Comment Updated
June 9, 2010
By Debbie Menon for Veterans Today
A year ago, Americans were reluctant to discuss Zionism or anti-Zionism or read the stuff, even “moderate Arabs and Muslims” (whatever that means) , shied away from the communities around these two camps and lacked the strength to support the few that might have had, the guts to stand up and confront real controversy.
There are hundreds of journalists who would not want to go within twenty miles of an anti-Zionist for fear of being castigated as questionable and “controversial characters” because this was how most of the rest of the Industry responds to them (the Messenger) against what had become a very successful adhominem attack intended to destroy their effectiveness by attacking their credibility. He is an… (fill in the blanks with any epithet you wish to choose from the (Anti Defamation League ) ADL’s List Of Epithets Recommended For Use In Order To Destroy The Credibility of Critics.
Therefore, one could rarely ever quote or identify an anti-Zionist, eg: Israel Shamir, but simply crib from his message, the truth and logic of his arguments, and present them as a weapon in defense of the truth.
On the other hand, American-Israeli academicians and historians have spent a lifetime knowingly or unknowingly academically helping the Zionists. Now in the past one year there seems to be a growing awareness in the U.S. and the world and ADL (Anti Defamation League) have started crying Wolf LOUD… “anti-semitism” as they call it has been on the rise. It is obviously NOT anti-Semitism, even though they have always called it that and, for decades it has successfully stilled a lot of legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies. I think the world is becoming aware that this is not Anti-Semitism, anti-racism, or any of the bigotry terms which ADL, The Simon Wiesenthal Centre, and the other “defenders,” including their legal staffs who bring suit, and political arm-twisters who force legislation throughout the world have been calling it, and we are just hearing more reasonable and legitimate criticism of a system which ought to be criticised and discussed more openly in public, in the public interest.
And, I believe we are seeing and hearing more of it because more of the public are realizing this daily.
And, I also believe that the “defenders.” are screaming like stuck pigs and those “defenders” are using the only tools they know how, which have worked so well for so many years, but which are rapidly losing their edge from overuse, mis-use and abuse, the misapplied and false charges of slanderous bigotry and anti-semitism.
The Zionists are so powerful, they will use all means at their disposal to stem this groundswell . But, they are now, standing on a slippery slope and it is hurting them to feel that they are losing their footing. We can expect to hear a lot more screaming, smoke, loud noises and even some blood, bombs and gunfire from them before they allow themselves to be swept from the pinnacle of Mount Zion. I agree with some of the Jewish doomsayers that when it happens it is going to be a very bad day for Jews, and many of the innocent few, are going to suffer in the backlash against the criminal many who have perpetrated this outrage against the rest of the world for so long. But, they tolerated it and permitted it, in their name for so long, the same as have Americans tolerated and permitted America’s criminal history for the past decades in the name of their ideals of Freedom and Democracy.
As for all those little deceptive news websites and channels mushrooming out of London pedaling anti-Muslim propaganda, like the Financial Crisis tsunami, it is merely a matter of time before the chickens are all headed home to roost, and before they are all back in the henhouse, and scrambling for what little room there is on the roosts for so many of them.
Foxman, the ‘national’(?) director, who has led the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) since 1987, told an audience at the City Club of Cleveland in April 2009, he sees lack of outrage over anti-Semitism – “Violence in the Middle East along with worldwide economic distress have combined to produce the biggest explosion of anti-Semitism globally that we have witnessed since World War II,” he said. He wants to know where the outrage is over this bigotry against Jews.
“I don’t hear it,” he said.
Abraham Foxman is right. There is indeed a rise in anti-Semitism.
The problem is world-wide, and it’s becoming more problematic every day.
He doesn’t hear it?
Perhaps ‘the World’ does not agree with him that we are seeing “the biggest explosion of anti=semitism globally that we have witnessed since WWII.”
Or, perhaps they do not agree with what he calls anti-Semitism.
Or, perhaps they are all anti-Semitic!
Or, could it be, heaven forbid, that they consider whatever he sees as an “anti-Semitic” reaction justified by Israeli behaviour? Most Israelis are not Semites, anyway and that includes Foxman.
Foxman, a Holocaust survivor recognized for his leadership combating bigotry, said the absence of outrage echoes a question he has about the Holocaust.
“Why was the world silent? The world knew what was happening. To know that they [world leaders] knew, is a very haunting fact. Wherever people stood up to say ‘no,’ people lived,” he said.
Ironically the same applies to the fate of the Palestinians today. Mr. Foxman?
Hamas wants to exterminate Israel, Foxman said, and no country in the world but Israel is challenged over its legitimacy and right to exist.”
I doubt that, which State in the Middle East has nuclear weapons ? and I just offhand cannot think of any other country whose existence is illegal and unjustified, and against all International law.
Foxman said: Any violence in the Middle East is normally accompanied by a rise in anti-Semitism, “this time it was an outburst of anti-Semitism that none of us thought was out there.”
Perhaps the darling, self-hating jew, Norman Finkelstein, should send him his recent book titled: “This Time we went too far” And perhaps Foxman could tell the world how far is too far and when will it end?
“Fuelling the emotions was the economic crisis that stirred a separate strain of hatred, he said. A scapegoat was needed, and “very quickly it was the Jews,” Foxman observed. “You wonder about the anti-Semitic snickers and comments about Jews and money…”
Just look at the titans of Wall Street (all Jews) AIG (Mr. Alan Greenberg), Bernie Madoff, The junk Bond King Michael Milkin, Ivan Boesky. Israel Shamir correctly advocates: Hang ‘Em High! “They were proud that the financial charts of the US and of the world were drawn up in a small room by Henry Paulson of the Treasury, Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan of the Federal Reserve, by Maurice Greenberg of AIG. They built their world surrounded by Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Goldman sachs, Marc Rich, Michael Milken, Andrew Fastow, George Soros, et al. Their exciting new world of Lexus and Nexus was glorified by Tom Friedman of the New York Times. They gave the Nobel prize in Economics to Myron Scholes and Robert C. Merton, proud borad of directors of the now infamous Long Term Capital Management hedge fund that was bailed out by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to the tune of $ 3.6 billion. President Bush rewarded them for their unaccountability by releasing them from the burden of taxation. let them pay now for all the fun they had.”
And, what about Israel spying on U.S. (Jonathan Pollard), Or a Jewish Congresswoman Jane Harman trying to interfere with the prosecution of two individuals caught by the U.S. spying. Or the Israeli law that permits any Jew a safe haven in Israel for any crime and cannot be deported. With every passing day, the revelation of the true nature of Israel’s Zionist expansionist ambitions, their barbaric and treacherous foreign policy toward not only Palestine and Lebanon, but the rest of the world, which includes identity theft of foreigners and counterfeiting of foreign passports, violations of and outrages against, other friendly and allied nations’ sovereignty and murder by the hand of their clandestine agents in other sovereign countries, in broad daylight, have begun to shake up and weaken the foundations of the monolithic monument to “Jewish Suffering and Sacrifice”, which they have erected to rally popular world support for and sympathy with their insidious depredations against all gentiles.
And what was done when Israel assaulted the unarmed US Navy ship, USS Liberty killing 34 American sailors, and injuring 172 out of the 277 onboard ? Israel said it was a mistake and Israel apologized, just like Israel bombs the UN outpost in Lebanon and Israel said it was a mistake.
The U.S. (taxpayer) pours billions into Israel every year as the result of a very well organized effort by Israeli-Americans to control their foreign policy. Israeli interests control their media, such as, their film industry, their print industry, retail outlets, scrap, munitions. Even an Israeli company owns TAS the security operation at American airports.
These pre-emptive Wars for Israel, that are being fought in the Middle East with American money, American military and American men and women are not in the best interest of America. They have if anything, weakened America’s standing and ruined America’s image in the world, which now President Obama is supposedly trying to ‘Change’ if he can!
Foxman further states it’s vital that the International Community make the distinction between Judaism and Zionism in public.
Since the Zionist do not, it is difficult to do so in the same room as them. They assure you that all of the peoples in the barrel are the same, and then criticize you for calling all of the apples in the barrel bad if you point out that there is one bad one amongst them in the bushel.
Foxman says it’s more important than ever that the underlying causes of anti-Semitism be addressed?
It is even more important that the powers of this minority group in the U.S. be addressed, and restrained, in currying special favor and legislation to further “Israel First” interests.
Here’s an ADL study that found 35 million Americans to be ‘blatantly anti-Semitic’ and diatribes decrying the activities of The Palestine Solidarity Movement and others on campuses as “hate crimes” and anti-Semitic, also a “hate crime,” yet they make no mention of the ADL involvement in the campus assaults that have destroyed the career of Prof. Norman Finkelstein, and Prof. William Robinson and many other professors, and shutting down free and open discourse in American University lecture rooms, and reading lists.
“The meat of the hate crimes bill is a $10 million grant for the establishment of a federally funded surveillance center” says Karin.
Guess who will receive all of this money, and be placed in charge…
You got it! Who is in charge of everything else in America?
Selective Law, for selective enforcement, against or for selective groups is not a solution. It becomes the problem. Such a Law is, on the surface, unconstitutional. Will the Supreme court ever find this in some ruling? We should live so long!
In the name of Freedom of Speech, they are shutting down all freedom of speech, except speech of which they approve. And, they are using U.S. Taxpayer money with which to do it!
It is incredible that the one thing that Democrats and Republicans can unite on in Congress is, blind allegiance to the Israel Lobby AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee).
Or, actually not that incredible, because they demonstrate exactly what anyone who speaks out against Israeli policy toward Palestinians has faced for years. Jews who support the peace camp are described as “self-hating Jews.” Jews, and non-Jews are told that they are “anti semites.”
It is not really “anti-Semitism anyway,” of which they speak when they use the term as an epithet to counter criticism of all things Jewish, Israeli, Zionist or Judaic. It is “anti-Semitism” when they themselves criticize Palestinians and Arab Muslims of the Middle East who are more Semitic than most of the “Jews” living in the world, and particularly those who have migrated to Israel from the Diaspora, who are not Semites at all but primarily Ashkenazi from Eastern Europe, Western Asia, the Caucasus Region and many people of many other ethnic origins.
In fact, if we wished to identify the greatest “anti-Semites” in the world we would have to recognize those so-called “Jews” who use such derogatory and demeaning racist epithets against people who criticize almost anything having to do with Israel, Zionism and Judaism but who condemn almost everything about Palestinians, and Middle Eastern Arabs and Muslims, who are about the only remaining people of Semitic origins in the world.
The use of the term “Anti-Semitism” is just another example of how language has been twisted and distorted to wring the most effective and psychological and emotionally damaging impact from it, as in the case of their misuse of the word “Holocaust.”
Dr. Yakov M. Rabkinis Professor of History at the University of Montreal said—“To fight antisemitism, it is crucial to dissociate Jews and Judaism from the State of Israel and its behaviour. Our parliamentarians should affirm the right of all Canadians to criticize Israel like any other country in the world, without the fear of being labelled antisemitic. This would be a sure way to rid Canada of the scourge of antisemitism, new and old”
His recent book, A Threat from within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism (Fernwood), has been translated to eight languages and nominated for the Governor General Award.
It is all a juggling act with words. Most of it illusion! Literary, or vocal sleight of hand!
Yes, World gullibility has strangled Palestine, as well as the rest of the world, also. But, as I have been saying, this is NOT just about Palestine.
Palestine is simply a preamble. But, it is a preamble in which we can clearly see the pattern and tactic which are being deployed for and in pursuit of a program of World domination of a World Empirical force through infiltration of governments and ownership of Media..
Territory is prime Israeli objective in the Middle East. They have never drawn, claimed or defined an actual “boundary” or border for Israel. In fact, they deny even the “between the two great rivers.” scheme proposed in their scriptures as their “plan.”
But, as I have said before, that when Israel exceeded even the bloodihandedness of the Nazi regime in their treatment of the Palestinians, they lost the moral high-ground forever, and all chances of making a peaceful settlement of any nature with the Palestinian people.
They are no longer negotiating, or dealing with a “Palestine Government” or government body of any sort. They have successfully destroyed that as an entity by reducing Fatah to a quisling puppet token, and failure to acknowledge Hamas, which they have denied for so long that it would be impossible to do so now.
There is no one else left with whom to “negotiate” or deal anymore except the Palestinian people, and every Palestinian, whether he was before Gaza or not, is now a “Resistance warrior” and “Freedom Fighter.”
There can be no peace talks anymore! They have gone past the point where it is even a viable point for discussion.
Yes, Israel has self-destructed, and all we have to do now is wait until it buries itself in time, as the world will insist.
I like the metaphor about building houses of cards on sand, which is exactly what Elie Wiezel and his rolly “Holocausters” have done in complete disregard of the basic principles of propaganda set forth by their master propagandist, Herr Goebbles, from whom they learned their trade, that all lies postulated in propaganda must be based on at least one grain of undeniable and unequivocal truth.
Houses of lies built of such insubstantial material not only lack the framework to hold them up for long, but are completely transparent for everyone to see the lack of structure, and witness all the conniving, canoodling, and such which goes on within, and might best be cadivelled and kept behind closed doors. Once Dorothy drew aside the veil of the Wizard, his magical powers ceased to exist.
Thus it is with those who, like Elie Wiezel, build their houses of cards on sand, their dress of wholecloth. All the pretence and bluster they may profess will not hold the structure very long.
The most gentle eastern breeze out of Palestine will eventually come and blow it all away, scattering the cards, and lifting the skirts of the Emperor’s transparent dress, disclosing the absurdities he has thought secret all these years.
Fortunately, they are bungling, and it is obvious to even the most dense at the table that they were dealing from a crooked deck.
How many times must world leaders watch them fumble the cards before they learn that they cheat and cannot be trusted?
Debbie Menon: A long time advocate for peace and justice in Palestine’s occupied territories is a freelance writer based in Dubai.
Her articles have been featured in several print and online publications. She can be reached at:
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
Two Comments From MBC
Alan Hart on the 29. Sep, 2010 remarked #
Dear Debbie,
What we are witnessing around the world is NOT, repeat NOT, the rise of anti-Semitism as a consequence of the Zionist state’s criminal policies and actions. What we ARE witnessing is the rise of anti-Israelism. The danger for the Jews of the world is that it will be transformed into anti-Semitism if the Westerners among whom most Jews live are not educated to understand the difference between Judaism and Zionism, and thus why it is wrong to blame all Jews everywhere for the crimes of the hard core Zionist few. It was partly to assist the edsucation effort needed that I wrote my book ZIONISM: THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS.
Debbie on the 29. Sep, 2010 remarked #
Dear Alan, forgive me, frankly, at this point, post the Mavimara Flotilla incident, post Gaza, the Goldstone report, Sabra & Shatilla, Jenin, Raffah, Nablus and Gaza massacres, all crimes in the name of the Jewish State fighting for more and more of another peoples land, and home, their betrayal of their staunchest allies, forging passports, etc. etc. alleged connections to 9/11, attack on the USS Liberty, I do not consider it worth the risk to trust any Jew at anything he says or does. But I am one person, they can carry on without me.
I just don’t have that much more time to waste on analyzing, rationalizing, distinguishing, excuses, any of it or them. Been burned, and watched too many others get burned, too many times! Period!
If you say all of the above atrocities, were carried out by a few Zionists, then where are the many non-Zionist core ? Where were they the past 63 years ? Where were they when the USS Liberty was attacked ? I don’t see them, but I know where their money was and where their money is today. I have long wondered how much distinction there is between the two.
I know there are probably a great number of good, well-intentioned, honest, loving humane Jews, they are just gonna have to go it alone, without me. I simply do not have the interest nor the time to figure them out. And, as I have just said, I take none of them at their word for anything!
Alan, some people are just incapable of facing the truth for what it might cost them, such as your Jewish Accountant and friend, whose world will come crashing down if he accepts the truth for what it is; Then, there are those who are simply too ignorant to understand, and too stupid to do anything about the ignorance. Ignorance is also baggage, as well as comfort and security in living a mythological life. We all come with baggage, some people never check theirs, try to carry it on every trip, and find it difficult to discard old and outworn articles or fashions.
My Comment:
Dear Debbie
You hit the nail, in both, the article and the great comment.
Alan claims that he is for "the de-Zionization of Palestine and one democratic state"
I am, "like" Alan but my approach to achieve that goal is resistance in every form, I shall not wait Mr. Hart to educate the Jews of the world and achieve what the humanity failed to achieve in 3000 years.
Mr. Hart is crydtal clear, afraid that anti-Israelism "will be transformed into anti-Semitism if the Westerners among whom most Jews live are not educated to understand the difference." between zionism and Judaism
He said it: "It was 'partly' to assist the education effort needed that I wrote my book ZIONISM: THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS."
I would add: It was "partly" to prevent the transform of Israelism into anti-Semitism that he participated in the "Peace Consiparacy" as a Peres linkman with Arafat, that lead ending the first intifada and to the misarable situation we are facing now.
And I would say again, it is completly, his fear from the expected trasformation, that he while claiming he is for "the de-Zionization of Palestine and one democratic state", and "preventing a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine" he, because of the power balance on ground the awesome power of the Zionist lobby, and, nuecular entity he calls for the total Palestinian/Arab surrender, and the recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, otherwise,Israel will send "the rest of the world can go to hell!" as Mother Israel assured him..
That explains why he seconded and defended Fredmans call to invite Netanyahu to Riyad, and why he deliberatly ignored Yasser Abd Rabu's intention to recognize Israel as a Jewish State within 1967 land, which shall lead only to a second Nakba, especially for Arab's in the Zionist Entity.
What a great approach to prevent "a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine"??
What a great approach for "de-Zionization of Palestine"?
Alan first "peace comspiracy" ended with recognition of Israel, the second will deliver a Jewish state.
"Poor" Jews of the world the "Victims of zionism" nead a safe haven, a shelter, a Jewish state in case Israelism turned into anti-Semitism, the "sleeping giant has been re-awakened "
Mr. Hart wants to kill the MONISTOR, and for him the MOISTER is ANTI-SEMITISM, not ZIONISM, not Chabad, at the Hub of World Power, the Worm in the Can
In his interview with a publisher he said:
"I’ll attempt to explain what I mean. If Zionism had been honest it would have made a public statement after the Nazi holocaust along something like the following lines.
Jews can never again trust Gentiles. We take it as a given that Jews will always be hated and that the monster of anti-Semitism will go on the rampage again. The Zionist state will exist to be the refuge of last resort for Jews everywhere and thus an insurance policy to guarantee the survival of the Jewish people. Zionism will do whatever if takes to secure and maintain this guarantee, and if what we do causes our state to be regarded as a pariah by the rest of the world, well, the rest of the world can go to hell!"
"there’s also a message in my book for the Jews of the world (diaspora Jews). It is that only they can call and hold Israel to account and, by so doing, prevent the monster of anti-Semitism from going on the rampage again and stop the countdown to Armageddon. How can they do that’? By making common cause with the rational half (more or less) of their co-religionists in Israel – for the purpose of de-Zionising Israel, by which I mean turning it from being a Zionist state into a Jewish state; a state in which the most powerful force would be the moral principles of Judaism."
Alan accused me of "misrepresentation" of his work and position. "
"I have had enough (more than enough) of your misrepresentation of my work and position. Please remove my name from your site. I am unclear about whether you do not understand what I write or whether you have an agenda, but it doesn't matter. I do not wish to contribute to your site or have anything more to do with it."
He claimed that I am mad to think that he wants to close the palestinian file
"You are as bad as the Zionists in your selective quoting to suit your own agenda." he wrote "You are high on understandable emotion but your mission statement tells me that you are completely divorced from the reality of what might be achievable because of the facts on the ground, the awesome power of the Zionist lobby and the fact that American presidents are frightened of provoking the Zionist monster too much or at all. In my view your approach is as useless to the Palestinians as that of the regimes of an impotent, corrupt and repressive Arab order.
This exchange is now terminated."
My answer: In 1982, Hezbullah, according to people like Alan and impotent, corrupt Arab regimes, was completely divorced from the reality, and here we are, Hezbullah is the reality on the ground, and Hamas is still a reality on ground after 4 years of brutal siege.
Now in case you missed it, read it
And read his interview, and tell me if I failed to connect the dots
1 comment:
On October 20 2010, two IDF soldiers came to the University of Michigan campus as part of a national PR campaign by Stand With Us aimed at justifying Israel's recent atrocities in the Middle East. Students, staff, and community members collectively engaged in a silent walk-out in memory and in solidarity with all of the silenced Palestinian children that were killed by the IDF during Israel's most recent offensive on the Gaza Strip who are unable to take a stand and give their account today.
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