- Exotic materials like Cobalt, Lithium, and Uranium etc.
- Genetic engineering and artificial life
- Climate engineering
- Artificial intelligence
- Surveillance and mind control
- Healthcare and medicine
- Space travel and settlement
- Installing Deep State followers as the ruling elites of Taiwan island who could declare formal independence from Chinese mainland
- Fomenting secessionist movements in Hong Kong, Xinjiang (East Turkestan), Xizang (Tibet) regions of China. The Deep State would utilize fault-lines of multi-ethnic and multi-religion society of China to tear apart the country into multiple vassal states
- Provoking trouble in South China Sea, East China Sea through mobilising the governments of littoral states like Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan and nudging them towards confrontational behaviour with China
- Keeping the ‘Korean problem’ alive by manipulating successive South Korean governments to take aggressive stance towards North Korean government so that peace agreement (as logical settlement of Korean War armistice) never happens
- Keeping the ‘Kuril Islands problem’ alive by co-opting successive Japanese governments towards taking an illogical stand towards proposals of Russian government so that peace agreement (as logical end of WW II) never happens
- Keeping the land boundary dispute between India and China alive through co-opting the Indian ruling party leadership and nudging them towards confrontation
- Provoking Salafist Islamic terrorism in India, and then cozying up to the Indian government with offer for ‘generous support’, if India joins the USA-led multi-country military block mainly targeted against China
- Manipulating Indian leaders and bureaucrats to play a hegemonic role in the south Asian neighbourhood, which would seek to get elite followers of the Deep State camp elected as top leaders of countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Maldives
- Forming an ‘informal’ naval alliance among India-Japan-Australia-South Korea which would keep navy of China and Russia under check, and if push comes to shove the ‘quad’ navy would block the Malacca strait to cripple Chinese trade
- Corrupting the political parties in Asia’s south-east and south region (countries like Vietnam, South Korea, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc.) which had glorious anti-imperialist struggle for many decades to influence them against economic association with China and Russia
- Spreading concocted stories on global media identifying infrastructure projects under Chinese government’s BRI initiative as ‘debt trap’ and maligning Chinese manufacturing industry as ‘sweatshop’ to create a negative image
- Destabilizing existing states through opposition political party (controlled by Deep State) who would manipulate the popular despair and anger against the autocratic rulers in North Africa, West Asia, North-East Africa;
- Creating multiple groups of Salafist terrorists by recruitment among the mostly unemployed and uneducated Arab youth from Sunni Islam communities living in the vast desert corridor stretching from Morocco to Afghanistan
- Portraying the army of Arab Salafist terrorists as army of ‘pan-Islamic Caliph’ through recruitment of non-Arab mercenary forces from Caucasus, Central Asia, South Asia to create a ‘legitimacy’ among the mostly unemployed and uneducated Asian and African Muslim population who have been brainwashed by religious preachers for generations about glorious ‘Islamic Caliphate’
- Mobilising multiple Salafist terrorist groups to bring down existing rulers and simultaneously creating as many fiefdoms by dividing the existing state boundary – thus existing ‘state’ would be converted into ‘statelet’ managed by the terrorist groups
- Positioning Israel as the de-facto politico-military leader for all governments in West Asia, North-East Africa, North Africa regions; Israel would act as coordinator entity for providing economic and military assistance to the series of satellite statelet
- Manipulating the Kurdish liberation forces spread over Turkey, Syria, and Iraq to break away from their parent countries and create new state of ‘Kurdistan’ that would be a NATO asset in west Asia
- Creating multiple power-centres within the Sunni Arab sheikhdoms which would be crucial to control the ambitious Saudi clan
- Maintaining a high level of USA naval readiness in Persian Gulf through which would keep navy of Iran and Russia under check
- Spreading concocted stories on global media identifying Russian ruling party’s internal policies as corruption of ‘Putin faction’ to create negative image of Russian energy and defence industry
- Destabilizing existing state apparatus by arming various tribal warlords who are divided among religious lines (Christian, Sunni Islam) in central and western regions of Africa; state like Rwanda and Burundi would remain hotbeds for ever
- Deploying military detachments by USA, France, Israel citing old Zionist Capitalist rhetoric of ‘maintaining human rights, democracy and governance’
- Corrupting the political parties in Africa’s southern region (countries like South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania etc.) where anti-imperialist struggle were in the global headlines for three decades (1950 to 1970) to influence them against economic association with China and Russia
- Building ‘client state’ in all regions of Africa where the entire spectrum of political leadership would follow the ideology and policies pushed by the deep State – countries like Malawi, Liberia, South Sudan etc.
- Keeping the ‘Katanga problem’ alive by manipulating the internal political parties, armed groups, neighbouring countries – either DR Congo would become satellite of the Deep State or Katanga would be curved out as ‘independent’ country
- Spreading concocted stories on global media identifying Chinese ruling party’s internal debates as ‘factional fight’ to create factionalism within the ruling party, and maligning Chinese manufacturing industry as ‘sweatshop’ to create a negative image
- Bringing all countries under ‘EU’ banner either as a direct member or as associate thereby diminishing the sovereignty of European states through shifting all governance and policy matters to EU – it ensures single point of contact for hegemonic empire run by Deep State
- Expanding NATO to the borders of current Russia through creating Deep State loyalist governments in ex-Soviet bloc countries like Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary and creating USA army bases with nuclear missile installations
- Manipulating Turkey, Saudi, Libya political and bureaucratic leadership to mobilize millions of Arab Sunni Muslim low-skilled people into different countries of Europe
- Manipulating EU member states to take those ‘forced refugee’ and settle them in Europe to create a multi-ethnic multi-religion hybrid society in Europe – they will form the ‘working class’ people as well as form the backbone of a future European army
- Infiltrating the leadership of European political parties which profess ‘socialist’ ideologies (hence, ‘anti-imperialist’ but not Marxist) so that all these parties become ‘controlled opposition’ – in case Deep State supported elitist party loses election, the new government still maintain the capitalist and imperialist policies
- Staging false flag terrorist attacks in countries like France, Germany, Italy whenever the ruling leadership in those countries appear to deviate from policies of Deep State, particularly if these leaders try to develop economic relationship with China and Russia
- Spreading false propaganda in European media and academic institutions identifying fascist Germany’s territorial expansion and genocides as equivalent to communist Soviet Union’s defensive manoeuvres and administrative overbearingness, and vilifying present Russian government as authoritarian
- Provoking secessionist movements (using any fault-line – religion, language, ethnicity) in all geographical regions that come under erstwhile Yugoslavia and Soviet Union so that both these regions are destroyed beyond repair – thus, if ex-Yugoslavia now comprises of (say) 5 statelet, the Deep State would strive to make 10 splinters, similarly if ex-Soviet Union now comprises of (say) 15 statelet, the Deep State would strive to make 30 splinters
- Manipulating the political leadership and bureaucracy in all ex-USSR states towards taking government policy decisions/actions which will actively hurt Russian interests
- Creating hindrances for Russian access to deep sea ports in Baltic Sea and black Sea to not only restrict their economic activities but also to check the naval forces
- Bringing all countries under ‘OAS’ banner through which the Deep State will directly interfere in the governance and policy matters – in fact, this organisation coordinates the appointments to legislature, executive, and judiciary in all South American and Central American countries so that only Zionist Capitalist elites get into the top positions of political parties and bureaucracy
- Expanding NATO in South America so that the main anti-zionist anti-capitalist government of Venezuela can be directly invaded – to that effect, the Deep State has enrolled Colombia, Peru and Brazil governments to become host of the USA military bases
- Infiltrating the leadership of European political parties which profess ‘socialist’ ideologies (hence, ‘anti-imperialist’ but not Marxist) so that all these parties become ‘controlled opposition’ – in case Deep State supported elitist party loses election, the new government still maintain the capitalist and imperialist policies
- In case, political parties with Marxist ideology comes to state power through democratic elections, the Deep State will organise trouble within common people and Defence establishment and instigate them to seize power by overthrowing the elected government (Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia etc.)
- Keeping Cuba under most severe economic sanction and blockade for over six decades – key objectives have been to wreck the Cuban economy and break the Marxist ruling party
- Creating a second ‘homeland’ for the Jewish elites and aristocrats, by acquiring very large tract of land and building townships in Patagonia region of Argentina – considering Israel, the first ‘homeland’ has been facing quite difficulty in accomplishing the target of direct control of the stretch of ‘Nile-to-Euphrates’ land, this move will ensure long-term control of Latin America
- Spreading concocted stories on global media identifying infrastructure projects under Chinese government’s BRI initiative as ‘debt trap’ and maligning Chinese manufacturing industry as ‘sweatshop’ to create a negative image
- Chinese companies will design and develop wide range of consumer products using Chinese patented technology and receive wide acceptance across the world;
- China will cease from being ‘factory of the world’ and develop relationship with Asian/African/ South American countries to spread the manufacturing activities there. A mix economy driven by domestic consumption plus exports in China will be healthy for the entire world
- Chinese government (along with Russian government) will develop an ecosystem across Europe and Asia in which Banking-Finance and Industry-Economy are intertwined
- The system of ‘capitalist market economy through state-owned and private-owned enterprises’ developed in China will evolve as a ‘model’ for many African and Asian countries
- Chinese government will continue with the BRI programme as a framework for investments in railways, roads, ports, electricity generation, communication network, mining, manufacturing factory projects in Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America
- While making investments in China or in any other country Chinese government will give due importance to environment and take necessary actions so that ecosystem is well-preserved
- Chinese government (along with Russian government) will establish an international monetary system to ensure that interests of the non-European and non-5 Eyes countries are maintained This should also include replacement of US Dollar as world’s reserve currency by a basket of currencies of world’s top ten economies (GDP in PPP terms) backed by gold/valuables
- China will continue to grow in the path of ‘capitalist market economy’ which will result in further evolution of the private capitalist businessmen class – share of capital asset owned by private enterprises will crawl upwards and share of output by private enterprises will rise faster in GDP. Government will control corruption-inflation-unemployment strictly, will implement new policies to control the capitalist class, and will provide welfare schemes to commoners in order to maintain legitimacy of CPC within the society.
- Confrontation in South China Sea, Taiwan and North Korean border will continue to increase to such a level that the Deep State will find it completely embroiled without an easy exit – a ‘hot’ limited war will be fought between two sides: USA-Japan-South Korea and China-North Korea, which will end with effective departure of USA military from Asia region, and Chinese unification with Taiwan.
- Zionist Capitalist Deep State cabal would redefine their ‘territory’ by identifying core zone as Europe continent, North America continent, Australia-New Zealand-Japan (islands), and India-Israel (countries living with island mentality) – within these regions, the governance, the economy, the military, and socio-cultural affairs would be under sway of MNCs owned by the oligarchy clique.
- In Asia, Africa, South America continents, China will get accepted as the leader in economic and socio-cultural sphere, while Russia will evolve as the leader in military and energy sphere – within these regions, the governance, the economy, the military, and socio-cultural affairs would be more or less driven by the local political parties and local oligarchy who will have majority part of their business relationship with China and Russia; however the local oligarchy will also maintain minor trade and finance relationship with Deep State dominated regions.
- Fundamentals of capitalistic economy will remain intact in the China-Russia dominated regions with both state-owned and private-owned enterprises ruling the roost – the cycle of profit and endless accumulation of capital will continue, but under supervision of the state; also, general welfare and social security for all classes of citizens will be ensured by the state.
- 2050 CE onwards, the tussle between two ‘worlds’ will be reflected very badly in the realm of space and planetary exploration as well as environment of our planet – the Deep State-controlled ‘world’ will seek domination of space through advanced technology in the field of aerospace and defence, which may not become a priority for Chin-Russ civilizational combination.
- the Deep State-controlled ‘world’ will seek final revenge on the other ‘world’ by climate engineering during which weather manipulation in the form of substantial temperature rise, extreme cyclonic storm, long duration of drought, out of season rainfall etc. will be effected to destroy agriculture and urban society within a decade or so. Though the Deep State will attempt to become the uncontested hegemon the other world will continue to struggle independently as a block.
- China will continue to grow in the path of ‘capitalist market economy’ which will result in further evolution of the private capitalist businessmen class – share of capital asset owned by private enterprises will increase substantially and share of output by private enterprises will rise exponentially in GDP. Government will not be effective to control corruption-inflation-unemployment. The capitalist class will create political party with so-called nationalist ideology supported by local academia and media. CPC will move in the direction of legitimising such political party, which will seize power after election (it will be immaterial whether CPC really win or lose election – either way, the opposition will seize power).
- Confrontation in South China Sea, Taiwan and North Korean border will diminish after new political party form the government which will be completely under control of the Deep State. Without any ‘hot’ war mainland China and Taiwan will be unified – for USA Deep State this will be a revenge after a century. After all, Kuo Mintang was the favourite of Zionist Capitalist oligarchy from 1927 onwards when Chiang Kai-shek proved that he can fight against CPC ruthlessly. It has been USA’s economic and military support that kept Taiwan as viable ‘entity’ till now.
- Zionist Capitalist Deep State cabal will find the entire world (except Russia) as their ‘territory’– the governance, the economy, the military, and socio-cultural affairs, essentially everything under the Sun would be under sway of MNCs owned by the Zionist Capitalist oligarchy clique.
- Entire world (except Russia) will accept USA (along with Israel and 5-Eyes) as the leader in military, economic and socio-cultural spheres – everywhere, the governance, the economy, the military, and socio-cultural affairs would be more or less driven by the local political parties and local oligarchy who will be directly appointed by the Deep State; however the local oligarchy will also maintain minor trade relationship with Russia for energy import.
- Across the world capitalistic economy will remain intact through the cycle of profit and endless accumulation of capital – however, due to mismanagement of resources and brutal exploitation of common people, there will be wide-spread hunger. Population in Africa and Asia will decline. This will conform to the Zionist ideology which portrays earth as a settlement for the ‘golden billion’ – one billion of Jewish and Anglo population and their flunkies. Automated robots will be utilised for industrial and agricultural production – they neither require food, shelter and healthcare nor do they demand justice and equality!
- 2050 CE onwards, the tussle between the ‘one world’ owned by the Deep State and Russia will turn into a serious ‘hot’ war. The Deep State will seek final revenge on Russia by complete obliteration using military technology that apparently will confine the radioactive ashes and dust within the destroyed land itself instead of moving upwards to cover the entire atmosphere of earth – thus the Deep State will attempt to become the uncontested hegemon and will succeed, albeit with major losses.
- China will continue to grow in the path of ‘capitalist market economy’ with restrictions on further evolution of the private capitalist class – share of capital asset owned by state enterprises will increase substantially and share of GDP output by state enterprises will surpass the private enterprises by a multiplier of two. Government will control corruption-inflation-unemployment strictly, will chalk out policies on transformation of economy into a Marxist economy in which private-owned and state-owned enterprises will be transferred to community ownership by 2035. However, both private capitalists (local, foreigner) and state capitalists (central, provincial, local) will have marginal share in the enterprises earlier owned by them – such benefits will construe as long-term compensation against the asset transfer, apart from an immediate compensation paid to the erstwhile owners.
- By 2030, the technology-based modernisation of the forces of production in China will be complete which can be interpreted as ‘creation of material basis is done’. CPC can plan with earnestness for achieving their original objective of achieving a Marxism-based society through a SINGLE-STAGE TRANSFORMATION. As Stalin and Mao faced socio-economic reality, two stage transformation has immanent difficulties – with completion of stage 1 (during which Capitalist society with bourgeoisie democracy transforms into Socialist society with dictatorship of proletariat), increasingly detrimental geopolitical and economic factors imposed by the opposing forces of monopoly capitalism will not provide opportunity or time for further progress into stage 2 (Socialist society with dictatorship of proletariat transforms into classless Communist society). CPC may make a thorough plan of action for a single-stage transformation with as minimum shock as possible – a point to remember: people never plan to fail, they fail to plan.
- While the planning for a single-stage transformation is undertaken by CPC, they need to make the fundamental action – replacement of ‘private ownership’ by COMMUNITY OWNERSHIP. Neither any citizen nor State will own any means of production (land, natural resources, machinery, real estate and other infrastructure, financial capital etc.) apart from their living houses/flats/bungalows/vehicles. Military Industry will be required for production of military machinery which should be owned and managed by the state. Rest everything will be owned by community. Only when the entire world has decisively transformed into an ocean of humanity without any presence of ‘private ownership’ anywhere, the ‘State’ will relinquish its ownership of MIC, and ideally, there should not be any necessity of the same. The cycle of profit and endless accumulation of capital need to stop for the sake of humanity.
- Confrontation in South China Sea, Taiwan and North Korean border will continue to increase to such a level that the Deep State will find it completely embroiled without an easy escape – a ‘hot’ limited war will be fought between two sides: USA-Japan-South Korea and China-North Korea. With major losses on both sides, China will reap the benefit of being ‘son of the soil’ while USA will bite the dust by acting as an invader to east and south-east Asia. At the end of such conflict, two of the WW II ‘problems’ will get resolved in favour of socialist and workers parties of China and Korea. This will also initiate the complete retreat of the USA military from Asia continent, North Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean regions leaving Japan and India to reconcile itself with a new China.
- Zionist Capitalist Deep State cabal would redefine their ‘territory’ by identifying core zone as North America continent, west European region, Australia-New Zealand-Greenland (islands), and Brazil-Argentina-Chile-Paraguay. By then, Patagonia in Argentina would have become the second homeland of Jewish oligarchy and aristocracy – it will secede from Argentina to become an independent corporation (i.e. democratic capitalist country). Most interesting change will be in Europe – Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, and Serbia et. al will be left in the lurch by the Deep State. That action of the Deep State will be intelligent indeed – such ethnic groups who could be easily lured into any geopolitical activities that will finally result in their downfall, can’t be true ally! Since past three centuries the leaders of these countries proved time and again that, they will wreck their own economy and society (by unnecessarily fighting with Russian Slavic land) in lieu of hundreds of millions of Dollars credited into their offshore bank accounts. Within the ‘Anglo and Jewish enlightened world’ the governance, the economy, the military, and socio-cultural affairs would be under sway of MNCs owned by the oligarchy clique. A significant number of south Asians, Koreans, east Europeans will be given permanent citizenship because of their extraordinary greed, and socio-cultural servitude to the Zionist Capitalist ideology and Anglo/Jewish ethnicity.
- Across the world (excluding the zones of ‘Anglo and Jewish elite world’) China will get accepted as the leader in economic and socio-cultural sphere, while Russia will evolve as the leader in military and energy sphere – in these regions, the governance, the economy, the military, and socio-cultural affairs would be more or less driven by the local political parties and local oligarchy who will have majority of their business relationship with China and Russia; however the local oligarchy will also maintain minor trade and finance relationship with Deep State dominated regions. In the long run, most of the countries will follow the Chinese system of community-ownership of means of production within their country.
- 2040 CE onwards, the world will be the most safe and peaceful compared to the past five millenniums (during which conflicts used to be the rule rather exception). China and Russia will lead the way for research and development related to sustainable economy and environment. There will be significant use of technology in making the individual life and social life better and comfortable than before. New frontiers of space research and planetary exploration will open up. Human civilisation would proceed further in understanding the ‘reality’ of ‘universe’ – we will know how ‘life’ got created and what the ‘mystery’ of creation is!
- the Deep State-controlled ‘Anglo and Jewish elite world’ will seek final revenge on the ‘other world’ by complete destruction using military technology that apparently will confine the radioactive ashes and dust within the destroyed land itself instead of moving upwards to cover the entire atmosphere of earth. However, as history repeats itself, such research and development by the Deep State would be known to the leaders of ‘other world’ much before fruition – left with a choice between complete surrender and complete destruction, the Deep State will chose the former ‘to live and let others live’.

River to Sea

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