Al-Maleeha near the Tamico Pharmaceutical ComplexL SAA wiped out whole nests of groups like the Islamic Union of Syrian Soldiers (Al-Ittihaad Al-Islaamiy Li-Ajnaad Al-Shaam, yawn) and its artillery sub-group “Mothers of Muslims Brigades” (double-yawn). The following were confirmed killed:
- Muhammad ‘Abdul-Fattaah
- “Abu Fahd” (SAUDI ARABIAN PIGLET. Id pending)
- Ibraaheem Nassr
- ‘Alaa` Sa’ad
- ‘Abdul-Kareem Bushnaaq
Another 11 could not be identified.
Famous mineral water site for the south of Syria (Cf. Duraykeesh for the north):
- Ibraaheem Shihaabuddeen (Nusra Terrorist leader and pedophile)
- Naasser Al-‘Abboodi
Harastaa: At the Police Infirmary, Daayaa Corporation and west of the Secondary Roundabout, the SAA assaulted a group of roving terrorists and killed 5 taking the remaining 7 prisoner.
Jawbar: 2 nests of terrorists destroyed at the Fateena Tower and School Complex. No names available.
‘Aaliya Farms in Doumaa: The Jaysh Al-Islam was annihilated last night in a firefight with SAA at the Athletic Park. The SAA also came across a C&C (command and control) center and confiscated all equipment including “very damning” CDs pointing to Jordanian and Zionist collaboration. This group of terrorists was Jabhat Al-Islam and these were confirmed killed:
- Yaasser Raashed
- Makram Al-Jaamoos
- Fareed Al-‘Ataa`
- ‘Issmaat Al-Buwaydhaani
- Sameer Al-Shibli
2 mortars were destroyed by SAA and NDF and these vermin killed:
- Naasser Al-Hadhdhaar (YEMENI QAT SPIT)
Another 10 were killed, but, no names have arrived.
Sayyida Zaynab in the Shamaalina Quarter: Obama’s terrorists detonated a bomb in a dumpster killing 4 children all between the ages of 12-14 years.
Confirmed 15 terrorists killed south of the Municipal Building. A field clinic was invaded and seized by SAA with all medicine and equipment being stolen from public and private hospitals. No names.
Dayr Al-‘Assaafeer: Fighting with no details.
Like we wrote, the emphasis is on the eastern rural areas near Palmyra (Tadmur):
Umm Sharshooh: 2 local terrorists killed in a stolen van carrying provisions. No names.
Al-Farhaaniyya: Monzer reporting on this town. So far, the SAA and SAAF have killed 27 terrorists and scored over 50 actual hits on scurrying terrorists. I have no names.
Al-Sukkari east of Palmyra: Hot place for vermin. SAAF struck a convoy originating in Iraq killing many terrorists. No details.
Hawsh Al-Taaleb: It’s not easy to get information from these new areas of conflict. All I know is that a firefight took place here.
Al-Shab’aaniyya in the Talbeesa area: Heavy fighting reported. 3 Nusra leaders killed, all Saudis. It will be very interesting to get a list of names.
Al-Rastan and Talbeesa: A coordinated terrorist encroachment into Jabbooreen Village to attack an SAA outpost failed when citizens called in from both towns to report it. SAA called in SAAF helicopters for assistance and NDF, also, joined in killing 16 terrorists:
- Hammood Iskandar
- Ra`faat Qahwaji
- Muhammad Baddoor
- ‘Ali Al-Sammaan
- Mustafaa Khudhayri
- Ishaaq Al-Shahaama
The rest were not identified.
MAJOR ARREST OF WANTED TERRORIST AND CRIMINAL: DA’ED MUHAMMAD FARZAAT at a checkpoint. (This news is from Alalam and I don’t trust the orthography for the name. It seems many of their editors are not Arabic- speaking or are unfamiliar with Syrian names.)
Skirmishing reported here: Al-Rastan, Hawsh Hajju, North Al-Duwayr, Al-Naasiriyya.
Salba Village: In Syria’s Bekaa Valley, the Waadi Al-Ghaab, a pickup with a 23mm cannon and a truck to the rear were destroyed. They were being operated by a new group called “Tajammu’ Al-Qaadisiyya” (The Qaadisiyya Group). This group picked its name for the battle of Qaadisiyya which sealed the fate of Persia and opened the door to its conquest by the early Muslim conquerors like Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqaas. The symbolism should not be lost on anyone. It’s a Takfeeri, anti-Shi’i group, bent on killing ‘Alawis.
Fighting reported in these areas: Beeneen, Jabal Al-Arba’een area, Qumaynaas, Conserva, Sirmeen-Idlib Junction, Tal Roodku near Haarem Road, Al-Raami, Al-Maghaara, Khaan Al-Subul.
Talteeta in Kafr Takhaareem area: 19 foreign terrorists killed in this classic ambush into which Turk-and-Zionist controlled weasels acted on faulty intelligence and rode directly into a maelstrom of lead. I will have names tomorrow if Wael receives a disclosure by MI.
ALERT TO READERS: SyrPer has learned that the terrorist organizations: Nusra, Ahraar Al-Shaam and Jabhat Al-Islam are expecting an attack by the SAA on Bani Zayd over the next 2 days as residents of adjacent areas are evacuated. We reported the preparation for a propane tank atrocity yesterday. Their plan is to announce a “huge” operation against the SAA in which they will claim that the explosion was set under a base of the Syrian Army. Don’t fall for it.
I’ll have more news about Aleppo and Der’ah tomorrow morning. I have to leave now. Ziad
Radioyaran sends his own article vilifying anticipated Western hogwash about the elections:
Anon. sends this hilarious RT swipe at that miserable idiot, Jen Ptaki:
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