Friday, 23 December 2016

Syria after Aleppo: the matter is up to me سورية بعد حلب: الأمرُ لي

Written by Nasser Kandil,

What is strange now is that those who were talking enthusiastically about the loss of the sovereign decision of the Syrian country after the Russian ally handled the political issue and has imposed its vision, its conditions and has held the understandings without the knowledge of the Syrian country and against its will and its commitment through its obligation are the same people who launched a relentless campaign against the reservation of the Syrian country toward the Turkish Russian understanding about a safe exit of the defeated arrested militants in the remaining eastern and southern neighborhoods of Aleppo, and have remembered that the essence of the issue is the facilitation and the disruption rather than the sovereignty and the concept of the interests of the country even in its relation with its allies, knowing that Moscow has exceeded the state of resentment toward the position of Syria to the state of adoption and the sticking to the Syrian vision which disrupted applying the understanding and has presented its vision, which soon became the vision of the allies at their forefront Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah.
The speech of the Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after the Syrian participation beheld the sponsors of the militants the responsibility to strive to employ the truce in order to arrange their ranks and to continue the fighting, and confirmed that the Syrian country will succeed in eliminating every rebellion by the militants for refusing its conditions for their surrender and their exit defeated by the recognition of integrating sensitive important issues at the Syrian security, as revealing the fate of the missing and to set free the arrested and the bodies of the martyrs, towards a radical solution for the suffering of the people of the arrested towns of Fouaa and Kafrya. It is clear that Russia supports strongly the logic of the Syrian country for adjusting the items of the understanding, which its achievement was negotiated by Moscow through a prior authorization from the Syrian country, but during previous circumstances where the matters did not allow raising the limits of the conditions. So it is the right of Syria according to Moscow and Tehran to determine what is suitable for it, and it is right upon its allies to support it with enthusiasm and strength in such cases.
The new understanding for a final solution based on the exit of the militants, it links that with the Turkish guardianship to Russia to achieve the two conditions of the exit of the families of Fouaa and Kfriya safely from their two arrested towns on one hand, and a solution for the issue of the hostages, missing people, and the bodies through Turkish Russian communication at a military technical level on the other hand. This solution says one thing; that Syria which showed that it is the deceive military power in achieving victory seems the decisive political power in drawing the path of the negotiation, and that while it thanks the allies warmly on public, it says the matter is up to me pleasing the allies, and accepting the tracks which it draws, thus they put their importance to ensure the success of its choices which were offered. The understanding in its new form was not to be settled except the high solidarity between Syria and the allies.
The concept of the alliance and the content of the sovereignty is one of the lessons of the war in Syria, as the experience which was provided by the Syrian leadership and the content of its alliance with each of Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah where everyone supports everyone; where there is not separated consideration, neither trading, nor exclusiveness, nor cheating. As in the Iranian nuclear issue the decision belongs to Iran, and the support is from the allies, as in the issue of the negotiation about the settlements in Syria, the decision belongs to Syria and the support is from the allies. In Lebanon those who traded, gambled, and waited till they get tired, finally they have believed and accepted to go away from their illusions, the decision is for the Lebanese ally (Hezbollah) and the support is from the allies.
A new example of the alliances, its basis is the sovereignty, the integration of the privacies, and respecting them within the unity. After Aleppo more than before the word of Syria will be louder and it will be heard more than before, while it says that the matter belongs to me, and its allies refer to whom it addresses; consult the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, because he is the decision-maker, as they said a few months ago to those who have taken their opinion about the presidential elections in Lebanon, the decision is for Hezbollah so talk to it.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

ناصر قنديل  

– الغريب العجيب أنّ الذين كانوا يتحدثون بقوة عن ضياع القرار السيادي للدولة السورية أمام تولي الحليف الروسي الملف السياسي وفرض رؤيته وشروطه وعقد التفاهمات من وراء ظهر الدولة السورية ورغماً عنها وبالتزامها عبر إلزامها، هم أنفسهم الذين شنّوا حملة شعواء على تحفظ الدولة السورية على التفاهم الروسي التركي حول خروج آمن للمسلحين المهزومين والمحاصرين في ما تبقى من أحياء شرقية جنوبية لحلب، وتذكروا أنّ القضية محورها التسهيل والتعطيل وليس السيادة ومفهوم رؤية الدولة لمصالحها حتى في العلاقة بحلفائها، علماً أنّ موسكو تخطّت عدم الامتعاض من موقف سورية إلى التبنّي والحرارة بالتمسك بالرؤية السورية التي عطلت تطبيق التفاهم وقدّمت رؤيتها، التي سرعان ما صارت رؤية الحلفاء وفي مقدّمهم روسيا وإيران وحزب الله.

– كلام وزير الخارجية سيرغي لافروف بعد المداخلة السورية يحمّل رعاة المسلحين مسؤولية السعي لتوظيف الهدنة لترتيب صفوفهم ومواصلة القتال، ويؤكد أنّ الدولة السورية ستنجح في القضاء على كلّ تمرّد للمسلحين لرفض شروطها لاستسلامهم، وخروجهم مهزومين، بالتسليم بدمج ملفات حساسة وهامة للأمن السوري ككشف مصير المفقودين والإفراج عن الأسرى وجثامين الشهداء، وصولاً وهذا هو الأهم، إلى حلّ جذري لمعاناة أهالي بلدتي الفوعة وكفريا المحاصرتين. وواضح أنّ روسيا مساندة بقوة لمنطق الدولة السورية لتعديل شروط التفاهم، الذي فاوضت موسكو لإنجازه بتفويض مسبق من الدولة السورية، ولكن في ظروف سابقة لم تكن فيها الأمور تتيح رفع سقوف الشروط، ومن حق سورية برأي موسكو وطهران أن تحدّد ما يناسبها ومن حقها على حلفائها أن يقفوا وراءها بحماسة وقوة في مثل هذه الحالات.

– التفاهم الجديد لحلّ نهائي يقضي بخروج المسلحين ويربط ذلك بضمان تركي لروسيا بتحقيق شرطَي تأمين خروج أهالي الفوعة وكفريا بأمان من بلدتيهما المحاصرتين، من جهة، وحلّ قضية الرهائن والمفقودين والجثامين عبر تواصل تركي روسي على مستوى عسكري فني لهذه الغاية. وهذا الحلّ يقول شيئاً واحداً، إنّ سورية التي أظهرت أنها القوة العسكرية الحاسمة في تحقيق النصر تبدو القوة السياسية الحاسمة في رسم مسار التفاوض، وأنها وهي تقول للحلفاء شكراً بحرارة، تقول على الملأ الأمر لي، ويصفق لها الحلفاء، ويسيرون بطيب خاطر وراء المسارات التي ترسمها ويضعون ثقلهم لضمان نجاح خياراتها التي وضعت على الطاولة، والتفاهم بصيغته الجديدة ما كان ليتمّ لولا التضامن العالي المستوى بين سورية والحلفاء.

– مفهوم التحالفات ومضمون السيادة واحد من دروس الحرب في سورية والتجربة التي قدّمتها القيادة السورية ومضمون تحالفها مع كلّ من روسيا وإيران وحزب الله، حيث الكلّ للكلّ ومع الكلّ، ولا حسابات منفصلة، ولا متاجرة ولا تفرّد ولا لعب تحت الطاولة. وكما في الملف النووي الإيراني القرار لإيران، والدعم من الحلفاء، في ملف التفاوض حول التسويات في سورية، القرار سوري، والدعم من الحلفاء، وفي لبنان، للذين تاجروا وراهنوا وانتظروا حتى تعبوا وصدقوا أخيراً وارتضوا السير بعيداً عن أوهامهم، القرار للحليف اللبناني، حزب الله، والحلفاء يدعمون.

– نموذج جديد للتحالفات قاعدته السيادة وتكامل الخصوصيات واحترامها ضمن الوحدة، وبعد حلب أكثر من قبلها، سيصير صوت سورية أقوى ومسموعاً أكثر وهي تقول، الأمرُ لي، وحلفاؤها يشيرون لمن يخاطبهم، راجعوا الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد فهو صاحب القرار. كما قالوا قبل شهور لمن راجعهم حول الاستحقاق الرئاسي في لبنان، القرار لحزب الله فتحدّثوا معه.

Preparations accomplished for moving out terrorists and their families of neighborhoods in eastern Aleppo

All preparations and procedures were accomplished for moving out the terrorists and their families of the neighborhoods of  Salahuddin, al- Ansari, al-Mashhad and al- Zebdieh in the eastern part of Aleppo city towards al-Ramouseh corridor to Aleppo western countryside, SANA reported.

Aleppo ceasefire deal reached after intense negotiations

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 A.M.) – Another ceasefire deal has been reached inside the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo this week after an intense round of negotiations facilitated by Iran, Russia, and Turkey.
Per the ceasefire deal, the Syrian Red Crescent Society and Red Cross will evacuate all of the wounded in eastern Aleppo to the southwestern part of the provincial capital today.
Once the wounded are moved, a large convoy of buses will begin transporting civilians and militants to the same destination as the wounded.
While two similar deals have failed recently; this agreement is expected to at least result in the evacuation of wounded militants and civilians from the east Aleppo pocket.

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