By Stephen Lendman
Handing imperial USA a taste of its own toxic medicine is long overdue.
China partly delivered with hopefully much more of the same to come.
On Saturday, Beijing sanctioned a short list of US and Canadian officials in response to unacceptable “moves (by their ruling regimes) of imposing unilateral, disinformation-based sanctions on relevant individuals and entity in China’s Xinjiang,” Xinhua reported.
Beijing’s announcement said targeted US and Canadian officials “are prohibited from entering the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao…and Chinese citizens and institutions are prohibited from doing business with the relevant individuals and having exchanges with the relevant entity,” adding:
US and Canadian ruling regimes “must stop political manipulation on Xinjiang-related issues, stop interfering in China’s internal affairs in any form, and refrain from going further down the wrong path.”
“Otherwise, they will get their fingers burnt.”
Separately in China’s report on US human rights abuses — released last week — the State Council Information Office of China slammed US covid related assaults on ordinary Americans, its fantasy democracy, social unrest, widening divide between rich and most others, and its trampling on the rule of law.
Under both right wings of its war party, the US is a world leader in smashing other countries to advance its imperial interests.
It serves privileged interests exclusively at home at the expense of most others.
It’s an unparalleled global menace.
Under selected, not elected, figurehead president Biden, hardliners around him handle affairs of state because he’s too cognitively and physically deteriorated to handle them on his own.
The self-styled “beacon of democracy” model for other nations to emulate is a laughing stock on the world stage.
It’s “exceptional” only in waging war on humanity worldwide.
In short order, the Biden regime showed it’s vying to exceed the worst horrors of its predecessors at home and abroad.
Its hostility toward China, Russia, Iran and other nations free from US control risks igniting global war 3.0.
China’s official People’s Daily broadsheet slammed the US and other Western regimes for “fabricating lies and spreading rumors about Xinjiang affairs…”
What’s going on is all about wanting China’s development contained and undermined.
“Xinjiang-related issues are not human rights issues at all.”
They’re all “about countering violent terrorism, radicalization and separatism.”
“There have never been such things as ‘genocide, forced labor or religious oppression’ in the autonomous region.”
Phony claims otherwise by the US and West are bald-faced Big Lies.
Over the past 40 years, Xinjiang’s population more than doubled from 5.5 to 12 million.
In the last 60 years, the region’s GDP surged more than 200-fold.
Over the same timeframe, life expectancy rose from “30 to 72 years.”
“The region is experiencing its most auspicious period of development ever in history, with sustained social stability, people living in peace and contentment, as well as unity among all ethnic groups.”
“Basic rights of the residents, including the rights to life, health and development are guaranteed. These are undeniable facts.”
“In recent years, a total of more than 1,200 diplomats, officials of international organizations, journalists and religious personnel from over 100 countries have visited Xinjiang and seen the region with their eyes.”
“What they witnessed was entirely different from” Western misinformation, disinformation and fake news.
Vicious US-led Western Big Lies are used as a phony pretext to sanction China.
On Saturday, Beijing retaliated. The previous day, it slammed Britain for sanctioning its officials — based on phony accusations of human rights abuses.
China’s Foreign Ministry slammed the Boris Johnson regime for sanctioning Chinese officials and entities based on Big “(L)ies and false information.”
China’s charge d’affaires in London Yang Xiaoguang warned of further retaliation if Britain continues “going down the wrong path,” adding:
“The Chinese side never stirs up trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble.”
“We hope that the UK side will immediately take effective measures to correct its wrongs and take concrete steps to foster favorable conditions for the healthy development of China-UK relations.”
It’s not coming from Britain, the US or other Western countries.
Beijing knows what it’s up against and is ready to respond as needed.
The (London) Sunday Times reported that the Biden and Johnson regimes aim to cobble together an anti-China coalition to counter Beijing’s Belt and Road initiative.
According to Johnson’s reinvention of reality, China is “buying up great parts of the developing world” in Africa and elsewhere (sic), adding:
“We need to come up with an alternative so that countries have a choice. The West needs to do this.”
In sharp contrast to US-led Western exploitation of other nations and their people, China fosters cooperative relations.
Days earlier, the Johnson regime said Britain considers Russia a “hostile state (sic).”
It calls China a commercial “competitor.”
In response to its retaliatory sanctions on the US, interventionist Blinken said the following on Saturday:
The Biden regime “condemns…baseless (PRC) sanctions (sic).”
At the same time, Blinken repeated US-spread Big Lies about “human rights abuses in Xinjiang” that don’t exist.
The above remarks show that the US reserves the right to attack other countries by hot and/or other means — while crying foul in response to justifiable retaliation.
The US is by far the leading human rights offender worldwide, including abuses against ordinary Americans.
Nations free from its imperial control operate by higher standards — including respect for international law the US and its imperial partners long ago abandoned.
According deputy director of the National Human Rights Education and Training Base of Southwest University of Political Science and Law Zhu Ying:
Beijing is considering imposition of further sanctions on hostile to its interests Western nations and their officials.
On Saturday, China’s Foreign Ministry said its “government is firmly determined to safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests, and urges the relevant parties to clearly understand the situation and redress their mistakes.”
Dismal Sino/Western relations are likely to worsen ahead, not improve.
Authorities in Beijing are prepared to counter Western actions that are hostile to its interests.
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