Sunday 30 August 2009

The horrific pogrom of Hebron!


"... In August 1929, that community was suddenly and brutally attacked. Incited by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Arab rioters swept through Palestine. In Hebron, the carnage was horrendous. ......A surviving yeshiva student recounted that he "had seen greater horrors than Dante in hell."

.............nearly 40 years later, after the Six-Day War of 1967, a small group of religious Zionists returned to Hebron ...... relentlessly vilified as fanatics who illegally occupy someone else's land. ....."

Posted by G, Z, & or B at 10:28 AM

1 comment:

ritalin said...

The Wall Street Journal is guilty. Guilty of propagating vomitous non objective journalism. A grotesquely one sided piece of filthy Zionist propaganda.