Rejoice all you people because your miseries are about to come to an end . Rejoice O you Palestinians because Master Erdogan is now in charge stirring himself the wheel of the boat of the return to the homeland except that some Israeli assault by helicopters might be expected half way and the Palestinians would have to pay the price once more. Thank you Erdogan and thank you Uglu and thank you Khaled Mash’al for bringing your Palestinian support and catering to all this Carnival where the carnage of Syrians was celebrated after celebrating the carnage of the nine Turkish martyrs of the Mavi Marmara who had to pay with their blood the promotion of master Erdogan and the marketing of his image as a Muslim leader , not to forget the carnage of Palestinians that has been going on for decades .
All this now will have to be pardoned and forgotten because Mish’al had given in to the wealthy prince of Qatar and had consumed fancy food - five times a day -at the five stars hotel, one dish coming before the other, and this is how all the Palestinians of Gaza ate and had their bellies filled . Thank you Mash’al; this was indeed spectacular and probably did not happen overnight . It happened long time ago when you were fooling your own people with promises of Jihad and liberation while your mouth was watering for the promising future of your retirement in Dawha hosted by the corrupt prince of Qatar.
The Turkish Carnival was very busy while Aleppo was burning and people fleeing their houses and snipers killing even the cats that were crossing the streets . All the world stooges were there in Ankara in addition to Israelis coming from far to celebrate- on Turkish land- the new conversion of Islam into Zionism under the auspices of the Palestinian Resistance represented by Khaled Mish’al . Definitely this is a new chapter in the history of Palestine and that of Islam. A turning point that requires a different stand and a different kind of awareness.
River to Sea
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