Saturday 12 December 2020

البندريّة وخطاب التركفيصيليّة..لكلّ مقام مقال

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سعادة ارشيد

بعد زمن قصير من توقيع دولة الإمارات العربيّة والبحرين على اتفاقيات التطبيع مع (إسرائيل)، أجرت إحدى الفضائيّات المحسوبة على السعوديّة، مقابلة من ثلاث حلقات مع بندر بن سلطان، سفير بلاده الأسبق في واشنطن، وأمين سابق لمجلس الأمن الوطني السعودي، استعرض خلالها الأدوار التي قام بها والتي لعبتها بلاده في الجزيرة العربية والإقليم والعالم، واستفاض في حديثه عن الشأن الفلسطيني بشكل مسموم طال القيادة ولم يترك الشعب، فقد اعتبر الفلسطيني محامياً فاشلاً عن قضية عادلة، وأنّ القيادات الفلسطينية تتاجر بالقضية لحساباتها الخاصة، ثم أنها قيادات قاصرة عن فهم السياسة ومتخصّصة في إضاعة الفرص، وفوق ذلك أنها ناكرة للجميل ومتطاولة على مَن يُحسن إليها، وهي عادة فلسطينية حسب المقالة البندريّة. وقد تطايرت سهام هجومه في اتجاهات عديدة لتطال إيران والحوثيين في اليمن، والأتراك والقطريين والمقاومة اللبنانية، وكذلك فضائيتي «المنار» و»الجزيرة»، لكن سهامَه طاشت عن دولة الاحتلال أو أنّ أقواله قد سقطت سهواً أو عمداً… لا يهمّ، إذ إنّ بندر بن سلطان لا يرى فيها دولة عنصرية ولا يعرف عن وحشيتها ودمويّتها، وأنها عنصر من عناصر القلق في الإقليم، التي حدّدها ابن عمه تركي الفيصل منذ أيام، فالشرّ كله حسب بندر هو في مَن أصابته سهامه.

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هذه التوجهات لم تكن مستغربة عند مَن يتابع الأداء السعودي، وعند مَن تابع مسيرة بندر بن سلطان، وما يجيش في أعماقه من عقد نفسيّة، وما مارسه من أدوار في التحريض على الأمن القوميّ من العراق إلى سورية والمقاومة اللبنانية، ثم اليمن وإيران وأفغانستان، ومن عرف علاقاته المشبوهة مع المحافظين الجدد في واشنطن إبان رئاسة بوش الابن، وما يستتبع ذلك من علاقة مع دولة الاحتلال، يُضاف إلى ذلك ما عرف عنه من فساد في صفقة اليمامة، والتي قيل إنّ حجم الرشى والعمولات التي دفعت في تلك الصفقة هي الأضخم في تاريخ الفساد.

لما كانت قناة (العربية) السعودية شبه الرسمية، هي من أجرى المقابلة، ولما كان توقيتها قد أعقب توقيع اتفاقات التطبيع الخليجية، فقد افترض العقل السليم أن المقابلة تمثل تدشيناً لخطاب إعلامي سعودي جديد، يعبّر ويتواءم مع الانهيارات الخليجية ويمثل مقدمة لسياسة سعودية جديدة تتمثل باللحاق بركب التطبيع عندما يحين الوقت المناسب.

بما أنّ مربط خيول البترودولار قد انتقل منذ زمن من لندن إلى واشنطن، وأتت نتائج الانتخابات الأميركية على غير ما يرغبون وبالضدّ من استثماراتهم في دعم المرشح الخاسر، الأمر الذي جعل من ضرورات السعودية أن تتمايز عن شركائها الذين استعجلوا التطبيع ـ وإنْ كانت قد دعمت تلك الخطوة ـ وأصبح من أولوياتها نسج علاقة مع الإدارة الأميركية الجديدة التي سبق أن أبدت عدم إعجابها بالأداء السعودي وبشكل خاص بولي العهد، وربما ستبقى قصة اغتيال الصحافي الخاشقجي السعودي الجنسية والديمقراطي الانتماء والهوى، مخرزاً في عنق ولي العهد لمعاقبته وابتزازه.

في مقلب آخر، يعاني نتنياهو من مصاعب داخلية، خاصة بعد رحيل حاميه ترامب، الأمر الذي دعاه للإلحاح على ولي العهد السعودي لزيارته في مدينة «نيوم» على أن تبقى الزيارة سراً، حتى عن الحكومة (الإسرائيلية) والجيش، ثم قام بتسريب الخبر للصحافة، نتنياهو لا يهمّه إلا مكاسبه حتى لو أخلّ بوعوده وأحرج مضيفه السعودي، الذي وقع في ارتباك وحرج. مثّل ذلك إزعاجاً بالغاً للسعودية، خاصة أنّ الزيارة لم تكن لها أية قيمة أو معانٍ سياسية أو أمنية أو اقتصادية، وإنما كانت بمنظور ولي العهد علاقات عامة لأيام مقبلة، قد يُبنى على مقتضاها التطبيع السعودي عندما تنضج الظروف ويتولى ولي العهد العرش، ولكنها بمنظور نتنياهو، هدف في ملعب خصومه في الحكومة، ونجاح يدعمه في الانتخابات القريبة وأمام جمهوره الذي قد يُسهم في خلق حالة رأي عام تدعمه أمام القضاء الذي سيمثل أمامه لا محالة.

لطالما مثلت السياسة السعودية مظهراً رزيناً وحذراً في العلن، ورسمت لنفسها صورة من الوقار والجدّية، والالتزام بثوابت الدين والسياسة، ولكن نتنياهو قد فضح المستور وبخس تلك الصورة النمطيّة الزائفة. سرعان ما جاء الردّ السعوديّ من قبل الدولة العميقة أو للدقة للعائلة السعودية العميقة، وعلى لسان تركي الفيصل رجل الاستخبارات السعودية العتيق والمحنّك، والذي يُعتبر صندوق بلاده الأسود، في خطابه في المنامة وعلى مسمع ومرأى وزير الخارجية الإسرائيلي والعالم أجمع، أراد تركي الفيصل استرجاع هيبة الدولة والعائلة ومشروعيتهما سواء الإسلامية بسدانة الحرمين وقيادة العالم الإسلامي، والسياسة بقيادة (الاعتدال العربي)، ومجلس التعاون الخليجي، وتركي الفيصل لا يريد لابن عمه ولي العهد بموقعه الرسمي أن يقع فريسة لنتنياهو وحساباته السياسية، أو لأعداء السعودية المتربّصين، الذين سبق لبندر بن سلطان أن عدّدهم بالاسم.

مَن يستمع لخطاب تركي الفيصل قد يلتبس عليه الأمر ويظنّ لوهلة، أنّ الخطيب أحد قادة معسكر المقاومة، أو أنه رجل من الزمن الجميل الذي مضى والذي كان فيه قيمة لنبرة التحدّي، اتهم تركي الفيصل (إسرائيل) بأنها دولة عنصريّة تخالف الشرائع الدولية والإنسانية، فهي تعتقل وتقتل وتهدم البيوت من دون رادع، وأنها وإنْ ادّعت أنها دولة مستهدفة وصغيرة إلا أنها دولة بغي وعدوان، وأنها لا تحمل أية قيم أخلاقيّة سامية تدعيها، ثم أنها امتداد للاستعمار الغربي، وقال غير ذلك كثيراً وللقارئ أن يعود إلى نص الخطاب.

لكن القراءة السياسية للخطاب، تلاحظ أنّ رسائل قد تسرّبت بين فقرات الحماسة والغضب، وقد تكون هي أهمّ ما في الخطاب، تركي الفيصل لا يرى في اتفاق أبراهام كتاباً منزلاً من عند الله، وإنما هو مرتفع من لدن الإدارة الأميركيّة الراحلة، وبالتالي فإنّ تعديلات يجب أن تجري عليه بحيث يقترب من مبادرة الملك فهد بن عبد العزيز 2002 في بيروت والتي عُرفت باسم المبادرة العربية للسلام، والتي يمكن اختصارها: تطبيع شامل مقابل دولة فلسطينية وسلام شامل، هذا الأمر يرى تركي الفيصل أنّ من شأنه إعادة تجميل صورة بلاده، وفي موقع آخر قال إنّ (الإسرائيلي) يصرّح برغبته بأن يكون صديقاً للسعودية، فيما يطلق كلابه من سياسيين وإعلاميين لتنهش في اللحم السعودي، وتشيطن وتشوّه صورة السعودية. وفي هذا إشارة للحملات الإعلامية (الإسرائيلية) والغربية التي تجد في ملف حقوق الإنسان في السعودية ما يُقال، كما أنه يشير بطرف خفي لتسريب الإعلام (الإسرائيلي) لخبر زيارة نتنياهو للسعودية، كما أنه بذلك يضع شرطاً مسبقاً لأيّ لقاء أو علاقة مستقبلية مع (إسرائيل)، بأنّ عليها أن تلتزم باحترام بلاده وعدم التدخل في شؤونها الداخلية وملفات حقوق الإنسان التي طالما وجدها الإعلام الغربي و(الإسرائيلي) مادة دسمة.

معروف عن تركي الفيصل قديماً أنه رائد من رواد التطبيع والعلاقة مع (إسرائيل)، سواء في ملفات الأمن أو السياسة، وقد كان من أدواته وأزلامه في هذا المجال أنور عشقي السيّئ الصيت والسمعة، وبالتأكيد أنّ تركي الفيصل لم يغادر ـ ولن يغادر اصطفافه القديم ـ ولكنه يريد ترشيد العلاقة مع (إسرائيل) وإنضاج التطبيع مع المحافظة على مكانة ودور بلاده، وإبطاء أية اندفاعة متعجلة وغير محسوبة بدقة يقوم بها ولي العهد، ولا يريد وهو من رجال العائلة العميقة أن تكون بلاده وعائلته أداة من أدوات نتنياهو في صراعه مع أشكنازي وغانتس وغيرهم من الساسة (الإسرائيليين). تركي الفيصل لم يغادر موقعه، تماماً مثل ابن عمه بندر بن سلطان، وكلاهما لم ينطق عن هوى أو عن وحي يوحى، وإنما نطق كلّ منهما حسب مستجدات السياسة، والسعودية تستجيب للمتغيّرات، كلاهما مثل العقلية السعودية التقليدية، ولكن من دون أن تتغيّر هذه السياسة او تغادر اصطفافاتها، أو تستقيل من وظيفتها.

*سياسيّ فلسطينيّ مقيم في جنين – فلسطين المحتلة

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Mess with Texas via mail-in ballot? States secede from presidential vote

Mess with Texas via mail-in ballot? States secede from presidential vote

December 09, 2020

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV

The United States corporate-dominated media has found that the easiest way to shape news coverage on the scores of legal challenges to the 2020 presidential election is to only report on them when the cases have lost.

After all, the more newspaper inches given to objective discussions of widespread voter fraud allegations equals the more chances an average American starts to think the election was rigged. This theory presumes that the average American is so docile and programmable that they have already completely forgotten the mainstream claims which dominated the previous four years: that the election was rigged (by Vladimir Putin).

Not reporting until a court rejects an integrity challenge also allows for a superior “I-knew-it-all-along” tone, combined with open accusations of lunacy on the part of the aggrieved party.

More than a month after the vote the party (Republicans) remains tremendously aggrieved: top pollster Gallup just reported that 83% of Republicans say that reports of Biden being the president-elect are not “accurate”. Yes, it’s an oddly-worded poll, but so many US wordsmiths have been purposely opaque since election day.

It’s always been easy to roll one’s eyes at the smug tone because such condescension will drop to the ground lack a bag of bricks with just one Supreme Court loss, after all.

Yes, the widespread US belief prior to November 3, 2020, was that their elections were poorly designed, poorly funded, poorly run, poorly counted and porous in many other ways besides, but I always thought the biggest post-election day challenge would be over the exact issue which has led to the totally unprecedented situation of states suing other states over accusations of ruining the election’s integrity:

Texas – now joined by Louisiana, Missouri and Arkansas – is suing the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin over mail-in ballots.

I’ll show that the US Constitution makes it clear their case should at least be heard by the Supreme Court. The state-on-state nature already takes the case directly to the top.

The Supreme Court always had to rule on the unprecedented expansion of mail-in balloting

What’s so interesting about “democracy with US characteristics” is how the nine justices of the Supreme Court are allowed to be so very, very removed from US society. They debate in private, they grant media interviews very rarely, they don’t have to say much in court (Justice Clarence Thomas went from 2006 to 2016 without publicly asking a question), nor do they even have to give public reasons for many of the momentous decisions they make (they just rejected a key vote fraud case in Pennsylvania with one sentence, but more accurately only one word: “denied”). It’s not the Holy See of Rome, but it’s close.

But it’s not close regarding the holiness, because what this unaccountable and unelected regime of nine holds sacred is merely the 18th century US Constitution, something which is currently losing lustre worldwide by the minute.

Some, not all, of these justices are Wahhabi-like in their insistence that the document is “dead” (and perfect in its deadness), in that it must be followed both to the letter and in the spirt of the bygone (allegedly golden) age in which it was written.

Given this ideological reality doesn’t it seem clear that executive branch orders by some governors, or even just their secretaries of state, to massively and controversially flood their states with mail-in ballots violated the US Constitution – even if these actions were approved by some in the judicial branch – because they often did not get legislative branch approval? Article 1, Section 4 of the US Constitution states: “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature …

Texas’ lawsuit thus asserts: “The four states exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to justify ignoring federal and state election laws and unlawfully enacting last-minute changes, thus skewing the results of the 2020 General Election. The battleground states flooded their people with unlawful ballot applications and ballots while ignoring statutory requirements as to how they were received, evaluated and counted.” The suit claims the vote in Texas was tainted by the vote in Pennsylvania, etc.

People may notice that Article 1, Section 4 does not talk about “Elections for President”, but the US elects their president by an Electoral College, not direct vote. It is regularly inferred that this clause also applies to the presidential vote, but it is actually addressed in Article 2, Section 1: “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows: Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors….” Again it’s the state legislature which decides how to decide to “appoint” (not “elect”) Electoral College “Electors”, and Article 2, Section 1 is cited in Texas’ lawsuit.

I wish I could find more good media reports on this case to better inform my opinion but – as I began – you just can’t find much objective journalistic discussion on the US voter fraud causes. No well-known anti-Trump media I saw ever even broached Article 2, Section 1 – even though it was named in the lawsuit – all they had was hysterical and completely unobjective denials that the Texas lawsuit doesn’t even attempt to make a coherent argument. And yet: the Supreme Court gave the defendant states less than 48 hours to respond to Texas’ lawsuit – by 3pm on December 10.

The suit also says the expansion made the vote insecure, but forget about all the alleged vote machine tampering, the purported “smoking gun” videos, the reported 1,000 testimonies making accusations of election malfeasance – all of that either has the evidence or it doesn’t. Maybe there was a huge conspiracy of voter fraud, or maybe there wasn’t. The nation’s top intelligence official, the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, just said that all issues of election fraud must be investigated and only then would we see “whether there is a Biden administration”. Will they all be properly investigated? This is America, so all we can say for sure is that no matter what happens America will insist that they are the spotless beacon the world should follow.

But the question of mail-in ballots – this enormous change to the US voting system which inspired seemingly thousands of complaints by Donald Trump on Twitter, as well as from many regular American citizens – this is the dispute which has the power to immediately invalidate the 2020 vote.

I say: yes, it should invalidate the vote – that is, if Americans want to follow the rules of the antiquated and fundamentally aristocratic American system.

America is not a modern democracy, nor is it accountable – don’t expect the Supreme Court to rule in favor of the outsider Trump

Yes, pro-Trumpers were wrong to wait until after the election – to see if their candidate lost – before bringing this suit, but who’s to say that elite Democrats wouldn’t have forced some of their own governors to do the same thing if Biden was the projected loser? How can judges rule on a case which was never brought before them? The bottom line is that checks and balances are what make democracy “democracy”, whether that democracy is Athenian, American, Chinese socialist or Iranian Islamic, and one person should not be able to change the fundamental nature of how elections are held, even if that person is a state governor or secretary of state, and even if a state judge says their change is ok.

Modern democracies have (at least) three branches for a reason, but it’s ok that mail-in ballots were often routed around the legislative branch?

(I often say Iranian democracy has revolutionarily created a “Supreme Leader branch”. I’d also say the massive influence of the internet/digital age gives more credence to making the unofficial “Fourth Estate” – the media – an official branch. What’s wrong with more than three branches, other than: But the bourgeois West doesn’t do it?)

The re-routing (and some state legislatures, such as Nevada, did approve a sweeping expansion to mail-in ballots) of democratic processes into the hands of one person should be seen as a continuation of what Western democracy truly is: liberal strongmanism. This process became out in the open with Dubya Bush’s phony war on Iraq and the Patriot Act, continued with the ignored anti-austerity elections in Greece, is part and parcel of Emmanuel Macron’s “rubber bullet liberalism” war on France’s Yellow Vests, and was seen in 2020 when some US governors essentially said: We want Trump out so badly that we’ll change the elections by fiat to do it.

(Corona was not a valid excuse in November, because by then 2020 had seen many nations successfully and safely hold elections.)

A coronavirus vaccine was announced just two days after Biden declared victory; after months of refusals – which have fiscally disemboweled the US lower classes – Democrats finally agreed to negotiate on their heretofore totally inflexible 2nd stimulus position as soon as the calendar turned from election November to December; Facebook, Twitter and the US mainstream media currently censor the average Republican’s election reflections as if these citizens were calling for a second Holocaust.

Those are not conspiracy theories but are listed to reveal how truly terrible and power-monging the political and cultural elite is in the United States. They overreach their power time and time again, no matter how negative the effect on their domestic public or the rest of the world.

Such persons wanted Trump out, and I’m not saying that they engaged in a massive conspiracy of election fraud to do so – I’m saying that they obviously changed the fundamental nature of the election to do so.

In the US states decide individually how elections are run, but there should have been formal legislative debate about any huge changes to the election format and not merely a gubernatorial order reflected upon in private by a judge. It was undemocratic political overreach in a nation full of people who have been conditioned to believe that the boss/CEO/president can and should be able to fire/personally enrich/sanction at will.

There are enough “strict constructionists” ,”originalists” or (as I call them) “American Salafists” currently on the Supreme Court to see the logic of Texas’ argument. However, I do not think the Supreme Court will find in favor of Texas – the power-holders in the US system are fundamentally anti-Trump, I think 2016-2020 has proven ad nauseam.

Trumpism was vindicated in a grassroots way – like it or not – on November 3rd, but there are no “Trumpist” judges in the top court. Who knows, maybe Trumpism will last long enough that one day there will be, but for now what all Supreme Court judges are is merely typical American conservatives. The idea that even though Supreme Court justices are the most untouchable persons in American society and yet they will bend over backwards to please Trump is, I think, a major (but common) fallacy.

It’s clear that the 2020 election was drastically changed (just look at how voter turnout suddenly was the highest in 120 years), and it’s clear that legislatures often did not fulfil their check and balance role, and it’s clear that “strict constructionism” was not something invented by Justice Anthonin Scalia but is an ideology which has been widely discussed since the very beginning of the American republic… all that will be thrown out to throw out Trump, I predict.

This article has not been pro-Trump or anti-Trump, it is reminding how very drastic the actions of anti-Trump power-holders in the US have been. They changed the nature of the 2020 vote, and they don’t want to admit that, and the Supreme Court is not likely to unconservatively ok a shocking, once-in-three-lifetimes reversal to the 2020 presidential vote – not because of the chaos and alienation it would cause among the 99%, but because American democracy is and has always been expressly designed to protect the elite, not the people/workers/lower classes.

By the way, the only presidential vote which ever mattered at all takes place in less than a week – the Electoral College votes on December 14th. I think this year’s general election on the presidential vote has provided a more interesting – yet legally meaningless – diversion than it normally does, don’t you?


Results are in: Americans lose, duopoly wins, Trumpism not merely a cult (1/2) – November 5, 2020

Results are in: Americans lose, duopoly wins, Trumpism not merely a cult (2/2) – November 6, 2020

4 years of anti-Trumpism shaping MSM vote coverage, but expect long fight – November 7, 2020

US partitioned by 2 presidents: worst-case election scenario realized – November 9, 2020

A 2nd term is his if he really wants it, but how deep is Trump’s ‘Trumpism’? – November 10, 2020

CNN’s Jake Tapper: The overseer keeping all journalists in line (1/2) – November 13, 2020

‘Bidenism’ domestically: no free press, no lawyer, one-party state? (2/2) – November 15, 2020

Where’s Donald? When 40% of voters cry ‘fraud’ you’ve got a big problem – November 17, 2020

The 4-year (neoliberal) radicalisation of US media & Bidenites’ ‘unradical radicalism’ – November 22, 2020

80% of US partisan losers think the last 2 elections were stolen – December 3, 2020

Trump declares civil war for voter integrity in breaking (or broken) USA – December 5, 2020

Ramin Mazaheri is currently covering the US elections. He is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of ‘Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism’ as well as ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’, which is also available in simplified and traditional Chinese.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Friday 11 December 2020

FSA Terrorist Aakef Zaki Killed by Unknown Gunmen in Daraa Countryside


NATO terrorist Aakef Zaki killed in Daraa

FSA terrorist and top wanted by the Syrian authorities in Daraa the so-called Aakef Zaki was killed in East Karak town in the eastern Daraa countryside south of Syria.

The NATO terrorist and former commander of the so-called ‘Martyrs of Eastern Karak’, one of the armed groups of the Al Qaeda FSA terrorist organization was shot dead in front of his house yesterday 7th of December, by unknown gunmen.

Aakef refused to join the large-scale reconciliation efforts in the southern Syrian province, the reconciliation led by the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria returned thousands of people to their normal lives, some of the radical commanders refused to join the reconciliation and continued their attacks against the Syrian authorities, civilians, and notables in the region, taking advantage of the protection provided by Trump forces in the Tanf area southeast of Syria.

The killed terrorist was responsible for a number of attacks, kidnaps, field executions, and lootings in the southern Syrian provinces of Daraa and Sweida. On the 8th of last month, November, an armed terrorist group carried out an attack against a Syrian Army checkpoint to the west of the Eastern Karak town.

There were at least 34 terrorist attacks in the southern region post the reconciliation, they included the assassination of 24 persons, wounding of 8 others, two failed assassination attempts, including 18 of his former colleagues of the FSA fighters who joined the reconciliation. The terrorists shot dead 22 of the targeted victims while committed field execution of two others who were shot after being kidnapped.

Trump maintains a large number of his forces in Syria, mainly in the northeastern region bordering Iraq, and the southeastern region of Tanf in the depth of the Syrian desert bordering Iraq and Jordan. The Trump forces in the Tanf area protect members of the ISIS-affiliated group Maghawir Thawra which also runs the infamous Rukban concentration camp where thousands of Syrian refugees are held against their will in horrific conditions. Trump forces illegally positioned in Tanf also facilitated some of Israel’s bombings inside Syria and Iraq.

ISIS terrorists who committed the heinous massacre in the remote desert villages of Sweida province in the early morning hours of July 25th, 2018 fled to the same protected area by the Trump forces in Tanf. The Sweida massacre resulted in slaughtering 215 residents in their houses, injuring 180 others, and kidnapped 27 women and children.

The killing of Aakef Zaki will not help in uncovering much of the information needed by the Syrian authorities about the massacres and crimes committed in the southern region, it would have been much better if he was arrested to expose his accomplices and tell their whereabouts.

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Thursday 10 December 2020

Joshua Wong and the Exodus in China

Joshua Wong and the Exodus in China

December 06, 2020

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog

HONG KONG – British and American media in China for as long as we scribblers remember have empowered Chinese saboteurs and secessionists just so as to annoy Beijing. Without fail, if there ever was some corrupt princeling (local Chongqing tyrant Bo Xilai), a fugitive from the tax law (mafioso Miles Guo), or just another crackpot religious charlatan (Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi), you could draw your own square Tiananmen with a Tank-man on top there was going to be endless China-bashing.

None of those famous trouble-makers, however, is more idoneous and adaptable to the Western master narrative about the eternal battle between Good and Evil (God’s chosen people versus the godless Chinese) than “Joshua” Wong – the eternal Jewish instigator.

Forget for a moment about his Holiness the Dalai Lama, nude artist Ai Weiwei, blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng or activist Liu Xiaobo, and welcome China’s most powerful spiritual leader (second only to the Republic’s true leader and president, Xi Jinping, of course): the Hong Kong teenage-hero “Joshua” Wong Chi-fung.

Metaphysics of Western Foreign Interventionism

This Carry-on-England savior, named after the key character of Jewish persecution in King James’ translation of The Old Testament, who, according to The British Sunday Times, started his anti-China activism during Middle School at the age of thirteen, is not an ethnic Jew (which is a racist construct), but a Neocolonial Christian nationalist and Cantonese identitarian. He insists, perhaps honing the influence of his devout believer mother “Grace,”  that the Wong people – the people of Hong Kong – are systematically oppressed not by Ramses and the ancient Egyptians but by Xi Jinping and the 21st Century Hans. “Joshua” wants his special fellow students to rise up against China and to lead the Wongs out of Zhongguo and into God’s holy safe space – Birmingham in England.

Imagine the bombastic hurrah at our Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong, the Jewish-run Western media complex, the Christian lobby and ultra-liberal Hollywood upon hearing that such an insanely unlikely Asiatic shepard exists. They had to make him the greatest Chinese philosopher that ever walked the planes since Saint Confucius and Catholic Bruce Lee (though the latter was not a Christian, he must have been, according to the Christian Post).

If this sounds like Hollywood claptrap and eerie dream fabric, that’s because “Joshua” was carefully staged that way:

“…the 18-year-old Wong doesn’t look like Hollywood’s idea of a charismatic rebel leader. But…” (Fortune Magazine).

…BUT he doesn’t have too, as an early opinion piece by Alex Lo in the South China Morning Post explains. It’s like trying to demonstrate that the 14th Dalai Lama is not a reincarnated Bodhisattva: We cannot prove a negative. We cannot possibly show that Joshua Wong is not a global leader – after Hollywood and Fortune magazine made him out to be one – ‘No 10’ in the world, to be precise, only four slots behind Taylor Swift, the #blessed and #flawless singer of ‘Call Me Maybe’.

And there it sailed, the propaganda ship of folly. But first, don’t get me wrong on this: It’s all gold for Chinese “Joshua.” Other Hong Kong teenagers worked and volunteered equally hard, but “Joshua” – back than he was just 16 – was perfect for the Western narrative and thus chosen by the globalist Anglo-Zionist media cartel to personify the ‘Umbrella Movement’ – yes, we are talking about as in: …for the Western history books. China bullies Christians in Hong Kong!

Virtuous Campaign for Wong Justice

To most China experts with a gun-boat mentality, the sheer audacity of Western planners to pitch Israeli spy “Joshua” against the Chinese civilization was genius. In Europe, questioning the global Jewish cause is instant career seppuku – worse than hell, the C-plague and Trump-voters combined. Countries smaller than China have been terminated because of it. How on earth could Beijing ever wiggle itself out of these horrible Western accusations of religious persecution of… well…”Joshua” himself?

Pro-Joshua Berlin immediately invited Mr. Wong over and had him address 80 million Germans via its tax-payer-funded 8.4-billion-euros state-TV. Pro-Joshua London offered social housing to half of China willing to relocate to Milton Keynes. Meanwhile, pro-Joshua Washington dispatched aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and a 20th Century Fox Christian Bale blockbuster movie to Devil’s Peak.

Mr. Wong thus earned his first multi-million dollar campaign co-sponsored by pro-Joshua media ReutersAPdpaNew York TimesLA TimesCNNBBCGuardianSpiegelEconomist and hundreds more. The viral factor was absurd, comical even, because Hong Kong students themselves didn’t know at first they were marching for “Joshua.” Fortune magazine framed the protesters’ gullible street performances as backdrop to this rising star’s fame:

“His nonviolent protest message and energetic idealism galvanized crowds that, over months, numbered in the hundreds of thousands.”

How many “hundreds of thousands” – six hundred thousands maybe? (That’s the actual number given in the Old Testament.) All the media hyperbole made the young man with glasses and asymmetric face appear to be the spiritual leader of an oppressed Hong Kong people, but was he really? Well, he clearly wasn’t, says Alex Lo. “Joshua” was not elected but selected by the Western interest groups – as in: China must never be allowed to do politics on its own terms.

Most self-respected university students in Hong Kong who participated in the protests, if they believed in freedom and self-determination, would probably resent the idea of being put into (((the brackets))) of some superimposed, manufactured Western master narrative and personality cult. But that’s all irrelevant now, because the Western media wanted Joshua Wong to be the leader of that movement, and that is what it is.

Back in 2014, “Joshua” was barely among the 50 Greatest Leaders (Fortune). By 2017, he was personifying geopolitics: “Joshua vs Superpower” (Netflix). By early 2020, German Die Welt described Mr. Wong’s cursory vision is near transcendental: “Joshua: China is Threat to World Freedom.”

So here we were at movie plaza and watching that 20h Century Fox Christian Bale blockbuster ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’. US director Ridley Scott and his writers decided to have the Lord speak through the body of “a Boy-angel” who orders Bale (Moses) to lead God’s favorite people out of Ancient Authoritarianism. Boy-angel, Israeli Joshua, God’s puppet whatever. The scriptural “Joshua,” which Wong Chi-fung goes by in Western media (they don’t care about his Chinese name, it is “Yellow”), has his own chapter in the Hebrew Bible – ‘The Book of Joshua’The titular hero leads the slaves into crossing the Jordan by dividing the South China sea, basically. Anyway, that was my reading of it. As the HK-British flagship media SCMP notes: “To make a film of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt is brave.” Yeah.

“How Joshua Wong’s faith motivates his activism” celebrated ABC News. “The Christian Spirit flows through Hong Kong protests” mused The Liberty. “Hong Kong’s Religious Revolutionaries” blasted Foreign Policy. “Joshua Wong: We long to see Hong Kong free from tyranny,” hailed the Economist.

Sacred, religious narratives are problematic for social science. Nothing good comes of them. Except of course, if they help to debilitate and collapse your enemy. US and European diplomats in Beijing and Shanghai, their intelligence services and Foreign Correspondents Clubs in cahoots, love to explore all ways of delegitimizing China’s government, including accusations of religious persecution in Shanghai (Christians), Tibet (Buddhists) and Xinjiang (Muslims).

These Western conspiracies are nonsensical. China is a pluralistic, multilingual and multi-ethnic civilization that has all kinds of beliefs, including magicians, healers and pagans. It is more diverse than any other Western nation. There are over 52 thriving minorities. China has more foreign students, including Africans, than Europe and North America. It certainly has more Muslims than France, Germany, the UK and the USA combined. It has millions of Taoists and Confucianists, a multitude of Buddhist fractions and Orthodox and Protestants and Catholics and everything. It is a difficult task to keep the harmony between them – tian ren he hi: all under Heaven. The British Empire, which collapsed, and the US Empire, which is waning, would love to stir hatred, spread misinformation and fake news. China can respect that. But it will never let foreign powers divide it.

Your author recalls fondly our desperate liberal media’s attempt – such as the Wall Street JournalCNNAtlanticSouth China Morning PostIndependent and a thousand more -, between 2005 and 2019, to elevate a cult leader in Chengdu, a certain Pater Wang Yi, of the evangelist Church of Early Rain, to the status of a Sinitic super-saint. The man was conscripted by the US state department and rushed to the White House where he met then-president George W. Bush in 2006. Pater Wang was all over the global news, yet left no lasting impression on the general American public. Years later, in early 2020, Pater Wang was shipped to Vatican City in order to meet Pope Francis. However, those CIA expert idiots couldn’t tell the difference between the Holy Roman Catholic Church and hard-core Protestantism, so naturally it was a bit awkward for everyone. The Messenger of God Francis instead sent an archbishop to greet the Messenger of God Wang, and that was that. Just for your reference, the Early Rain cult – despite its millions of dollars worth of US media press coverage, at no point had more than 600 members. Worse, Western social media users, especially young people, could not identify with this Chengdu toad. Jehova-style proselytism is not cool. Cult leaders are not cool. The Pater Wang act collapsed.

That said, even the most militant Western press soldiers could not have anticipated that one day they would be able to play “the Jewish card” against Beijing and call its leadership antisemitic. And thus we have barely survived the Trump-era (roughly the reign of US president Trump from 2016 to 2021) of associating Han Chinese with neo-Nazis (the have a Nation, they have Sozialismus) – for prosecuting “Joshua” and the Hong Kong Wongs, the Uighur Tohtis and the Tibetan monks, and all religious people under Heaven.

Now the world was hooked of course. Holocaust in China everywhere! “Genocide” and “concentration camps” and “exodus” made the global China-headlines.

So there you have it. The news of the coming of a new leader, or Chinese Boy-angel, or God’s messenger – known to Christians as the ‘Holy Trinity’ – quickly consumed our Abrahamic sense of mission to subdue Asiatic people – only the 1.4 billion mainland evil ones, not the 8 million colonial good ones -, and trickled down to second and third tier media organizations and Youtube channels. No investigation, no fact-checking. Just mindless repetition: China is really really bad.

Mass Brainfuggery and Fremdbestimmung [foreign rule]

It is now six years of “Joshua arrested,” “Joshua on bail,” “Joshua protested,” “Joshua in court again.” He barely talks sensible. His parents checked his boxes for “dyslexic” – a middle-class exculpation for being partially illiterate. He is the ultimate message board – plane as a pan. There are more Western TV stations, microphones and cameras following him than actual people. Most of his appearances are clearly montages, edited for mass (social) media consumption. He also came to adapt the lifestyle of a true übermega-celebrity – alleged private jets, five star hotels, meeting pop singer Pakho Chau Pak-ho. His finances are taboo. He may be totally dependent on foreign services. He certainly is by far the greatest asset the CIA, MI6 and BND ever had.

Yes, there are back-up dissidents, just in case: One is the female Hong Kong activist, Agnes “the real Mulan” Chow (22). She is pretty and touted as the savior of oppressed Chinese women. Another is Nathan “the Law” Luo (27) – get it? his surname sounds like Law! The West primed him for future HK politics. But, really, both real Mulan and Mr. Law can’t hold a candle to holy “Joshua.”

This drama of re-enacting the ‘Exodus’ of our ideological enemies over and over again is, I claim, brought to near perfection in the West. We call it “creativity” [a divine inspiration] and often blame the Chinese for their lack of it. To be sure, this creativity is seen by our enemies as a demonic superpower; it makes the West unpredictable to foreign governments (are they really that sadistic?); yet the unpredictability obviously has a system: The messianic creed with its biblical superpowers creates world history. Let us briefly digress:

The power of world history often surprises even our own children. They looked at Leonardo Da Vinci’s alleged master painting ‘Mona Lisa’ and asked: “Is it good? Why him?”, or Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ and went: “Really? I could have painted that!” Remember reading about Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America? That America is real. However, it was only called this way decades later and Columbus didn’t discover it, but, you know, he existed tangibly and close enough in that area (the Bahamas) in 1492 and he was Christian and European. Bam! Ownership claimed. So that counts as world history.

From Jesus “I-am-the-king-of-Jews-and-son-of-God” Christ to modern saviors like Barack Obama, Steve Jobs or Greta Thunberg: It’s all irresponsible make-belief, designed to disrupt the lives of as many humans as possible. To our enemies, our creations can be terrifying. And so is “Joshua” to Beijing.

Hong Kong was nominated a new historic figure, superimposed by Western description. The real leaders in the city state look like insignificant cunts. China’s own [attempts to create] history looks like alternative history, unauthorized history, fake history. “Joshua” wasn’t elected but selected – and certainly not by his own people. He is shamelessly exploited by a Western biblical narrative and sense of mission to civilize China. And if China doesn’t comply, according to The Book of Exodus, the country will be exposed to the Wrath of God in form of the ten plagues: economic sanctions, political assassinations, secessionist movements, a new nationalist party, pseudo-religious fundamentalism, identity politics, diversity task forces, cancel culture, and probably #BLM (Black Lives Matter) mindless terror. Good times for Western satanists: The New York Times in autumn of 2020 suggested Beijing was accusing “Joshua” of worshiping the Devil. I’m not inventing this, here are the headlines: “Chinese Propaganda Video Warns of West’s ‘Devilish Claws’.

Siege to China’s Jerusalem

Titled our all-favorite anti-China propaganda press UK Guardian: “Joshua Wong, the Student who Risked the Wrath of Beijing” and, in the opening paragraph, this: “Cometh the hour, cometh the boy,” an idiom attributed to three prophets of your choice: Moses, Shakespeare or Winston Churchill. That’s the Guardian for you. It’s a mental institution.

I’m almost done with chronicling this prophetic lunacy and suspect where the West is going with it – regime change or worse. Regardless of what we are told in the liberal press, China must promote law and order and reason and science; still: the epic sway of Western interventionism terrifies me: “Joshua” is leading his fine people away from the former British hub for human trafficking and money laundry and into the promised land – America? Canada? Germany? The United Kingdom?” How to do it? Have you asked your own citizen? Of course not. Australia wants 100,000 HK refugees, it says. The rich ones. The UK Johnson regime doubled down on its pledge to welcome 3,000,000 or so “new English” to enter Albion and settle… I don’t know… in Brighton on the cliff by the sea?

“Joshua” is 22 now. Since he is dyslexic and has no job, he wants to become a democrat. A local Hong Kong district court sentenced him to a short-term prison sentence over sedition, which he, after consulting with Western Powers Inc., now eagerly anticipates. He was told his was world history in the making. And he better believe it.

The author is a German writer, cultural critic and political commentator on Sino-Western relations. He has published ‘The East-West Dichotomy’, ‘Inside Peking University’, and ‘Shengren – Above Philosophy and Beyond Religion’. He can be reached at

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Wednesday 9 December 2020

How ‘Office of the US President’ developed ‘Imperial Power’: TV Report

Video link:


Television report on the historical development of the US president’s powers, into what is now referred to by some as the ‘Imperial Presidency’.

Source: Al Mayadeen TV (YouTube)
Date: November 27, 2020(Important Note: Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing as little as $1/month here:


TV Report:

When the Americans managed to defeat Britain and achieve their independence (on the 4th of July, 1776), some proposed to George Washington that he be the king of the new (American) state. However, this (suggestion) was not implemented. Rather, Americans adopted a presidential system that separated powers between three branches of government.

While the judicial and legislative branches are composed of a number of councils and (governing) bodies, in contrast, the executive branch is headed by only one person who simultaneously plays the role of the head of state, and the head of the (ruling) administration. This person enjoys broad powers extending to politics, military affairs, economics, and foreign affairs, powers that even monarchs in other countries do not enjoy.

Under the constitution, the (US) president is responsible for signing and approving laws; he is the commander in chief of the armed forces; he decides how the country’s nuclear arsenal is used; he nominates candidates to become federal court judges, particularly those of the Supreme Court. Moreover, the president directs the country’s foreign policies; appoints ambassadors; has the final take on international agreements/treaties; and many other powers.

The president can also appoint his staff of aides made up of ministers, advisers, and officials at different levels of the state. He has under his command 4 million government staff workers.

The (country’s) presidential powers developed over time. The president’s personality, the circumstances surrounding his respective ruling term, and especially the (various) wars (and their effects),  played a huge role in growing these powers and expanding their influence, to the point of what is now known as the “Imperial Presidency”, especially ever since the 1930s. This sole, absolute-like power of the president was and still is a focal point for political debate in America, particularly as to how this power could be abused.

These concerns intensified after Trump took office and exercised this “absolute power”, articulating thousands of lies and backing extremist and racial ideologies, along with firing a record number of ministers and officials unprecedented for any former administration. Some officials were dismissed for merely disagreeing with the president’s point of view, or for merely making statements that the president did not like.

So following its experience with Trump, will America reconsider the range of powers granted to only one person?

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!


An unmanned aerial vehicle operated by Lebanese Hezbollah managed to cross into Israel’s north and monitor the Israeli military drills dubbed “Lethal Arrow”, Lebanese media affiliated with Hezbollah reported on December 3. The incident allegedly took place on November 26, on the second day of the drills.

The Israeli side promoted the drill as an exercise to put to the test a strategy based on network-centered warfare bringing together the capabilities of ground, air, naval and cyber forces to quickly eliminate hostile targets in the event of the conflict in the area. The Hezbollah drone buzzed Israeli forces just during these military exercises. Additionally, on December 3, the Israeli government urged its citizens to avoid travel to the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, citing threats of Iranian attacks.

At the same time, the United States and its allies continue demonstrating concerns regarding possible attacks in Iraq in the wake of an expected Iranian retaliation to the assassination of its top nuclear scientist near Tehran in an alleged US-Israeli plot. According to media reports, following the earlier move of the United States, France and Spain are also considering at least partial withdrawal of diplomatic staff from Iraq. US officials speculate that Iranian-backed factions of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces, an official branch of the Iraqi military, are preparing attacks on facilities and personnel of the US diplomatic mission.

Meanwhile, in the South Caucasus, Azerbaijan for the first time released an official number of its casualties in the Second Nagorno-Karabkah War. According to the defense ministry, 2783 Azerbaijani soldiers were killed, 1245 were injured and over 100 are still missing. In own turn, the Health Ministry of Armenia reported that at least 2718 Armenian soldiers were killed as a result of the conflict. The almost equal casualties of the advancing and defending forces in the standoff in such a complex mountainous area as Nagorno-Karabkah is another factual demonstration of the overwhelming Azerbaijani dominance in the manpower, and firepower, including heavy military equipment, artillery and air support, the in the 1.5-month conflict with the Armenians.

Azerbaijan, however, seems to have already started paying price of its sovereignty for the Turkish support in the war. On December 2, President Ilham Aliyev declared the establishment of the new national holiday ‘Victory Day’ in Azerbaijan. The holiday scheduled for November 10 was dedicated to the start of the implementation of the peace agreements in Karabakh, under which Armenian forces in fact accepted their defeat and agreed to withdraw from Agdam, Kalbajar and Lachin districts.However, a day later Baku was reminded by Ankara that November 10 is the Day of Remembrance of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. So, on December 3, the presidential administration of Azerbaijan changed its order and rescheduled the Azerbaijani national holiday for November 8. Let’s hope the Big Neo-Ottoman Brother is now satisfied. In other case, the Azerbaijani leadership will have to reschedule a few more national holidays and rename ministries to please it.

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محاربة الفساد في لبنان…هل هي مستحيلة؟

العميد د. أمين محمد حطيط

تكاد لا تسمع مسؤولاً في لبنان رسمياً كان أم حزبياً أو شعبياً إلا وينادي بالحرب على الفساد، ويطالب باجتثاثه وبملاحقة الفاسدين وتطهير الدولة والمجتمع منهم. صرخات ونداءات ملأت أركان لبنان ولكن شيئاً منها لم يتحقق وأمراً واحداً منها لم ينفذ.

فقد أطلق العماد ميشال عون في بداية دخوله الى المجلس النيابي ومع اشتراكه في الحكومة قبل 14 عاماً، الصرخة ووضع كتاباً لمحاربة الفساد أسماه “الإبراء المستحيل” وهو يقصد أنّ الأموال التي نهبت من الدولة والتي يستحيل تبرئة ذمة السارقين منها وتجب محاكمتهم واستعادة الأموال المنهوبة منهم، ولهذا أضاف العماد عون مصطلح “لبنان ليس فقيراً أو مفلساً بل منهوب” وأمواله منهوبة. ورغم كلّ هذا الحراك لم يصغ أحد ولم يتحرّك المعنيّون في الدولة وعلى كلّ الصعد من أجل مكافحة الإرهاب.

وفي العام 2018 خاض حزب الله معركته الانتخابية النيابية تحت شعارين مركزيين محاربة الفساد وحماية المقاومة، وعيّن بعد الانتخابات نائباً من نوابه أناط به مسؤولية ملف محاربة الفساد وتجميع الوثائق ووضعها بتصرّف السلطة المختصة للسير قدُماً بالمهمة، وبالفعل قام النائب بما عليه ووصل الى كمّ هائل من الوثائق التي تشهد على هدر المال وسرقته ونهبه ووضعها بتصرّف السلطات المختصة، أيّ القضاء، وانتظر الجميع النتائج ولكن بقيت المسيرة بلا ثمر شأنها شأن “الإبراء المستحيل”.

وعندما كان تحرك سياسي او قضائي او إداري خجول لملاحقة هذا او ذاك ممن كانت رائحة سرقاتهم تزكم الأنوف حتى ولو كان أصحابها أصيبوا بفيروس كورونا العادم لحاسة الشمّ، خرج رؤساء الطوائف بخطوطهم الحمر وألبستهم البيضاء أو السوداء أو الحمراء وحذّروا من المسّ بـ”شرف الطائفة” متناسين أو متجاهلين أنّ المال المنهوب ليس مال الطائفة أصلاً، وانّ الطائفة لم تكن هي المستفيدة مما سُرق، ولم يدخل من المنهوب قرش في جيب فقير من الطائفة، لا بل أنّ السرقات زادت من أعباء معيشة الفقراء من كلّ الطوائف بما في ذلك فقراء الطائفة ذاتها.

وتعقد الحال أيضاً بظهور الدعم للفساد والفاسدين من أمراء الطوائف السياسيين “القيّمين” على شؤون الدولة، فعندما حاولت الحكومة قبل استقالتها إقالة بعض الموظفين من متوَلّي شأن مرفق عام نظراً للكارثة التي أوقعوا لبنان وشعبه فيها، رأينا كيف احتشد الجمع مدافعاً عن هذا وذاك، وفشلت مساعي الإقالة والتصحيح، وتعاظم شأن المشكو منه حتى أضحى أكبر من الدولة وأهمّ من مجلس النواب وفوق القانون يضع القواعد القانونية التي يشاء، يعمل بشيء منها على هواه ويتخطى القسم الأكبر منها كما يريد، ويطيح بحقوق الناس وعينه جامدة لا يرفّ لها جفن لأنه مطمئن للحماية المعقدة من الداخل حماية رئيس الطائفة ومعه السياسيون المتجذّرون في السلطة، وحماية من الخارج الذي يرى فيه الأداة الملائمة لتنفيذ سياسة الهيمنة والقبض على رقاب الناس ولقمة عيشهم.

أما القضاء وهو السلطة الدستورية المعنية والمنوط بها إدانة المرتكب ومعاقبته وتبرئة الشريف وحمايته في سمعته وماله ورغم تلقيه الإخبارات الهائلة والوثائق والملفات الضخمة، فإنه لم يظهر تحركاً كافياً لطمأنة الناس وتصرّف بشكل ظهر فيه في أكثر من موقع وحالة متهيّباً من التصدي للمأساة ما جعله يتلقى ويضع اليد على الملفات من دون أن يتفاعل أو يفعل أو يتصرف وفقاً لصلاحياته، استنكاف يأتي إما لضغط سياسي أو لخوف ذاتيّ أو لقصور أو… المهمّ أنه لم يشفَ غليل المطالبين بملاحقة الفاسدين لا بل خيّب ظنّ الكثيرين من المعوّلين عليه خاصة أولئك الذين يرون فيه الطريق الإجباري الوحيد لمحاربة الفساد.

وقبل أن أختم هذا العرض لا يفوتني أن أذكر مسرحيات التحقيق المالي الجنائي في مصرف لبنان، وهو بحقّ المدخل الطبيعي لمعرفة تشعّبات هدر المال العام لكون مصرف لبنان يقبض على عقدة الطرق الرئيسية التي تمرّ فيها حركة الأموال العامة والخاصة، ويمكن في أيام قليلة لو صدقت النيات وتمّ التعاون، يمكن الوصول الى نتائج واضحة حول ذلك، لكن محترفي نهب المال العام مارسوا احترافهم ضدّ هذا المسار وبدل ان يسهّلوا التحقيق الجنائي في مصرف لبنان أصرّوا على ربط ذلك بتحقيق جنائي عام يبدأ بقرش المختار وينتهي بمصرف لبنان، عمل لا نعتقد أنّ جهة مهما عظم شأنها بإمكانها القيام به خاصة بعد أن أصرّ المتذاكون على عبارة “التوازي” و “بالموازاة” عبارة تعني ببساطة أن لا تحقيق مالياً جنائياً في لبنان، ومَن يعِش يرَ…

هذا على الصعيد الداخلي، أما الأدهى من كل ما تقدّم فهو الوضع على الصعيد الخارجي وانتقال ملف الفساد الى يد الخارج واتخاذه مدخلاً للتدخل في لبنان، وانقلب أداة ضغط على سياسيّي لبنان ووضعت المعادلة الرهيبة “الإذعان أو العقوبات” حيث إنّ المسؤول ينهب وأميركا تهدّده بالفساد وتلزمه بالانصياع لها او تشهر سيف العقوبات بوجهه. وهنا يضطر المسؤول لحماية المال المنهوب من الدولة أن يفرط بحقوق وطنية وسيادية لترضى أميركا وتمتنع مؤقتاً عن معاقبته وتتحوّل الأموال المنهوبة إلى ورقة ابتزاز ويتضرّر لبنان وشعب لبنان من فساد المسؤول مرتين؛ الأولى، عندما نهب المال العام وعطل مرفقاً او مصلحة عامة، والثانية عندما تنازل عن السيادة وفرّط بالحقوق الوطنية لحماية ما نهب. أما الأبشع من ذلك فتجده في فتح الباب أمام الملاحقة الشاملة والانتقائية عبر تهديد البعض بلائحة العقوبات على فساد لم يرتكبوه أو لا دليل على ارتكابه يكون ذلك في سياق الابتزاز والضغط أيضاً. نقول هذا طبعاً مع رفضنا المطلق للتصرف الكيدي الأميركي، فأميركا ليست صاحبة صلاحية لتدين وتعاقب مسؤولاً لبنانياً مهما كانت ارتكاباته، وللقضاء والدولة اللبنانية وحدها الحق في ذلك هذا إذا تمسّكنا بالسيادة، ولكن وللأسف نجد أنّ النظرية شيء والواقع شيء آخر وهو الذي رغم رفضنا له لخروجه على القانون يستمرّ قائماً.

هذا غيض من فيض مآسي الفساد في لبنان، حيث أدّى الى تعطيل الدولة وإفلاسها وإسقاطها وتضييع حقوق المواطنين في أموالهم ثم فتح لبنان أمام التدخل الخارجي فانتهكت السيادة وقيدت الإرادات وتحوّل القسم الأكبر من المسؤولين إلى أدوات تنفيذية مسيّرة بالأمرة عن بُعد بيد الخارج عامة وأميركا خاصة، وبات الفساد مرضاً أشدّ خطراً على لبنان من كلّ ما عداه بما في ذلك الاحتلال الأجنبي.

على ضوء ما تقدّم ولأننا لا نثق بكلّ الآليات والسلوكيات المعتمدة حالياً لمحاربة الفساد خاصة أنها جُرّبت وتأكد فشلها أو عجزها أو عدم نجاعتها لأكثر من سبب واعتبار، فإننا نرى انه لا مناص من تغيير الأسلوب والوسائل لمحاربة الفساد، تغيير نراه في اعتماد ما يلي:


ـ إعادة تكوين السلطة على أساس قانون انتخابيّ وطنيّ عادل يأتي الى الحكم بمن يريده الشعب حقيقة وتكون الانتخابات أول حساب شعبي للفاسدين

ـ إنشاء قضاء استثنائي خاص لمحاربة الفساد يسمّى “قضاء النزاهة” ويكون مستقلاً قائماً بذاته الى جانب القضاء العدلي بفرعية المدني والجزائي والقضاء الإداري والقضاء المالي والقضاء العسكري إلخ… ويكون هذا القضاء من طبيعة مركبة مدنية وجزائية وإدارية وتكون العقوبات التي ينطق بها كذلك من هذه الطبيعة المركبة.


ـ تطوير قانون الإثراء غير المشروع الذي هو السيف الرئيسيّ الذي يستعمله “قضاء النزاهة” بحيث يتمّ التشدّد في التدابير التالية
ـ تحرك النيابة العامة في قضاء النزاهة في كلّ مرة يشتبه فيها بمرتكب، شرط أن تكون هناك أسباب جدية للملاحقة
ـ إسقاط الحصانة أيّاً كان نوعها عن أيّ ملاحَق أمام قضاء النزاهة من رتبة وزير الى رتبة حاجب شاملاً كلّ من تولى مسؤولية في وظيفة عامة
ـ كفّ يد الملاحَق من لحظة البدء بملاحقته وحتى صدور الحكم بحقه
ـ سقوط السرية المصرفية عن أيّ ملاحَق امام قضاء النزاهة مهما كان موقعه
ـ تجميد أموال الملاحَق أمام قضاء النزاهة إلا ما لزم منها لمعيشته مع عائلته
ـ التزام السرعة من دون التسرّع في المحاكمة، بحيث لا يتخطى بتّ الملف السنة الواحدة من تاريخ البدء بالملاحقة من قبل النيابة العامة او هيئة التشريع والقضايا لدى وزارة العدل.

أستاذ جامعيّ – باحث استراتيجيّ

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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