Sunday 5 July 2009

Israeli parliament to discuss draft law depriving Hamas prisoners of visits

Israeli parliament to discuss draft law depriving Hamas prisoners of visits

[ 05/07/2009 - 10:03 AM ]

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli parliament is to discuss on Sunday a draft resolution tabled by a Likud member stipulating banning visits to Hamas prisoners in Israeli jails as long as captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit remained in captivity.

Hebrew press reported that the law also stipulates isolating Hamas prisoners from other prisoners.

It added that lawyers and Red Cross would be exempted of the ban.

The draft law was passed in a preliminary reading and was now being tabled anew for endorsement.

Abu Zuhri: Barring visits to Hamas prisoners serious step

[ 05/07/2009 - 11:52 AM ]

GAZA, (PIC)-- Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, on Sunday said that the Israeli endorsement of a ban on visits to Hamas prisoners in Israeli occupation jails would constitute a serious step and a desperate blackmailing attempt.

He told the PIC in an exclusive statement that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) was trying to pressure Hamas into easing its conditions for the release of the Israeli captured soldier Gilad Shalit.

Abu Zuhri charged that the step was in contravention of international laws, and called on the world community and legal institutions to assume their responsibilities toward such practices against Palestinian prisoners.

Such measures only complicate Shalit's file and would not succeed in pressing Hamas into retracting its demands, the spokesman underlined.

Hebrew sources said that the Israeli parliament would discuss on Sunday a draft proposal tabled by a Likud member stipulating banning family visits to Hamas prisoners in IOA jails as long as Shalit remained in the captivity of Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

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