Batoul Wehbe | ||||||
"I say to all the honorable people, to the mujahedeen, to the heroes, I have always promised you with victory and now I promise you with another one," with these words Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah ended his Saturday's speech on the 13th anniversary of Resistance and Liberation Day, referring to the battle in Syria against Takfiris whose masters are the US and 'Israel'.
His eminence talked about two huge dangers the resistance is facing: Israel and its greediness, and the turnovers in neighboring Syria where Takfiri groups are fighting on ground. "The Zionist entity is continuing with its scheme in Palestine without even being criticized by the international community," His eminence said. "Since July 2006, Israel has been preparing for war after realizing their weaknesses and is threatening Lebanon on a daily basis and has been mobilizing its forces on the border for months. Israel has a special ministry, the Ministry of Home Front Defense, which is responsible for anything that targets its entity." Tomorrow, they will begin a new maneuver, which they are calling Solid Front I, on the interior front, and they say they are ready for war, He added. On the other side,Sayyed Nasrallah wondered, what did the state in Lebanon do to face these threats and bear its responsibilities? What did the state do since 2005 regarding arming and training the military institution? "We used to hear excuses like the Syrian presence in Lebanon, but in fact the Americans are the ones vetoing arming any Arab army if the weapons were against Israel. It's forbidden to buy arms to Syria or Lebanon because they'll fight Israel, however, huge numbers of weapons are being sold to several Arab countries because they gave guarantees not to shoot any bullet at the Zionist entity." "Israel is arming its citizens in border villages, whereas some consider weapons found with our border villages' families as illegal!" Hezbollah SG criticized the state as being too weak to deter any Israeli threat. "Our state can't protect a funeral in Sidon, it can't stop clashes in Tripoli and hadn't yet adopted an electoral law. Do you imagine that such a state can make a decision to confront and deter the enemy?" But He said that if directions, political cover and armaments were granted to the army, it could fight Israel similarly to the resistance, and the resistance for its part would support it and stay behind it. "The resistance, who defeated Israel in July 2006, has been training and Israel fears it, however, many in Lebanon are wondering how to get rid of it." Concerning the internal Lebanese turmoil, Sayyed Nasrallah said: "we are in front of two options that are either an elections based on the 1960's law or extending the parliament's term, or a 'miracle' would lead to reaching consensus over a new law." But, he added, we are against vacuum. "We rushed to submit our candidacies before the March 14 alliance did because we reject vacuum, even if the elections were held based on the 1960's law." "We renew our call to keep Lebanon aside from any clash or conflict, we are fighting in Syria and your are doing so as well, so let us keep our fighting there," the SG said, adding that what happened in Sidon and what's happening in Tripoli are shameful and should stop immediately. "Those who want to support the government or the opposition let them all go to Syria and leave Tripoli neutral." Commenting on the Syrian crisis, Sayyed Nasrallah said that "since the beginning of Syria's war we have said Assad's regime has its positives and negatives. Reform is required and the only way to reach this is through political dialogue." "I have talked to Assad, he vowed to make reforms and was ready to talk to the opposition but it refused." "Recent events have proved that there is an axis lead by the U.S. while the rest are working under its orders. Everyone knows this axis is supported by Israel while al-Qaida and other Takfiri organizations from around the world were paid to take part in it. The so-called "Friends of Syria" conference days ago didn't realize the huge interference by militants from various countries and just was aware of some of Hezbollah members who entered Syria only months ago," He pointed out. Sayyed Nasrallah assured that part of the Syrian opposition abroad has a vision and is ready for dialogue whereas others work under the Pentagon's orders, adding that the Takfiris are the most prevailing group on the Syrian scene. Pointing to the danger posed by Takfiri groups, who consider as infidels all Muslims not sharing their extremist ideology, His eminence said: "What is happening on the Syrian border is dangerous to Lebanon and to coexistence in the country and will become a danger to Sunnis. All of the Lebanese people are threatened, especially the Sunnis, if those Takfiri groups controlled the border villages with Lebanon. This Takfiri mind has killed much more Sunnis than members of other Muslim sects." Sayyed Nasrallah warned that if Syria fell in the hands of America, Israel and the Takfiris, the future of Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and the whole region would be dark. "Israel will enter Lebanon if Syria fell in their hands." He also said the Syrian opposition had from the very beginning of the unrest in Syria threatened to target Hezbollah. "Since the outset of the unrest ... some in the opposition addressed us saying: the regime will fall and we are coming to target you in Lebanon." So, Sayyed Nasrallah said, the resistance could not remain silent and allow Syria to fall into their hands. As a result, the S.G. announced that Hezbollah had entered a new phase a few weeks ago: the phase of fortifying the resistance and protecting its backbone. "We will not rely on anyone. Like all the battles before this one: We will be its people, its men, and we will be the ones who bring it victory. We will assume this responsibility and endure all the sacrifices and consequences that come with taking such a stance,” He vowed. "We have lost thousands of martyrs and we consider that through our stand we are defending Lebanon, Palestine and Syria," His eminence said. "You can be with whoever side you want in Syria, but Hezbollah can't be neither with the American side nor with the side of murderers who disembowel, behead and desecrate tombs," referring to vandalizing of Hujr Ibn Adi grave in Adra by terrorists, and the latest acts of aggression against Syrian soldiers.
Commenting on latest attempts by the EU to put Hezbollah on the list of 'terror organizations', Sayyed Nasrallah ridiculed this step as "old news" and just "ink on paper." "We will continue to assume our responsibility as a resistance despite media campaigns and pressures. We have been on the terrorist list since a long time. This makes no change. Since 30 years, we have been living not only in the battlefield, but also facing a political and psychological warfare but it could not affect our will and determination. Therefore, I say to our people who trust the resistance and bet on it: your resistance will stay with you to defend you, and you’ll always be proud and victorious, God willing." Video with subtitles of most important stances in His eminence's speech to be available soon | ||||||
كلمة السيد نصر الله في عيد المقاومة والتحرير - 25 ايار 2013 - 1 من 5
كلمة السيد نصر الله في عيد المقاومة والتحرير - 25 ايار 2013 - 2من 5
كلمة السيد نصر الله في عيد المقاومة والتحرير - 25 ايار 2013 - 3 من 5
كلمة السيد نصر الله في عيد المقاومة والتحرير - 25 ايار 2013 - 4 من 5
كلمة السيد نصر الله في عيد المقاومة والتحرير - 25 ايار 2013 - 5 من 5
Nasrallah, speaking on the 13th anniversary of the liberation of South Lebanon from Israel's 18-year military occupation, justified Hezbollah's continued armament by insisting that the Lebanese state has not prepared for a future attack by Israel.
“We have a state which cannot stop the bloody confrontation in Tripoli. We have a state that cannot agree on an electoral law, a state of confessionalism,” Nasrallah said, adding that the resistance is the only force capable of defending the country.
“After the 2006 war I said build a capable state, and we will fight under the state,” he added.
Israel and its allies want to prevent Lebanon from building a strong state, he added, because they know a robust Lebanese army with modern weapons could not be co-opted by the West like other Arab armies.
“Some Arab countries receive [weapons from the West] because they guaranteed that not one bullet from these weapons will be directed towards Israel,” Nasrallah said. “If the Lebanese national army was getting these weapons, it would fight just like the resistance. The men of the army are the sons of the people, the youth of this people.”
Nasrallah also dismissed the European Union’s recent push to blacklist the popular Shia movement as a terrorist organization, saying the group has been battling a psychological and political war for 30 years.
“We have confronted great pressure, but they have never been successful in harming our will,” he said.
Concerning the week-long clashes in Lebanon’s northern port city of Tripoli between supporters and opponents of Syria’s government that have killed nearly 30 people, Nasrallah called on all parties to end the violence.
He said the fighting in Lebanon achieves nothing, and urged those who wanted to take part in the Syria’s war to do so on Syrian soil.
“What is happening in Tripoli must stop. … Anyone who wants to fight, let him fight in Syria. Leave Tripoli to the people,” Nasrallah said.
also described as “very disturbing” a move Wednesday by salafis in the southern city of Sidon to prevent the burial of a Hezbollah fighter killed in Syria.
The war in Syria could prove to be “fatal” for Lebanon should the Syrian government fall, Nasrallah warned, as extremists have vowed to take aim at the country.
He condemned Arab governments for sending al-Qaeda-inspired extremists to fight in Syria on behalf of United States and Israel.
All Lebanese religious factions would be targeted by these armed groups should they take control, Nasrallah said, pointing out that Sunnis themselves have been most frequently targeted by extremists in Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and other countries where al-Qaeda has gained foothold.
“We don’t accuse everyone [in the opposition] of having foreign ties. Some have logic, a vision, rightful demands, and they are ready to hold a dialogue. That’s their natural right,” Nasrallah said.
But the armed groups have a different objective, he added, and are executing western plans to dominate the region.
“If Syria falls into the hands of the Americans and Israel and extremists, and want to impose its own project on Lebanon …, Jerusalem will be lost. The resistance will be lost. The people of our region will witness a very difficult and dark period.”
“You can take any side you want,” Nasrallah added, “however Hezbollah cannot be on the side of America or Israel or people who dig the graves and open the chests and behead other people.”
السيد نصر الله: سورية ظهر المقاومة ولن نسمح بكسره
كما كنت أعدكم بالنصر دائما أعدكم بالنصر مجدااً |
ورأى السيد حسن نصر الله أن "عيد التحرير يجب أن يبقى حي في ذاكرتنا وان ينتقل من جيل الى جيل لانه يختصر تجربة وطنية عميقة"، وقال "هذه الاعياد هي أعياد للامة كلها المستهدفة من المشروع الاميركي الصهيوني والذي تجسده الاحتلال لاراضينا، ويجب أن نتذكر يوم النكبة ويوم النكسة في تاريخنا المعاصر وكما ان هناك انتصارات، والنكبة هي ليست نكبة فلسطين وشعبها فقط انما نكبة كل العرب وكل المسلمين وكل شعوب المنطقة من مسيحيين ومسلمين"، وأكد السيد نصر الله أنه "من الخطأ ان نتعاطى مع هذه النكبة على انه تعني شعباً واحداً"، ولفت الى "ان شعوب منطقتنا مازالوا يتحملون اثار وتداعيات والنتائج السلبية لتلك النكبة وكذلك عندما نتحدث عن النكسة يجب ان نتذكر تلك الايام المريرة لكي نتعلم منها الدروس"، وشدد على انه "هناك خطر دام منذ النكبة وهو "اسرائيل" ونواياها والامر الثاني هي التجولات الحاصلة في سورية يعني في جوارنا على حدودنا".
وفي الشق الداخلي من كلمته، أكد الامين العام لحزب الله أن "انتصار اليوم هو حصيلة كل من بذل جهداً منذ تأسيس المقاومة اللبنانية وكل من ضحى في هذا الطريق"، وأضاف "بعد 30 سنة من تراكم الخبرات اليوم يملك لبنان القوة التي هزمت "اسرائيل"، وهي بعد حرب تموز الى اليوم تواصل تجهيزها"، ولفت الى أن "سلاح المقاومة هزم "اسرائيل" وهذا السلاح يحتضنه شعبه"، وشدد على ان "الوضع الحالي يمكن أن يردع العدو، واذا صممنا ان نضع مقاتلي المقاومة وسلاحها تحت امرة الدولة، فكيف ذلك ونحن لدينا دولة لا تستطيع ان تحمي جنازة شهيد ولا تستطيع ان تتفق على قانون انتخابي جديد، ولدينا دولة طوائف ومناطق، فهل تتصورون هكذا دولة تستطيع ان تواجه "اسرائيل"؟. وتابع السيد نصرالله القول "ابنوا دولة قوية قادرة فسنكون مواطنين نقاتل تحت امرة هذه الدولة"، داعيا مسؤولي الدولة الى ادراك الخطر الحقيقي القائم".
ورأى السيد حسن نصر الله "أن "اسرائيل" تواصل تنفيذ مشروعها في فلسطين المحتلة ولا تتعرّض لانتقاد من المجتمع الدولي"، ولفت الى أن "اسرائيل" منذ عدوان تموز 2006 كل يوم تتدرب وتتجهز وتضع الخطط وتعيد النظر في الخطط وتناور على الحدود وفي الجبهة الداخلية، ومن عام 2006 قامت "اسرائيل" بعد سنة بمناورات نقطة تحول كل سنة مناورة كاملة على مستوى الجبهة الداخلية في الكيان الاسرائيلي"، وأضاف "غداً تبدأ مناورة في "الجبهة الداخلية" وأسمها جبهة صلبة 1، وهم عرفوا أين نقاط الضعف والعيوب ويعالجوها"، وتابع القول "الان يقول ان لديه جبهة داخلية صلبة وجاهز للحرب على كل الجبهات، وهم لديهم وزارة الجبهة الداخلية اذا حدث شي في الكيان فوزارة الجبهة الداخلية تدير العملية". وأردف الامين العام لحزب الله قائلاً ""اسرائيل" تهدد لبنان بالحرب كل يوم وتحشد دباباتها وعناصرها على درجة عالية من الجهوزرية وتعتدي على سورية وتقصف في سورية وتهدد، هذه "اسرائيل" منذ 2006 تسلح وتناور وتخطط وتعالج الثغرات من الادراة الى أصغر تفصيل"، متسائلاً "ماذا أعددنا في لبنان، الدولة اللبنانية مجتمعة ماذا أعدت لاي احتمال ممكن أن يحصل؟.
ولفت الامين العام لحزب الله إلى ان "وجود الدولة على كل حال حتى لو لم تكن قوية ومقتدرة أفضل من ان لا يكون هناك دولة وهي افضل من أي فراغ"، وقال "اليوم امامنا الاستحقاق النيابي، وهناك قانون 60 الذي يلعنه اللبنانيون ودفنه اللبنانيون وأعاد اللبنانيون نبش قبره وذهبنا للترشح قبل 14 اذار لنقول لهم نحن نرفض الفراغ حتى مع قانون الستين"، وتابع القول "اما نذهب الى قانون الستين او نوافق على التمديد ونناقش على المدى الزمني حتى تحصل معجزة ونتفق على قانون انتخابي لكن نحن ضد قانون الستين". وجدد الدعوة "لتجنيب الداخل اللبناني اي صدام"، وقال "نحن نقاتل في سورية خلينا نتقاتل هناك ولنحيد لبنان عن الصراع والقتال وعن مواجهات الدم ونحن ملتزمون بهذا ونؤكد ذلك بالفعل والالتزام وما صار في صيدا مسيء جداً ولكن نحن حيدنا لاننا معنيين بأمن صيدا وسلامة اهلها".
ودعا السيد نصرالله لأن تترك طرابلس لاهلها، وقال "دعوا طرابلس لاهلها الطيبين ومن أراد ان ينصر المعارضة فليذهب ليقاتل في سورية ومن يريد ان ينصر النظام فليذهب الى سورية لكن دعوا طرابلس لاهلها"، واضاف "ادعوهم لان نجمع بصدق على ان الدولة ومؤسساتها والجيش هو الضمانة الوحيدة لسلمنا الاهلي وعيشنا الواحد".
وأردف السيد نصرالله قائلا "في العراق وباكستان والصومال وافغانستان قتل من المسلمين السنة اكثر من المسيحيين والشيعة هذا الوباء تعاني منه الان ليبيا وتونس والدول التي صنعته وصدرته ونحن موعودون في لبنان ان يشرف هذا الوباء الينا".
وأكد الامين العام لحزب الله أن "سورية ضهر المقاومة وسندها والمقاومة لا تستطيع ان تقف مكتوفة الايدي ويكشف ظهرها ويكسر سندها والاّ نكون أغبياء"، وقال "الغبي هو من يقف يتفرج على الموت والمؤامرة تزحف اليه وهو يتفرّج والمسؤول هو من يتصرف بكامل المسؤولية"، واضاف "اذا سقطت سورية في يد الاميركي والاسرائيلي والتكفيري وأدوات اميركا في المنطقة فستحاصر المقاومة وستدخل "اسرائيل" الى لبنان لتفرض شروطها على اللبناني وتحيي اهدافها من جديد، واذا سقطت سورية ضاعت فلسطين وضاعت المقاومة في فلسطين وغزة والضفة الغربية والقدس الشريف وشعوب منطقتنا قادمة على عصر مظلم وقاسي".
واشار السيد نصرالله الى انه "نحن أمام محورين المحور الاميركي الغربي التكفيري الذين ينبشون القبور ويحتزون الرؤوس ويدمرون الماضي، ويدمرون الحاضر والمستقبل، ويرفضون اي حل سياسي ويصرون على القتال، وفي طرف آخر محور لديه موقف واضح من القضية الفلسطينية والمقاومة ويريد الحوار"، ولفت الى أن "حزب الله لا يمكن ان يكون في جبهة فيها اميركا اسرائيل وفيها نابشو قبور او قاطعو رؤوس، حزب الله لا يمكن ان يكون في جبهة تريد ان تدمر كل الانجازات".
وشدد السيد نصرالله على انه "من اراد ان يقف على الحياد فليقف على الحياد ومن يعتقد انه لا يستطيع ان يغيّر بالمعادلة هو شأنه"، وأكد "اننا ندافع عن لبنان وفلسطين وسورية".
وجدد السيد حسن نصر الله التأكيد أن "اولادنا لا يذهبوا الى جبهة بالقوة"، وقال "نحن اليوم نعمل تقنين نتيجة اندفاع مجاهدينا، ونحن لسنا محتاجين لنعلن الجهاد، في كلمتين فقط ستجدون عشرات الالاف يذهبون الى تلك الجبهات"، وأضاف "هم لا يفهمون هذه المقاومة ولا جمهورها ولا بيئتها ومر 30 سنة لم تفهموها ولن تفهموها"، وتابع القول "انا لا اطلب ان يشاركنا احد في مسؤوليتنا وهذه المعركة نحن اهلها نحن رجالها نحن صناع انتصاراتها ان شاء الله، نحن سنتحمل هذه المسؤولية وكل التضحيات والتبعات المتوقفة على هذا الموقف"، وختم قائلاً "اقول لكم كما قلت لكم في الايام الاولى من تموز 2006، أيها الشرفاء ايها المجاهدون كما كنتم اعدكم بالنصر دائماً اعدكم بالنصر مجدداً".
سورية الان
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
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