Jingoistic holidays, not much to celebrate

1. a person who professes his or her patriotism loudly and excessively, favoring vigilant preparedness for war and an aggressive foreign policy; bellicose chauvinist.
2. English History. a Conservative supporter of Disraeli's policy in the Near East during the period 1877–78.
Omar Shaban, resigned today as Vice President for western Canada of the Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) after having referred to Canada Day as "F*** Canada Day" and further stated that "It's finally Canada Day...Couldn't be more ashamed to be Canadian" on his Facebook causing a stir.
I will celebrate “Canada Day” when the natives do
By Omar Shaban
July 2, 2009
This statement is in response to all the speculations and assumptions made about me in the media regarding a position that I took in a personal message on facebook. My facebook status did read “F*** Canada Day”, and it was followed by a few other comments in response to some of the questions that people posted. Some consider that taking this position is disgraceful and shameful but I tend to disagree.
First of all, my statement clearly did not reflect CAF’s position; it was my own personal opinion.
Secondly, I said “F*** Canada Day” and I regret the dark history that this country has. On our silent government's behalf, I apologize to the indigenous people for this, and sincerely wish it had not happened to you. I apologize to the indigenous people of Canada because their feelings are not taken into consideration at “Canada Day” celebrations. I apologize to them because they had to be slaughtered, killed, massacred, diseased and dispossessed to establish Canada. And I apologize to the indigenous people because they continue to live in reserves under miserable and dire conditions that no so-called “Canadian” would accept to live under.
I also apologize for being a citizen of a country that followed George Bush’s orders and went to Afghanistan. I apologize for being a citizen of a country that imposed sanctions on the Palestinian people because they followed Canada’s own advice and elected a new government democratically. I apologize because it was Canada’s own Lester Pearson that masterminded the notorious Partition Plan of Palestine, and it was Canada’s own Paul Martin who compared Canada’s values with Israel’s values, and it was Canada’s own Michael Ignatieff who legitimized Israel’s onslaught on Gaza in Dec 08/Jan 09.
I did not resign from CAF because “it was felt that [I] had to correct that” and that “[I] decided that the best thing for [me] to do was to resign" (http://www.torontosun.com/news/canada/2009/07/02/9997971-sun.html ); I resigned from CAF because I do not want to be part of an organization that openly refuses to acknowledge Canada's colonial and shameful history.
We are only lying to ourselves if we deny the dark past that Canada was founded on. Canada Day is seen as tragic by its true indigenous population. When Canada Day is celebrated for true freedom and not mourned by the indigenous population of Canada for its colonial and dark past, I will gladly show them my support. When the country I was born in, shames me with its colonial mindset, I refuse to celebrate it, and will not apologize for refusing to do so.
I WILL celebrate Canada Day, only when it is accepted as legitimate by the indigenous people.
Omar Shaban
No one is denying Canada's past as it relates to the treatment of the indigenous people of our country. In fact Canada has recently taken steps to admit it's mistakes. If you are going to cast aspersions upon your country, at least have the courage to acknowledge steps forward, even if they are small ones.
You appear to be a champion of Arab issues. I am certain that you are aware of "let anyone who has sinned cast the first stone." So I ask, can you say that there are no members of the Arab international community who have not sinned?
If you choose to berate Canada for its sins, I would advise you to use the same vigor in castigating Arab nations that are equally as bad with human rights. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.
I see, I am corrupt/evil because I happen to have an opinion. The Taliban seems to share your kind of view. So does Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. I guess you are in good company.
Tony are you in Israel?
The disproportionate nature of the "sins" you speak of must be addressed.
Israel's "sins" far exceed the sins of Palestinian's.
Using the word "sins" to describe extreme criminal acts is so weirdly twisted.
So puh leeze. Your monstrous hypocrisy becomes sickeningly depraved.
Go voice your disapproval of this piece to the source.
Zombie boy Tony, time for you to go back to school.
Learn the truth, you are brainwashed Tony. See how your rulers really act.
Western Governments Funding Taliban & Al-Qaeda To Kill U.S. Troops, Destabilize Countries
Sunni terrorist groups armed, funded, and moved around the global chessboard to suit geopolitical agenda of Anglo-American establishment
follow that link Tony, just cut and paste it dude
Ok, what can you do with statements like this. Although I understand where you are coming from, you must allow for a little more flexability in your position. For example, before there were any european influence in the Americas, the native communities had their own wars. This produced displacement for different tribes, a multitude of deaths and so on.Its not right, but if your going to use historical data to support your position, then you must allow for all information to be present. Universaly, we are all the same, there is not a community on this planet that hasent done this. So to isolate one for your own cause, then it isnt an objective position. Humanity isnt that simple, but it is for one individual.....Bush. So lets try not to take that attitude, we need to be better.
quote," follow that link Tony, just cut and paste it dude"
Whoaa Dude, like wow! That's some real trippin' boo!
Seriously, that site is on the same order as aliens and ufo's visiting the planet.
Anyhow, I'm done. You keep on screaming conspiracy if it makes you happy. And may I suggest Lorazipam instead of Ritalin? Psychotropic's would be much more benificial.
Tony, buh bye
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