Before your view the photos below, go ahead and turn on CNN. Wait until the segment on the crisis in Syria comes on… they have been playing it repeatedly ever 15 minutes or so for last few days.
Wait until your heart starts bleeding as the anchor describes how the brutal Syrian regime is indiscriminately reigning mortar and rocket fire down on the besieged City of Homs, indiscriminately killing innocent civilian protestors including woman and children.
Note how the anchor says the video is from “activists” trapped inside the city and CNN cannot confirm the authenticity of the videos because foreign media has been forbidden from entering Syria. The new clip then turns to their “activist” of the day, referring to him only by a convenient common American name that U.S. citizens can identify with. The activist goes on to talk about how he will fears he will be killed by tomorrow unless the International community intervenes with military actions to overthrow the brutal Assad regime. The anchor then proceeds to describe how people are bleeding to death in street and people can’t even safely bury their dead, as the days civilian death toll climbs to over 100 people.
Now that your heart is bleeding, a doctor comes on the air to give the story further credibility and get your blood boiling.
You think to yourself in anger and shock, “What the fuck!! Those poor people. Why the hell don’t we sound our marines in and take that motherfucker out”. As you do, the anchor asks you the critical question as if he is reading your mind. “Do you think there should be military action in Syria? If so, do you think the U.S. should be involved?” The anchor then gives you a link to where you can go online and voice your opinion.
As you go there and answer, a full team of DHS goons will be monitoring your comments in real time and letting the President and the Pentagon know if there is enough popular support to invade Syria.
Now join me back in reality and take a look at the photos of these so called peaceful activists. After you check out these photos, if you are brave enough to take the blue pill and go down the rabbit hole even further, check out the videos on the bottom of this article and (even more on this page) showing these activists shooting guns, rockets at the police and security forces. Hell there is even a video of them running through the city with a tank and firing at Syrian army.
Finally, check out this report from the Arab League of Nations, independent observers sent to Syria, which will tell you in detail how everything you just watch on CNN is a load of bullshit.
Demonstrators prepare fake scenes of “innocent people massacred in demonstrations” in Syria
Demonstrators prepare scenes in Syria, to upload it on YouTube and to send it at different Channels like Al Jazeera and Al Arabiyah (who wants to enhance their reputation of their Channels) and these Channels spread the fake Videos to the World.
Syrian rebels armed trying to overthrow Assad
-Am NOT the video owner, its from RT news website-
An armed gangs who are fully armed by Zionist and western countries and members of Al-Qaeda trying to act as a peaceful protesters, while starting violence and killing armed forces, BUTT when the forces try to self defense they are blamed and western media wont mention that Syrian army are fighting against armed gangs and are in self defense, but instead blame the army and call the gangs as peaceful protesters.
The FAKE Homs Massacre Being Repeatedly Played On Western News Outlets
Armed Terrorist Groups faked a Massacre in Homs.
They killed Civilians and Army Members and made a fake Video
Mrs. Thana al-Mohamad, a resident of Homs, said that she recognized two corpses of her relatives among those shown by fabrications satellites, who were kidnapped since 17 days in Homs Governorate. Khalid al-Shalabi, another resident of Homs, said to Syrian TV, that some members of the armed terrorist groups are disguised in military uniforms shooting randolmly at the citizens of Homs.
Tens of innocent civilians were kidnapped by armed terrorist groups in different places inside Syria; many of them were tortured, raped and killed at the hands of the terrorists, supported by some countries like Qatar, Turkey, France and many others.
However, the TV satellites of lies and fabrications did not highlight the fact that had the killed were hit by mortars, as they claim, their bodies would have been turned into tiny pieces.
”The TV Satellites of instigation, partners with the armed terrorist groups and so-called the Istanbul council, have been launching a hysterical campaign of provocation and incitement to the shedding of the more of Syrian blood as to influence the stances of some countries at the UN Security Council,” added the source.
Syrian Rebels Captured With Israeli Weapons
Syria – ABC News (AU) expose the lies of Reuters, ABC and other Medias
Comparing CNN coverage Of Syria To The Arab League Of Nations Report
The league is working on a proposal for al-Assad to transfer power to his vice president following the formation of a national unity government.The ALoN report directly contradicts the comments made by Susan Rick, the U.S. ambassador to the UN, who accused Assad of failing to meet the Arab Leaque’s demands instead choosing to continue to kill innocent civilians even in the press of the ALoN.
The group’s plan calls for the government to start talks with the opposition within two weeks and for the formation of a new government within two months. A new constitutional council would follow, as would a plan for parliamentary and presidential elections.
The proposal is the clearest indication to date from the Arab League on what its member states would like to see happen in Syria. The league plans to take the idea to the United Nations in a bid to build international support.
El-Araby and Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Jasem Al Hamad sent a letter to the United Nations Tuesday requesting a meeting with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the league’s proposed national unity government for Syria, according to an Arab League official. The official asked not to be named because he is not authorized to speak with the media.
Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said the situation in Syria “continues to deteriorate dramatically” and the Security Council “should fully support the Arab League’s efforts to broker an end to the bloodshed and a peaceful transition to democracy in Syria.”CNN goes on to quote a Syrian activist complaining army forces still surrounding a residential neighborhood.
“Despite the presence of Arab League monitors, the regime is ignoring its commitments to the Arab League plan, including by failing to end all acts of violence and to protect Syrian civilians,” she said. “Scores of civilians are killed every day. Thousands of political detainees remain incarcerated across the country, many at serious risk of torture. As a result of the regime’s failure to fulfill the requirements of the Arab League plan, there are more and more calls from the region for Security Council involvement.”
“I have a relative who saw missiles coming into the city early morning yesterday, three tanks and one armor were seen near Bab Al Qibly neighborhood, which is still surrounded with army forces until now, bombing is heard continuously since the morning, this neighborhood is being attacked since then because mass demonstrations were held the under the protection of Free Syrian Army.”The ALoN makes clear that there were infact 4 tanks that Syria could not remove – 3 BECAUSE THEY ARE DISABLED AND 1 UNDER CONTROL OF THE REBEL / FREE SYRIA ARMY.
CNN quotes the UN Resolution, claiming it echoes the Arab League of Nations report.
The Security Council “condemns the continued widespread and gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms by the Syrian authorities such as the use of force against civilians, arbitrary executions, killing and persecution of protesters and members of the media, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances, and interference with access to medical treatment, torture, sexual violence, and ill treatment, including against children,” says the draft, which was written by the French and is one of several in circulation.In truth, the ALoN report makes it clear that these claims are outright falsehoods and “gross exaggerations” perpetrated by the media.
CNN continues to report that Syria is refusing to allow the International media into Syria and refusing to remove tanks from cities.
The 22-member Arab League has called on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime to stop violence against civilians, to free political detainees, to remove tanks and weapons from cities, and to allow outsiders — including the international news media — to travel freely in Syria.The ALoN report makes clear that internation media is infact inside of Syria, documenting the pressence of over 100 internations news organizations inside the Syria.
Furthermore, this video shows the Syrian rebels using a tank to launch attacks.
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Posted by Alexander Higgins - February 9, 2012 at 5:14 pmRiver to Sea
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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