Uprooted Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the M.E Palestinians uprooted by force of arms. Yet faced immense difficulties have survived, kept alive their history and culture, passed keys of family homes in occupied Palestine from one generation to the next.
رغم انقشاع غيمة السقوط المدوّي للديمقراطية الأميركية على أعتاب جزمات ميليشيات ترامب وحراب الجيش الأميركي وشرطته القاتلة مؤقتاً، الا ان مجرد التفكير بهذا الامر من قبل رئيس أكبر دوحات الديمقراطيات الغربية إنما يمثل بحدّ ذاته سقوطاً مدوياً لكلّ معاييرهم المزدوجة والمخادعة والتي روّجوا لها زوراً وبهتاناً على مدى عقود طويلة!
فماذا كان يعدّ ترامب وميليشياته ليلة الانقلاب على «الديمقراطية»!؟
لم يكن هدف الرئيس الأميركي، ومن يقف وراءه من القوى العميقه في الولايات المتحدة، من وراء حملة التصعيد، التي نفذها ترامب ضدّ المتظاهرين السلميين، تبرير مواصلة استمرار العنف المفرط ضدّهم واتهامهم بالإرهاب والبلطجة وما الى ذلك، وإنما كان الهدف تنفيذ انقلاب عسكري، تمّ الإعداد له بدقة، من قبل القوى العميقة المذكورة أعلاه، وذلك عبر الخطوات التالية:
أولا ـ أن يقوم ترامب بإصدار أوامره للجيش الأميركي بالانتشار في مدن الولايات المتحدة الرئيسية، بحجة السيطرة على الأوضاع الامنية الخطيرة، وذلك في خرق واضح وفاضح للدستور الأميركي، الذي لا يعطيه هذا الحق وانما يحصره في حكام الولايات فقط.
ثانيا ـ ان يتمّ تعليق العمل بالدستور، بعد الخطوة الاولى، لحرمان المتظاهرين من حقهم الدستوري في التظاهر وحرية التعبير عن الرأي، وذلك تمهيداً لخلق او اختلاق ازمة بين المواطنين وبين قوات الجيش، وتحويل المواجهة الى مواجهة مسلحة، لا ينقصها الوقود. خاصة أنّ لدى القوى الأميركية العميقة مئات الآلاف من الميليشيات المسلحة والتي تمتلك حتى الاسلحة الثقيلة. وغنيّ عن القول طبعاً انّ هذه الميليشيات كانت ستوجه أسلحتها الى صدور المواطنين، بحجة مساندة الجيش في السيطرة على التمرّد.
وقد بدأت هذه الميليشيات بالانتشار في المدن الأميركية، وبلباس عسكري موحد وبأسلحتها الكاملة، ولكن دون اي إشارات او علامات عسكرية على ملابسها تحدّد تبعيتها.
ثالثاـ أما الخطوة التالية، في ما لو نجح مخطط القوى الأميركية العميقة، فإنها كانت تهدف الى نقل الرئيس الأميركي وفريق إدارته كاملاً، الى مجمع الحصون السرية والمسمّى: مجمع حصون جبال شيني (Chyenne Mountain Bunker) الموجود في ولاية كولورادو بحجة المحافظه على رئاسة الدولة، ليتمّ إثر ذلك تعيين الجنرال في سلاح الجو: تيرينس اوشاوغنيسي ( Terrence O‘shaughnessy )، حاكماً عسكرياً عاماً للولايات المتحدة الأميركية. وهو قائد القيادة الشمالية في الجيش الأميركي حالياً NORTHCOM المسؤولة عن الدفاع الجوفضائي في الولايات المتحدة وكندا.
ولم تكن عملية إنزال ترامب الى القبو المحصن، تحت البيت الابيض، يوم الجمعة إلا تجربة او تدريباً على عملية إخلاء أوسع، كالمشار اليها أعلاه، والتي نشرتها مجلة «نيوزويك» الأميركية قبل بضعة اسابيع.
رابعا ـ الا انّ وجود معارضة واسعة النطاق، في صفوف الجيش الأميركي، لسياسة التخبّط التي يمارسها ترامب، مدفوعاً من القوى العميقة (غير الدولة العميقة… انجيليين جدد وغيرهم من قوى الضغط)، بهدف تدمير الدولة الأميركية والقضاء على مبادئها وسمعتها داخلياً وخارجياً، قد دفعت العديد من جنرالات الجيوش الأميركية، الحاليين والسابقين، الى تجميع ما يزيد عن مائة ألف محارب قديم لتشكيل جبهة معارضة فعّالة، ضدّ سياسات ترامب المشبوهة، ولتشكل ايضاً قوة ضغط فاعلةً على المعسكر الداعم للرئيس. وكذلك لخلق شبكة أمان لجنرالات البنتاغون الحاليين، في وجه بطش الرئيس المدعوم من القوى العميقة، وتشجيعهم على رفض توجهات ترامب.
خامسا ـ وقد تتوّجت هذه الجهود، ورغم مرافقة الجنرال مارك ميللي، رئيس هيئة الاركان العامة المشتركة للجيوش الأميركية، الى زيارة الكنيسة الشهيرة في واشنطن قبل ايام، نقول انّ هذه الجهود قد تتوجت يوم الثلاثاء ٣/٦/٢٠٢٠، بظهور الجنرال مارك إسبر، وزير الدفاع الحالي، ليعلن عن معارضته لخطط ترامب، ومن يقف وراءه، لنشر الجيش في المدن الأميركية، ثم قيام الجنرال جيمس ماتس، وزير الحرب الأميركي السابق، الذي استقال من منصبه بسبب رفضه قرار ترامب بالانسحاب من سورية، في وقت سابق، بنشر رسالةٍ غاية في الحدة والوضوح والقوة، تحمل انتقادات حادة مدعومة بحجج غاية في المنطقية والقوة شارحةً، بشكل مفصل، للأخطار الشديدة التي تسبّبت بها، ولا زالت، سياسات ترامب والقوى العميقة، على مصالح الولايات المتحدة، داخلياً وخارجياً.
سادسا ـ ولم يكتفِ الجنرال ماتيس، وهو جنرال من سلاح المارينز منذ ٥٠ عاماً، ويتمتع باحترام واسع جداً في كافة أوساط القوات المسلحة الأميركية، نقول انه لم يكتف بالانتقاد والتفنيد فقط، وانما طالب بمحاسبة من هم مسؤولون عما يحدث حالياً في الولايات المتحدة. فقد قال في رسالته حرفياً، وباللغة الانجليزية، ايّ في النص الأصلي، قال :
» We must reject and hold accountable those in Office who Would make a mockery of our Constitution «.
وهذا الكلام لا يعني المحاسبة على خطأ صغير قد ارتكب هنا او هناك، اذ ان الرجل يقول: يجب ان نرفض (أو ان لا نقبل) بهؤلاء الموجودون في المكاتب (أيّ الذين يتقلدون المناصب) والذين يمكن ان يحوّلوا دستورنا الى مهزلةٍ (مسخرة او محطاً للسخرية).
وهذا الكلام يعني، نصاً وروحاً، الدعوة المباشرة لمحاكمة ترامب نفسه، وكل من يدعمه، في سياساته المعروفة للجميع.
سابعا ـ إذن فلقد كانت رسالة وزير الحرب السابق، الجنرال ماتيس، التي نشرت امس على نطاق واسع، ليست فقط الشعرة التي قصمت ظهر البعير، دونالد ترامب والقوى العميقة، وإنما كانت أيضاً إعلاناً عن انتصار هذا الجنرال لدستور البلاد وتطبيق نصوصه، التي تدعو الى مساواةٍ حقيقيه، وليس نظرية فقط، بين المواطنين الأميركيين، والعودة بأميركا الى مبادئ القيم والأخلاق المنصوص عليها في الدستور.
وبمعنى آخر فإنّ التحرك السريع والفعّال، للجنرال ماتيس، قد وضع حداً لعبث القوى الأميركية الخفية، الأمر الذي اضطر ترامب ان يعلن، أنه «قد لا يكون مضطراً لاستدعاء الجيش للسيطرة على الوضع».
ثامنا ـ وهذا يعني ان هناك، في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية، من يفكر بطريقة تختلف، عن طريقة تفكير الانجيليين الجدد. ذلك التفكير الذي لا يخرج عن اطار التآمر والعمل على إثارة الفتن والحروب ولا يتورع عن التآمر حتى على الولايات المتحدة الأميركية نفسها، وليس فقط في اقطار العالم كله، خدمة لمصالح دوائر رأسمالية بعينها، تمثل ليس فقط مجمع صناعة الأسلحة، في أميركا، وانما هي تتحكم برؤوس الأموال العظمى التي تسيطر على أسواق البورصات في العالم، وبالتالي الأدوات النقدية الدولية، التي يطلق عليها اسماء مثل صندوق النقد الدولي والبنك الدولي وبنك التنمية الأوروبي وما الى ذلك من أدوات تستخدمها هذه القوى في فرض العقوبات المالية والاقتصادية على الدول المختلف، تحت حجج الإصلاح الاقتصادي والمالي، أو الحفاظ على حقوق الإنسان، التي يدوسها مجرمو الشرطة الأميركية بأقدامهم، حتى الموت، في مينيابوليس الأميركية. فهل نجت أميركا حقاً من انقلاب ترامب وميليشياته!؟ وهل اقترب ترامب من الفصل الأخير من حياته ام انه لا يزال قادراً على تعطيل كلّ مظاهر الديمقراطية الأميركية المزيّفة أصلاً، ولكن بإجراءات جديدة ستقدم عليها ميليشياته المسلحة التي انتشرت في المدن الأميركية استعداداً لمفاجآت متعددة تحضر للمواطنين الأميركيين في دهاليز كولورادو وأقبية البيت الأبيض..!؟ هذا ما ستكشفه الأزمنة المتبقية من الان حتى نوفمبر المقبل..!
The latest riots and looting in the United States of America were triggered by the cold-blooded killing of the US citizen George Floyd. The entire planet knows the sad story of Floyd no need to mention in it here.
But this story is only the tip of the iceberg. For those who think that Floyd’s killing is the real reason that made streets of different US states and regions flood with protestors and rioters, you are mistaken. Underneath the tip of the iceberg is what has been accumulating for long years.
If you know the US well, you must know by now that there is no universal healthcare, there are starvation wages, there exists mass incarceration, the US has a long history of police brutality, there is a lack of opportunities, racist politicians are everywhere, a racist justice system exists, there are no reparations and there is no access to affordable education.
With the coming of Covid-19 and the state of chaos across the country, and the sad crime of killing Floyd, it seems that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Thanks to alternative and social media networks, nothing is hidden; information flows in specs of a second through fiber optic technology to reach millions across the world.
News activist and analyst Sam G. from the city of Michigan told al-Ahed news that “Information is not monopolistic anymore. People across the world have become news junkies contributing to the multiplicity of informative voices as well as provide information on first-hand experience and what is happening in each country.”
Sam told al-Ahed “Corona, the pandemic which probably should be thanked at a certain point, revealed the spirit of each country, that is, those who are interested in giving more importance to the economy, as is the case of the United States, while other countries such as Iran carried out a coronavirus control policy where the health of its people was given more importance despite being financially sanctioned by the United States where its people are suffering from the individualistic policies of their government.
“The difference is clear, economy versus health, money versus life and here are the countries that suffer the most that are setting the example.”
The activist noted “The United States has loads of internal crises that it needs to overcome. The political crisis has extended to reach US President Donald Trump; his own officials who can no longer support his statements and poor decisions.”
“We are talking about a government that is racist towards its people. It is a country that is sinking in problems and complex issues and has a government that is sort of living in a state of denial. The US suffers an economic crisis where unconventional oil companies declared bankruptcy and the state had to go out to subsidize them while people continue to die for not being able to access the health system that is private and segregating.”
This, according to Sam, “leads to an unprecedented social crisis that proves once again that the Trump administration has no intention of improving its own country.”
According to Sam, this is only the beginning of change in the US as well as the world and its order. The activist thinks that people are not willing to retreat or stop protesting until they see the arrest of all officers involved in the killing of Floyd and see action in terms of protecting the rights of African Americans at least.
In many parts of the world, the death of yet another black man at the hands of the police in the United States set off mass protests against police brutality. For many activists and community organizers, Floyd’s death under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer was a blunt reminder of Chicago’s racial divide and history of police brutality against African Americans.
Between 2013 and 2019, police in the United States killed 7,666 people, according to data compiled by Mapping Police Violence, a research and advocacy group. In 2019 alone, more than 1,000 people were killed by police, according to Mapping Police Violence, a research group.
Several states have called in National Guard troops to help quell the protests, some of which have turned violent. Cities nationwide have also implemented curfews, but protesters appear undeterred.
The US has even failed in ensuring the right of citizens to protest, which is the simplest form of freedom of expression and human rights in the so-called land of democracies and freedoms. According to the human rights group Amnesty International, police tactics used so far can trigger escalating violence. “Equipping officers in a manner more appropriate for a battlefield may put them in the mindset that confrontation and conflict are inevitable,” read the statement, adding that police “should demilitarize their approach and engage in dialogue with protest organizers”.
Summary of Israeli Violations of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (28 May – 03 June 2020)
Israeli occupation forces continued to commit crimes against Palestinian civilians and their properties, including raids into Palestinian cities that are characterized with excessive use of force, assault, abuse and attacks on civilians. This week, IOF killed 2 Palestinians, including a disabled person, and wounded another in less than 15 hours in excessive use of lethal force in two separate incidents in Ramallah and East Jerusalem.
Additionally, this week witnessed an escalation in Israeli demolitions of Palestinian houses and properties in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, including the demolition of 7 houses, 4 of which were self-demolished, and 200 commercial facilities in Jerusalem received demolition and eviction notices; as well as, wide-scale land-razing and demolition notices distributed to houses and properties in the West Bank.
This week, Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) documented 180 violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law (IHL) by IOF and settlers in the oPt. The restrictions imposed under the state of emergency have hindered our fieldwork team’s ability to cover all incidents in the oPt and were forced to collect information via phone from trusted local sources. As such, this report is an in-comprehensive record of Israeli violations of human rights against Palestinians in the oPt, as IOF continues its attacks against civilians despite the exceptional circumstances that have overcome the whole world in the face of a life-threatening pandemic.
IOF shooting and violation of right to bodily integrity: IOF shot and killed 2 Palestinians, including a disabled person, in two separate incidents of excessive use of lethal force in Ramallah and East Jerusalem. On 30 May 2020, IOF killed Iyad al-Hallaq, a person with disability (PWD), while he was en route to his school in East Jerusalem. PCHR investigations indicate that Israeli police personnel shot al-Hallaq despite being informed that he had a disability and shot him at zero distance while he laid on the ground wounded, which prove the soldiers intended to kill him without cause and without him posing any danger or threat to their lives. A day earlier, IOF killed Fadi Qa’d on suspicion of an intent to ram soldiers with his car in Ramallah. Furthermore, IOF wounded 3 Palestinian civilians, including a child that was arrested after being shot; a person with disability; and a journalist in Kufur Qaddoum in Qalqilia.
In Gaza, 3 shootings against agricultural lands eastern Gaza Strip were reported; and once against fishing boats sailing in northern Gaza sea.
IOF incursions and arrests of Palestinian civilians: IOF carried out 85 incursions into the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Those incursions included raids of civilian houses and shootings, inciting fear among civilians, and attacking many of them. During this week’s incursions, 98 Palestinians were arrested, including 10 children and 4 women that included a journalist. The majority of arrests occurred in East Jerusalem, and targeted prominent religious and political figures who were detained for several hours before release with restraining orders from al-Aqsa Mosque grounds.
Settlement expansion activities and settlers’ attacks: IOF continued its settlement expansion operations in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, PCHR documented 19 violations, including: demolition of 5 rooms and 4 residential tents, 2 agricultural rooms, 9 demolition notices for two houses and small residences and properties in Hebron; a plot of land confiscated and 7 houses demolished, 4 of which were self-demolished by orders from IOF and wide-scale demolition and eviction notices were handed to 200 facilities in East Jerusalem; 5 notices to demolish 3 houses and 2 cabinets in Ramallah; work-halted at a excavation site, street reconstruction, and a settler-road established in Bethlehem; irrigation networks dismantled, 3 construction vehicles and water tank confiscated in Jericho; 4 barracks, 52 solar cells, 12 tables; 5 tons of barley and 3 tons of fodder confiscated in Nablus; 6 residential barracks made of tin plates and iron were demolished in Jericho.
PCHR also documented 3 settler attacks: Assaults on Palestinians and attempted to ram one with a car in Hebron; and farmers were evicted from land in Bethlehem.
Israeli closure policy and restrictions on freedom of movement: The Gaza Strip still suffers the worst closure in the History of the Israeli occupation of the oPt as it has entered the 14th consecutive year, without any improvement to the movement of persons and goods, humanitarian conditions and bearing catastrophic consequences on all aspects of life. Furthermore, IOF uses Erez Crossing that is designated for movement of individuals as an ambush to arrest Palestinians who obtain permits to exit via Israel.
Meanwhile, IOF continued to divide the West Bank into separate cantons with key roads blocked by the Israeli occupation since the Second Intifada and with temporary and permanent checkpoints, where civilian movement is restricted, and they are subject to arrest.
1. Violation of the Right to Life and to Bodily Integrity: Shooting and other Violations
At approximately 16:00 on Thursday, 28 May 2020, an Israeli infantry unit stormed al-Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They indiscriminately fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters in the camp’s main road, claiming that the Israeli military watchtower established on a bypass road, east of the camp, was stoned. The Israeli unit withdrew later from the camp. Neither casualties nor house raids were reported.
At the same time, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of al-Buraij in central Gaza Strip, opened fire at Palestinian shepherds, adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
At approximately 10:00 on Friday, 29 May 2020, Israeli soldiers stationed along the border fence, east of al-Buraij in the central Gaza Strip, opened fire at Palestinian shepherds, adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
At approximately 13:00 on the same Friday, IOF stationed at the northern entrance to Kufur Qaddoum village, north of Qalqilia, suppressed a protest in which dozens of Palestinian civilians participated. IOF chased young men who gathered in the area as clashes erupted. IOF fired rubber bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the young men. As a result, 4 civilians, including a journalist, were shot and injured with rubber bullets in their lower extremities. The wounded journalist, Nidal Eshtiyah (46), who works at the Chinese News Agency, was shot with a rubber bullet in his thigh.
In a new crimes of excessive use of lethal force, IOF killed a Palestinian civilian, alleging that he attempted to ram Israeli soldiers with his car; northwest of Ramallah. According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 16:30 on Friday, 29 May 2020, IOF stationed at Raya valley area, between al-Nabi Saleh and Deir Nizam villages, in front of “Halamish” settlement, northwest of Ramallah, opened fire at a Palestinian vehicle driven by Fadi Adnan Samara Qa’d (37) from Abu Qash village, northwest of Ramallah. Qa’d was shot directly with a live bullet and left to bleed for more than two and a half hours, without being given any first aid. Hours later, an Israeli vehicle arrived and took Qa’d to an unknown destination. Later, Israeli Authorities announced Qa’d’s death due to Israeli forces’ shooting, alleging the victim attempted to ram Israeli soldiers with his car; no casualties among soldiers were reported.In contrast with the Israeli claims, according to information obtained by PCHR, Qa’d was driving his private Ford-Fiesta car (white) en route to al-Saweya village in Salfit to pick up his wife and 5 children from their Grandfather’s house. Qa’d was met by an Israeli military vehicle parked in the street, six soldiers stepped out from the vehicle, and 3 of them ordered him to stop before he reached the military vehicle. Qa’d lost control of his car and steered his car north-bound, in the opposite direction from where the soldiers stood, and collided with a wooden bench under a tree. IOF, from a 10-meter distance, immediately opened fire at Qa’d’s car, and wounded him while he was inside. The soldiers left him to bleed for more than two hours and half, without providing any first aid, and prevented the Palestinian ambulances from approaching him. He was later taken to an unknown destination. It should be noted that Qa’d’s car did not pose a threat or danger to the soldiers’ lives, and the fact it steered towards the opposite side from where soldiers stood proves the was no intent to ram them.After the news of Qa’d’s murder, dozens of Palestinians from al-Nabi Saleh village gathered, threw stones at the Israeli soldiers stationed in the area and clashes erupted as the later responded with live bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters. As a result, Ahmed Eyad al-Tamimi (21), a disabled person with down syndrome, was shot with a live bullet in his left leg, and he was referred to the Istishari Arab Hospital in al-Rihan suburb, in Ramallah for treatment.
At approximately 06:30 on Friday, 29 May 2020, IOF stationed along the border fence, east of Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, opened fire at agricultural lands, east of Khuza’ah village, adjacent to the border fence. No casualties were reported.
In a new crime of extra-judicial execution, IOF shot dead a disabled Palestinian civilian, while he was heading to his school in East Jerusalem. According to PCHR’s investigations, Israeli police officers shot dead the said civilian, despite some warnings that he was disabled from a zero range while lying on the ground and wounded, indicating that the victim was deliberately killed without justification and without posing a threat to the lives of Israeli soldiers.According to information obtained by PCHR, at approximately 06:15 on Saturday, 30 May 2020, Israeli police at al-Mujahideen Street, near Bab al-Asbat area, fired live bullets at disabled man, Iyad Khairy al-Hallaq (32), killing him immediately. Al-Hallaq was en route to a special education school for persons over the age of 18, near the King Faisal Gate, one of al-Aqsa Mosque’s gates in the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. As a result, was shot dead with several live bullets.Israeli police claimed that they noticed “a Palestinian carrying a suspicious object that they thought was a gun and ordered him to stop. After the man refused and started fleeing the scene, the officers started chasing him on foot and opened fire, ultimately killing him.” In a subsequent statement, the Israeli Police announced that the victim was unarmed, and that he had been shot with 8 bullets.
At approximately 16:00 on Sunday, 31 May 2020, IOF suppressed a protest organized by dozens of activists and civilians to commemorate the 19th anniversary of Faisal Abdul-Qadir al-Huseini’s death, Executive Committee member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), at Beit al-Sharq, which is closed in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. Eyewitnesses stated that IOF surrounded the protest, closed the street and handed over the protestors a ban decision signed by the Israeli Minister of Internal Security, alleging that the protest is sponsored by the PA, and it did not obtain necessary authorization in accordance with ” Identifying Activities” agreement. IOF also arrested Adnan Adek Tawfiq Ghaith (46), Jerusalem’s Mayor, Nasser Qaws (49), Head of Prisoners Club in Jerusalem, Awad al-Salaimah (48), Member at Fateh Movement in Jerusalem, tribal leader Abed al-Salaimah, Ishaq, Ishaq and Marwan al-Ghoul. IOF further handed summonses to other civilians. On the next day morning, Israeli authorities released Mayor Ghaith without conditions.
At the same time, IOF suppressed a protest, called for by a youth movement in Jerusalem, at Damascus Gate in the center of occupied East Jerusalem, in which dozens of Palestinian civilians participated to condemn the killing of Iyad al-Hallaq, who was disabled. When the protestors chanted slogans condemning the killing of al-Hallaq, IOF surrounded the area and established steal barriers and forcibly evacuated the area of participants. IOF also chased the participants and attacked some of them by beating and pushing them and arrested Ahmed Montaser Abu Sbaih (23).
At approximately 19:00 on Sunday, 31 May 2020, Israeli soldiers stationed at the western entrance to Kafer Malek village, northeast of Ramallah, indiscriminately fired rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at civilians’ houses in al-Tarbi’ah area, adjacent to Bypass Road (60), alleging that they were stoned. As a result, Rasem Suleiman Ghurrah (15) was shot with a rubber bullet in his foot. Israeli soldiers arrested Rasem and released on Monday, 01 June 2020. Rasem was transferred to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah for medical treatment.
At approximately 08:00 on Tuesday, 02 June 2020, Israeli gunboats stationed northwest of Beit Lahia chased and sporadically opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within the allowed fishing area (3 nautical miles). Israeli artillery also fired smoke shells in the vicinity of the fishing boats. As a result, fishermen panicked and fled to shore, fearing for their lives. No casualties were reported.
At approximately 00:14 on Wednesday, 03 June 2020, IOF suppressed a protest with al-Aqsa Mosque Khatib, Sheikh Akramah Sabri, in front of his house in al-Sowanah neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. IOF attacked the participant by beating and pushing them and arrested 3 of them.Eyewitnesses stated that IOF surrounded the vicinity of Sheikh Sabri’s house before the protest begins. Noon prayers were scheduled to be held followed by the protest and press conference, before the sheikh went to “Al-Qashla” Investigation Center after he was summoned to it. IOF intended to renew the decision to deny Sheikh Sabri’s access to al-Aqsa Mosque. IOF fixed a decision by the Israeli police chief to ban any event in solidarity with the sheikh at the door of his house.Eyewitnesses added that IOF checked the participants’ ID cards, maltreated them, and arrested some of them. Some of the arrestee were identified as: Jihad Abi Znaid (53), Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC)’s Member; Sheikh Abdullah Alqam, Secretary-General of the Tribes in Jerusalem and Palestine; and Hamdi Diab, Head of Wall and Settlement Resistance Committee in Jerusalem. IOF also handed summonses to journalists Ahmed Othman Jalajel (41) and Murad Saeed, who were covering the protest. IOF further attacked 3 lawyers, who were in the area, namely: Khalid Zabarqah, Medhat Dibah, and Hamzah Qatinah.It should be noted that IOF arrested Sheikh Sabri from his house last Friday and denied him access to al-Aqsa Mosque for a week. IOF summoned him on Wednesday for investigation to deny him access again for several months.
2. Incursions and Arrests
Thursday, 28 May 2020:
At approximately 02:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles, moved into Hebron. They raided and searched Omar Abdulmohdi Shawar’s (25) house and arrested him.
At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Qafin, north of Tulkarem. They raided and searched several houses belonging to Karam Ra’ed Mohammed Ammar (28) and Abdul Rahim Waleed Sabah (26) and arrested them.
At approximately 03:40, IOF moved into Far’oun village, south of Tulkarem. They raided and searched Mahmoud Nabil Odwan’s (22) house and arrested him.
At approximately 03:45, IOF moved into Ya’bad village, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians: Nour Bashar Abu Baker (23), his brother (21), and Mohammed Reyad Turkman (20).
Around the same time, IOF moved into Qabaitia, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched Mohammed Ma’moun Abu al-Rab’s (19) house and arrested him.
At approximately 06:00, IOF moved into Misilya village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched Abdulsalam Nabih Abu al-Rab’s (22) house and arrested him.
At approximately 06:00, IOF moved into al-Jalazon refugee camp, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched Fareed Tareq al-Tirawi’s (19) house and arrested him.
At approximately 22:00, IOF moved into Wadi Hilweh neighborhood in Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Ibrahim Bidoun’s house and arrested his two sons; Dia’ (27) and Mohammed (24). Dia’ and Mohammed were taken to an unknown destination.
At approximately 16:00, IOF moved into al-‘Isawiya village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Ahmed Mohammed Derbas’s (26) house and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services.
IOF carried out an incursion in Dirastia, north of Salfit. No arrests were reported.
Friday, 29 May 2020:
At approximately 05:00, IOF moved into Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Dawoud Mousa al-Abbasi’s house and arrested his son Eissa (35). It should be noted that Eissa al-Abbasi is a former prisoner in the Israeli prisons for 10-years, and he was released before several hours.
At approximately 08:00, IOF stationed at a temporary military checkpoint established near Bir al-Basha Gas Station, southwest of Jenin, arrested two students; Mohammed Emad Shawkat Sa’abneh (18), from Fahma village, and Mohammed Amjad Shibani (18), from ‘Arraba, southwest of Jenin. IOF arrested them a day before the high school final exams while they were in a red Hyundai car belonging to Mohammed, and they were taken to an unknown destination.
At approximately 08:10, IOF stationed at a temporary military checkpoint established at the eastern entrance of Ya’bad, southwest of Jenin, arrested Jihad Mohammed Turkman (30), from the village. IOF confiscated his motorcycle and took him to an unknown destination.
At approximately 09:30, IOF banned the Reconstruction Committee staff in Hebron’s Old City, from doing maintenance and repair work in the Ibrahimi Mosque claiming that they did not own a permit from the Israeli Authorities. It should be noted that the Department of Awqaf and Religious Affairs is the responsible authority for maintenance work, in coordination with the Hebron Reconstruction Committee.
At approximately 12:30, IOF arrested Hanadi Mohammed al-Halawani (41), near Bab al-Asbat “Lions’ Gate”, which is one of al-Aqsa Mosque gates in Jerusalem, and took her to Bab al-Silsila “Chain Gate”. IOF investigated with al-Halawani for several hours and then released her on condition that ban her entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for a week and refer to them after two weeks to expand the period of previous decision.
At approximately 13:30, IOF moved into al-Sawana neighborhood, east of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched ‘Akrama Sa’eed Abdullah Sabri’s (81) house, Head of the High Islamic Supreme Council and preacher of al-Aqsa Mosque, and took him to “al-Qashla” investigation center in West Jerusalem. At approximately 16:30, IOF released him after the investigation on condition that banning his entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for a week and refer again on Wednesday.
At approximately 13:35, IOF stationed at a temporary military checkpoint on the entrance of Derastia village, south of Salfit, arrested Mohammed Khaldoun Ridwan (22), from Azoun village, east of Qalqilia.
At approximately 15:00, IOF moved into al-Thawri neighborhood, south of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mohammed Yehya al-Daqaq’s (26) house and arrested him.
IOF carried out (2) incursions in Tal village, southwest of Nablus, and Beit Dajan, northeast of Nablus. No arrests were reported.
Saturday, 30 May 2020:
At approximately 23:00, Israeli infantry unit moved into Ein al-Lawza neighborhood in Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched two houses and arrested two children; Mohammed Nihad Jaber (16) and Mohannad Ali al-Natsha (16).
Sunday, 31 May 2020:
At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Ein al-Lawza neighborhood in Silwan, south of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City. They raided and searched Abdul Men’em Jebril al-A’war’s (51) house and arrested him.
At approximately 08:00, IOF moved into al-Ram village, north of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched the guard of al-Aqsa Mosque’s house, Tareq Bassam Abu Sbaih (39), and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services.
At approximately 10:00, IOF arrested (5) civilians including 2 women, one of them is a journalist, while attempting to deport the Palestinian worshippers protesting the settlers’ invasions into the grounds of al-Aqsa Mosque.
The Islamic Awqaf Department noted that 233 settlers stormed the Aqsa Mosque via al-Maghareba Gate under a high protection by the IOF and Israeli officers. IOF arrested the Jerusalem journalist Sundos Abdul Rahman Abu Baker Owais (24) while she was documenting the settlers’ storming, despite showing her press card. IOF also arrested Ra’eda Sa’eed al-Khalili (44), Lo’ay Jaber (24), Ehab Abu Snaina (18), Fadi Zughayar, and Obada Samir Najeeb (22). It should be noted that the Israeli Authorities released the journalist Owais on condition that banned her entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for a week.
At approximately 18:00, IOF stationed at Jaba’ military checkpoint, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem, arrested Younis Ra’ed Mizher (21) while passing through the checkpoint. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
Monday, 01 June 2020:
At approximately 01:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-Tabaqa village, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched two houses and arrested Ahmed Salama Abu Ras (38) and Faker Sharif Abu Ras (24).
At approximately 01:30, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron. They raided and searched several houses and arrested Ahmed Jamal al-Badawi (33) and Ateya Mahmoud al-Najjar (23).
At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Anbata, east of Tulkarm. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Abdullah Mustafa Barakat (25) and Mohammed Saleem Hannoun (26) and arrested them.
At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Qafin, north of Tulkarem. They raided and searched Nidal Arafat Khasib’s (26) house and arrested him.
At approximately 03:00, IOF reinforced with several military vehicles moved into Beit Ammer, north of Hebron. They raided and searched two houses and arrested Khalil Eyad Bassam al-Za’aqiq (16) and Ameen Emad Mohammed al-Slaibi (17).
At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into al-Shwaikla Suburb, east of Tulkarem. They raided and searched Samir Subhi Mohammed Mahdawi’s (16) house and arrested him.
At approximately 04:20, IOF moved into Bil’in village, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched Hamza Thabit al-Khatib’s (22) house and arrested him.
At approximately 05:20, IOF moved into al-Mazra’a al-Gharbeya, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians: Amro Mohammed Abu Qarea’ (19), Mohammed Rabah Hannoun (28), and his brother Ahmed (26). Rabah Hannoun, the father of Mohammed and Ahmed said that the Israeli Intelligence officer called him and ordered him to surrender his third son Mahmoud in Ofer detention in Betounya village, west of the city.
At approximately 07:15, IOF stationed at a temporary military checkpoint established in the entrance of Salim village, northeast of Nablus, arrested (3) civilians including a child. The arrestees are: Mohammed Reyad Arayshi (20), Ayham Mustafa Arayshi (20), and Wael Hussam Abu Mustafa (17); all from Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus.
At approximately 09:00, IOF moved into al-Sa’deya neighborhood, one of the occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City’s neighborhoods. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Rawhi Mahmoud al-Kalghasi (24) and Jehad Nassar Qaws (25) and arrested them.
At approximately 10:30, IOF arrested Khadija Mohammed Khwais (24) near Bab al-Asbat “Lions’ Gate”, which is one of al-Aqsa Mosque gates in Jerusalem, and took her to Bab al-Silsila “Chain Gate” police station. IOF investigated with her for several hours and then released her on condition that ban her entry to al-Aqsa Mosque for a week and refer to them after two weeks to expand the previous decision’s period.
IOF carried out (2) incursions in Ya’bad, southwest of Jenin, and Sebastia, northwest of Nablus. No arrests were reported.
Tuesday, 02 June 2020:
At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into al-Issawiyah village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (4) civilians including 2 children: Rawhi Ahmed al-Jayyar (13), Dia’ Ayman Obaid (24), Mahmoud Mohammed Mustafa (16), and Yasin Hasan Mustafa (19). And handed Mohammed Esmat Obaid (19) a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence Services.
At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Kobar village, north of Ramallah. They raided Khaldoun Rawhi al-Barghouthi’s (40) house and arrested him.it should be noted that the above-mentioned civilian is a former prisoner.
At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Nablus. They raided and searched Ahmed Yousef Awwad’s (45) house in al-Makhfeya neighborhood, southwest of the city and arrested him.
Around the same time, IOF moved into Ein Beit al-Ma’ refugee camp, west of Nablus. They raided and searched Dawoud Waleed Abed Saleh’s (24) house and arrested him.
At approximately 03:15, IOF moved into Bita village, southeast of Nablus. They raided and searched two houses belonging to Karam Eisa Dawoud (23) and Lo’ay Tayseer Dwaikat (19) and arrested them.
At approximately 03:20, IOF reinforced with three military vehicles, moved into Beit Rima village, northwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched ‘Ahd Hazem al-Rimawi’s (18) house and arrested him.
At approximately 03:30, IOF moved into Tal village, southwest of Nablus. They raided and searched Abdul Rahman Ahmed Ayyoub Aseeda’s (50) house and arrested him.
At approximately 03:30, IOF moved into Kafl Hares village, north of Salfit. They raided and searched 3 houses belonging to Khalil Fo’ad Abu Ya’qoub (22), Ali Mahmoud al-Qaq (20), and Islam Suliman Bouzeya (22), and arrested them.
At approximately 03:45, IOF moved into Jenin. They raided and searched Fathi Mohammed al-‘Attoum’s (42) house and arrested him.
Around the same time, IOF moved into al-Jabareet neighborhood, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched Khaled Suliman Fayez Abu Hasan’s (53) house and arrested him. It should be noted that Abu Hasan is the Reform and Change Bloc deputy in the Legislative Council, and he was dissolved by the Palestinian Authority.
Around the same time, IOF moved into Jenin refugee camp, west of the city. They raided and searched several houses and arrested (3) civilians: Mohammed Jamal al-Nabhan (20), a student in the Faculty of Dentistry at the American Arab University, Emad Jamal Abu al-Hija (32), and Mohammed Azmi al-Nasharti (28).
At approximately 04:00, IOF moved into Abu Dis, east of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mohammed As’ad Bader’s (26) house and arrested him.
At approximately 14:00, IOF arrested Eyad Saleh Mohammed Nofal (17), from Qalqilya, while investigating with him in the Israeli liaison office, after summonsing him several hours before of arresting him. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
At approximately 18:00, IOF stationed at Za’tara military checkpoint, southeast of Nablus, arrested Hisham Nayef Ahmed Bushkar (21), from Askar al-Jadeed refugee camp, northeast of Nablus. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
At approximately 21:40, IOF arrested Eyad Husni Abdul Naser (43), from al-Shwaika Suburb, north of Tulkarm, while investigating with him in the Israeli liaison office, after summonsing him several hours before of arresting him.
IOF carried out (3) incursions in Burham, Deir Ghasana, and Kafr Ein villages in Ramallah. No arrests were reported.
Wednesday, 03 June 2020:
At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into al-Issawiyah village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mohammed Haitham Mustafa’s (20) house and arrested him.
At approximately 03:00, IOF moved into Tamoun village, southeast of Tubas, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched Ne’man Naser Bani Awda’s (25) house and arrested him.
Around the same time, IOF moved into al-Fare’a refugee camp, southeast of Tubas, north of the West Bank. They raided and searched Zakareya Fayez Jameel Awad’s (25) house and arrested him.
At approximately 05:00, IOF moved into Silwad, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched Mousa Ahmed Hamed’s (26) house and arrested him. It should be noted that the above-mentioned civilian was previously imprisoned by Israel.
Around the same time, IOF moved into Qitna village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Ashraf Ibrahim Hasan Shamasna’s (37) house and arrested him.
At approximately 18:00, IOF moved into al- Issawiyah village, northeast of the occupied East Jerusalem. They raided and searched Mohammed Mousa Darwish’s (65) house and arrested him.
At approximately 18:00, IOF stationed at Za’tara military checkpoint, south of Nablus, arrested Doa’ Ramadan Kamel Arafa (21), from Izbit Shofa, south of Tulkarem, while passing through the checkpoint. It should be noted that she is a student at the Faculty of Economics at Palestine Technical University / Kadoorie, and she was taken to an unknown destination.
At approximately 19:00, IOF arrested Khattab Ala’ al-Sharbati (16) while present near Bab Hatta, one of the Aqsa Mosque’s Gates in the occupied East Jerusalem. IOF took him to an unknown destination.
3. Settlement Expansion and Settler Violence in the West Bank a. Demolition and Confiscation of Civilian Property for Settlement Expansion Activities
At approximately 09:00 on Thursday, 28 May 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into al-Tiba village, northwest of Hebron. IOF demolished 3 agricultural rooms, under the pretext of non-licensing. Israeli authorities notified to demolish the mentioned rooms on 19 May 2020, upon Article 4, of Military order No. (1797), issued in 2018, on the “removal” of a new structure. This order includes both uncompleted structures and structures completed within the last six months. Thus, a Palestinian living in the targeted areas are unable to take any legal action or challenge before the Israeli courts.The facilities demolished were as follows:Owner/Facility/Construction Materials/Area/Construction Year/Cost/Family members1. Wael Mohamed Salama Ja’afrah/agricultural room, bath room/Concrete and bricks/26.5 s.q/2018/NIS 25,000/12 2. Ahmed Mohamed Salama al-‘Awiwi/agricultural room/Concrete and bricks/70 s.q/2018/NIS 50,000/4 3. Raied Mohamed Salama Ja’afrah/agricultural room, bath room/Concrete and bricks/71.5 s.q/2018/NIS 45,000/5
On Thursday, 28 May 2020, Israeli authorities issued an order to confiscate a plot of land in Wadi al-Rababa neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, and use it as a cemetery for Jews. The neighborhood residents said that Israeli authorities issued an order to confiscate over 1.5 dunams belonging to al-‘Abasi family and others in order to use it as a cemetery for Jews. The Israeli authorities gave the affected Palestinians 2 weeks to challenge before the competent courts. The residents clarified that the Israel Nature and Antiquities Authorities started to build fake graves in Wadi al-Rababa years ago, especially that there are large areas of land and their owners are prohibited from building on or cultivating. Over the past years, the Israeli Municipality issued several confiscation orders against hundreds of dunums to establish settlement projects, such as the confiscation of 100 dunums to establish national park and the confiscation of other areas to establish tourist routes and bridges and connect al-Thawri neighborhood with al-Nabi Dawad area.
At approximately 11:00 on Thursday, 28 May 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into al-Naqqar area, west of al-Tira village, southwest of Ramallah. The Israeli Civil Administration officers handed 5 demolition notice for 3 under-construction houses and wooden huts, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area C.The notified facilities belong to:1. Shareef Ibrahim ‘Ali Hameed, an inhabited 160-square-meter house sheltering 8 members, including 4 children. 2. Osama Ahmed Isma’il, a 100-square-meter house sheltering 8 members, including 6 children. 3. Ahmed Yoused Sa’ied, foundations of an under-construction house. 4. Mostafa ‘Abed Mostafa, a wooden hut. 5. ‘Ali Ahmed Daib, a wooden hut.
On Thursday, 28 May 2020, Israeli authorities stop construction works in a house in ‘Artas village, south of Bethlehem. Atras village council stated that, IOF moved into Solomon’s tourist pools area and stopped construction works in Omar Mostafa ‘Odah’s house , under the pretext of non-licensing. The council added that IOF detained 4 workers and threatened the excavator owner Saied Abu Sawi to surrender himself along with the excavator.
On Friday, 29 May 2020, IOF ordered to stop working on a road rehabilitation project in Rashaida village, east of Bethlehem. Rashaida village council stated that IOF ordered workers at the site to immediately stop working, under the pretext of being an Israeli-controlled area, or otherwise the workers will being arrested and their equipment confiscated.
At approximately 11:00 on Friday, Fares al-Khales implemented the Israeli Municipality order and self-demolished his under-construction house in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of non-licensing. Al-Khales said that before starting the construction, he headed to the Israeli Municipality, but it refused to grant him a construction license because there are no structural maps that respond to the natural increase in the number of the local residents, and for that reason, there are no house licenses. Al-Khales clarified that he decided to build his unlicensed 110-square-meter house, but a short period later, the municipality inspectors came to the house and handed him a notice to self-demolish his house or the municipality staff will do so and force him to pay the demolition costs. Al-Khales rented construction vehicle and self-demolished his house.
At approximately 10:00 on Sunday, 31 May 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Kherbet Bereen, southwest of Bani Na’iem village, east of Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officers distributed final demolition notices for houses and an institution building, under the pretext of non-licensing. On 23 January 2020, Israeli authorities distributed notices to stop construction works in Palestinians houses, village council building and 2 water wells in Bereen village, under the pretext of non-licensing in Area C. These notifications issued by the “Civil Administration – Supreme Organizing Council – Inspection Subcommittee” stated that these buildings were “constructed without a license”, called on their owners to “immediately stop construction work” and set (2/22/2020) as the date to hold the Inspection Subcommittee session in the settlement “Beit Eill” to decide either demolish the building or return it to its previous status.The distributed notices were as follows:affected person/ facility/ Area/ Construction Materials/ Family members/ Construction year1. Basheer ‘Abed al-Ghani Ibrahim Burqan/ house/ 40 s.q/ Bricks and tin plates/ 11/ 2017 2. Noor ‘Abed al-Ghani ‘Abed al-Rahman Burqan/ house/ 70 s.q/ Bricks and tin plates/ 1/ 2017 3. Noor ‘Abed al-Ghani ‘Abed al-Rahman Burqan/ Water well/ 150 s.q/ 1/ 2017 4. Samer Mahmoud Burqan/ house/ 100 s.q/ Concrete/ 10/ 5. Samer Mahmoud Burqan/ Water well/ 100 s.q/ 10/ 6. The village council building/ Services center/ 40 s.q/ Bricks and tin plates/ -/ 2017 7. ‘Ata Na’iem Ibrahim Burqan/ house/ 120 s.q/ Concrete/ 7/ 2017
On the same day, Israeli authorities notified to vacate at around 200 commercial and industiral facilities in Wadi al-Jouz neighborhood, east of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, and gave their owners until the end of 2020. Kamal ‘Obeidat, head of the Jerusalem’s Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said the demolition orders targeting 200 facilities, including restaurants, recreational centers and car repair shops located in one of the liveliest areas, were issued with the approval of Israel’s so-called planning and building committee. ‘Obeidat added that the decision aims at taking over the only Palestinian-owned industrial area in occupied East Jerusalem in order to further Judaize the holy city, alter its identity and destroy the Palestinian economy, forcing Jerusalemites deal with the Israeli industrial areas. According to an Israeli report, broadcast on Israeli channel (12), the Israeli Planning and Building Committee aims to remove the industrial area in the Wadi al-Joz neighborhood, and establish special technology buildings (high-tech), huge commercial complexes, and large restaurants on an area of 250,000 square meters. The report indicated that some of the buildings that will be built, will comprise of 16 floors.
On Monday, 01 June 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Kherbet ‘Allan, north of al-Jeftlik area, north of Jericho. IOF were deployed in the area, where they raided and searched 3 houses. The Israeli Civil Administration officers dismantled Moneer Nasasrah and Ibrahim Salem’s 30 water irrigation networks and confiscated them. IOF also arrested 5 civilians identified as Ameen Fayiz ‘Anoud (35), Jum’a Mohamed al-Jahaleen (23), and Anwar Mahmoud Abu Juda (50) along with his 2 sons Raied (26) and Jehad (29). IOF confiscated Anwar Juda ‘s 2 bulldozers and ‘Abed al-Raheem Itrimat’s agricultural tractor and a water well.
At approximately 21:00 on Monday, 01 June 2020, Majed Mohamed Suliman Ja’abees implemented the municipality order and self-demolished his house located in al-Mukaber Mount area, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Ja’abees said that the Israeli police refused to give him few days to self-demolish his house and insisted to implement the demolition within 2 days. Ja’abees clarified that the building is comprised of 2 houses built in an area of 160 square meter 6 months ago. The houses were sheltering his family comprised of 7 members and his brother’s family comprised of 4 members. Ja’abees added that he paid NIS 15,000 for the lawyer in an attempt to stop the demolition, but in vain. Ja’abees pointed out that he was forced to self-demolish his house to avoid paying the demolition costs estimated at NIS 70,000 for the Israeli municipality staff.
At approximately 09:00 on Tuesday, 02 June 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Municipality staff moved into Torbet Sawarha area in al-Mukaber Mount, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem. They imposed a security cordon on 2 under construction houses belonging to Mohamed and Taher Ibrahim al-Za’atrah and prevented anyone from approach the area. IOF and municipality staff demolished the houses, under the pretext of non-licensing. Mohamed Za’atrah said that he was shocked when IOF raided their houses and demolished them, pointing out that he and his brother built the 250-square-meter houses in April 2019. It should be noted that Israeli municipality staff escalated their attacks against al-Mukaber Mount area, as they distributed 27 notices in the last week to demolish residential and commercial facilities.Since the beginning of 2019 until now, over 80 residential and commercial facilities and retaining walls were demolished by IOF. Also, it should be noted that the residents of al-Mukaber Mount area like the inhabitants of the rest of the Arab neighborhoods in occupied East Jerusalem, are deprived of licensing, expanding and renovating their houses. The Palestinian citizen in occupied East Jerusalem submits an application for the Israeli Municipality to obtain a license and waits for many years. During which, he is forced to pay high financial sums and eventually most of these applications are rejected. Around the same time, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Dir al-‘Asal village, west of Dura, south of Hebron. The Israeli Civil Administration officers hanged demolition notices issued by the Military Commander of the Judea and Samaria Region on 2 houses, under the pretext of construction near the annexation wall.The notices were as follows:1. Fayiz Hasan Shawamrah’s 150-square-meter under-construction house comprised of one floor 2. Saddam Fawzi Hasan Shawamrah’s 180-square-meter under-construction house comprised of 2 floors
On Tuesday,02 June 2020, ‘Alaa Ahmed Ibrahim Burqan implemented the Israeli municipality order and self-demolished his house in al-Mukaber Mount area, south of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Burqan said that on Sunday, the Israeli District Court issued a demolition order against his house, so he was forced to self-demolish it to avoid paying the demolition costs estimated at NIS 10,000 for the municipality staff. Burqan clarified that after a long struggle with the Israeli Municipality for 4 years, he failed to stop the demolition order. Burqan added that in 2017, the Israeli Municipality imposed a fine of NIS 70,000 on him and he is still paying it, however this does not nullify the decision to demolish.
At approximately 12:00 on Tuesday, 02 June 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers and worker moved into al-Khan area in the south-eastern side of al-Laban al-Sharqiyia village. IOF along with the workers dismantled 4 barracks, 52 solar cells, 12 tables, 5 tons of barley, and 3 tons of feed belonging to ‘Abed al-Baset Tayseer Mostafa Nobani, under the pretext of illegal construction in Area C.
On Tuesday, 02 June 2020, Na’iem Salah Farrah implemented the Israeli Municipality order and self-demolished a part of his house in Beit Hanina neighborhood, north of occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of non-licensing. Farrah said that he was forced to self-demolish a part of his house, pointing out that he attempted several times to license it by the Israeli Municipality, but in vain. Farrah clarified that it was the 3rd time that Israeli Municipality staff demolished his house, saying that: ” I built a house 20 years ago, all the neighborhood’s residents and I submitted applications to obtain licenses for our houses and we paid heavy fines for the Israeli municipality. Nineteen years later, the municipality staff came and demolished my house and its rubbles still remain in the area. I lost my apartment that sheltered my family comprising of 11 members.” He added: ” when my son decided to get married, I built an additional room for him, but yesterday (Monday) the municipality staff came, hanged a demolition order on the room and gave me two days to self-demolish it or I will pay the demolition costs for the municipality staff.”
At approximately 14:30 on Tuesday, 02 June 2020, Israeli municipality bulldozers demolished Ahmed Abu Diab’s house in Karm al-Shaiekh neighborhood in Silwan village, south of occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, under the pretext of non-licensing. Member of the Silwan Lands Defense Committee, Khaled Abu Tayeh, said that the Israeli municipality staff accompanied with police officers moved into Karm al-Shaiekh neighborhood in Silwan village and surrounded the area. They then vacated Ahmed Abu Diab’s house contents to demolish it. Abu Tayeh clarified that Diab’s house was built 8 years ago aknd he attempted to license it several times and managed to freeze demolition orders issued against his house several time. The latest of these attempts was on 05 May 2020, as he managed to stop a demolition order and tried to obtain another extension, but on Thursday evening, he was shocked when Israeli municipality staff raided his house and demolished it. Abu Tayeh pointed out that the house sheltered 7 persons, including 5 children, and they became homeless. Abu Tayeh emphasized that Israeli authorities recently escalated demolition operations and forced Palestinians living in occupied East Jerusalem to self-demolish their houses, in an attempt to displace them and implement settlement plans. It should be noted that Israeli municipality ordered 11 Jerusalemites families in al-Mukaber Mount area and Silwan village to self-demolish their houses, so the latter were forced to implement the demolition order to avoid paying demolition costs for the municipality staff.
On Tuesday, Israeli bulldozers, under the IOF protection, built a road between Palestinians lands in Taqou’a village, east of Bethlehem, under the pretext that this road will be used for military purposes. As a result, Palestinians’ properties and dozens of trees sustained material damage. Taqou’a village residents emphasized that the building of this road comes in the context of the ongoing settlement plan aims at expanding the settlement’s borders, claiming that it was for military purposes.
At approximately 07:00 on Wednesday, 03 June 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into Dir Hajlah residential compound in eastern Jericho. The Israeli military construction vehicles demolished 6 residential barracks built of tin plates and iron pipes; each one built on an area of 30 square meters. IOF brought workers to dismantle 3 water tanks, 2 fridges, 4 air conditioners, panels and electric wires, and confiscated them under the pretext of non-licensing in Area C. It should be noted that IOF distributed the eviction orders on 21 February 2020 and moved into Hajlah residential compound to conduct the demolition without a prior warning.The demolished facilities, property of Ibrahim Salem Abu Dahouk and his sons, were as follows:1. Ibrahim Salem Saleh Abu Dahouk: 2 barracks sheltering 6 members, including a child and his 2 wives, were demolished 2. Naser Ibrahim Abu Dahouk: a barrack sheltering 5 children and his wife, was demolished 3. Ahmed Ibrahim Abu Dahouk, a barrack sheltering a child and his wife, was demolished 4. Mohamed Yousef Abu Dahouk, a barrack sheltering 2 children and his wife, was demolished 5. Nasrah Naser Abu Dahouk, a barrack sheltering was demolished
At approximately 08:30 on Wednesday, 03 June 2020, IOF backed by military construction vehicles and accompanied with Israeli Civil Administration officers moved into al-Markaz, al-Fakhit and al-Mofaqarah villages located in al-Masafer area, which is classified by the Israeli occupation authorities as a buffer zone under the pretext of being a “Firing Zone 918”, as per the Israel Ministry of Defense. IOF were deployed between Palestinians’ houses while military construction vehicles demolished 4 residential rooms, 4 residential tents and 2 livestock barns.The demolition was as follows:affected person/Facility/Construction Materials/Area/Family members1. Sameer Moahmed Ragheb Hoshieh/residential room/Sheds and iron angles/30 s.q/ 4 2. Sameer Moahmed Ragheb Hoshieh/Livestock barn/Sheds, stones and iron pipes/100 s.q/4 3. Belal Mohamed Ragheb Hoshieh/residential room/Bricks and tin plates/ 30 s.q/ 11 4. Mo’ath Mohamed Ragheb Hoshieh/residential room/Bricks and tin plates/ 30 s.q/5 5. Mo’ath Mohamed Ragheb Hoshieh/Livestock barn/Stones, sheds and iron angles/100 s.q/5 6. ‘Anan Mohamed Hoshieh/residential room/Bricks and tin plates/ 30 s.q/ 3 7. ‘Emad Mohamed Hoshieh/residential tent/sheds and iron angles/ 30 s.q/ 10 8. Khadijah Ahmed ‘Abed Rabu/residential room/ Bricks and tin plates/30 s.q/ 1 9. Ahmed Mahmoud Hamamdah/residential tent/sheds and iron angles 30 s.q/ 2 10. Jameel Mahmoud A’mar/residential tent/sheds and iron angles 30 s.q/ 2
b. Israeli Settler Violence
At approximately 10:00 on Saturday, 30 May 2020, Israeli settlers, from ” Beit Romano” settlement outpost, which is established in central Hebron, threw rubbish at Palestinians while walking on the street.
At approximately 09:00 on Monday, 01 June 2020, 2 Israeli settlers, from “Sosiya” settlement, which is established on Palestinians confiscated lands in southern Yatta, attacked Mahmoud Jehad Ibrahim Abu Subiha (20), from Minizel village, while present in his land. Abu Subiha was beaten at gunpoint and the settlers attempted to run-over him through their vehicle. The Israeli police arrived at the area and arrested Abu Subiha, taking him to a police station in “Kiryat Arba” settlement, east of Hebron. Abu Subiha was bailed out NIS 500 until holding the court hearing on 02 November 2020.
On Tuesday, 02 June 2020, Israeli settlers, under IOF protection, expelled Palestinian farmers from their lands in Kisan village, east of Bethlehem. Ahmed Ghazal, the village council’s deputy head, said that Israeli settlers, from “ Eli Hanhail ” and ” Maale Amos ” settlement, expelled Palestinians farmers from their lands while plowing them, under the pretext that they should obtain a permit to enter their lands. Ghazal pointed out that farmers can no longer enter their lands amidst the settlers’ threats. It should be noted that Kisan village is recently exposed to IOF and settlers’ attacks; the latest of which was: opening fire at a checkpoint belonging to the Palestinian security services and stopping construction works on a street leading to al-Rashida village and confiscating all equipment.
US President Donald Trump on Thursday shared a letter on Twitter that referred to the peaceful protesters who were forcibly dispersed from a park near the White House on Monday evening as “terrorists.”
The letter from veteran attorney and former Trump lawyer John Dowd appears to be addressed to former Secretary of War James Mattis and rebuts Mattis’ Wednesday statement castigating Trump’s response to the nationwide protests after the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.
“The phony protesters near Lafayette were not peaceful and are not real,” Dowd’s letter claimed, without citing any evidence. “They are terrorists using idle hate filled students to burn and destroy. They were abusing and disrespecting the police when the police were preparing the area for the 1900 curfew.”
Trump’s decision to share the letter and its shocking description of Americans exercising their constitutional rights comes as he continues to lean into his strongman approach to the ongoing demonstrations. On Monday, he declared himself “your President of law and order” as the peaceful protesters just outside the White House gates were dispersed with gas, flash bangs and rubber bullets, apparently so he could visit a nearby church.
He remained at the boarded-up building, brandishing a Bible for the cameras, for only a matter of minutes before returning to the White House.
The letter drew condemnation from the Modern Military Association of America, a nonprofit organization.
“Donald Trump just crossed a very serious line that demands swift and forceful condemnation by every Member of Congress,” said the group’s interim executive director, Air Force veteran Jennifer Dane. “Promoting a letter that labels American citizens peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights as ‘terrorists’ is an egregious breach of his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Now more than ever, it is absolutely crucial that Trump be held accountable for his reckless actions.”
The episode followed nearly a week of protests across the country that at times have turned violent over the death of Floyd, a 46-year-old African American man who died while in police custody in Minneapolis.
In response to the President’s approach, Mattis released a statement Wednesday cautioning that the US “must reject any thinking of our cities as a ‘battlespace’ that our uniformed military is called upon to ‘dominate.’ “
“At home, we should use our military only when requested to do so, on very rare occasions, by state governors. Militarizing our response, as we witnessed in Washington, D.C., sets up a conflict – a false conflict – between the military and civilian society,” Mattis wrote.
The President has repeatedly defended his response to the protests and even tweeted later Thursday evening that he didn’t have a problem with the National Guard helicopter that was seen flying low over protesters in Washington on Monday night.
The District of Columbia National Guard is investigating the matter and an inquiry has also been requested by Secretary of War Mark Esper.
“The problem is not the very talented, low-flying helicopter pilots wanting to save our city, the problem is the arsonists, looters, criminals, and anarchists, wanting to destroy it [and our Country]!” Trump tweeted.
The helicopter had a “stated mission” in part to “deter” criminal activity including rioting and looting by keeping a presence overhead, according to a defense official who has direct knowledge of the orders the crew was given. The official declined to be identified because the Washington National Guard is now investigating whether flights were conducted appropriately.
The Lakota UH-72 was also supposed to also deter “unlawful assembly,” provide medical evacuation from the crowd if needed and provide surveillance to command and control for force protection, the official said.
The investigation, the official said, is focusing on how those orders resulted in the low-level flights, which sent debris flying and intimidated civilians, the official said.
يتوزّع النقاش السياسي في لبنان هذه الأيام، على عنوانين، الأول هو قانون قيصر للعقوبات على سورية، والثاني الحملة التي تستهدف سلاح المقاومة. وينقسم اللبنانيون على أساس تصديق الفرضيتين، كمواضيع راهنة وحاضرة. وفي العنوان الأول ينقسمون بين من يدعو لعدم التقيّد بالعقوبات ومن يتحدث عن مرونة في تطبيقها ومن يدعو لاحترامها بصرامة. وفي العنوان الثاني ينقسمون بين متمسّك بالسلاح وداعٍ لنزعه وثالث يدعو لاستراتيجية وطنية للدفاع تنظم العلاقة بالسلاح. ويمكن لأي عاقل التدقيق بالموضوعين كعناوين سياسية ليكتشف ببساطة أنهما ليسا على جدول أعمال أي جهة جدية كمواضيع راهنة.
عواصم العالم وفي مقدمتها واشنطن منشغلة بعنوانين مختلفين: الأول هو الحدث الأميركي الذي يصفه البعض بالزلزال الذي سيغيّر العالم، حيث يتهدّد الولايات الأميركية في ظل أوضاع اجتماعيّة تزداد تدهوراً نحو الفقر، مشاريع حروب أهلية وتفكك الدولة المركزية، وبحث عن تصور استشرافي لأميركا الجديدة، التي سيكون أبرز معالمها الانكفاء نحو الداخل. ومن بعده يحضر العنوان الثاني عبر رصد وتتبع تداعيات المواجهة مع وباء كورونا، التي لا تزال مستمرة في ظل ركود اقتصادي منذ شهور تتبعه حركة إفلاسات غير معلنة، وانحلال لنمط اقتصادي حكم العالم منذ سقوط الاتحاد السوفياتي، عنوانه الاقتصاد الافتراضي في صالات البورصات، والخدمات المصرفية الرديفة القائمة على الديون والرهونات، وصولاً للمراهنات، وصعود حتمي لاقتصاد الأصول القائم على الاهتمام بالمواسم الزراعية وإنتاج وتخزين السلع الحقيقية، ورد الاعتبار للاقتصاد الوطني غير المعولم. وفي الطريق حلول تدريجي للذهب مكان الدولار، والعنوانان العالميان الجديدان، يبدأ النقاش فيهما أميركياً، حيث يفترض وفق الصالونات اللبنانية، أن الانهماك قائم ليل نهار بكيفية تطبيق عقوبات قانون قيصر على سورية من بوابة لبنان، والتدقيق بدرجة تقيّد لبنان به، وبخطة بعض الأصوات للتحرك تحت شعار نزع سلاح حزب الله!
الانهماك اللبناني بقانون قيصر ينفيه القانون نفسه، الذي تكفي قراءته لمعرفة انه أداة تخاطب قديمة مع روسيا، زالت ظروفها، لحجز مقعد أميركي في مشروع الحل السياسي في سورية. ويكفي النظر لعناوين تطالها العقوبات لمعرفة أن الانهماك به هو افتعال بلا مبرر، أما ملف سلاح المقاومة، فأبعد من أن يكون موضوعاً حاضراً، للأميركي الذي يستعد لحزم حقائبه من المنطقة، وسقف مساعيه لتفاهمات غير مباشرة عنوانها، لا تطلقوا النار نحن منسحبون، من دون أن يعني ذلك في العنوانين، أن الأميركي لا يرغب بالتسلية في الوقت الضائع، بانتظار تبلور الساعات الحاسمة وظروفها، طالما يجد في لبنان من يسمع وينفّذ ويهتم ويرتبك وينهَم، فلم لا يلعبون اللعبة، ويملأون الوقت بعناوين يريد بعض اللبنانيين تصديق جديتها، والاستقطاب حولها، والتقاتل.
في هذا الوقت الضائع يبدو أن قانون قيصر بما شكّله من أداة حرب نفسية، مناسبة لابتزاز بعض القيادات السياسية بالإيحاء باستهدافها بالعقوبات، أملاً بتعديل تموضعها السياسي، أو إرباك هذا التموضع على الأقل، ومعه زرع الشكوك في التحالفات، فيما يبدو عنوان سلاح المقاومة الذي صار عند بعض «الثوار» الذين كانوا يطالبون حزب الله بالوقوف مع «ثورتهم»، هو سبب الأزمة الاقتصادية، مناسبة لتأسيس جبهة حلفاء الجيل الجديد للسفارة الأميركية في الحياة السياسية اللبنانية، مع وسم ذكرى السادس من حزيران موعداً لتحركهم، وهي ذكرى اجتياح كيان الاحتلال للبنان عام 1982، التي يجب أن يتم إحياؤها أمام السفارة الأميركية تنديداً بدورها في دعم كيان الاحتلال، وإعلاناً للتضامن مع الشعب الأميركي المنتفض بوجه العنصرية أسوة بما يحصل في باريس ولندن.
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