by Khaled Amayreh / October 7th, 2008
The recent revelations by an Israeli journalist about a secret meeting between high-ranking Palestinian security chiefs and the commanders of the Israeli occupation army, which reportedly took place at the Jewish colony of Beit El near Ramallah in September, has shocked the Palestinian community here. According to Israeli journalist Nahom Barnea, the Palestinian officers told their Israeli “colleagues” that “we have no conflict” and that “we have only one common enemy which is Hamas.” Barnea also revealed that Palestinian security chiefs, whom he mentioned by name, asked their “Israeli colleagues” to “equip us with weapons” in order to “re-conquer Gaza.” Barnea, who attended the meeting after receiving the Palestinian participants’ consent, reported that the Palestinians sought to impress the Israeli security chiefs by briefing them on aggressive measures the PA security agencies had been carrying out against Hamas’ civilian infrastructure, including charities and civil society organizations. The Palestinian security chiefs even bragged about raiding mosques as part of their efforts to hound and harass Hamas.

Some Palestinian villagers have reported that they saw Israeli soldiers and Palestinian soldiers jointly carrying out raids and arrests in the northern West Bank. Moreover, it is widely believed that the closure by Israel of numerous Palestinian schools, orphanages, charities and businesses in the West Bank was carried out in close coordination with the Israeli army. The PA functionaries and operatives routinely deny suggestions that the PA is collaborating with Israel against its own people. However, there is irrefutable evidence suggesting that the PA is not telling the truth. The daily arrests of Palestinian activists by both Israeli and PA security agencies are very telling, to say the least.

It may be a bit reassuring that some Fatah leaders in the West Bank, such as Qaddura Fares, have spoken out against the scandalous encounter at Beit El, describing the security chiefs involved as “traitors who have nothing to do Fatah.” However, it remains really disturbing that these men committed a disgraceful act with total impunity. In a recent interview with the London-based al Hewar TV, Fares urged the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah to fire these security chiefs.
However, one is still deeply disquieted by the fact that the Fatah organization, nearly in its entirety, been reticent and done next to nothing to punish, expose or even rebuke these men who have committed what amounts to be national apostasy. To be sure, Fatah is not a monolithic movement, neither ideologically nor even politically. Nonetheless, there are a lot of honest and patriotic people within the movement. We also understand that the good people within Fatah, who probably constitute the majority, are being marginalized, isolated and impoverished financially by the Oslo gang which has the money and the political backing by Israel and the United States. However, Fatah can’t be forgiven for allowing, even passively, these money-grabbing opportunists and hangers-on to besmirch a movement that has produced people like Abu Ammar and Abu Jihad and thousands of martyrs who lived and died for Palestine.
Treason is treason whether committed by Fatah or the Southern Lebanon Army or by the infamous village leagues. And there is no real difference between a Shin Beth agent who leads Israeli death squads to the whereabouts of a Palestinian freedom fighter and a PA security officer who carries out Israeli instructions under the disgraceful rubric of security coordination. Needless to say, a Palestinian security chief who tells the commanders of the Israeli occupation army that “we have common interests, common goals, and common enemies” is a traitor par excellence who should be immediately arrested and prosecuted for grand treasons. Just imagine an Israeli officer telling a Palestinian security chief, for example, that “we have one enemy, it is the Jewish settlers.” Would such a proverbial officer stay on his job for 24 hours?
It is therefore imperative that Fatah press and pressure its top leadership, which is the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, to launch a speedy investigation into what happened at the Beit El meeting and sack those security chiefs who have brought shame and infamy to decades of Palestinian struggle for liberty. Failing to act for whatever reason would only mean that Fatah is effectively being Zionized by allowing itself to be infiltrated and even taken over by Israeli agents who claim to be serving Palestinian national interests while in reality serving the interests of our enemy, Israel. Unfortunately, we can’t give the top Fatah leadership the benefit of the doubt since it is likely that the Beit El meeting took place with its full knowledge, approval and even blessing. This is probably what emboldened those security chiefs and made them attend the meeting and say what they reportedly said with brazen disregard to Palestinian national dignity. The attendance of the Israeli journalist, whom they knew would disseminate the details of their convivial meeting with the Israeli occupation officers, also tells us much about the mental level of these people.
Finally, one is really at loss trying to understand how Fatah is really sincere about national reconciliation with Hamas at a time when Fatah’s men tell Israeli security chiefs that “Hamas is the enemy” and “give us weapons and training to re-conquer Gaza.” In short, Fatah has to choose either reconciliation with Hamas or cordial relations with Israel, the occupier of our country and tormentor of our people. It can’t choose both.

OUT OF SUDDEN, THE "MAN" WHO SOLD 78% of PALESTINE criticises Abbas for considering negotiations as the only option
[ 15/10/2008 - 12:05 PM ]
AMMAN, (PIC)-- The Palestinian chief negotiator, Ahmad Qurei criticised the line of politics pursued by President Mahmoud Abbas, during a meeting with the PA ambassadors to Arab states.
In a report published by the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi it was stated that Qurei criticised Abbas's slogan which says that negotiations is the only strategic option open to the Palestinians describing such a slogan and the practical implementation of it as a serious political blunder and that the Palestinian people should have many strategic options instead of being restricted to negotiations, considering the shape of the present negotiations.
Qurei was also reported to have said during the meeting, which took place in Amman last Monday, that to consider negotiations as the only strategic option is a bet that is not compatible with the great sacrifices of the Palestinian people and does not take into consideration the real situation on the ground, pointing to the fact that there is a high probability that the negotiations will fail and turn into a punishment for the Palestinian people.
The Fatah leader, who participated in many rounds of covert and overt negotiations with the Israeli occupation, said that wagering on negotiations alone means losing because the negotiations are a lame duck and ineffective, admitting that long years of negotiations have not produced anything tangible for the Palestinian people on fundamental issues such as Jerusalem, water, refugees and the Palestinian state.
Qurei's frank comments caused great surprise and debate amongst around 20 participants in the closed meeting which was held in one of Amman's hotels, as these comments contradicted President Abbas's line of politics.
Meanwhile, many ambassadors, especially those working in the Gulf states, complained that they are increasingly being seen as ambassadors of the Palestinian Authority and not of Palestine and that funds are not being channelled through them to the Palestinian people as the public has more trust in Hamas.
Do you believe this traitor, the Cement supplier of the Seperation Wall?
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Dahlan's Photo Album
Zubaidi: Our leaders in Fatah and the PA are liars
No I don't.
I believe NO-ONE belonging to Fatah. Fatah is filled with shit up to the nose and anyone who is yet adscribed to it, is actually supporting their treason and helping it.
At first I thought there were just some "bad apples" within it, Dahlan gang, Abbas and his ilk and a few more; but that was wishful thinking. Facts prove Fatah is putrid from top to bottom. There is nobody clean left there, no man of honor can belong to it. That's impossible for a palestinian patriot.
And because of Oslo it penetrated everything in the Palestinian society, from Unions to families themselves that depend on the salaries provided by the so-called "authority" (the only employer that is being left in Palestine).
But I'm sure the Palestinian People will react against them and hold them accountable for their crimes, since Fatah were the ones that contributed to both "Pinochetize" and "Somalize" the Palestinian cause.
This is worse than the Nakba, by far.
As I said earlier... so sad.
Look at this, UP.
“However, the truth is that the PA government is behaving very much like a gang. If you are loyal to the gang, you get all your dues, but if you are independent-minded or don’t support Fatah, you lose everything.”
Worse is that the rest of the parties aren't up to their historical responsibility at this moment. They, either depend on the PA's money bag, or are afraid of looking "partisan"; so they don't stick faithful to the democratic choice of the people, as they should be.
Hamas -and maybe the IJ to a lesser degree- face an Herculean task ahead. This cancer will take long time to be eradicated and healed, and will it be at the expense of more bloodshed. Regretfully! It won't be easy at all, but the defence of the palestinian people's rights has cost many lives already, and cannnot be downtrodden this way.
Notice this too:
Expired peaches imported from Israel, seized by PA
Have you ever seen "expired peaches"? I promise I've never seen such a thing, and I have eaten thousands of peaches throughout my life, it's one of my favourite fruits.
Fruit can be rotten, but... "expired"?
Besides, why did not the PA send the peaches back to the zionists and asked them to return the money that had been paid for?
I have been following these type of news related to "expired" food seized by the PA, which are published by (the Fatah mouthpiece) MAAN every few days, no doubt they think the PA thugs are doing a great service to the society...
But the "expired" food thing seems very smelly to me. I have the gut feeling that there must be some Fatah gangsters making big kicks of it, by "seizing it" first and filling their pockets after selling it later.
I find it impossible such an amount of tons of "expired" food every week and NOT a single clame made to the occupiers selling it.
(This is another one! It is a matter of urgency for the palestinians to stop buying zionist products. The Palestinian supporters worldwide cannot be asked to boicot israeli products while the Palestinians themselves are the first consumers, and by doing it are they damaging themselves in various ways 1) pockets 2) jobs 3) own markets 4) growth 5) strenghthen the occupation etc etc)
Where it appears "a single clame" --> must read as "a single claim".
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