Saturday 17 January 2009

Qassam "Mickey Mouse" Go, Katyousha Go Katy , go !!.......


Katyousha Go Katy , go !!.......

Katyousha !!

Go as far as you can

Go as far as victory ran

Go and tell them what we feel

Go tell them war is real


You maybe have no Bord-computer

You maybe are not so sophisticate, no laser

You maybe miss you target , by a bit

You maybe need not to be accurate ,

all of Israel is enemy

Katyousha !!

You are not paid by US-Tax-money

You are not designed in Harvard or MIT

You are not blessed by the Pentagon

You are not baptised by the Southern-babtist

Katyousha !!

I kiss the hands that made you

I kiss the hands that brought you

I kiss the hands that used you

Katyousha !!

Show then that destruction can also be share

Show then that Peace must be equally shared

Show then that misery must be shared in order to diminish

Show them that unilateralism is injustice

Katyousha !!

I love you......especially when you leave me

so quickly and so distantly.

Go Katy , go !!....... and do not come back

but should you come back , once ,

tell me then why Colonel Oliver North,

ever sold you.

Raja Chemayel

2nd of August 2006

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