[ 05/06/2010 - 06:54 AM ]
Some circles within UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Work Agency, have been trying to introduce “the holocaust” into Palestinian school curricula in the Gaza Strip.
In so doing, the organization is trying to appease certain Zionist-minded groups in North America, and to a lesser extent in Europe, which have been lambasting the UN body for “conditioning” the Palestinian school system to Arab ideological and political trends.
Needless to say, the rationale behind such calls for introducing the conspicuously controversial and highly-propagandistic subject into the world of Palestinian youngsters has very little to do with any educational merits. But it has every thing to do with a virulent Zionist propensity to brainwash Palestinians, particularly young generations, into accepting or at least understanding Zionism, a hateful fascist political ideology that has much in common with Nazism, both in terms of theory and practice.
Using the words of Gaza academic, Zionist supremacists would like to see Arab children taught, at least subconsciously, that the holocaust justifies the arrogation of Palestine by Zionism and that Arabs and Muslims would have to accept what the rest of the world has accepted, namely the Zionist narrative concerning certain events during the Second World War.
Well, the Zionists have stolen our ancestral land, destroyed our homes, and expelled the bulk of our people to the four corners of the world. Now, they are trying to rob us of our memories, falsify historical facts and obliterate our historical awareness by inculcating holocaust mythology into the minds of our kids.
They would like to convince us that the genocidal ethnic cleansing of our people at the hands of Ashkenazi terrorists was an act of charity, not a Nazi act par excellence.
They would like to make us shed tears for Jewish victims based on historical narratives that should be subjected to genuine academic scrutiny in order to ascertain its historical veracity or mendacity.
We, as Arabs and Muslims, certainly realize that Jews, many Jews, were killed unjustly at the hands of the Nazis between 1939-1945. We also heard, as others did, of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Bergen Belsen, and other death camps. And we are genuinely sorry for the death of innocent human beings, including Jews. After all, as many as 40 million people perished during that European war and all of them were bona fide human beings, equal in humanity. It was a European war, and to paraphrase Menachem Begin, it was Europeans killing Europeans. We Palestinians had nothing to do with it.
However, what we can’t understand is the repulsive and morbid utilization of these sorrowful events by Zionism in order to justify the slow-motion holocaust that has been meted out to the Palestinian people under the rubric of Jewish suffering.
Today, the shipyard dogs of Zionism bark uncontrollably every time the Zionist holocaust narrative is questioned, even by historians and academics. In some European countries, even raising an innocent question about the “ultimate taboo” is illegal. In short, one can critique and criticize any figure, including God, Jesus, and Muhammad, but should think a million times before even thinking of questioning the ultimate sacrosanct cow, the holocaust.
In Europe today, one can freely depict the Prophet Muhammad, who said all humans are as equal as a comb’s teeth, as a terrorist. Jesus, who said “the meek shall inherit the earth”, is depicted as a gay of salacious characters. Even the Almighty Himself is subject to all sorts of mockery and ridicule.
Only the holocaust is off limit to scrutiny. It is the modern Golden Calf whose status is more inviolable than any other subject.
Needless to say, this taboo, a mantra whose invocation justifies every conceivable crime under the sun, must be crushed under our feet.
We certainly, don’t say that the memory of innocent Jews killed at the hands of the German Nazis ought to be discarded or violated due to the satanic behavior of the Zio-Nazis of our time, namely the criminal state of Israel.
However, the cheap and virulent exploitation by Zionism of the memories of Jews killed during the Second World War, must be publicized and denounced in the strongest terms.
This is not a legitimate identification with legitimate victims of fascism. After all, Jewish fascism is not really fit or morally equipped to challenge German fascism on the basis of moral criteria.
The Germans invented the master race slogan, the Zionists are invoking the “Chosen people.” The Germans spoke of Untermenschen and Ubermenschen whereas the Zionists speak in terms of Jews and Goyem. The Germans spoke of Lebensraum while Zionist Jews are insisting that “Jews have the right to live anywhere.” Here the allusion is clear, namely that Zionist Jews have the right to arrogate and steal land that belongs to another people.
In short, Zio-Nazism and German Nazism are more or less two sides of the same coin. They are very much like tweedledee and tweedledum.
A few days ago, the London-based human rights organization Amnesty International castigate western countries for keeping silent and doing nothing in the face of crimes against humanity committed by Europe’s nefarious brat, Israel.
Amnesty underscored Israeli crimes against the people of Gaza:
“Among other things, they carried out indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks against civilians, targeted and killed medical staff, used Palestinian civilians as 'human shields', and indiscriminately fired white phosphorus over densely populated residential areas," it added. "More than 1,380 Palestinians, including over 330 children and hundreds of other civilians, were killed."
This disgraceful silence and inaction on the part of the Old Continent stems mainly from the so-called holocaust guilt.
This is why Europe, with the exception of a few courageous men and women who have an active moral conscience and who are willing to call the proverbial spade a spade even if they find it in Jewish hands, is allowing Israel to carry out genocide and ethnic cleansing against the helpless Palestinians, in order to escape the ever haunting charges of anti-Semitism. Yes, some European states have spoken a few words against the latest Zionist crime in high seas in the Eastern Mediterranean. But that is all.
Well, anti-Semitism is wrong, but so is the blind support of Zio-Nazism which the hateful entity known as Israel embodies and exemplifies.
It is for all these reasons that Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims all over the globe must refrain from introducing Zionist propaganda into our school systems.
We already have Jewish Zionists and Christian Zionists. We certainly don’t need to have Muslim-Zionists as well.
We have been so tormented by these irredeemable liars, the world’s premier merchants of death and mendacity, so much so that we must be constantly vigilant in the face of anything and everything they try to get us to do either directly or via international bodies such as UNRWA.
In the final analysis, UNRWA itself has no right to tell our children what to learn and what not to learn. According to its mandate, it has no political role to play. Its job is to facilitate, not indoctrinate.
River to Sea
The New Ten Commandments:
1) Thou shall not criticize Israel, The "Jewish State"
2) Thou shall revere the holocaust with all thy heart
3) Thou shall have no doubt in your heart of the number 6 million
4) Thou shall not compare the unique suffering of the Jews with any other
5) Thou shall honour Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state
6) Thou shall adore the “sinless” Israel, regardless of allegations of sins
7) Thou shall believe that Israel has the right to defend itself and protect its security by all means (but not Muslims)
8 ) Thou shall not kill (except Muslims)
9) Thou shall not lie (except about Islam and Muslim’s WMD)
10) Thou shall obediently share your earning with Israel (through your tax money)
And there is a bonus eleventh commandment:
11) Thou shall sacrifice as many humans as humanly possible (specially those who dare to say NO) on the altar of greed and security of the Jewish state
ironic that you would write "two sides of the same coin"
Here is a coin commemorating an agreement between Zionists and Nazis...
1933 Ha’avara (the Transfer Agreement)
We have a Director-General of the Education Department in the Australian State of New South Wales... he was calling recently for all children to study "The" Holocaust... How Mr Michael Coutts-Trotter can overcome the stigma of having served 3 years in Jail of a 9 year sentence for trafficking heroin to achieve such a position is a real credit to his redemptive powers and those family and friends that stood by him...
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