقة قابلة للحياة، لكنها تقدّم الإطار القانونيّ لحماية أميركية لعمليات الضم والتهويد الضرورية لأمن الكيان، وكيان الاحتلال بات عاجزاً عن العيش من دون موارد يجب أن توفرها دورة اقتصادية يكون هو محورها وترتبط بالإمساك بمقدرات الخليج.

يطوي كيان الاحتلال ومن خلفه السياسات الأميركية رهانات السيطرة على الشمال العربي الذي تمثله سورية ومعها لبنان، وصولاً لتأثيراتهما على العراق والأردن والأراضي المحتلة عام 67 من فلسطين التاريخيّة، فيدخل سياساته نحوها في مرحلة إدارة من نوع جديد، مقابل تفرّغ الكيان لتجميد جبهات الشمال وتحصينها، ولو اقتضى الأمر تعزيز الحضور الدولي على الحدود والإقرار بترسيم يناقض تطلعاته التوسعيّة التاريخيّة، وإدارة التخريب الأمني والاقتصادي والاجتماعي في كيانات الشمال من دون بلوغ الاستفزاز حد إشعال الحرب، فتكون الحرب الاستخبارية السرية هي البديل، ويتوجه الكيان نحو الجنوب وجنوب الجنوب، لتظهير العلاقات القائمة أصلاً وشرعنتها، سعياً لحلف اقتصادي أمني يتيح الوصول إلى مياه الخليج كنقاط متقدّمة بوجه إيران، ويُمسك بثروات النفط ويحقق التمدد التجاري كوسيط بين ضفاف المتوسط ومال الخليج وأسواقه.

تتولى واشنطن رعاية منطقة وسيطة بين كيان الاحتلال والخليج، تضم مصر والأردن ويسعون لضم العراق إليها، تحت عنوان الشام الجديد، بعناوين أمنية اقتصادية، بهدف عزل تأثيرات مصادر القوة التي تمثلها سورية ولبنان عن الجبهة الجنوبية، بينما توضع الخطط لتخريب الأمن والاقتصاد وتفتيت الداخل الاجتماعي في كل من سورية ولبنان، لتحقيق فوارق زمنية كبيرة في مستويات الأدوار التي تلعبها بالمقارنة مع الاقتصادات الناتجة عن الحلف الخليجي الإسرائيلي، والتي يجب أن ترث أدواراً تاريخية لكل من سورية ولبنان، وسخافة بعض اللبنانيين وأحقادهم وعقدهم لا تجعلهم ينتبهون أو يعترفون، بأن مرفأ حيفا يستعد لوراثة مرفأ بيروت، وأن هذه الوراثة مستحيلة من دون تدمير مرفأ بيروت، وأن الحروب الاستخبارية تشترط عدم ترك الأدلة، وأن الإنهاك المالي الذي أصاب لبنان ونظامه المصرفي بتشجيع ورعاية من المؤسسات المالية الدولية والغربية، كانت خطة منهجيّة ستتوج لاحقاً بتصدر المصارف الإسرائيليّة لنظام خدمات جديد يُراد له أن يدير أموال النفط والغاز في مصر والأردن والخليج، والتجارة نحو الخليج ومعه العراق إذا أمكن.

دائماً كان إضعاف سورية وإنهاك لبنان شرطين للتمدد الإسرائيلي، ولمن تخونه الذاكرة، نمت دبي والمنامة، كمنظومة خدمات ومصارف وأسواق ومرافئ على أنقاض دور بيروت التي شغلتها الحروب ودمّرتها في السبعينيات والثمانينيات، وما كانت تلك إلا أدواراً بالوكالة كحضانات تستضيف الشركات العالمية الكبرى، آن الأوان ليستردها الأصيل “الإسرائيلي” اليوم لحيفا وتل أبيب، لكن المشكلة تبقى أن حيفا وتل ابيب مطوقتان بصواريخ المقاومة من الشمال في حدود لبنان، والجنوب في حدود غزة، وهذا هو التحدي الذي يسمّيه الاستراتيجيون الإسرائيليون برعب الشمال والجنوب معاً. وهو رعب يتجدّد ويتوسع ويتوحّد، ويتجذّر مع مسارات التطبيع القديمة الجديدة، وبالتوازي رعب شمال وجنوب لممالك وإمارات التطبيع يمثله اليمن حيث الصواريخ والطائرات المسيّرة وفقاً لنموذج أرامكو تهدد أمن مدن الزجاج التي يسعى الإسرائيلي إلى التسيّد عليها.

سقوط الجامعة العربية والمؤتمر الإسلامي معاً بتخليهما عن القضية التي بررت نشوءهما، وهي قضية فلسطين والقدس، لا يعني سقوط التكامل بين جبهات لبنان وغزة واليمن، وعند الحاجة سورية وعند الوقت المناسب العراق، وعند الكلمة الفاصلة إيران.

البحرين والخليج وصفيح ساخن

ليس في البحرين مجرد ديكور تم إنتاجه غبّ الطلب للتشويش على قرار التطبيع الذي قرر النظام الملكي الحاكم بمشيئة أميركية سعودية اللحاق بركبه بعدما دشنته الإمارات، ففي البحرين ثورة حقيقيّة متجذرة وأصيلة عمرها عقود من المعارضة السياسية النشطة المتعددة المنابع الفكرية والسياسية.

النخب البحرينية عريقة في تمسكها بالقضايا القومية والوطنية كعراقة دفاعها عن الديمقراطية، وثورتها كما حركتها السياسية لها في التاريخ جذوراً تمتد إلى خمسينيات القرن الماضي، توّجت خلال العدوان الثلاثي على مصر عام 56 بإضراب عمال مرفأ المنامة وامتناعهم عن ملء الوقود للسفن البريطانية والفرنسية، والانتفاضات المتلاحقة طلباً للديمقراطية وتعزيز دور البرلمان كمصدر لانبثاق الحكومات تلاقي في الستينيات مشاركة شعب البحرين في دعم ثورة ظفار بوجه الاحتلال البريطاني، وتشكل جبهات راديكالية للكفاح المسلح.

التطبيع الذي يسلكه حكام الخليج والذي يتم برعاية سعودية أميركية يعيد الخليج إلى مناخات الستينيات خلافاً لما يعتقده الكثيرون من خمود وخنوع، فانضمام عمان لمسيرة التطبيع سيفجّر استقرار السلطنة، والثورة الشعبيّة الأشد صدقاً بين ثورات الربيع العربي، والتي تضم كل مكونات الشعب في البحرين قد لا تبقى سلميّة لزمن مفتوح في ضوء خيارات بحجم التطبيع والخيانة والتآمر على القضية الفلسطينية.

على حكام الخليج المهرولين نحو تنفيذ الأوامر الأميركية السعودية تذكر أنهم لن ينعموا طويلاً بالسلام مع جارتهم القوية إيران وقد جلبوا لها الإسرائيليين إلى الجيرة، وأن البلد الأكبر عدداً في السكان والذي تتحدر منه كل قبائل الخليج وسكانه الأصليين اسمه اليمن، وهو بلد يملك شعباً همته لا تلين وقدرته لا يُستهان بها، وصواريخه ومسيراته تطال كل مساحات الخليج ومدن الزجاج فيه.

هذه هي لعبة الرقص على الصفيح الساخن

فيدوات متعلقة

مقالات متعلقة

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Next? Bahraini Regime Joins Betrayers of Palestine, Announces Normalizing Ties with ‘Israel’

 Next? Bahraini Regime Joins Betrayers of Palestine, Announces Normalizing Ties with ‘Israel’

By Staff

In the latest unashamed move against the Middle East’s central cause, Palestine, the treacherous Bahraini regime tasked US President Donald Trump with announcing the normalization of ties with the ‘Israeli’ occupation entity.

This makes it the second country after the United Arab Emirates [UAE] to speak publicly of normalized ties with ‘Israel.’

Such so-called ‘peace’ deals have been widely censured as a betrayal of the Palestinian nation and the Palestinian cause.

Trump said in a tweet on Friday that Bahrain had agreed to join the UAE in striking a deal to normalize relations with Tel Aviv.

The White House said the Trump had broken the news after speaking by phone to Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifah and Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He also attached to a separate tweet a joint statement, whereby the three had agreed on and expressed commitment to “the establishment of full diplomatic relations between ‘Israel’ and the Kingdom of Bahrain.”

They also boasted the deal in the statement as a “historic breakthrough,” and claimed the agreement was aimed at increasing “stability, security, and prosperity in the region.”

Bahrain has agreed to formalize the deal with ‘Israel’ at a ceremony on September 15 at the White House, where the United Arab Emirates would also sign off on its own thaw with the occupying regime announced in mid-August.

The Zionist entity and the UAE agreed to a US-brokered deal to normalize relations on August 13. Under the agreement, the Tel Aviv regime has purportedly agreed to “temporarily” suspend applying its own rule to further areas in the occupied West Bank and the strategic Jordan Valley that Netanyahu had pledged to annex.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Jaafari to UNSC: US, Turkey, White Helmets Plot Chemical Attack in Idlib

 September 11, 2020 Miri Wood

Syrian Ambassador to the UNSC Bashar Jaafari
H.E. Bashar al Jaafari

Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, His Excellency Dr. Bashar al Jaafari dropped another bombshell at the 84th meeting of the UNSC on the ‘Syrian chemical weapons’ file since the passage of UNSCR 2118 (2013), noting that a certain American envoy recently visited Turkey to plot out a new chemical weapons attack in Idlib.

This meeting of 10 September was one of the most tediously repetitious in terms of the same strident, criminal lies of the NATO klansmen running the United Nations. Even the normal cacophony of the House Servant echolalia was a bit more annoying than usual.

UNSC: Mostly NATO klan & underlings.

A simple synopsis of the NATO Security Council members as follows: UK, liar; France, liar in French; US, liar by weary enough to emit the parapraxis of “damned findings” instead of “damning” something or other; Germany, liar; Belgium, liar; Estonia, liar auditioning for future penholder gig.

H.E. Bashar al Jaafari noted UNSC being turned into a platform for North Atlantic Treaty Organization to support Turkish aggression against Syria. [Archive]
H.E. Bashar al Jaafari noted UNSC being turned into a platform for North Atlantic Treaty Organization to support Turkish aggression against Syria. [Archive]

Additionally, all of the lies told by the liars were based on the lies of the ignoble OPCW, which traded its once noble goals in a Mephistophelean pact with Dick Cheney, to eject Jose Bustani from its leadership.

Not only are its reports on Ltamenah and Khan Sheikhoun criminal lies against Syria — based on lies from al Qaeda, including the stethoscope-less White Helmets — its very reports admit that investigators did not enter either place because the safety of the investigators in the midst of al Qaeda havens could not be guaranteed.

syria - Terrorists of Ltamenah. Archive.
Medics of Ltamenah, . Archive.

His Excellency Vassily Nebenzia was on righteous fire. The videos of his statement and his exchange with the German liar who persisted in deviating from the lying topic of the OPCW lies against Syria, to lie that Russia had poisoned some silly ‘opposition’ guy that nobody ever heard of until he allegedly keeled over in flight, will be added to this report when they become available.

H.E. Vassily Nebenzia, Russia's Permanent Representative to the UNSC
H.E. Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UNSC

The UK liar chimed in to disgustingly reaffirm her country’s complete support of the organ trading, kidnapping, necrophiliac, pedonecrophiliac, criminally insane murdering White Helmets — who are also likely engaged in marketing abducted Syrian children on the dark web.

White Helmets humanitarians on the corpses of murdered Syrian soldiers whose boots have been stolen.
Snuff porn, war porn, pedonecrophilia. Courtesy, White Helmets.
White Helmets abusing corpses of murdered Syrian soldiers in Daraa. [Archive]
White Helmets
How did a White Helmet come into possession of a dead fetus & why does this pervert play with the body?
femicide Now soaked boy wipes water from his eyes. Baby on bed is soaked & shivering.
Now soaked boy wipes water from his eyes. Baby on bed is soaked & shivering.
Two White Helmets with Syrian soldiers kidnapped in Khan Touman, 7 May 2016.
femicide Hollywood elite excludes Syrian women captives from #MeToo!
Kidnapped Syrian women put into cages are not considered part of the #MeToo movement.
Syrian boy tortured for two Helmet photo op ‘rescues.’

Just as Ambassador al Jaafari was about to speak, the French liar rudely interrupted and in English snarled her support of the criminal lies of the German, that had been hurled against the Russian ambassador.

As always, H.E. Jaafari threw pearls before swine.

As always, the noble diplomat used his intellect as a boxer uses his fists.

— Miri Wood

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

متخفّيان داخل طائرة مساعدات..

دحلان وطحنون بن زايد زارا تل أبيب سرّاً.. ومعارض إماراتيّ يؤكد ذلك

كشفت صحيفة «يديعوت احرونوت» الصهيونية، أمس، عن زيارة إلى الكيان الصهيوني قام بها القيادي المفصول من حركة فتح محمد دحلان، ورئيس الاستخبارات الإماراتيّة طحنون بن زايد.

وأوضحت الصحيفة في تقرير مطوّل، أن الطائرة الإماراتية التي هبطت في مطار اللد قبل أشهر وتحمل مساعدات طبية إلى الضفة الغربية، لم تكن محملة بالمساعدات فقط بل اختبأ فيها شخصان هما محمد دحلان وطحنون بن زايد حيث أجريا محادثات مطولة جداً ولم يغادرا الطائرة.

وذكرت الكاتبة سمدار بيري، أن تلك الطائرة أحدثت توتراً كبيراً بين السلطة وبين الإمارات، حيث رفضت السلطة تسلّم الطائرة، احتجاجاً على الطريقة التي وصلت فيها الطائرة من دون تنسيق مع السلطة.

وأشارت الكاتبة الصهيونية إلى أن محمد دحلان كان له دور واضح وملموس في هندسة الاتفاق الإماراتي الصهيوني المُسمى «اتفاق إبراهيم»، منوهة إلى أنه لم يكفّ عن منافسته وانتظاره خلافة رئيس السلطة محمود عباس.

من جانبه قال المعارض الإماراتي البارز عبدالله الطويل، إن طحنون بن زايد برفقة محمد دحلان قد زارا الكيان الصهيوني سراً لوضع اللمسات الأخيرة على بنود الاتفاق الثلاثي.

وأوضح المعارض الإماراتي أن هذه الزيارة تمّت بغطاء المساعدات الإنسانية التي بعثتها الإمارات عبر تل أبيب بسبب جائحة كورونا ورفضت السلطة الفلسطينية تسلمها.

ووصفت الصحف العبرية محمد دحلان، القيادي المفصول من حركة فتح والمستشار الخاص لولي عهد أبوظبي، بـ»مستشار بن زايد السري» عشية إعلان اتفاق التطبيع، معتبرة أن «الصفقة تمّت بتعاون من دحلان، للرجل الذي يهمس في أذن حاكم الإمارات، والذي قد يتوج كخليفة لمحمود عباس رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية».

ويبدو أن كلاً من الصهاينة والأميركيين يودون مكافأة دحلان على جهوده هذه، بتحضيره لزعامة السلطة الفلسطينية بعد عباس، إذ تنقل الصحافة الصهيونيّة عن مصادر أميركية مطلعة أن الاتفاقية الثلاثية بين الولايات المتحدة وكيان الاحتلال والإمارات تتضمن عودة محمد دحلان للسلطة الفلسطينية، وأن اتفاق أبوظبي – تل أبيب يحسّن فرص محمد دحلان في «معركة الميراث»، كما أنه يحظى بدعم من مصر والأردن والإمارات والسعودية.

ويتحدث موقع i24 الصهيوني عن أن عودة دحلان «ستزيد الصراع في قيادة حركة فتح على قيادة السلطة الفلسطينية»، إذ كان دحلان منافساً لحليفه السابق في حركة فتح محمود عباس قبل أن يفرّ إلى المنفى.

وكانت تقارير سابقة قد تحدثت عن تنظيم دحلان للقاءات سرية عديدة خلال السنوات الأخيرة، بين مسؤولين إماراتيين وصهاينة، ساهمت في تطوير العلاقة بين الطرفين بشكل كبير.

ويتهم دحلان بلعب أدوار في دول عدة لصالح الإمارات، كما تتهم تركيا دحلان بالتورط في الانقلاب الفاشل لعام 2016، ولعب دور في اغتيال الصحافي السعودي جمال خاشقجي في القنصليّة السعوديّة في اسطنبول العام الماضي.

ويتهم القضاء التركي دحلان بالضلوع في محاولة الانقلاب الفاشلة، ومحاولة تغيير النظام الدستوري بالقوة، و»الكشف عن معلومات سرية حول أمن الدولة لغرض التجسس»، و»قيامه بالتجسس الدولي».

كما رصدت أنقرة مكافأة قدرها 4 ملايين ليرة تركية، لمن يدلي بمعلومات تقود إلى إلقاء القبض عليه.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Friday 11 September 2020

Evidence the U.S. Is a Dictatorship, Not a Democracy

Evidence the U.S. Is a Dictatorship, Not a Democracy

September 10, 2020

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog

On September 2nd, Pew Research — one of America’s most respected polling organizations — issued findings from their survey of 11,001 U.S. adults between July 27 and Aug. 2, 2020, regarding three important questions that are indicative of whether or not Americans believe the U.S. Government to be a democracy, or instead a dictatorship. These are those three findings:

“Elected officials face serious consequences for misconduct.” 27% Yes. (73% No.)

“Government is open and transparent.” 30% Yes. (70% No.)

“Campaign contributions do not lead to greater political influence.” 26% Yes. (74% No.)

The last-listed of those three indicates that three-quarters of the American public believe exactly the same as the existing political-science empirical studies clearly have documented to be actually the case: that America is ruled by only its wealthiest and best-connected people — that it’s an aristocracy, a one-dollar-one vote nation, instead of a one-person-one-vote nation — it’s not a democracy at all. So: that is now established as a fact in political science; it’s not merely an opinion by three quarters of the U.S. public.

However, another relevant question produced an extreme disparity between the opinions of Republicans (America’s conservatives) versus Democrats (America’s liberals) regarding whether America is a democracy, and here is that fourth question and its answers:

“Everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.” Republicans 76% Yes. Democrats 28% Yes.

Those are diametrically opposite opinions, by the adherents to the two political Parties.

So, on that one question, America’s conservatives do consider America to be a democracy, regarding at least the factor of whether or not all Americans have equal opportunity. This question is relevant to democracy because if everyone has equal opportunity, then there is equality on at least that single matter of equality — equality of opportunity — which cannot even possibly exist in a dictatorship, because a dictatorship has dictators, who, obviously (by definition), possess enormously more opportunity than do the rest of the population. So, whereas Republicans think that America is a democracy on at least that factor (equal opportunity), Democrats equally strongly believe that it’s not.

There was also one other question on which a strong contrast existed between Republicans and Democrats, though not diametrically opposite views, and here is that fifth question, and its answers:

“The fundamental design and structure of American government need significant changes.” Republicans 50% Yes. Democrats 79% Yes.

How should these opinion-differences by Party (ideology) be interpreted?

Whereas Democrats overwhelmingly believe that America is a dictatorship, Republicans overwhelmingly believe that it is an equal-opportunity dictatorship; and half of Republicans believe (perhaps because they believe America provides equal opportunity) that (regardless of whether or not America is a dictatorship) “The fundamental design and structure of American government don’t need significant changes.” How can one make sense of that viewpoint? Perhaps Republicans believe that poor people deserve to be poor because they’re lazy and/or incompetent, and that the rich deserve to be rich because they’re hard-working and brilliant, and perhaps Democrats are more inclined to attribute the unequal outcomes (rich versus poor) to “the fundamental design and structure of the American government.” The views of Democrats on these matters are entirely consistent with the view that America is a dictatorship, but the views of Republicans are not.

Republicans overwhelmingly believe that America is an equal-opportunity society, and half of Republicans believe that the fundamental design and structure of the American government don’t need any significant changes. Both of those viewpoints are accepting America as it is, which means that they are blaming the poor — instead of blaming “the fundamental design and structure of American government” (such as that America is being ruled by the rich) — for the poverty of the poor. Consequently, at least half of Republicans (the ones who don’t believe that America needs structural changes) believe in the rightfulness of an aristocracy — they believe that the wealthiest should rule, the public should not. Those Republicans want to be ruled by the rich, instead of ruled by the majority of the public. They are, at the very least, ambivalent about (if not outright hostile toward) democracy.

One of the ways that Republicans might get around this problem in their viewpoint is by assuming that there is no Deep State, no unelected and totally unaccountable power behind the elected rulers, other than some amorphous governmental bureaucracy, career civil-service professionals, nothing which is outside and above that, such as the aristocracy of billionaires who select which politicians’ careers to fund, and which ones not to fund. According to this conservative viewpoint, all the deficiencies in the government come from the career bureaucracy, none come from the corruption that allows the richest to buy the winning politicians and the major newsmedia, and the think tanks, etcetera. In those people’s imaginings, the controlling power is inside the government, not outside, and above, it.

There is a good ten-minute Republican-Party propaganda video which displays that viewpoint, by mocking the hypocrisy of a leading congressional Democrat, regarding democracy. This video excludes any raising of the crucial question: “Whose interests (other than the politician’s own) is that politician actually serving?” By not asking that question, the ignoring of logical inconsistencies within one’s own political opinions is not only easy to do, but it is quite natural to do. Apparently, conservatives, far more than liberals, think this way: they don’t examine to find out whom the beneficiaries of the politician’s decisions are. It’s a way that accepts corruption. It doesn’t even wonder how corruption works. It doesn’t seek to understand.

That’s the problem with the conservative side. The problem with the liberal side is its hypocrisy, which that video is mocking. Maybe the reason for the hypocrisy of liberals is that they sort-of are opposed to corruption, whereas conservatives are entirely devoted to the free market, which allows corruption, since to do otherwise is to support policies against corruption, which policies would prohibit certain types of mutually voluntary agreements, and would specifically penalize agreements that are corrupt. Thus, Republicans oppose government regulations, whereas Democrats support government regulations.

By accepting corruption (as conservatives do, since they are devoted to the free market), a person accepts one-dollar-one-vote government, and rejects one-person-one-vote government — one accepts a dictatorship by wealth, and rejects a democracy by the people: by the nation’s residents. So: this difference in support for the aristocracy — the holders of the vast majority of the nation’s wealth — might explain the differences between Republicans and Democrats.

Here are previous studies that have been done on whether America is a democracy or instead a dictatorship. First is an international comparison that enables these recent findings by Pew to be viewed in an international comparative context:

On June 15th, a NATO-backed study was published, “Democracy Perception Index – 2020”. As I summarized it on July 3rd under the headline “Countries Ranked on ‘Democracy’ in 2020”:

Here are the findings, and the rankings:

% saying yes to ‘My country is democratic’

(ranks shown are out of the 53 countries that were surveyed):

78% Taiwan #1

77% Denmark #2

75% Switzerland #3

75% S. Korea #4

73% China #5

73% Austria #6

71% Vietnam #7

71% India #8

71% Norway #9

69% Argentina #10

69% Sweden #11

67% Germany #12

66% Netherlands #13

65% Philippines #14

65% Portugal #15

64% Canada #16

63% Singapore #17

61% Malaysia #18

61% Greece #19

60% Ireland #20

59% Israel #21

57% Indonesia #22

56% Spain #23

56% Australia #24

56% UK #25

56% Turkey #26

55% Belgium #27

55% Peru #28

54% South Africa #29

54% Romania #30

54% Italy #31

53% Saudi Arabia #32

53% Pakistan #33

52% France #34

52% Mexico #35

51% Brazil #36

49% Kenya #37

48% U.S. #38

46% Japan #39

46% Colombia #40

45% Thailand #41

45% Algeria #42

43% Nigeria #43

42% Chile #44

41% Egypt #45

40% Morocco #46

40% Ukraine #47

39% Russia #48

38% Poland #49

37% Hong Kong #50

36% Hungary #51

28% Iran #52

24% Venezuela #53

(NATO did not publicize those rankings, nor even the scores.)

Perhaps the two most reliable statistical scores which tend to indicate the extent to which a given country is a dictatorship is its imprisonment-rate: the percentage of its residents who are in prison. Right now, the U.S. has the world’s highest percentage of its residents who are imprisoned. This indicates either that it has the worst people or that it has the worst laws, or both, but it also provides overwhelming solid empirical evidence that “The fundamental design and structure of American government need significant changes.” Consequently, the 79% of Democrats, and the 50% of Republicans, who agree with that proposition are certainly correct, because the world-record-high imprisonment-rate proves it. It’s not consistent with the opinion that “The fundamental design and structure of American government don’t need significant changes.”

Furthermore: since America’s prisoners are overwhelmingly the nation’s least wealthy, and since America’s wealthiest are virtually (if not totally) impossible to imprison regardless of how many people they might have defrauded — or else even murdered by promoting and selling toxic and dangerous products, sometimes even more toxic than toxic collateralized mortgage obligations — these facts are further evidence that “The fundamental design and structure of American government need significant changes” is true, and that “Everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed” is false. So, a consistent picture is emerging, which is consistent with the political-science findings that the U.S. is, in fact, a dictatorship (by its wealthiest).

However, this does not necessarily mean that any single one of those indicators is reliable, on its own, as an indicator of whether or not the given nation is a dictatorship. Everything should be viewed within its broader context.

One question that deepens this context is whether or not there has been some stability in America’s being at the top of the imprisonment heap. The earliest web-archived version of comparative international imprisonment-rates was this one on 20 March 2009, and the nation which, at that time, was shown to have the highest imprisonment-rate was the United States. So, from at least that time to this time, America has had the world’s highest imprisonment-rate. If that’s not a dictatorship, then what is? But, of course, the political-science empirical studies already show that the U.S. is a dictatorship. So, can can there even be a debate about it?

This means that any ‘news’ report that refers to America as being a “democracy” is demonstrably and clearly false.

Yet another indicator that the U.S. is a dictatorship is that it now is spending approximately half of the entire world’s military expenditures. It’s not only the most police-state, it is the most militarized nation — not necessarily in terms of having the world’s highest numbers of soldiers, but definitely in terms of having the world’s highest military expenditures (especially on weapons). So: it’s an international dictatorship.

On 17 June 2014, I headlined “Why Does NATO Still Exist?” and was (so far as I have been able to find) the first person publicly to refer to the “U.S. Regime” (other than as being part of an adjective in the many online references to “U.S. regime change” operations). In that article, I used the phrase “U.S. regime”, for the first time, directly as a noun, in the phrase, “The U.S. regime can say …”. More than five years later, on 10 November 2019, I headlined “Why does no other writer refer to ‘the U.S. regime’?” Instead, ‘news’ reports still are referring to such fantasies as “American democracy” and “the U.S. and other democracies.” However, recent evidence indicates that a majority of the American public have figured this hoax out for themselves, no thanks to America’s (or the rest of the world’s) ‘news’ media. People are learning, perhaps from their own personal experiences. Anyway, that’s what it is: it is the U.S. regime (or “the American regime”). That is today’s reality.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Israel Bombs with Missiles the Outskirts of Aleppo 11 September 2020

 September 11, 2020 Arabi Souri

Syrian Army air defense repel incoming Israel missiles in the outskirts of Aleppo

A new missile bombing by Israel against the outskirts of Aleppo province this dawn was reported by the official Syrian News Agency SANA.

The agency quoted a Syrian military source: ‘At 1:30 in the morning, the Zionist enemy launched air aggression around Aleppo with bursts of missiles.’

The military source added: ‘Our air defense means responded to the aggression and dropped most of the enemy missiles.’, as per SANA.

Israel bombs the outskirts of Aleppo 11 September 2020

There is not much information about this latest Israeli aggression as of the time of writing this report, however, a recent escalation against the states not under the US hegemony, partially or completely, is being carried out by the NATO camp, escalations as this military bombing, two similar bombings in the past month alone, increased hostility against the Palestinians who are refusing to give their homes away to foreign European imported Zionist settlers, fires and explosions in Lebanon, Iraq, and even Jordan, which is a 100% British protectorate but still a considerable portion of its population are patriotic, and the ever-increasing sanctions.

Syria’s wildfires burning large swathes of Syria’s breathing lung the al Ghab Forests are seen as not innocent at all, in their numbers, areas targeted, and timing, as if the USA is continuing to suffocate the Syrian people out of their last breathes or push millions more into refugee camps.

Both embattled Netanyahu in ‘Israel’ and Trump in the Untied States need any success to grasp upon abroad by all means of intimidation, war crimes, or direct military intervention like the one early this morning on Aleppo, they need to cover their failures, both of them, on all policies they followed especially domestically and in the wake of the COVID 19 consequences by ways of diverting attention by the usual method: a military adventure abroad. Erdogan, the Turkish madman, is in the same boat along with the Saudis who are failing miserably in their criminal war against Yemen.

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Syrian Air Defenses Destroy ‘Israeli’ Missiles Over Aleppo

Syrian Air Defenses Destroy ‘Israeli’ Missiles Over Aleppo

By Staff, Agencies

Syrian air defenses thwarted a new ‘Israeli’ act of aggression against the war-ravaged Arab country, shooting down a number of hostile missiles in the skies over the strategic northwestern province of Aleppo.

Syria’s state-run television, citing a military statement, reported that the ‘Israeli’ aircraft fired several missiles at areas in the vicinity of Aleppo at 1:30 a.m. local time on Friday, but most of the projectiles were intercepted and destroyed before hitting any of their targets.

The statement said that the attack targeted al-Safirah town, located 25 kilometers east of Aleppo city.

Late on September 2, Syrian air defense systems engaged hostile targets near the Tiyas Military Airbase, also known as the T-4 Airbase, in the country’s central province of Homs.

Syria’s official news agency SANA reported at the time that Zionist warplanes fired missiles from the direction of al-Tanf region in southeastern Syria.

The report, quoting an unnamed Syrian military source, added that most of the missiles were shot down and the rest caused only material damage.

The development came only two days after two Syrian soldiers were martyred and seven others sustained injuries in an ‘Israeli’ missile attack against military sites in southern Damascus.

The assault was reported to have been launched from the occupied Golan Heights.

The Zionist entity frequently attacks military positions inside Syria.

The Tel Aviv regime mostly keeps quiet about the attacks on Syrian territories which many view as knee-jerk reaction to Syrian government’s increasing success in confronting terrorism.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!