On the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York – the Jewish lobby group the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has published its ‘investigating report’, on August 30, 2011. The report, entitled ‘Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitism 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later‘, claims that all those people who believe that Jews or Israel were behind 9/11 terrorist attacks – are anti-Semites.
What could be the reason behind this report by a Jewish group which believes the Christian Bible is anti-Semitic or even criticism of Bilderberg or Henry Kissinger amounts to Jew-hatred – other than guilty conscience!
“One of the saddest outcomes of 9/11 is that despite the fact that this national tragedy that brought so Americans together, there remains this small groups of bigots who, nearly a decade later, are still seeking to promote and sell their own sinister agenda of blaming Jews and Israel,” said Abraham Foxman, national director ADL.
I have written several posts on this subject in the past quoting both Jewish and Christian historians and scholars who believe 9/11 was conceived by neocons (mostly Jewish) several months before September 11 and executed it with the help of Israeli Mossad.
I was thinking of responding to Abe Foxman’s guilty conscience rant – but then I came across this excellent article at Mr. Friend’s Blog which says more than I could have said.
That’s right, it’s anti-Semitic to state the fact that the only people actually arrest on 9/11 were Jewish spies and military operatives directly from Israel. It’s now common knowledge that federal agencies of the United States government actually uncovered an elaborate, sophisticated, and state sponsored espionage operation involving Israeli intelligence and military operatives posing as art students as a cover for engaging in espionage at numerous federal facilities, buildings, and military bases.
I’d like to present the Detailed Summary (beginning on page 49) of the Gerald Shea Memo, which was prepared for the National Commission On Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission), the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the House Permanent Committee on Intelligence in September of 2004 shortly after the 9/11 Commission released it’s coverup.
How irrational that these anti-Semites “see the 9/11 attacks as one of a series of “false flag” operations that Israel” has carried out to frame the Muslim world! Why would anyone think that?
Well, we do know that some of the Israeli spies arrested on 9/11 were Mossad operatives (and all of them appear to be former military specialists), including three of the 5 “dancing Israelis” discovered filming the attacks on 9/11………..And the list goes on.
River to Sea
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