A huge number of activist groups from the "Cyber Syrian Army" attacked numerous pages of the US administration pages on Facebook, among which is the "White House" page, and that of US President Barack Obama. The attack also targeted the French President Nicolas Sarkouzy's page.
The invasion, as this cyber army insists to call, delivers a clear message to the US administration indicating that the US interference is not welcome in Syria. It also expresses the Syrian people's love to their President Bashar Assad, and exposes the lies of the Medias and misleading satellite TV channels, which spread incitement in Syria.
"Dear Mr. Obama, we, the Syrians have suffered a lot from the words of hatred sourced from you and the US administration against our country and people". This is a comment of a Syrian Cyber Army member, which was posted on the middle of US President Barak Obama's page. Other comments appeared as well, becoming thousands in a few seconds, for the cyber invasion doesn't require more than ten minutes. The page was then filled with tens of thousands of comments that expressed support to President Bashar Assad, and demanded Obama to "just mind his own business".
The White House page had its share in the invasion as well, for after Obama's page, thousands of internet surfers targeted the White House page on Facebook with comments rejecting the US interference in Syria and its people's affairs.
One of the members posted on the page wall: "You should be aware that we own the courage and the freedom to clearly yell in your faces: stop your interferences in our country".
Amid a state of total shock, the responsible for running the US administration cyber pages were unable to do anything, for the huge amount of comments posted in seconds makes it hard to immediately remove them. Yet on the other hand, some Americans admired this unprecedented movement on the Facebook page, while others were annoyed, and demanded those in charge of managing the page to delete those comments...
And that, the administration was incapable of achieving.
"All of us in Syria love President Bashar Saad, and that is why you should stay away from us Mr. Obama, we don't need your freedom of democracy. We saw that democracy in Iraq, Palestine... and everywhere". This comment came to mark the last shower of cyber missiles launched on the White House page before attackers retreated as fast as they got in, leaving the US administration to discuss and analyze their heroic comments.
On the 7th day of establishing the page, now with more than 40 thousand members, The Syrian Cyber Army page manager confirmed in an interview with Al Intiqad news website, that the idea of the page started after they notices the angry reactions of what the satellite TV channels are broadcasting about Syria, therefore they believed there should be some side to launch a counter response.
The page manager indicated that the goals for establishing the Syrian Cyber Army page are clear; it's to confront the Media warfare practiced on Syria, and achieve a national cohesion between the Syrian youth over the internet. He further clarified that the page expressed the youth's notions, and granted them the right to reply before the biased satellite channels that seek incitement in Syria.
The Syrian Cyber Army page administration promised to conduct new attacks of different forms, which will have the whole globe listen to what each noble Syrian has to say.
The Syrian Cyber Army page manager addressed the activists and members of the page saying, "The Syrian blood if precious... Our country is calling for us, and we have met its call".
River to Sea
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