Thursday, August 2nd, 2012
CANAANIZATION = the extermination , by divine decree ,of the other who does not surrender fully to you
The Brittish Israelization of the World.
The first Israel is not the country that was founded in the beginning of the 20th century by the Jewish Zionists , the real great Israel was founded in the 16th century, when the White Anglo Saxon settlers set foot in Plymouth, in what they called :”the Canaanite land’ . These same settlers who landed on the shore of what will be later known as North America ,called this land on which they set foot : “Israel of God”, and they started building on it their settlements while considering themselves God ‘s chosen people whom God has favored among other nations and given them the right to usurp other people’s land after submitting its original population .
This is not a legend, but the true story of the Israeli state and the real historical origins to this gender of states that go back to the foundation of the United States of America and Canada by the European invaders. The European invaders stole the land from its real owners and expelled the Native Indian inhabitants who were living peacefully on their territories, cultivating the fields and celebrating their rituals on a land they inherited from their ancestors more than five thousands years ago. These original, peaceful, civilized nations had no idea of the dark future that was awaiting their coming generations after the landing of the pilgrims on their land to establish their sacred Israel and practice all kinds of violations like: killing, slaughtering, enslaving , massacring , abducting , exterminating physically and culturally , spreading diseases intentionally, spreading the use of alcohol and drugs , breaking treaties and agreements , separating families, kidnapping children, dismantling communities, ,sterilizing women , humiliating and chasing the Natives all over the country .
All these practices made the original inhabitants bereft of everything, deprived of their land, stripped of their language ,and their culture , denied their right to live. This is how Great Britain started its Israeli endeavor and vocation, replacing one people by another, and one culture by a different one ,as mentioned by Prof. Munir Akash in his book .
Great Britain had already mastered all these practices and violations through its occupation of Ireland and Wales and it proved even more skillful on the new continent where it outstood itself in exterminating and eradicating the original inhabitants. Of the 18 millions that populated USA only quarter of a million survived this treatment, this survival only lead those who remained to be confined to reservations where poverty , sickness drug use and chaos prevailed.
This is the process of canaanazation , as prof Munir Akash defines it, ie : the extermination , by divine decree ,of the other who does not surrender fully to you. This decree gives the settlers the right to dispose of the others’ property and even body and do as they please in order to satisfy their white God and build his kingdom on earth. The dagger plunged in the heart of our Arab nation that is called Israel, is but one link in the chain of horrible events that started in North America many centuries ago when more than a hundred nations and cultures became extinct thanks to the British colonialists, this eradication targeted the very root of their being, destroying their memory, depriving them of their language and imposing on them the worship of their white executioner and made them thus subject to self hatred and self denial…
As to the other links of the chain of horror, they were manufactured in Hollywood studios, and since the first experiment with Native Indians was so successful, it was impelling to repeat it on the real Canaanite land this time, between the people of Canaan themselves and God’s chosen people, the Jewish Zionists settlers who came in great numbers to occupy Palestine and build their settlements after slaughtering the Palestinians and expelling them from their land, all this in order to fulfill God’s promise to submit the Canaanites to the sons of Israel, This is how the second Israel was founded on Palestinian blood; as an artificial state, with an artificial language, and people from all over the world , with nothing in common but the greed and envy of others’ property.. The second crime has been committed for the second time,and the third is on the verge of being committed, while the fourth and fifth are still in the process, because there is no boundary to the colonialists’ greed who cannot survive nor exist except on other peoples’ blood that God is willing to spill for the sake of his chosen people.
River to Sea
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