The photo below comes from "Kristallnacht in Hebron" in a recent edition of Al-Ahram Weekly.

Making Monsters at Beth Israel
Well, Winston, you missed one. Below is a screen shot showing an even more incriminating (and heartwrenching) photo from part one of their trip photo album and below that is the same photo alone. The child in the center foreground--clothed in red and wearing a white ball cap--is the same child who posed in front of the Israeli armored vehicle, apparently, pointing an imaginary gun. This time he is with an entire group of young children and they are posed in front of a group of armed Israeli soldiers. Weapons are visible on the right sides of the kneeling soldier and the soldier standing second from the left. Rifle shoulder straps are visible on at least three of the other soldiers.

This is what Rabbi Dobrusin and the other leaders at BIC think is appropriate for young children to do on their summer vacation. Here's part of what Dobrusin wrote about the trip:
Through it all, there was the sense that what we were seeing and what we were experiencing had not only a historical dimension but a spiritual dimension as well. ... And through it all, there were the kids. Our group included more than a dozen children who played and sang and hiked and swam their way through Israel, building a stronger connection with the land and laying the foundation for future high school or college trips to deepen their connection with Israel further.
Nice little Jewish girls and boys aren't born as monsters, they are turned into monsters by their parents and rabbis, who inculcate in them Judaism's culture of death. Posing children in front of soldiers and their war machines is only part of this process of indoctrination--Jewish holidays such as Passover help make the deaths of others holy, justified, and, in the case of Purim, fun. Of course, not every Jewish child emerges from this process ready to slaughter or cheer on the slaughter of hundreds of people--as Israel did, indiscriminately, in Lebanon just last year--but far too many do.
See also: "Summer Camp Teaches U.S. Teens To Fight Israeli Style" by Chris Hedges on Alternet
Jewish Kids with Guns & Tu Quoque
I'm not sure if this is a case of the 'they-do-it-too' ploy or the 'they're-more-eviler' manuever. In any case, it's a diversionary fallacy, pure and simple--tu quoque. Now, anonymous commenter, if you're reading then please pay attention because you won't learn this from your comrades on LGF (no, this doesn't link there, either, but it's not the quiz again): You can never justify or excuse the wrong that you or others do by pointing out an equal or worse wrong--imagined or real--of someone else.
Any way, below are some more images along the theme of my last two posts, the last being from a Purim celebration.

If my tiny country was surrounded by countries that wanted to exterminate my race and/or drive it out of the "holy land," I'd be training my kids to fuck shit up, too. :P
Sounds like Michael needs to crawl under a bulldozer.
Haha, the Khazars/Jews related to the Finns? Not only that, the Finns are "bloodthirsty"?
I'm not a fan of the Israeli state, but i'm not scared of facts.
Allah Akhbar
Isn't Michael a Hebrew name?
Possibly, but it also very Anglo Saxon as I am.
Well most of your links didn't work Muqtada Sayeed and why don't you use your real name as I do?
The only link that actually worked was the one showing Palestinian collaborators being dealt with. Do you know that in occupied France during WW11 very similar things happened? When your family and friends are being subjected to daily Jewish terrorism it has to be expected.
ALL of my links work. You are just deluded and completely biased.
Uprooted Palestinian, maybe you will find this (functioning) link useful:
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