By KalashFollowing up on Fayyad's most recent post...I don't think too highly of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but every time he discusses Zionism and the question of Palestine, I find myself nodding in agreement. The speech he delivered in Geneva on Monday was no exception. While he probably went a little overboard with some of the economic issues he brought up, he was on point when it came to the state of Israel and its racist foundation; I challenge anyone to read the transcript and find something wrong with what he said on the matter.
Like the spineless politicians who walked away from the first UN conference on racism in eight years, I expect that some of our readers will refuse to take off their blinders. But that doesn't change the fact that Zionism is rooted in racism. Judging by the applause he received. it seems that the majority of those who listened to Ahmadinejad's speech would agree (i.e. the international community). In fact, I find it interesting that the only ones who walked out were representatives of European nations, except for one insignificant exception.
On a related note, a friend of mine recently sent me an interesting link about an Iraqi-Jew by the name of Naeim Gilladi who foolishly got himself involved with Zionism only to change his mind after 30 years of disgust and disappointment. Luckily he lived to tell his story. He wrote a book describing the atrocities committed by Zionists in their frenzy to import raw Jewish labor, but he had some difficulty getting it published. It is available on Amazon.
His story is an interesting one. He was arrested and sentenced to death, but he managed to escape. Once in Israel he was treated as a second-class citizen like most of the other Sephardic Jews living there. Here are some excerpts from an article he wrote ten years ago:
I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called "cruel Zionism." I write about it because I was part of it...He has a lot more interesting things to say, including the following about organized acts of violence perpetrated against Iraqi Jews:
It was 1947 and I wasn't quite 18 when the Iraqi authorities caught me for smuggling young Iraqi Jews like myself out of Iraq, into Iran, and then on to the Promised Land of the soon-to-be established Israel...
I did not volunteer the information to my father that I had joined the Zionist underground. He found out several months before I was arrested... He was even more surprised to learn that, yes, I had decided I would soon move to Israel myself. He was scornful. "You'll come back with your tail between your legs," he predicted...
I made my way to the new state of Israel, arriving in May, 1950. My passport had my name in Arabic and English... At the border, the immigration people applied the English version, which had an Eastern European, Ashkenazi ring to it. In one way, this "mistake" was my key to discovering very soon just how the Israeli caste system worked...
When I reported to the Labor Office in al-Majdal, they saw that I could read and write Arabic and Hebrew and they said that I could find a good-paying job with the Military Governor's office... A clerk handed me a bunch of forms in Arabic and Hebrew... petitions to the United Nations Inspectors asking for transfer out of Israel to Gaza, which was under Egyptian control.
I read over the petition. In signing, the Palestinian would be saying that he was of sound mind and body and was making the request for transfer* free of pressure or duress... The Military Governor prohibited them from pursuing their livelihoods, just penned them up until they lost hope of resuming their normal lives. That's when they signed to leave...
Those Palestinians who didn't sign up for transfers were taken by force - just put in trucks and dumped in Gaza. About four thousand people were driven from al-Majdal in one way or another. The few who remained were collaborators with the Israeli authorities...
I began to find out about the barbaric methods used to rid the fledgling state of as many Palestinians as possible. The world recoils today at the thought of bacteriological warfare, but Israel was probably the first to actually use it in the Middle East. In the 1948 war, Jewish forces would empty Arab villages of their populations... To make sure the Arabs couldn't return to make a fresh life for themselves... the Israelis put typhus and dysentery bacteria into the water wells...
My activism in Israel began shortly after I received a letter from the Socialist/Zionist Party asking me to help with their Arabic newspaper... I showed the letter to a couple of people there and, without even looking at it, they would motion me away with the words, "Room No. 8." When I saw that they weren't even reading the letter, I inquired of several others. But the response was the same...
So I went to Room 8 and saw that it was the Department of Jews from Islamic Countries. I was disgusted and angry... I turned around and walked out. That was the start of my open protests. That same year I organized a demonstration in Ashkelon against Ben Gurion's racist policies and 10,000 people turned out...
We mounted the struggle so tenaciously and received so much publicity that the Israeli government tried to discredit our movement by calling us "Israel's Black Panthers." They were thinking in racist terms... But we saw that what we were doing was no different than what blacks in the United States were fighting against - segregation, discrimination, unequal treatment. Rather than reject the label, we adopted it proudly. I had posters of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela and other civil rights activists plastered all over my office.
With the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the Israeli-condoned Sabra and Shatilla massacres, I had had enough of Israel. I became a United States citizen and made certain to revoke my Israeli citizenship.
Today there is no doubt in my mind that the anti-Jewish riots of 1941 were orchestrated by the British for geopolitical ends. David Kimche is certainly a man who was in a position to know the truth, and he has spoken publicly about British culpability. Kimche had been with British Intelligence during WW II and with the Mossad after the war. Later he became Director General of Israel's Foreign Ministry, the position he held in 1982 when he addressed a forum at the British Institute for International Affairs in London.These types of tactics were not limited to Iraq. Some will recall the Lavon Affair in which Israeli spies terrorized the people of Egypt in hopes of fueling insurrection. Unsurprisingly, it was the Jewish community of Egypt that paid the price. While there is no doubt that popular uprisings against Arab Jews were increasingly common after 1948, Zionist propagandists have used this as another excuse to justify Israel's 'right' to exist. It is well known that most Arab Jews lived peacefully with their Muslim and Christian counterparts before the Zionist movement began in earnest. As Gilladi concludes:
In responding to hostile questions about Israel's invasion of Lebanon and the refugee camp massacres in Beirut, Kimche went on the attack, reminding the audience that there was scant concern in the British Foreign Office when British Gurkha units participated in the murder of 500 Jews in the streets of Baghdad in 1941...
The terrible truth is that the grenades that killed and maimed Iraqi Jews and damaged their property [in 1950-51] were thrown by Zionist Jews.
This, too, was the conclusion of Wilbur Crane Eveland, a former senior officer in the CIA... In his book, Ropes of Sand, whose publication the CIA opposed, Eveland writes:
"In attempts to portray the Iraqis as anti-American and to terrorize the Jews, the Zionists planted bombs in the U.S. Information Service library and in synagogues. Soon leaflets began to appear urging Jews to flee to Israel. . . . Although the Iraqi police later provided our embassy with evidence to show that the synagogue and library bombings, as well as the anti-Jewish and anti-American leaflet campaigns, had been the work of an underground Zionist organization, most of the world believed reports that Arab terrorism had motivated the flight of the Iraqi Jews whom the Zionists had "rescued" really just in order to increase Israel's Jewish population."
We Jews from Islamic lands did not leave our ancestral homes because of any natural enmity between Jews and Muslims. And we Arabs - I say Arab because that is the language my wife and I still speak at home - we Arabs on numerous occasions have sought peace with the State of the Jews. And finally, as a US citizen and taxpayer, let me say that we Americans need to stop supporting racial discrimination in Israel and the cruel expropriation of lands in the West Bank, Gaza, South Lebanon and the Golan Heights.* For those who don't already know, "transfer" is the term used by Zionists to describe the ethnic cleansing that was necessary for their goals to be achieved.
Another good post and I will get to it later this evening to read what this man says.
Have you watched the movie I posted on the Holocaust Revisionists? It really debunks so much.
I, too, agree about Achmenijad (never get his name right). He is Illuminati. I have a photo of him flashing their satanic handsign. Look at my posting on satanic signs everywhere, there he is.
He has, I am told, sold Iran out and is pushing Israel on purpose even if he does not have the nuclear capacity they accuse him of. But he DOES have Russian backing! Any major power that wants his oil badly enough will offer their bombs in return for oil.
BUT, I agree with you, his speech on the Holocaust is bang on. Watch that movie and you will see things you never knew. I know that they filmed in the camps for the world as proof of how happy their Jews in prison were, and to do so they used the healthy new arrivals for these films and that is indeed possible.
BUT today's scientific reports and historical papers surfacing cannot be denied, yet these men are shut up and in jail. And many we have never heard of are dead.
I never knew that the Brits did what they did to Dresden AFTER the war, or that Eisenhower killed thousands of Germans in the camps AFTER the war. And they DARE condemn the Germans? Never before had I realized just how amazingly they had rewritten history and back up these lies consistently through our every day lives.
i did get the Book by Naiem GIladi , after waiting for ONE year as it was not available. it was very interesting , when he names Mordechai Ben Porat (now member of the Knesset) who used to be called Bomber of Baghdad as he was involved in Bombing Jewish Cafes in Baghdad , to scare the jews so they can leave for Israel .
"Achmenijad is Illuminati... He sold Iran"
Barbara L
I can't buy it, Are you kidding???
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