2017 marks the 500 Year Anniversary of the birth of Protestantism and Dr. Martin Luther its Founder. Luther spent much of his active life trying to help the Jews realize the error of their ways and realize that their only salvation was to convert to Christianity.
By the end of his life Luther realized that it was a hopeless task trying to convert the Jew to the religion of Jesus Christ and as he neared his death he published a small booklet with the title as shown in the graphic above.
In Luther’s last Sermon he issued a “Warning Against the Jews.” Some extracts from that Sermon are herein quoted:
“…Besides, ou also have many Jews living in the country, who do much harm… You should know that the Jews blaspheme and violate the name of our Saviour day by day… for that reason you, Milords and men of authority, should not tolerate but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, they call our Blessed Virgin Mary a harlot and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changelings and abortions. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact, many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the Italians – the Borgias and Medicis – who gave people poison which brought about their death in one hour or in a month.
Therefore deal with them harshly as they do nothing but excruciatingly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, trying to rob us of our lives, our health, our honour and belongings… For that reason I cannot have patience nor carry on an intercourse with these deliberate blasphemers and violators of our Beloved Saviour.
As a good patriot I wanted to give you this warning for the very last time to deter you from participating in alien sins. You must know I only desire the best for you all, rulers and subjects.” (This Sermon was held at Eisleben, a few days before Luther’s death, February 1546.)
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Let us now look at an article published on February 21st, 2017 on the website of B’nai Brith Canada the secret Masonic organization created by the Rothschild’s back in the mid-19th Century to act as a front for the Jewish criminal cartel that now controls the governments of all of the nations of the Western world.
B’nai Brith Canada’s primary purpose is to act as media and judicial bludgeon and work in tandem with the Jewish owned press to lie and slander and vilify and indict all Canadians who attempt to expose their criminal actions be they here in Canada or in Israel or anywhere around the world.
By Aidan Fishman
Campus Advocacy Coordinator
B’nai Brith Canada
February 21, 2017
The British Columbia Supreme Court has
rejected an appeal from Arthur Topham, who was
convicted of promoting hatred against Jewish people in November, 2015.
Through his website, RadicalPress.com, Topham has called for Jews to be forcibly sterilized, claimed that Canada is “controlled by the Zionist Jew lobby,” and described Jewish places of worship as “synagogues of Satan.”
The decision of Justice G. Bruce Butler in B.C. comes as part of a long legal saga spearheaded by AGENT Z, a B’nai Brith Canada member who first reported Topham’s antisemitic screeds to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and then later to the B.C. Hate Crimes Unit.
“I’m pleased with the court’s verdict,” AGENT Z said. “Calling to sterilize an entire ethnic or religious group is not free speech – it’s a crime in Canada, and rightfully so.”
“This is an important victory for tolerance and human rights in Canada,” added Amanda Hohmann, National Director of B’nai Brith’s League for Human Rights.
“In recent years, police and prosecutors
have been hesitant to charge individuals with wilful promotion of hatred, perhaps because they fear that the accused will successfully appeal against the charges. This verdict shows that the hate speech sections of the Criminal Code are constitutionally sound and should be utilized whenever necessary.”
Topham’s sentencing is likely to take place in the near future. He faces a maximum of two years in prison, and the forced closure of his hateful website. It is not yet clear if he will appeal the ruling.
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I have emphasized the LIES that these two Jews are telling here in the article. Fishman is stating that I called for Jews to be forcibly sterilized. Agent Z lies when he states, “Calling to sterilize an entire ethnic or religious group is not free speech – it’s a crime in Canada, and rightfully so.“
Here is the TRUTH that these two lying Jews have twisted around and turned inside out and upside down and reinterpreted so as to convince not only the jury that found me guilty on Count One but the general population that it was I who stated those words.
On my website I have a digital copy of the actual book which speaks about “sterilizing an entire ethnic” group. That book is called
Germany Must Perish! and it was written by a Jew by the name of Theodore N. Kaufman back in 1941 in the USA.
As I stated in my Introduction to that book,
“In 1941 Kaufman’s book was a brilliant piece of Zionist Jew propaganda designed to stir up anti-German hatred in America. Some say that it formed the basis of the infamous “Morgenthau Plan” that was later signed in Quebec, Canada by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill; one designed to dismember Germany after its defeat and reduce it to the status of “a goat pasture.” It probably remains to this day the foremost example of hate literature ever to have been published and dispensed to the general public.“
At the very beginning of the book Kaufman states:
Germany Must Perish!
“This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive plan for the extinction of the German nation and the total eradication from the earth, of all her people.”
Kaufman then expends about 83 pages vilifying the German nation and accusing it of the most insidious crimes possible. Finally at Page 84 of the 95 page book Chapter 7 appears and it is titled Death to Germany. It is here that we first find mention of the method which Kaufman affirms is the only expedient way in which to deal with German nation. On Page 86 the Jew author states:
“There remains now but to determine the best way, the most practical and expeditious manner in which the ultimate penalty must be levied upon the German nation. Quite naturally, massacre and wholesale execution must be ruled out. In addition to being impractical when applied to a population of some seventy million, such methods are inconsistent with the moral obligations and ethical practices of civilization. There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forces of Germanism — and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Germany from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.” [emphasis is mine. A.T.]
Having read this small book through I was determined to somehow bring its existence to the general public and attempt to show people who, in truth, were the real haters in this world. The method I chose to do that was to write a satire of Kaufman’s book and change a few key words so that instead of Germany being the victim it would show Israel as the victim. The satire consisted of quotes found here and there in Kaufman’s original book and the intent of the satire was to show the utter hypocrisy of the Jews in attempting to accuse others of “hate crimes” when it was they themselves who were the actual guilty party calling for the absolute genocide of the whole German nation.
And so we see that the Jew media is continuing along in its same course and doing everything possible via its media and the Jew media in general to promote this false notion that I was calling for the “sterilization” of the whole Jewish population when I wrote my satire and titled it
Israel Must Perish!
Throughout the trial in October and November of 2015 the Crown and the presiding Justice continually misrepresented my satire and did everything they could to convince the jury that I had actually written a real book and called it Israel Must Perish! and that in that book I was advocating the total genocide of the Jews. Other than this one satire there was no actual evidence of any of my personal writings that could be misconstrued as being “hateful.”
Now you know what Dr. Martin Luther was talking about 500 years ago when he titled his book “The Jews and Their Lies.” And now you know why B’nai Brith Canada is still carrying on with the same lies that their forebearers were guilty of throughout the past centuries.
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River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian 
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