Paul Inglefield is Head of Communications of Camden Council.
Recently he wrote to Palestinian solidarity activist Gill Kaffash as follows:-
Dear Ms Kaffash,
The Council has received a complaint about your name and details being placed on our website as the contact for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign [PSC].
The complaint is we should not be promoting you as the PSC contact because it is reported you support the Holocaust denial views held by Paul Eisen in an article dated January 2008.
Clearly this is a sensitive matter because it may conflict with the Council’s equality policy so I want to give you the opportunity to comment on whether this article is correct or not before deciding what action, if any, the Council should take.
Reader may wonder what evidence Mr Inglefield has for Gill’s supposed views on some historical events. The answer is, that in a footnote in an article he wrote, Paul Eisen thanked Gill, among others, for her friendship and support.
Anyway, Gill replied to Mr Inglefield asking him to explain exactly how what is complained of might contravene Camden Council’s equality policy.
Mr Inglefield replied that
The council’s equality policy, …….sets out that we are committed to creating a socially inclusive and cohesive community within Camden. There are a number of ways which we aim to achieve this, such as by celebrating the diversity of our community and ensuring the communications we produce positively reflect and promote the diversity of our communities.
And goes on to say that
“Council is concerned your reported views on the Holocaust may conflict with the aims of this policy”. And that If you hold these views it could imply the Council somehow condones them by publishing your name as the PSC contact on our website. We do not consider such views, given the offence they cause, are conducive to our aim of promoting diversity and tolerance.
However, obviously concerned that Britain’s finest traditions of fair play are upheld Mr Inglefield goes on:
“… but I wanted to have your views and clarification as to your actual position before coming to a final decision.
And finally he offers Gill a way out.
“Obviously if you can confirm to me in writing that these are not your views, and take the necessary action to remove your name from the article, then we can reinstate you as the contact for the PSC.”
Oh, and from where did Paul Inglefield receive the complaint? Why, from award-winning Zionist neo-con blog Harry’s Place of course.
Now, apart from wondering what the exact connections are between Paul Inglefield, Camden Council and Zionist lobbyists such as Harry’s Place, residents may want to know: :
· How precisely do Gill Kaffash’s views on a particular period of history have any bearing on community inclusiveness and cohesion in Camden?
· Why can Gill Kaffash or anyone else for that matter not hold whatever view they like on a piece of history without being subjected to harassment by local government officials?
· How appropriate is it that a Council employee should take it upon himself to decide who the PSC may or may not have as their contact?
· Does this mean that the well-established Zionist control of central government is now seeping down to local government?
· When will all this disgraceful nonsense end?
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
This really made me nervous.
It felt like Germany or Stalinist Soviet Union in the thirties and forties.= - Everyone at the mercy of snooping neighbours and officials.
If you're THE Paul Eisen, I thought you would be beyond nervous by now. I lived in Camden for years; it's been like that there for 20 years at least. Camden has an intense concentration of everything that's sick and perverted in 'left' politics that led to New Labour, plus a density of assertive jewish fascists, and their usual 'lefty' and 'anti-nazi' sycophants always game for a witch-hunt.
Thank you for your essay 'the Holocaust Wars' - I just re-read it there'. It was a great eye-opener for me. I first read it 2 years ago, my attention being brought to it by Tony Greenstein's campaign against Gilad Atzmon.
The Holocaust Wars was a real eye-opener to me. I had never thought about the Holocaust; just assumed it was beyond question, never really thought about what it meant, and actually thought it just morbid to take more interest in it.
I followed up your essay with more reading, and in short, it wasn't so much the arguments of the revisionists, as the complete lack of arguments, the evasions and dishonest rhetorical tricks, of the establishment that won me over. I'm certainly a doubter now - I don't know enough to be a denier.
Thanks and don't lose your nerve.
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