Israel repeatedly accuses Gazans and other Palestinians of crimes the Jewish state commits against them – the same blame the victim tactic used by Washington against targeted nations.
Whenever violence erupts anywhere in the Occupied Territories, especially Gaza, it’s always initiated by Israel, not Palestinians – other than isolated incidents too minor to matter.
Since March 30, Gazan Great March of Return Friday demonstrations have been consistently peaceful.
Yet IDF snipers targeted activist Palestinians with live fire and other brutal tactics, bearing full responsibility for devastating violence – killing over 220, injuring more than 24,000 others, many seriously.
The death and injury toll is sure to rise. Israel holds Gazans and other Palestinians responsible for state-sponsored crimes against them.
On Friday, Israel’s Beer Sheba District Court ruled that Israel is not “liable for damages for the shooting and serious wounding of a 15-year-old Palestinian boy in the Gaza Strip in (November) 2014,” adding:
“Gaza Palestinians are not entitled to seek compensation for damages from Israel” because they live in what the court called an “enemy entity” – an egregious perversion of truth.
The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights and Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel filed the case on behalf of the aggrieved Gazan family, leaving 15-year-old Attiya Fathi al-Nabahin a quadriplegic, confined to a wheelchair.
The court cited Article 5/B-1 of Israeli Civil Wrongs Law (State Responsibility – 1952) – police state legislation, saying “residents of a territory declared by the Israeli government as ‘enemy territory,’ are not eligible to seek compensation for state-sponsored crimes against them.
Israel is the enemy of all Palestinians, not the other way around. Yet the Jewish state is absolved of its highest of high crimes by Israeli judicial injustice and the world community, turning a blind eye to what no just societies tolerate.
No matter how grievously they’re harmed, long-suffering Gazans and other Palestinians are barred from getting redress in Israeli rubber-stamp courts against them.
A joint Al Mezan/Adalah statement said the unjust ruling sends a “very dangerous message that Gaza residents are not entitled to compensation or legal recourse in Israel in any circumstances, in contradiction of international obligations on access to justice and accountability,” adding:
“Israel declared that it absolves itself from the responsibilities, as a state, to investigate, deter, and take responsibility for violations by its armed and security forces.”
“The ruling grants comprehensive immunity to the Israeli military and the State for illegal, reprehensible, and even criminal actions taken during military operations in occupied territories, including the Gaza Strip, and leaves their victims without any hope of compensation.”
The court’s refusal to hear the above case “violates the right of Gaza residents to fulfill their right to ‘effective legal remedy’ from the occupying power as guaranteed to them under international humanitarian law.”
Separately, Adalah said from October 2000 throughout the Territories (the onset of the second intifada) to Gaza 2018, Israel’s Supreme Court affirmed the right of IDF snipers to kill and wound Gazans peacefully demonstrating for fundamental rights the Jewish state denies them.
Israel gets away with mass murder and much more because its courts and the international community do nothing to hold it accountable for repeated high crimes.
On Friday, Israeli General Kamil Abu Rukun, coordinator of government activities in the Territories, threatened Gazans with greater IDF violence against peaceful demonstrators than already since March 30, saying:
“Our patience has broken, and we will respond harshly. We will show no restraint.” Does he have Gaza war 4.0 in mind? Will IDF commanders deploy warplanes to terror-bomb peaceful demonstrators?
Is greater mass slaughter than already planned? “You have been warned,” he roared – ignoring reality on the ground in Gaza.
Hamas is Palestine’s legitimate government, democratically elected in January 2006. It’s not a “terrorist organization,” falsely designated this way by the State Department at Israel’s request, a despicable act, the Jewish state taking full advantage, committing high crimes against two million Gazans with impunity.
On Thursday, extremist Israelis rallied in Tel Aviv for war on the Strip, holding inflammatory banners and shouting hostile slogans, calling on Netanyahu to resign for not waging full-scale war on Gaza.
On the same day, a Security Council session on Gaza failed to resolve anything for its beleaguered people, Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour saying:
“We want the Security Council to shoulder its responsibility with regard to this situation threatening international peace and security” in Gaza, adding:
“Unfortunately the Security Council is paralyzed. It did not shoulder its responsibility” – because of one-sided Trump regime support for Israel, dismissive of fundamental Palestinian rights.
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian 
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