"On this great occasion, we ask Allah to bestow upon the Turkish people more prosperity, progress and glory under the leadership of Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Justice and Development Party led by Ahmed Davutoglu," Hamas stated in a press release on Sunday.
Hamas described the Turkish elections as a victory for democracy and a "reflection of the state of stability and civilization in the capital of the Islamic caliphate."
The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) is set to lead Turkey alone once again after easily regaining a parliamentary majority in what premier Ahmet Davutoglu also called a "victory for democracy."
With nearly all of the votes counted, the ruling party was leading Sunday's general elections with 49.4 percent of the vote.
Hamas [shameful gang, lollipop for tyrants of the Gulf] welcomes Erdogan win in Turkey ~ [Eng/Fra Excerpts/Reports]
Le Hamas appelle Ankara à soutenir le peuple palestinien et sa cause
(FRA) ~ Dans son communiqué , le Hamas a félicité Erdogan et le peuple turc et aussi les partis participants dans les élections.Ces élections reflètent l’état de stabilité et la civilisation en Turquie, la capitale du califat islamique et le défendeur des valeurs morales et politiques, selon le Hamas. (*)(*) (ENG) ~ In a statement, Hamas congratulatedErdogan and the Turkish people and also theparticipating parties in the elections.These elections reflect the state of stability and civilization in Turkey, the capital of the Islamic caliphate and the defendant moral and political values,according to Hamas.
Syrian rebels, Hamas welcome Erdogan win in Turkey
SOURCES: Sahar-TV DPA Submitted by SyrianPatriots War Press Info Network at: https://syrianfreepress.wordpress.com/2015/11/02/shameful-hamas/
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