Sunday 3 January 2010

Bilal said... My comment was not published, can't imagine why??

Contibuted by Bilal, censored at "Free" Minds for Free....

Bilal said...

The enemy is of course Israel and always will be but I CANNOT comprehend how Haitham could defend Egypt's conduct against Viva Palestina and their despicable wall. I am with Nahida, Jeff and UP on this.

How could you possibly defend the thuggish Egyptians when they did everything in their power to abort the Gaza Freedom March? Viva Palestina are doing excellent work and they are the pride of British Muslims and the pro-Palestinian arena! OK maybe they did make some mistakes here or there but to take the side of Egypt is quite shocking.

As Nahida also pointed out, the anti-Hamas tone of your comments (which were brilliantly refuted by Nahida) are libellous. Hamas smuggling drugs, financially corrupt?! Show me evidence of this and then I'll listen, clearly it has clouded your judgement. You also mention that Gaza is full of Jihad and terrorist groups, if this is the case (which I doubt) then it is Israel's fault not Hamas! Hamas acted against Al-Qaeda forcefully even at a price of their own Police. Hamas has been vilified far and wide and whilst many people may disagree with their Islamist agenda, the fact is they form the core of Palestinian resistance, they have the support of the people, they are honest and they will sacrifice their lives for the sake of Palestine - anyone who supports Palestinian rights should support Hamas.

Even if you are not an Islamist, as an activist for Palestine, it is in your interests to support Hamas. Yes, condemn what needs to be condemned but remember that Hamas is full of men and women who will lay down their lives for Palestine. Times are hard now, yes, but we must always speak the truth even if it comes at the price of falling out with Egypt. We must recognise the facts:

1) Egypt is actively taking part in the siege of Gaza, encouraged by the PA. I don’t need to tell you what the siege is doing.

2) Egypt is a repressive regime that rules with an iron fist. The government do not speak for the people. Indeed, Mubarak is hated and feared by Egyptians.

3) The wall that Egypt is building is aimed at stopping the tunnel industry - the only lifeline left for Gazans, giving further credence to the argument that Egypt is starving the Palestinians.

4) Egypt justified the building of the wall (after denying it was being built) on terms of 'security' - the same argument Israel uses.

These are facts that cannot be ignored. Haitham, I have followed you for many years and you have my respect but you must admit when you are wrong. We must stop this bickering and concentrate on defending the Palestinians against the many injustices committed by anyone - whether it’s Israel, Egypt or the PA.
7:03 AM, January 03, 2010

Bilal said...  

My comment was not published, cant imagine why
7:04 AM, January 03, 2010

uprooted Palestinian said...
Yes, Bilal, I can Imagine, the net star, who moderate the site sent me an e-mail, telling me that I am Lucky because has not responded in Puplic.

I shall not spoil my time in private mailing. I challange her to respond in public, here, and I promise to put whatever say on the first page.
8:45 AM, January 03, 2010

River to Sea
 Uprooted Palestinian


I4P Writers Group said...

I have to say that I agree with this that Bilal said here:

"We must stop this bickering and concentrate on defending the Palestinians against the many injustices committed by anyone - whether it’s Israel, Egypt or the PA."

I totally agree, right now there are 500 innocent people on a convoy to gaza with aid and ambulances. I know five of them, they are all regular folk like us all who saved and sacrificed to raise money to go. They've been away from friends and family for a month now, they are tired and suffering from lack of sleep and decent rest. They deserve our support now and bickering from our comfy homes and computers over Egypt/Israel,who are both complicit in causing suffering to Gaza, takes away from the real issues which should unite us all, e.g. the situaion in Gaza and Palestine.

I hope this ends soon before it gets really out of hand, I really hate this.

Im just a wee nobody, but that's what I think...........

Anonymous said...


You are like me NONAME. You are doing great, in silence to help our cause.

Here is a quote from the e-mail I recived today from the "QUEEN":

"Who the hell knows who you are? I sure don't. No one I know does. You should be glad I am not arguing with you in public. I don't think it helps anyone."

I challange her Magisty to argue with me in Puplic.

He magisty is the chicken who refused to puplish Bilal's comment and mine.

I4P Writers Group said...

I am so sorry this is happening. This can't be good for anyone except Israel, who will rejoice in the discourse

I4P Writers Group said...

Uprooted, what you said troubled me greatly. You said:

"You are like me NONAME"

Whilst that is true about me, I respectfully wish to correct you on includng yourself in that assessment. Because you are wrong my friend. You see, you are not a "noname" You are a "Palestinian" and as such, you are far, far more than a "noname"

You represent a people and country that the world loves and respects for thier great spirit! You possess the Palestinian spirit in your heart, this is not "nothing" it is in fact "something very great"

you are a proud Palestinian, and that is something big, never forget that:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

As a palestinian, an uprooted one, I am doing what every palestinian should do carry his cause, pass it to next generations.

In a the Biased world people like you are GREAT. That's why I am outraged from fellow palestinian who, under the slogan of: Israel is the Ememy, dared to Attack International Freedon Fighters.
Bless You

I4P Writers Group said...

UP, Ireland and palestine are brothers with long ties to each other through our struggles. We could no more turn our back on Palestine, than we could on Ireland. so much is the same. From british involvement in carving up our country, like yours, to no freedom, justice or control of our own country, which lead to armed struggle and resistance both here and in Palestine. Ours lasted almost 800 years, I hope for Palestine it does not.

I respect you as my brother and comrade in solidarity


Anonymous said...

Brother Irish

Thank you and Congratulation, Viva Palestina, lead by "Admiral" Galloway did it. Thanks to Turkey who provided the Ship, protection and to Syria who provided the Planes.

mary said...

So, UP site has become the Tony Greenstein site on "our" side, where all that matters is insulting other activists and "dividing" the so-called movement, good for you. Keep it up.
Now, the Queen will say a few things, his majesty' brave challenge permitting:
1) I sent you an email so we could avoid "bickering" online. But apparently, you are dying for the attention. Like Irish said, it doesn't do anyone good.
2) the email was expressly stated that it was private. Goes to show how trustworthy UP is. I said, if UP wanted to publish it or part of it, he could write and ask me. He didn't. I leave everyone to decide if that's a good way to be. Sure has shown me that there are persons one can trust, and others who do not deserve any of that.
3) that UP is anonymous actually IS important, if he is slinging mud. People, lots of them, go on the line and risk the abuse by using their names. People can and will find them and harm them. It's very easy to slam everyone without any accountability. One can always deny that they were the ones expressing views that others don't like.
4) There are always infiltrates, so caution is mandatory.
5) Even people who supposedly are editors don't know your identity. They had to ask me and I said, have no idea. IP number is California, this is the email. Know no more. Spends lots of time attacking other sites, spends lots of time on the site he has, it's got lots of content. Know nothing else. Never responded to an email.

mary said...

6) this is the content of the email: I have no time to waste with smear artists. I am through with that part of my life and even you should find better things to do with your energy, or at least do the smearing using you name as an ordinary person might do. Who the hell knows who you are? I sure don't. No one I know does. You should be glad I am not arguing with you in public. I don't think it helps anyone.

But perhaps if you have contacts in Hamas and other resistance groups, as I do, and I won't tell you how very close they are to some of your targets, that's for you to wonder about, you would know that there are varying opinions within Hamas about things, including drugs and what have you, and all what appears in the media or even is going on between activists is not all that there is. You should know that. This is a war zone and no one has to show you their cards or even to show their own followers all their cards. But I won't reveal sources to you nor information that can't be gotten on the media someplace. You can do your homework, but in the meantime, I will help you.

Since you probably haven't been in the area and can't see certain "things" with your own eyes or hear them with your own ears, you have to depend on third party sources, like I do. I don't guess that you get some radio stations that others get, so that can't help you, either. Yet.... this is something someone sent around that anyone can have access to and no one is in danger if they read it or disclose the source. You can read the stuff or you can toss it out. I don't guarantee the accuracy or the sources, that's not my task. But there it is.

Leading Egypt clerics back Gaza tunnel barrier:

In Gaza, Hamas faces jihadist (al-Qaida) challenge:

as well, someone else sent in these links to videos with the street fights between the factions of those coming from "outside" Gaza. I haven't seen them, still no time to.
Someone sent other links to articles in Arabic from members of Hamas. I don't know the content, since I don't read Arabic. but they tend to express that all is not harmony and that there is a factionalism that is tearing Gaza apart.

BY THE WAY, "UP", this email is private. You are not allowed to publish it or to share it. If you do it, ask for permission from me. I may give it out to you, as I am interested in truth and in a free palestine.
Rizzo, the art restorer who uses her name and any stalker can come to find her if they wanted to, and they do.

so, carry on with your smearing and diversion.

Bilal, as to your comment, of course much of what you wrote was spot on. On the other hand, we had written clearly, and you can see it, that we would no longer allow the comments section to turn into a space for personal insult and if you want it, go to another site that loves that stuff to do it. I see you did, so no harm done, UP is happy.

You could have expressed all your views had you decided to withhold personal attacks. PTT has always been that way. You have no idea how many comments smearing and insulting Gilad have never seen the light of day. We try to keep discourse away from personal smears. They do no good and only waste time.

Back to your mudslinging. I will no longer contribute, so enjoy yourselves.

Anonymous said...

As expected she vented and run away
UP, sorry if it took you "days" to see your comment up. I really do doubt it though, if you don't mind me saying it, because I am the person who moderates comments and after the first one is approved, the rest go up automatically are new, and I believe, very important comments, one of them is addressing you in particular. It is the question of why the Wall is a Palestinian victory. Do you truly believe that? It also questions that there has indeed been a "victory" of Hamas.
12:57 AM, August 03, 2009