Friday 12 December 2008

YouTube Partners with MOSSAD - ADL

It seems that the days of using YouTube as #1 media to distribute documentaries, videos and presentations about the truth of Israel and Zionist and their horrific war-crimes history and terrorism profile, has come to END.

Yesterday, it was announced that YouTube officially connected to the infamous ADL as partner to "Fight Against Hate."

NEW YORK, Dec. 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — YouTube has reached out to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for its expertise in dealing with hate on the Internet. In one outgrowth of that partnership, the League is now a contributor to YouTube's newly launched Abuse & Safety Center, where users are empowered to identify and confront hate, and to report abuses.

The YouTube Abuse & Safety Center features information and links to resources developed by ADL to help Internet users respond to and report offensive material and extremist content that violates YouTube's Community Guidelines on hate speech. …

The YouTube Abuse & Safety Center was unveiled on December 11 at the annual conference of the Family Online Safety Institute in Washington D.C. and can be found at

I know it sounds too weird to believe, but that's the news. YouTube now has on-board one of the US’s domestic branches of Israel's intelligence service, the Mossad. The ADL, the Mossad’s most "professional" organizations whose "speciality is spreading hate", are recruited as a professionals in the just struggle of "fighting against hate"?!

This partnership has many dimensions and should not be taken lightly.

1. As YouTube is one of the most viewed websites worldwide, controlling it means controlling the minds of hundreds of millions of its viewers. This is significant if we look at last year's YouTube report in which Harris Interactive said,

about 32 percent of frequent YouTube users are watching less TV as a result of the time they spend online. Of the frequent YouTube users, 66 percent claim they are sacrificing other activities when on YouTube, including other websites (36 percent), time spent watching TV (32 percent),…

It is also significant if we know that about 700,000 people do watch the YouTube concert at its peak. Imagine you are in control and show one pro-Zionist and anti-Arab/anti-Islam ad during the show.

A couple of days ago, in continuing its dominance of online video, Comscore announced these astonishing figures:

YouTube reached a record 99.5 million visitors in October, according to comScore. How dominant is that? The report indicates that, in total, 147 million people watched video online in the US during the month, meaning better than 2 in 3 watched it using a Google property. Overall, growth in online video remains robust, increasing 45 percent from last year to 13.5 billion total monthly views.

Knowing all the above facts and knowing what ADL stands for makes one 'feel sick to one’s stomach'. It means that hundreds of millions of Americans and others around the world are now going to be officially brainwashed by the Mossad and under censorship for everything they say, upload, document and view on YouTube.

2. From now on, you should expect that no more videos that are anti-Zionist, anti-Israel, anti-war and anti-war crimes to be shown for more than the few hours (if lucky enough) after you upload your video. Sooner or later - and the period depends how critical the video is - all will be tagged with the infamous "anti-Semitism" tag and will be removed, ultimately the user will be blocked and banned. In no time, YouTube will become the official oasis for Mossad, therefore, only the Zionist version of the story will be found and endorsed by the media that follows blindly. I regret to break this news to you, but from now on Israel controls the most influential and powerful alternative media. No more "Israel crimes" to be seen or found and only pro-Zionist, pro-Israel users will continue to control the media, not only conventional, but online.

3. No more 9-11 facts, especially these connected to Israel, and they are countless. These videos and documentaries were and still are, some of the most powerful eye openers for millions who would like and need to know the hidden facts behind 9-11. The same facts which the US puppet government tried to hide from its citizens and the world. Searching YouTube (at least now, before the ADL manages to remove them all) for Israel connection to 9-11 will reveal hundreds of hours of documentaries that no one should miss if s/he really cares to know the truth behind 9-11. "What are you doing putting this stuff out there? You're killing us!" These were the words of Abraham H. Foxman, Executive National Director of the infamous Anti-Defamation League. Foxman shouted this during a sit-down he demanded to have with an unnamed Fox News executive shortly after Sept. 11.

4. The "New Era" will flourish the anti-Arab, anti-Islam, anti-Christ, pro-Neocon and pro-Nazi videos. ADL is widely known for all the above and are specialized in it. Their history is full of cases that flip facts and spread hate. Who can forget that after Islam, Arab and anyone who criticizes the Zionist, it was the turn of Christ and Christians. Abraham H. Foxman (ADL National Director) once told Christians that they should deny part of the historical facts and rip out some parts of the Bible. In other words, change Christian faith so they are not labelled anti-Semitic! Another example of Foxman was slamming only Muslim Congressman.


1. If you are a power user of YouTube and have the resources to do some technical stuff, download as much as you can of the videos you watched or bookmarked and upload somewhere else. I don't have any preferences, but BlipTV and DailyMotion looks good (I won't be surprised if these have links to Zionists too). Better is using and promoting some of the European or Arab video services.

2. Boycott YouTube! Yes, I don't see why we need YouTube. Hundreds of similar services are available and some actually offer more than what YouTube offers.
3. Promote other video websites. Regardless which one, any other service will be better and safer than putting your neck under Zionist knife.

Censorship all over the place

Needless to remind the reader that YouTube is a monster owned by the previously known-to-be-controlled-by-zionists, Google.

It was disturbing when we heard that Uruknet was removed from Google's news search index, but now Palestine Think Tank (PTT) has its own experience with Google censorship.

Like many other online news resources, PTT went through all the steps required by Google and applied to be indexed as one of the news resources covering Palestine. Unsurprisingly, our application was rejected for no reason. Following was the application conditions and Google news reply:

Thank you for your interest in Google News. Please read this message thoroughly for important instructions on how to finalize your request to be included in Google News. In order to help us deal with the large number of requests for inclusion, we ask that you review our guidelines below and reply to this email if your site meets our qualifications.

We typically include sites in Google News that:

- have news content that is original to the site

Yes, two thirds of our content is written expressly for our site and has its first publication on the site itself.

- don't solely promote their own activities

It is non-commercial in nature and it is connected to many NGOs and activist and solidarity collectives as well as to news agencies.

- are written and maintained by a clear organization, one that has multiple writers and editors

There are three content editors and 25 stable contributors, listed down the right hand sidebar. We also accept content for publication by writers who are not directly connected to the site.

Please let us know if your site fits these guidelines. If it does, you may want to review our technical requirements as well found at After we hear from you, we'll be happy to review your site for inclusion in Google News.

While we strive to include as many sources as possible, please be aware that we can't guarantee the inclusion of your articles in Google News. We appreciate your support as we work to improve Google News.

The Google Team

Google news reply:

Hi Mary,

Thank you for your note. We reviewed your site and are unable to include it in Google News at this time. We currently only include articles from sources that could be considered organizations, generally characterized by multiple writers and editors, availability of organizational information,
and accessible contact information. When we reviewed your site we weren't able to find this evidence of an organization.

We appreciate your willingness to provide your articles to us, and we'll log your site for future consideration. Thank you for your interest in Google News.

The Google Team

PTT reply to the above was:

Subject: Re: inclusion in news

You are indeed mistaken:
We are a group of three content editors, who are clearly listed on the left bar. The side bar on the right clearly indicates regular contributors to the site, most of which contribute exclusively or in a first run basis to this site. There is contact information on the top bar of the menu, with four different contacts to select from. I urge you to look again, as the criteria for being a news site are all fulfilled.

It's pretty evident, it’s not the format that matters to them, it is the content, and the content has to be Google-friendly (Zionist-and now ADL-Friendly) to score with them. Even harder times for getting news and information out are up ahead. You have been warned. Now it’s up to you to fight back.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for picking this, as well as many of our other articles up. We appreciate it!

What can be done about all of these attempts to control what we see, read, write and ultimately think?

We have to just keep working harder and hope people don't let themselves be youtubed into submission!
keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks UP! I just now noticed you installed our PTT widget bar. Thanks a million! We have to work out setting up links still, so hopefully this will bring more readers to your fine site as soon as we find the time to do all this stuff! (I am feeling guilty about being so late in it). You really do a great job and I believe it makes a difference!

Anonymous said...

I am TOTALLY with you in the belief that we need all the sites we can get (as long as they are PRO Palestinian, down to their bones, and not just pretending it... that is a problem that happens a lot, actually). In fact, when I was interviewed for an Arab-France group of sites, one of the questions the interviewer asked me was about the number of sites. I don't remember precisely what I wrote, but I seem to remember the point was that everyone who is really spending his or her effort to inform, is doing a good thing. (the interview I also posted up on PTT under the "Internet" category, if you want to read it).

Do you mean "Palestinian Pundit"? I thought that was a very good blog, although it's been a few weeks since I've checked out what they're up to.

If you don't mind, can I offer you a bit of advice? Get yourself something called a "mirror site". My blog was first threatened by that Greenstein character of Anti Zionists Against Anti Semites, who tried to close us down. It was closed for a few days, until Google realised the lawsuit was not to me, but to them, and they binned it! Then a few months later, the Zionists around the place locked the site. It took a few weeks to get it operative again, but we set up a mirror site on wordpress which is a copy of all the stuff from the other blog (3 years of daily blogging!) Both sites still exist, but in the meantime, we started the new site.

The point is, be sure to have a copy of your site on another server. You never know when Google Blogger decide to block you for no good reason. Desert peace was locked for 4 months, Laila al Haddad, Arab Woman Blues, the Cat's Dream and some others suffered the same fate, some for a long time, some for less, but the point is... prepare yourself before it happens! It is terrible when it does!

Well, it was nice chatting again. keep up your great work!

Anonymous said...

UP, Mary is giving you a good advice. You can get a mirror site by signing up for a new uprootedpalestinians at wordpress blogs (like dessertpeace did).

I think wordpress has a tool that transfers a copy of all the files existing at blogspot, while leaving this unchanged. But, you may check it out first to figure out how it works.

Anonymous said...

Lucia is right about the Wordpress system having a program to upload the entire site content (this means posts alone, unfortunately, not links, widgets, etc.) But that at least is there and you can with a few quick steps save all your content in the middle bar.

It doesn't automatically update, and this is the bite! I did that for a while, but it took a bit of time, however, if you cut and paste a chunk in, it does appear almost as if it were a real post, if you don't have time to put in things one by one.

If nothing else, mirror all your posts now, and every week or so, try to play catch up!

Then, when you have time, load in bit by bit the extras you have and if needed (let's hope it never becomes needed) you have it ready to go. At that point, you can STILL (even if blocked) post in your headline where to access you. I gave this advice to Marc Parent, Layla Anwar and a few others when it happened to them). You would only be able to modify that part of your content, they block all other abilities.

IMPORTANT; also keep stored a copy of your template. This will have a lot of your links and codes should you get not only blocked but also hacked. (PTT has been hacked already, but we got it back up in less than a day).

I'll check out the stuff about Pls Pundit. I didn't know there was a stance against the Hamas, but I think he's in the US and this might be why.

nice to chat again! and Hello Lucia!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary, nice to see you over here, and congratulations for the great work you're doing at PTT. I used to read your blog frequently too.

My two cents on Pal Pundit: It is an excellent blog on Mideast issues, does a very good selection of articles, complemented with pics, video, cartoons. However, the comments section has been spoilt out by uncivic spammers/propagandists, both baathist and zionist. In my opinion, this damages the PP blog, even causing some former posters to fade away

As I had been there since day number one, I am certain that PP's comments over the palestinian resistance and the "habilas" were not ill intentioned, but were an ironic expression of his frustration since he wanted them to triumph much the same as Hizbullah did. However he did not take into account the extremely more difficult conditions (logistic and others) for the pal resistance, hence uprooted palestinian felt deeply hurt, and considers those comments are offensive for the resistance and, consequently, damage the cause.

Anonymous said...

I'll add that U.P. has a point, just because not all visitors, specially the recent and or ocassional visitors (to PP) may understand the irony behind comments such as resistance yet in the stone age, in reference to the kids pelting stones. What they will probably get at first glance is it is being mocked.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the explanation, Lucia. I admit that comments blocks can be a world of their own, and they are a delicate matter. Since you used to visit Pepa, you probably noticed that there, we would have comments numbering 200 on a day, and now on PTT, which gets 10 times as many viewers, we only get about 20 a day. Why is this? I think it is the change in policy. On Pepa, I allowed all comments except for those really incredible ones like "kill the jews" that generally the same Hillel operators would put in. So, there were Zionists fighting Anti-Zionists, it was a very free kind of venue.

We decided for the new site, since it was not only going to have my name on it, but three of us, and then a lot of regular contributors, that we would limit the kind of discussions and keep them away from violent altercations. I delete about 20 posts a day. I welcome critical discussion, but Zionist propaganda no. It does of course change the entire atmosphere, but it wastes people's time less, because they read the articles instead of getting into Don Qixote battles against an organised bunch of thugs.

I can see how it is difficult to manage such a discourse and perhaps sometimes things don't get communicated well on comments. I am at least glad I don't need to spend time debating Zionists or defending normal people, and I STILL get accused by the creepy creeps. It is less dynamic, less exciting, maybe, the way we do it on PTT, but it's better to build a small group of people who are collaborating in a positive way than fight futile fights.

Anonymous said...

"...that we would limit the kind of discussions and keep them away from violent altercations. I delete about 20 posts a day. I welcome critical discussion, but Zionist propaganda no. It does of course change the entire atmosphere, but it wastes people's time less, because they read the articles instead of getting into Don Qixote battles against an organised bunch of thugs." - Mary 6:04


It is a terrific waste of energy and distracts people from focal issues.

Yet it becomes worst when the spammer-propagandists harass the visitors and spew personal insults at them when they don't toe to their line, as happened at PP's comments section.

So, something has to be done, some kind of rules to briddle the uncivic and undemocratic spammers. They cannot be allowed to bully, offend and impede other's interest to get informed. Other blogs -such as A.A. and Raed's, among others, decided to close the comments section. So, to avoid this, some kind of code of conduct has to be implemented

Anonymous said...

No, I do not think he has a hidden agenda, UP. He is all for a free Palestine, I’m sure.

As to some of his opinions, like yanking down the Rafah wall again and again keeping up with the momentum; it wasn‘t a bad idea. Hamas opted to act more smoothly. We cannot know if his option would succeed, or if it would bring better results than the path followed by Hamas, because things evolved differently. But it was just an opinion to ponder, and I don’t make a fuss of it. His objections of Hamas going to Mecca and sell out for saudi money derive from a long history of betrayals of the Palestinian cause by some Palestinian leaders and by other arab countries. So, he was reasonably wary. But afterwords he reconsidered and admited that Hamas was acting pretty wisely.

Same applies to his criticisms of Syria, a regime he personally distrusts, thus he expects a stab in the back at any moment. I don’t know what to say, other than for the time being Syria is at the side of the Palestinian resistance, even if for selfish motivations (we must have in mind that no state is a charity noon). Are the Palestinians being used again? I do not know. Time will tell.

I don’t think either he has an ideological problem with Hamas. He has published interesting stuff about political Islam, and as a Palestinian native is familiar with a Muslim environment. So, again, I think it is all related to his deep wish for better results, and the frustration at the current dramatic period the Palestinian cause is going through.

So, my friend UP, don’t take him too personal. I’m convinced we’re all in the same trench.